This paper includes the partial astrological charts of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Karl Abraham, Ira Progoff, J. Marvin Spiegelman, Anna Freud, and Richard Krafft-Ebing. I do not want to keep repeating “psychoanalysts, psychologists, and psychiatrists,” when writing in general about them, so below I lump them together under the term “psychiatrists.” In all their charts I have shown the significators found so far (in about 30 charts) for therapists, that is, those who generally do one-on-one therapy with patients.
Because Freud’s theory of human sexuality was paramount in the foundation of psychoanalysis, in the Appendix I have added the charts of two sexually abused children. Elisa Izquierdo was sexually tortured and murdered by her mother. “Laurie” was a little girl allegedly sexually abused by her father.
For the most part, the psychiatrists’ charts present basic significators for therapists. That is, they cite the astrological condition in therapists’ charts which makes them interested (3rd) in in depth exploration of the psyche (pluto), equipped to “psychologize others (7th),” and to be known professionally (10th) for same. However, I expanded beyond that with a few.
With Freud’s chart I wanted to pursue the question, “can I, using his astrology, examine Freud’s objectivity with regard to basic premises of psychoanalysis?”
Aside from the children, Karl Abraham’s chart is covered most extensively. I found his relationship to Freud intriguing and wished to speculate, using his astrology, about that relationship as it touched on Abraham’s apparent psychological problems and early death at age 48.
Richard Krafft-Ebing, born sixteen years before Freud, was a pioneer sex-researcher. His chart deserved extra consideration. Although his interests were widespread, now he is primarily known for his work on sexual aberrations, documented in his book Psychopathia Sexualis. To quote the data source, “he is credited with coining the term ‘sadism’ in reference to the Marquis de Sade…and Kraftt-Ebing’s work formed the foundation that established the [now outdated] psychiatric viewpoint of homosexuality as an illness.”
I am not a big reader of psychoanalytic literature. I have read enough to understand, correctly I hope, that Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, saw sex, and later in his life, the death urge as the two major forces in the unconscious life of man. Where did he get his interest? Was he pre-disposed to interests in sex and death? Or did he uncover essential facts about the nature of human development and the human psyche? If he was pre-disposed, how did that affect his objectivity?
Here I should define objective and subjective as I use them in this paper.
An individual’s observations are objective when he sees the facts of any particular situation free from all likes, dislikes, pre-dispositions, and prejudices. His facts are simply facts. They will be the same facts to other objective observers. They will be the same facts yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
An individual’s observations are subjective when facts are colored by his own viewpoint, his personal desires and aversions for whatever reason they exist. The world of the subjective individual (the overwhelming majority of us) is distorted by his “position” in the universe. Expressing it in terms of frequency, Talbot explained it this way:"If you imagine the individual consciousness has its own characteristic wave patterns, you could view it...(metaphorically) the laser of a particular frequency that intersects with a specific pattern in the cosmic hologram." (From The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot)”Intersects” and “pattern” are the functionally important words in the above quote. An astrological chart is a symbolic map of an individual’s consciousness. Since consciousness has been demonstrated to have frequencies, the individual’s chart is also a map of his particular frequencies. The totally subjective individual can perceive only that part (pattern) in the universe which he can receive, that is, intersects with. The rest of the universe either does not exist for him, or he knows about it only because he hears about it from others, or is logically implied.
Going further, Virginia Woolf addressed objectivity in A Room of One’s Own when she concluded in it that the greatest writers, like Shakespeare, are those who least interject themselves into their work. In Shakespeare’s writing, she observes, there is no trace of Shakespeare the man.
Theoretically, a gradient of perception exists which goes from most objective, including truly great individuals, to most subjective, including, for instance, John Hinckley at the time he shot President Reagan. At the time he truly believed it would gain him Jody Foster’s favor. The Creator of the universe would be at the topmost end of that gradient. That is why all religions either say or imply we can hide nothing from Him. With His consciousness He sees everything. He has, or is, all frequencies. His omniscience/omnipresence was expressed this way by Anna in Mister God, This is Anna” :
”Fynn, that’s the difference. You see, everybody has got a point of view, but Mr. God hasn’t. Mister God has only points to view.” (emphasis theirs) Or, as Fynn later rephrased it, humanity in general had an infinite number of points of view, whereas Mister God had an infinite number of viewing points. (pp. 28-29, work cited below)Developing man (individual or Mankind) is scattered along this perceptual gradient, on the way manifesting characteristics from humane to brutal, wise to abjectly ignorant, completely open to totally closed, awake to asleep, and insane to “profoundly” sane.
To return to my original question, did Freud claim as objective fact that which was only his viewing point? Is the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or is it more complex than that? In this paper we will look at several of Freud’s charts to see if they indicate a pre-disposition to fascination with subjects like sex and death as well as their place in his choice of career.
Before introducing Freud’s charts, I should say a few words about this method:
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. For more on the difference between tropical ("Western") astrology and sidereal ("Eastern") astrology, see:The Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs: A DiscussionHarmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method,” is used.About This MethodSpecific, empirically derived (over years) principles and rules for reading this form of astrology are found in the following paper:Chart Rules”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules an Angle, especially if it rules two Angles, it functions both as a light and a planet. For instance, in a situation where mercury rules B MC and B Asc and is in a set with mars and saturn, I would call that a lighted mars/saturn set with forefront influence. MC and Asc act are similar to lights in the sense they enliven and empower the expression of any planet they are touching, but they are not really lights.This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. The set is more active if it contains a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.In the paper on gurus I introduce the concept of “path” when speaking about an astrological set. Planets in a set, the houses they are in, and houses ruled by them describe an astrological path. If, for instance, planets in a set rule 4th, 5th and 9th houses, then the 4th, 5th, and 9th houses are inextricably connected to each other. Energy of learning as well as failure flows among those three houses, some times in a fixed sequence and some times with varying sequences. That energy flow can be called a path. Paths have interesting implications.Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” House overlaps play an important part in this astrology. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.In abbreviating, I use “b” for birth, “c” for conception, and “p” for progressed. A number following “b” or “c” shows the house whose harmonic chart we are examining. For instance, “b7 pluto” represents the harmonic of birth pluto for the 7th chart. “Pc3 mars” can be read progressed conception mars’ harmonic for the 3rd chart.Again, for a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to this site’s paper entitled “About This Method” on the Home Page. There is also a link to it at the bottom of this page.“Shell” chart is used to describe birth and conception planets combined around the same axis while retaining their separate Angles and houses. I have adopted the convention that conception planets are red and outside the circle. Birth planets are blue and inside the circle. For all partial charts I have added MC and Asc to the wheel, but placed other house cusps just below it. The twelve harmonic charts are all derived from the planets in the shell chart. I do not use harmonics of Angles for the simple reason we are often not certain of time of birth. Relative to planets, Angles move very, very fast. Errors in Angles quickly lead to their harmonics being completely unreliableIn the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Both these are outside the circle. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Both these are inside the circle. Occasionally, because of cramped space, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.
Many readers of these papers on medical, psychological or sexual conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the sixteen (with more to come!) papers on twins on this site. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.
Now we can take a look at Freud’s charts. First, let’s look at his shell chart. Again, this is the chart that exists before any harmonics are added.
Freud Partial Shell Chart, Part I
Placidus: c11--12Ari, c12--25Tau, c2--17 Can, c3--7Leo b11--0Vir, b12--25Vir, b2--13Sco, b3--19Sag
Dr. Freud has a 5th/10th overlap and a 10th/3rd one, suggesting he may combine creativity and sexuality (both 5th house) and mind (3rd house) into his career (10th). His birth 1st house overlaps his conception 5th, suggesting an early (1st) interest in sexual matters (5th). (see footnote 1, below)Set (1) shows B MC in a set with c moon, b sun, and birth and conception uranuses. C moon rules C Asc, so this set influences two Angles. B sun in Aries co-rules (30 of 33°) b 10th house, so he will be innovative (uranus) and daring (conjunct sun in Aries) in creating his career (10th). Its influence will spread beyond his local environment (C Asc is in b 9th house) and c uranus rules c 9th. Whatever he comes up with for career, it will likely last well into his later years (b uranus co-rules, 30 of 33°, b 4th).
Set (2) shows C MC in the same set with c saturn in Gemini, with saturn progressing forward. (That C MC should show as at 3 Pisces 59, not 0 Pisces 59.) Angle/saturn is an indicator of varying degrees of depression, failure, and insecurity. It also puts the individual in varying degrees of touch with his own “dark side” or unconscious. Saturn is in 8th/12th houses, so these problems can occur in areas of shared values of either individual or corporate entities (8th) that can have unsuspected repercussions (12th). Saturn is in Gemini, so deep down Freud fears (saturn) that his ideas (Gemini) are wrong, unworthy, or insufficient--that they won’t float.
I put b jupiter in with Set (2) even though it is not a part of it (out of orb). It will take lights added to the set for it to become a part of Set (2). In the meantime, it is in c 10th house very well placed in Pisces, so it shows his career (10th) and social identity (10th) is favored for success (jupiter). In fact, b jupiter rules b 3rd house, so its placement in 5th/10th houses shows another connection between 3rd (mental), 5th (sexual), and 10th (career) matters.
Freud Partial Shell Chart, Part II
Placidus: c11--12Ari, c12--25Tau, c2--17 Can, c3--7Leo b11--0Vir, b12--25Vir, b2--13Sco, b3--19Sag
Dr. Freud’s 7th houses show 3rd/7th and a 7th/11th overlaps, suggesting in partnerships and close personal relationships (7th) he will combine mental interests (3rd) and group participation (11th).Set (3) shows b moon in aspect to c neptune. B moon rules B MC, and c neptune rules C MC, so this set influences two Angles. He will be (and be seen as) creative, imaginative, mythical, almost psychic in scope (all neptune).
So, Freud has neptune and uranus influence to (not on) two Angles. That makes him neptunian and uranian. But I believe character more determined by aspects to suns. Freud’s birth sun’s conjunction to uranus makes him uranian. Uranus’ influence to his sun and his 3rd house, his life-long innovations in psychiatry, and his death at 83--one cycle of uranus around the zodiac takes about 84 years--claim him as uranian.
Lighted pluto’s--that is, pluto in a set with a light--influence to 3rd (mental interests), 7th (relations with others), and 10th (career and social identity) houses shows the psychology part of practicing therapists. Pluto rules the underground as well as the unconscious and is known to favor, or force, transformations. Therapy is meant to sponsor transformations. Where is Freud’s pluto?
In his shell chart, Freud has c NN at 15 Aries 56 (not shown) in a wide conjunction to c and b plutos at 11 Aries 58 and 11 Aries 43, respectively, in 6th/11th houses. They are square his c sun, ruler of c 3rd house, at 13 Cancer 35. I have no ready interpretation for the 6th house influence. The 11th house one may represent his group (11th) association with other analysts. Since the North Node progresses backward, we know Freud’s Node/pluto conjunction will become closer during his lifetime (see footnote 2). In Aries it suggests Freud will be rewarded for pioneering (Aries) psychological (pluto) approaches. North nodes, their sign and especially conjunctions, show our areas of (usually) recognized and rewarded growth, ego and soul. The set’s influence to a 3rd house (c sun rules c 3rd) shows an interest (3rd) in mentally plumbing the depths (pluto) as well as in transformations. This set acquires important harmonic planets in his 7th chart, and will be shown when we look at that chart.
That is enough for the shell chart. It should be remembered that the shell chart shows potentialities and possible connections. The harmonics develop, inhibit, or stillbirth them.
Let’s go immediately to the benefic influence of Freud’s 10th chart.
c10 venus 18 Aries 35 ruler of c 5th and 12th, co-ruler (25 of 43°)of c 11th houses b sun 23 Aries 35 co-ruler of b 10th house (30 of 33°) c uranus 27 Aries 47 ruler of c 9th b uranus 27 Aries 52 ruler of b 4th (30 of 33°) b10 jupiter 22 Cancer 07 ruler of b 2nd house b10 moon 21 Capricorn 30 ruler of B MC (in c 2nd) c moon 25 Capricorn 22 ruler of C Asc (in b 9th) Shown in bold above, Freud has a golden benefic set in his 10th chart which influences B MC twice (but b 10th three times), and the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses. The orb from venus to the sun is very wide (exactly 5°), but this set includes four lights, providing plenty of light to pull all these planets into the same set. There are no malefics. This set shows financial (2nd), international (9th) and group (11th) reward (golden benefic) for however he manifests his 5th house interests.
Golden benefics are comprised of light/venus/jupiter, with venus and jupiter being conjunction or square but not opposition. At least, when opposition they fight each other rather than cooperate for the "great good" they together can produce. When on an Angle, "Angle" can substitute for "light." Golden benefics are not truly golden unless they also influence an Angle, either being on it or influencing it through a ruler. When they do, they operate to produce luck and success throughout life in the areas and charts they influence.
From above, we know about the connection between 5th and 10th houses. In Freud’s case, they show his success as the creator of a therapy which put derailed human psychosexual development at the center of human psychic pathology. The 4th house influence suggests he will be famous and successful at the end of his life (4th).
Freud’s 10th chart also provides a light for that out-of-orb jupiter in Pisces in his c 10th house which we first saw in his shell chart. Here is how that set looks in his 10th chart:
c10 neptune 1 Pisces 11 ruler of C MC C MC 3 Pisces 59 (in b 5th house) c10 moon 4 Pisces 19 ruler of C Asc b jupiter 6 Pisces 51 ruler of b 2nd house c saturn 2 Gemini 45 ruler of c 8th house c10 saturn 2 Gemini 58 ruler of c 8th house b saturn 4 Gemini 49 ruler of b 4th house That is a formidable array of saturns (three) squaring his B MC, all in Gemini. However, his jupiter in Pisces is very well placed by sign. By degree it also follows all those saturns, so his troubles (saturn) are usually followed by success (jupiter). His C MC is conjunct moon/jupiter/neptune in Pisces. He is seen as a combination of seer, prophet, and psychic creator (jupiter/neptune/Pisces). The saturns in Gemini in 8th/12th houses imply his success through this set is not unalloyed--his intellectual (Gemini) disagreements (saturn) over theory and method (8th--values) lead to broken relationships (saturn in 8th) which have painful consequences (12th). But, once again, he always comes out on top (lighted jupiter in Pisces in 10th). The saturn/neptune part of it shows he also suffered occasional agonies of doubt.
There are a few sets in Freud’s 3rd chart that we should look at before moving on to his 7th.
Freud Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd House
Placidus: c11--12Ari, c12--25Tau, c2--17 Can, c3--7Leo b11--0Vir, b12--25Vir, b2--13Sco, b3--19Sag
Set (1) involving B MC contains MC/sun/moon/saturn/uranus/uranus/pluto/pluto. The moon rules C Asc (in b 9th). Through rulership this set influences two Angles and 3rd, 4th, 9th and 10th houses. The Angular influence of lighted saturn/pluto is interesting because that is one of the significators I found in the 3rd chart (but not only in that chart) for autism. Do I think Freud autistic? No. This set shows he is a deep (saturn), innovative (uranus), psychological (pluto) thinker (3rd chart). But it is worth remembering that Emily, the autistic girl written about in the paper on autism, had a special sensitivity to pattern. Did Freud? Of course, this set also implies Freud felt comfortable communicating with a limited number of individuals. Many people are not interested in “deep” ideas such as Freud entertained.I should follow up on Freud’s possible autism. In the paper on autism, what I found was lighted saturn and pluto influencing Angles and a 3rd house in the 1st and 3rd charts. The definitions for saturn and pluto in that paper are extensive and were used to help explain why autistic children manifested the their particular traits. Freud’s 3rd chart already satisfies those criteria. Does his 1st chart? As a matter of fact, it does. Here is the set:
C MC 3 Pisces 59 b1 pluto 5 Pisces 10 c1 pluto 5 Pisces 55 c saturn 2 Gemini 45 ruler of c 7th and 8th houses b saturn ruler of b 4th, co-ruler (27 of 38°) b 3rd houses The above shows Angle/saturn/saturn/pluto/pluto, with C MC, b1 pluto, and b saturn forming the closest (in degree) set. It has Angular and 3rd house influence, with C MC acting as the only “light.”
Freud has the significator sets for autism in both 1st and 3rd charts! I do not really think him autistic, nor do I believe my significators for autism are off. The significator sets I have found are the ones I have found so far. They are necessarily incomplete. The satisfaction of autistic significators in Freud’s charts is an example of the need to expand and further elucidate the significators for autism. Full significator sets could get fairly complicated, including missing as well as present sets. For instance, in a weak 3rd chart, does jupiter in a 3rd house strengthen the chart? How much does a strong, benevolent 4th or 10th chart counteract a weak 1st chart? And so on.
Progressing Freud’s C MC to 5 Pisces 00 puts it at the midpoint between b1 pluto and b saturn, when he was around one year of age. If we knew what happened to him then, we would have the meaning of his 1st chart Angular saturn/pluto. It looks like he experienced a significant sense of loss, defeat, or isolation.
While we are looking at incomplete significator sets, we should take a look at Set (2). It contains moon/mercury/mars/neptune. Light/mars/neptune influencing both an Angle and a 3rd house in the 3rd chart is one of the significators of a tendency to paranoid schizophrenia. As stated in the paper about John Forbes Nash, mercury in such a set mitigates against schizophrenia because mercury gives the mind something to “think,” anchoring images with meaningful ideation. Without mercury, such a set tends far faster to mental chaos. Freud’s set also includes mercury. My notes on the Freud biography do not contain any dates that expose the meaning of this particular set. He does, however, have an unlighted, close conjunction of mars and neptune in Gemini (b3 neptune at 15 Gemini 38 conjunct c mars at 15 Gemini 51--no Angle rulers). Progressed conception sun (ruler of c 3rd house) at 15 Virgo 44 was lighting it on September 20, 1919 when Austria (where Freud lived) signed the Treaty of St. Germain, reported as harsh for the Austrians. Was he addled by the treaty, experiencing periods of fear (mars/neptune/3rd) and anxiety?
Sun to mars/neptune was operative in John Hinckley’s 3rd chart when he tried to assassinate President Reagan. But Hinckley’s set had Angle and 3rd influence, and Hinckley had an identity chart which showed a strong tendency toward grandiosity, a trait highly operative in his assassination attempt. And, though neither parent chart is highly afflicted, both parent charts picked up harmonic pluto to an Angle--overprotective. Both parent charts provided emphasis to his South Nodes, but his 10th was strongest. Astrologically his mother “pulled him in the wrong direction,” underscoring his immaturity and juvenile ideas (SN/Gemini). And Hinckley’s schizophrenia, like Freud’s moments of fear and anxiety, was not permanent. Hinckley’s progressed sun to mars/neptune gave him a schizophrenic episode to which other undeveloped aspects of his personality contributed.
Also not shown above in Freud’s 3rd chart (of mind) is a small, comment-worthy set comprised of the conjunction of c3 South Node at 18 Leo 48 with b3 moon at 18 Leo 57. Moon rules B MC. It suggests Freud had a huge ego (Leo) regarding his mental (3rd chart) capacities. Moon in Leo is the least egalitarian of moons. Conjunct the SN, his self-importance (or self-love) was sometimes dramatically (Leo) inappropriate (SN) and occasionally pompous (afflicted Leo).
We now come to Freud’s 7th chart.
Freud Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House
Placidus: c11--12Ari, c12--25Tau, c2--17 Can, c3--7Leo b11--0Vir, b12--25Vir, b2--13Sco, b3--19Sag
Set (2) above the shows 7th chart development of his shell conjunction of NN and pluto in Aries. Harmonics add two harmonic uranuses, and c harmonic jupiter--all in Aries. This set is on the cusp between c 10th and c 11th houses, and in b 6th. I am going to shy away from any 6th house interpretation, but the 10th/11th one is clear. Freud will be rewarded (NN/jupiter) in his career (10th/11th) and through colleagues (7th chart). He will grow (NN/jupiter) and receive approval (NN) for pioneering (Aries), innovative (uranus), psychological (pluto) ideas (implied in “psychological”).Pluto can also represent transformations without regard to psychology. Nikola Tesla had a similar conjunction in Aries in his 7th chart involving the conjunction of B Asc/NN/mercury/uranus/pluto/pluto in 1st/3rd houses, with mercury having the widest orb (3° 51’) to the NN. Mercury and neptune in Libra were conjunct his SN.
Set (1) shows the conjunction of moon to both harmonic plutos in Scorpio in 2nd/5th houses. B moon rules B MC, so this set will influence his career and social image. While pluto has more a connotation of transformations (8th house), I have found that Scorpio, especially the moon, often has strong sexual overtones. Perhaps the Scorpio, that is, 8th house part of it refers to the mature sexuality of marriage (8th) rather than the recreational or more egocentric sexuality of the 5th house. This set shows an interest, so to speak, in “peeping” (8th) into the inner lives (8th) of others. Its 5th house influence makes him particularly interested sexual permutations of others.
By sign and placement our moons show areas of our more automatic interests. Individual’s fix endlessly on exploring and promoting the qualities of their moon sign. At least one spiritual teacher (Gurdjieff) implied in his writing that our moons are the “identity” we create in very early childhood when, for whatever reason, our essences (suns) are not acceptable, not cultivated, or outright suppressed. Once lunar consciousness becomes primary, thereafter we tend to think we “are” more the qualities shown in our moon sign than in our sun sign. But, in fact, we “are” more the qualities of our sun signs, our essence. We go to great lengths, however, defending and building on our lunar identity. This is as true for individuals with severely afflicted moons as for those with benefically-aspected ones.
I put together a small table showing influence of moon/pluto conjunctions for five thinkers who significantly influenced succeeding generations. In doing so, I am not implying that moon conjunction pluto creates genius. It does not. Rather, when it occurs in the charts of individuals who otherwise show genius, it focuses their genius in certain areas. Let’s take a look.
In Houses In Sign Moon Rules Einstein 12/11 Taurus 2 and 3 Freud 2/5 Scorpio ruler of B MC in c 5th house Nietzsche 4-5/2 Pisces ruler of 9th, co-ruler (23 of 33°) of 8th house Tesla 8/10 Scorpio ruler of 5th, co-ruler (17 of 23°) of 4th house Turing 2/10 Gemini 5th
Houses ruled do not appear meaningful. The houses they fall in do:
Except Einstein’s falling in b 11th and c 12th which makes no sense to me-- I might be just failing to see it.Freud’s falling in c 5th (house of sexual pleasure) makes sense because of his emphasis on human sexuality.Nietzsche’s conjunction of moon and pluto in Pisces falls on the cusp between conception 4th and 5th houses. It is easy to see the 4th influence. The end of his life (4th) was deeply (pluto) Piscean (cconfusing, unclear, undefined, therefore, insanity), partly having arrived there just because of his deep exploration of suffering. Its 5th influence is also apparent. He was desperate to find a wife and sexual partner (5th) and failed miserably. On his last try, he had hoped to win the hand of Lou Andreas Salomé. She turned him down. Following that was the beginning of his total disintegration as a functioning individual. (More is written on Nietzsche in the paper on Virginia Woolf, et al.)Tesla’s conjunction falling in b 8th house brings out the transformational quality of pluto. Tesla was obsessed with transformations of energy.Turing’s--oops, that is a sun conjunction pluto, but let us carry on with that--conjunction falling in c 10th brings out the profound impact his mental (Gemini) inventions had on other, later careers as well as his own.
Signs they occur in also appear meaningful:
Einstein’s falling in Taurus shows an interest in transformations (pluto) of the material (Taurus, space) which ultimately lead to the opposite house, the transformations of energy (8th house) and the transformation of our understanding of space, time, energy, and materiality.Freud’s falling in Scorpio shows an interest in the transformational (pluto) aspects of sexual (5th house) energies (Scorpio).Nietzsche’s conjunction in Pisces symbolizes his digging deeply (pluto) into or being fixated (pluto) on suffering (Pisces) long before he actually became insane. Nietzsche courted suffering because of his interest in the transformations made possible through it.Tesla’s conjunction in Scorpio could be puzzling. He did not appear that interested in sex or in the inner lives of others. Looked at from the point of view of the correlation between Scorpio and the 8th house, however, this sign expresses his interest in energy. His interest then was in the transformations (pluto/8th) of energy (Scorpio/8th).Turing’s in Gemini shows an individual so compulsively focused (pluto) on thinking (Gemini) and the nature of thinking that he was inspired to design the first machine that could “think.” We could say he was interested in the essential (sun) transformations (pluto) of thinking (Gemini).All of the above individuals, by the way, have lighted uranus influencing a 3rd house in their 7th charts. Einstein and Tesla have lighted sidereal uranus in the 3rd house. Nietzsche has lighted harmonic (7th chart only) uranus in his 3rd house. Freud’s 3rd/uranus influence is through his 3rd house ruler, c sun, which is in the same set with harmonic uranus in his 7th chart.. Turing’s is by implication: in his 7th chart he has B MC conjunct mercury conjunct uranus. Harmonic mercury substitutes for the 3rd house (mercury as ruler of Gemini associated with the 3rd house). Our identity as known by ourselves and others is primarily defined through our 7th charts.
We can now look at the charts of other psychiatrists for the purpose of showing their areas of interest, focusing primarily on the 7th chart.
Carl Gustav Jung Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House
Placidus: c11--19Vir, c12--11Lib, c2--30 Sco, c3--9Cap b11--12Gem, b12--15Can, b2--4Vir, b3--2Lib
Set (1) shows Jung’s conjunction of NN/moon/neptune all in Aries in 9th/6th houses. Jung will grow (NN) and be recognized (NN) for pioneering in the area of myth, fantasy, creativity, and (play-)acting (all neptune). Moon rules b 11th house, so he will share some of his creations with groups and colleagues OR he is favored to create associations (11th) around these concepts. Neptune rules b 8th, and his growth favors exploring myth and fantasy through the inner lives of others (8th).All four of Jung’s suns (conception, birth, conception harmonic, and birth harmonic) are in a set with neptune. Two of Freud’s are in sets with uranus, one of those also with pluto. By aspects to suns as well as to Noth Nodes, Freud is uranian and Jung is neptunian. It is not surprising that they eventually split and took different paths. They started out on different paths.
In Set (2) pluto is conjunct B MC, demonstrating Jung will be known as “plutonian” (one who mines the depths) in his career. That set is in c 7th house, therefore Jung will have “plutonian” interactions with important others (7th). His pluto/3rd influence, demonstrating his mental interest in “deep” (pluto) issues is shown by the following:
Set (3) c uranus 21 Cancer 43 co-ruler of c 3rd house (18 of 39°) b uranus 21 Cancer 47 ruler of b 7th house c mercury 22 Libra 42 19 ruler of 11th and co-ruler (30 of 39°) of c 8th houses c7 pluto Mercury in the set also implies 3rd house (mental) activity.
Ira Progoff Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House
Placidus: c11--22Can, c12--22Leo, c2--14Lib, c3--15 Sco b11--7Can, b12--7Leo, b2--29Vir, b3--29Lib
My data source states that Dr. Progoff is the creator of an intensive journal system and the author of other books. Set (1) shows a conjunction of Pluto in Gemini to C MC (in b 10th house), demonstrating 10th (career) and 3rd house (mental interests, Gemini) connections.Set (2) shows moon conjunction mercury in Gemini in 10th/10th, with mercury ruling both birth Angles. B7 pluto, starting at 20 Gemini 06 is not close enough to be conjunct it. However, it is progressing toward it. Its position at age 30 is 25 Gemini 06; at age 40, 26 Gemini 15; at age 50, 27 Gemini 05, and at age 50, 27 Gemini 35.
Sets (1) and (2) show lighted pluto influence to 3rd (through Gemini and mercury) and 10th houses and also indicate Progoff’s interest in writing (Gemini, especially moon in Gemini, of which he has two).
I did not find a lighted pluto/7th influence in Progoff’s 7th chart. Perhaps he did not engage in much one-on-one (7th) therapy. The data source states he was a psychologist who was Jungian trained. Both harmonic suns are in Pisces in b 7th house conjunct b SN in Pisces. C sun is conjunct neptune (in 11th/10th), so three of his four suns are neptunian, which in terms of psychoanalytic approaches, is Jungian. The conjunction of his harmonic suns in Pisces to SN in 7th would have given him trouble with traditional therapy--he would have felt he was drowning (Pisces) in lack of definition, the wrong direction (SN) for his growth.
I have data for another of Freud’s students, Karl Abraham. Abraham remained a loyal Freudian until his early death at the age of 48.
Karl Abraham Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House
Placidus: c11--3Can, c12--4Leo, c2--21Vir, c3--20Lib b11--30Sco, b12--17Sag, b2--13Pis, b3--20Ari
Set (1) above includes B MC/mercury/saturn/pluto. Clearly pluto influences an Angle--it is opposition B MC. It influences a 3rd house because it is in b 3rd (as are his two sidereal plutos) and made forefront by B MC. Mercury rules b 8th and b 5th houses. So, Set (1) shows a pluto influence to an Angle, 3rd, 5th, and 8th houses, showing Abraham’s intellectual interest (3rd) in sexual (5th) transformations (8th).. It does not show 7th influence a 7th.Like Progoff, Abraham is missing the lighted pluto/7th influence. As founder of the Berlin School of Psychoanalysis (where psychoanalysis was taught) he may have been more interested in administration and teaching than in doing patient therapy, so a 7th/pluto influence would be less necessary. He was not psychoanalyzing his peers, he was teaching them how to psychoanalyze patients.
Set (2) above substantiates the astrological foundation of Abraham’s “brilliant studies in medicine” (footnote 3) as well as his likely greater interest in teaching over psychoanalyzing. It contains moon/mercury/venus/uranus conjunct in Gemini in a set with mars in Pisces and another moon in Sagittarius. Venus rules C MC and c 3rd, so this doubly lighted mercury/uranus (brilliance) in Gemini (communication, writing, studying, etc.) is forefront and very important to Dr. Abraham’s life expression. Does the fact that the mars in Pisces rules c 4th and co-rules c 8th (20 of 30°) imply he tended to become overwhelmed (mars in Pisces/8th) and give up (4th) in matters requiring sustained communication over emotional matters (8th)? Is it possible had it not been for Freud’s trenchant disapproval of Abraham’s professional interest in early sexual trauma (more on that below), Karl Abraham would have written many more brilliant books as well as papers?
All the information I have on Dr. Abraham comes from one sentence in the data report plus the following websites:
and one is now defunct, perhaps changedCompared to a book, this is not much information. The middle one (also now defunct--2012--so I removed it)) contains a paper entitled “Karl Abraham, Sigmund Freud, and the fate of the seduction theory” (by Good MI? Harvard Medical School, USA). It starts with the statement that “Even after Freud had turned his attention away from the seduction theory of neurosogenesis, “his close pupil and colleague, Karl Abraham, initially sought to investigate child sexual trauma further. In two of his very first articles on child sexual molestation, Abraham proposed that sexual abuse was particularly common among neurotic and psychotic patients as a result of a ‘traumatophilic diathesis,’ a trauma-related conceptual precursor of the repetition compulsion.” In plainer words, he was noting or postulating that sexual abuse occurs frequently in emotionally disturbed families and that those to whom it occurs often repeat it (on others, or with themselves as victims) in an unconscious effort to work out the trauma.
It goes on to state that Freud’s personal (but not public) response to Abraham’s efforts in this area was “trenchantly” critical. After that, Abraham ceased publishing on the topic. Thereafter, the subject was dropped from psychoanalysis as a matter for inquiry. In the 1930s Ferenczi brought it up again, and then it was essentially dropped again from psychoanalytic endeavors for the next fifty years.
Dr. Abraham died an early death (at age 48) from cancer. The kind of cancer was not specified. Examination of his 5th and 7th charts for his attitude and experience with sex shows conflict. Let’s take a look:
Karl Abraham Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part I
Placidus: c11--3Can, c12--4Leo, c2--21Vir, c3--20Lib b11--30Sco, b12--17Sag, b2--13Pis, b3--20Ari
Abraham, like Freud, has 5th/10th and a 1st/5th house overlaps implying the combination of sexual matters/children/creativity with career (5th/10th) and an early interest in sexuality (1st/5th). Unlike Dr. Freud, Dr Abraham has ruler of b 5th house in b 1st--one of the markers of early childhood sexual molestation. It is possible he was sexually molested. Other interpretations are possible: (a) he experienced early sexual trauma such as sexual humiliation by parents or peers, or (b) he was precocious in showing an extraordinarily early interest in sexuality but was not traumatized. Venus rules b 5th. Its conjunction to mars in his 1st/5th suggests an early and powerful sexual drive (of course, the childhood equivalent of that), or again, coming to the attention of a molester with a powerful sexual drive. All of these could be psychologically damaging situations. Because this is already entirely speculative, I did not look further than for two possible dates when Abraham could have experienced something sexual in early childhood.The first was in July, 1881, when he was 4 years 2 months old. At that time progressed (this is an un-rectified chart, but it works for death) B Asc was at 17 Capricorn 19, conjunct b7 venus, ruler of b 5th house. He then would have experienced something about sexuality (Angle to ruler of 5th).The second occurred much earlier. In March, 1878 when Abraham was about 10 and one-half months old, birth mars, ruler of B MC, progressed to 17 Capricorn 19 in exact conjunction to b7 venus, ruler of b 5th house. Mars to venus would be abrasive, causing anxiety, shame, or fear.The second, earlier set is supported by his 5th chart progressions:
Set (1) progressed B MC 16 Scorpio 30 b5 NN 16 Scorpio 16 The progression of an Angle to a specifically 5th chart node suggests the occurrence of a specifically 5th house matter, that is, something related to sexuality.
Set (2) progressed b5 mars 15 Taurus 30 ruler of b 3rd and 11th, co-ruler b 10th progressed b5 SN 15 Taurus 44 Since this SN is a specifically 5th chart SN, the progression of mars to it suggests an abrasive (mars) or intense (mars) sexual incident. Mars rules B MC so this is a lighted (by SN) forefront condition. In Taurus it suggests sexual/sensual excitation which he was not mature enough to even understand let alone handle. Mars’ rulership over B MC in c 3rd house suggests a sibling (3rd) or some one close in the immediate environment (3rd), possibly just acting out of curiosity, was the perpetrator.
Set (3) progressed c5 mars 11 Scorpio 41 ruler of c 4th b5 moon 11 Scorpio 15 ruler of b 7th house B MC 12 Scorpio 25 His birth harmonic moon in Scorpio conjunct B MC by itself suggests a powerful interest in the deeply shared experience (8th/Scorpio) of sexuality (5th chart). Harmonic mars progressed to that moon/Angle in the 5th chart suggests disturbances and anxiety (mars) over sexual matters (5th chart)--sexual in terms of the world of a toddler.
Set (4) b5 pluto 5 Taurus 20 c5 saturn 5 Scorpio 52 ruler of c 5th house Set (4) has no light but it has 5th house influence. The light could have been supplied by either progressed harmonic moon. Saturn is in Scorpio, implying emotional damage. It was not a stranger. It was some one close (3rd/8th) to him. Pluto suggests his experience will become subconscious--a memory he must work hard to unearth.
But, I wrote Dr. Abraham had sexual “conflict.” Where is his conflict? Let’s return to his 7th chart to examine its implications of Abraham’s sexuality:
Karl Abraham Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part II
Placidus: c11--3Can, c12--4Leo, c2--21Vir, c3--20Lib b11--30Sco, b12--17Sag, b2--13Pis, b3--20Ari
Dr. Abraham’s Birth Asc in c 5th house indicates early acquaintance with sexuality. Birth Ascendant is ruled by saturn, the planet with keywords like “no, nothing, dark, strict, harsh, limiting.” His b saturns are in the following sets. Set (1)--b saturn is at 24 Aquarius 36 square C MC at 26 Taurus 08. This is a lifelong forefront condition which is maturing (saturn is progressing toward C MC) suggesting sexual restraint. Set (2)--its harmonic, b7 saturn, is unlighted but is in c 1st house, suggesting more early childhood (1st) sexual (5th) restraint repression (saturn).Conception 5th house is ruled by saturn. His c saturns show the following conditions. Set (3)--c saturn at 13 Aquarius 59 is square B MC at 12 Scorpio 25. C saturn is retrograde and therefore progressing toward B MC--representing his second Angle with saturn close by progressing toward it. B NN is at 15 Aquarius 11 and progressing toward MC/saturn. This is another lifelong sexually depressive condition. Set (4)--c7 saturn, ruler of c 5th house and in c 5th house, is at 5 Gemini 52 in the same set and lighted by c moon at 5 Virgo 55. This final set again suggests a sexually restrained--or dysfunctional--individual.
These four sets in Abraham’s 7th chart amount to considerable sexual inhibition. Let’s look at the sets that sponsor a strong sexuality.
Karl Abraham Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part III
Placidus: c11--3Can, c12--4Leo, c2--21Vir, c3--20Lib b11--30Sco, b12--17Sag, b2--13Pis, b3--20Ari
Birth 5th house is ruled by venus. (Set 5) B venus and b7 venus are in a set with b sun and B mars, all suggesting a powerful sexuality, one essential (sun) for his well-being. (Set 6) B mercury, co-ruler of b 5th (17 of 18°) is at 10 Taurus 34, arguably in the set with c saturn and B MC. This adds a little to the column containing sexual suppressors. (Set 7) B7 mercury is square b7 pluto and no other planet, perhaps showing a sly or hidden (pluto) interest in sexuality (both 7th chart harmonics with influence to a 5th house).In his 5th chart he has a set with B MC/moon in Scorpio (Set 3, above, shown for the 5th chart) with c5 venus, b5 venus, and b5 jupiter. As a forefront set with b5 venus ruling b 5th house these indicate joy, even ecstasy through sexuality. But retrograde c saturn is also in the set, above all the others in longitude, and progressing toward them. That progression promises to curtail if not totally cut down his sexual pleasure. This can be seen as a statement of his experience if he died of a sexually-based cancer. It can also be seen as unconscious material (saturn) intruding on and taking over his sexual life.
Therefore, the conflict for Abraham appears to have been having a powerful sexual nature traumatized in childhood. It depressed and gradually quelled what for him could have been the truly restorative sexuality promised in his 5th chart.
The “freudfile” website (above) states that Abraham died in 1925 “due to sequels of cancer.” It did not state what kind of cancer. Examination of Abraham’s 5th chart on the date of his death (October 25, 1925) suggests his cancer was “5th-house-related,” i.e., possibly prostate cancer. Below are the major sets demonstrating forefront conditions of Abraham’s 5th chart on the date of his death.
Set (1) progressed b saturn 27 Aquarius 14 ruler of B Asc in c 5th house progressed c NN 26 Aquarius 53 c NN 27 Aquarius 56 C MC 26 Taurus 08 C Asc 28 Leo 50 progressed c5 sun 27 Leo 06 When a node crosses an MC and Asc which are within a couple of degrees of a square to one another, the orb for considering progressing saturn in aspect to one or both is increased. The midpoint of the two Angles, the node, and the progressed node is 27° Fixed 27’. Progressed b saturn is very close to that.
Set (2) progressed b mercury 13 Taurus 51 co-ruler (17 of 18°) b 5th house, ruler b 8th progressed b mars 13 Aquarius 33 ruler of B MC and b 3rd c saturn 13 Aquarius 59 ruler of c 5th house return5 moon 14 Aquarius 44 return moon for 5th chart Set (2) includes mars and saturn, influences the 5th house twice, and influences an Angle, so it is a forefront dark malefic set. I put in the prevailing return moon to show it provided a light for this set.
Set (3) progressed b neptune 13 Aries 35 progressed b5 sun 13 Capricorn 15 progressed C MC 13 Cancer 36 progressed c5 saturn 13 Libra 30R ruler of c 5th house Set (3) shows a second lighted saturn/Angle, with influence to a 5th house.
Set (4) progressed b NN 10 Aquarius 58 progressed c saturn 10 Aquarius 30R ruler of c 5th house progressed b5 saturn 10 Aquarius 36 ruler of B Asc in c 5th house Set (4) does not have Angular influence, but it does show two more progressed saturn/5th influences.
Summing Angle influences, Dr. Abraham had sun, mars, saturn, and neptune on Angles with influences to 5th houses. Mars/saturn/neptune represents “siege conditions.” Dying from cancer is a physical siege condition. (For more discussion of cancer and these significators, see the paper on Dr. Tom Dooley on this site. At the end of that paper I include an astrological breakdown showing similar siege conditions for Lois Rodden, founder of Astrodatabase, who died of cancer in June, 2003 after battling it successfully several times over the years. “Siege conditions” is my general term for when mars, saturn, and neptune are Angular. Another 7th chart siege condition, for instance, is represented by death in a concentration camp, with those planets influencing a 4th house.
I have set forth my reasons for believing Abraham died of a sexually-related cancer. (I have not included progressions for his 7th chart, which should be done for this kind of death). If my speculations are correct, the truly tragic irony of Abraham’s life was his loyalty to Freud. When Freud crushed Abraham’s interest in childhood sexual trauma, he also annihilated Abraham’s efforts toward liberating himself through the study of other sexually traumatized children (who become adults).
Why didn’t Abraham throw down the gauntlet and assert his independence from Freud? Two reasons are immediately apparent.
First, Abraham has his South Node in Leo conjunct his C Asc. That makes loyalty (Leo) a deeply ingrained (SN) part of his identity (Asc). However, as I have mentioned in other papers, when the South Node is on the Asc or MC, it is usually unfavorable for the life. It brings disapproval and misfortune. So, loyalty is usually a fine character trait, but even loyalty can be used badly in service of the wrong reason.
Second, in looking at his relationship to his father shown in his 4th chart (not shown here), we can see that Abraham had, (a) one set with b4 moon in Pisces conjunct c4 venus in Pisces, with no 5th house influence. It shows Abraham had a deep, painful love for his father. He was used to suffering (Pisces) for love of (venus) his father (4th chart). Continuing with his 4th chart, (b) his shell C MC and C Asc with its conjunction to c SN acquires b4 sun at 27 Aquarius 53, lighting that set which also includes b saturn (ruler of B Asc in c 5th) which is progressing closer to it. That indicates his father could have been instrumental in highlighting Abraham’s sexual repression. Finally, (c) his c mercury at 27 Gemini 49 acquires two harmonics in this chart: c4 sun (ruler of c 12th house) is at 27 Gemini 53 conjunct it and b4 saturn (ruler of B Asc in c 5th house) is at 27 Pisces 33. Lighted saturn in Pisces always represents painful (Pisces) limitations (saturn) and vulnerabilities (saturn) in the chart they occur in. These latter two “saturn sets” (b and c) include two references to 5th houses and are both Angular in influence. Do I think his father molested Abraham? No, saturn is not usually a planet of sexual activity. There are other sexual traumas besides molestation. The suggestion is Abraham’s father disapproved of him or withheld approval (both saturn), possibly because of his sensuality (SN in Taurus in 5th chart). The withheld love (or, missing blessing if you will) created in Abraham a lifelong deep and painful craving for its fulfillment.
When Karl Abraham gave up his interest in childhood sexual trauma subsequent to Freud’s disapproval, he buried his increasing intuition of its value for his own development. In so doing he chose loyalty to Freud over honoring himself.
We should take a look at one set in Dr. Abraham’s 10th chart before moving on to other charts of doctors of the mind.
Karl Abraham Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th House
Placidus: c11--3Can, c12--4Leo, c2--21Vir, c3--20Lib b11--30Sco, b12--17Sag, b2--13Pis, b3--20Ari
Set (1) above shows a conjunction of sun, venus, and jupiter in Aries--a golden benefic set. Sun co-rules (30 of 66°) b 7th, venus rules b 4th, 5th and 9th houses and co-rules (20 of 37°) b 8th. C10 jupiter co-rules (30 of 37°) c 4th house. This set has no Angular influence, reducing its power for beneficence. It is on the cusp of b 9th and c 3rd houses, indicating Abraham urge toward making his ideas (3rd) into a coherent philosophy (9th) as well as the invasion of religion into his ordinary thinking. The 3rd/9th overlap also likely promoted acceptance of Abraham’s ideas (3rd) among psychoanalysts in foreign countries (9th).Both Freud and Abraham had birth sun in Aries. Abraham’s sun, however, was not in a set with uranus as was Freud’s. Both had a forefront moon in Scorpio with 5th influence. Freud had b7 moon, ruling B MC, in Scorpio in c 5th house. Abraham had b5 moon in Scorpio conjunct B MC in his 5th chart. Both had golden benefics in their 10th charts. Only Freud’s golden benefic influenced an Angle.
The chart of Anna Freud, psychoanalyst and daughter of Sigmund Freud, shows all the 7th chart significators for psychiatrists.
Anna Freud Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House
Placidus: c11--14Lib, c12--4Sco, c2--28Sag, c3--12Aqu b11--2Aqu, b12--10Pis, b2--29Tau, b3--17Gem
Set (1) above shows lighted pluto (in the set including C Asc, b sun, b and c plutos, c mercury, and c neptune) influencing C MC, 3rd, 5th, and 8th houses. Pluto is in c 7th house (conjunct neptune).
According to a data note, the following individual was (is?) an American Jungian psychologist and analyst. I include his partial chart only to show the significators for psychiatrists.
J. Marvin Spiegelman Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House
Placidus: c11--13Lib, c12--7Sco, c2--2Cap, c3--10Aqu b11--8Aqu, b12--15Pis, b2--25Tau, b3--17Gem
Set (1) above includes Asc/moon/mercury/mercury/mars/saturn/neptune/neptune/pluto. Saturn rules B MC . C neptune co-rules c 3rd house (15 of 35°). Although moon/mars/saturn falls in b 7th house and influences that 7th, this set has no other influence to a 7th, so it does not show lighted pluto influence to the 7th.Spiegelman’s lighted pluto/7th influence is shown in Set (2). He has b and c pluto conjunct b NN in Gemini in c 7th house. By age 60, his pb NN was at 22 Gemini 43, moving closer to c pluto. Both plutos started out direct, so they were moving closer to pb NN. Since this set also falls in b 3rd house, it shows another lighted pluto influence to a 3rd house.
With a difficult set like Set (1) Angular one might wonder how Spiegelman accomplished anything. His C Asc was in a set with moon/venus/jupiter/node, with moon ruling c 8th, jupiter co-ruling b 8th, and venus ruling c 6th and c 11th. Likely some of the difficulty of his Set (1), which includes mercury, was represented by his patients (7th) and their talking (mercury) about their misfortunes (moon/mars/saturn).
Note that Spiegelman, a Jungian, has his c sun (which repeats in all twelve charts) in a set with neptune (“Jungian”) and pluto (“Freudian”) as did Anna Freud. In his 7th chart Spiegelman’s b sun, b harmonic sun, and c harmonic sun are in the same set with harmonic uranus, with uranus ruling c 3rd house. He has a uranian (innovative) mind but a neptunian (creative) approach.
I want to finish this presentation of a series of charts of mental doctors with the partial chart of Richard Krafft-Ebing, neurologist, psychiatrist, sex researcher and author of Psychopathia Sexualis.”
Richard Krafft-Ebing Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part I
Placidus: c11--29Gem, c12--1Leo, c2--19Vir, c3--18Lib b11--24Sag, b12--17Cap, b2--20Ari, b3--16Tau
Set (1) above includes moon/moon/mars/saturn/uranus/neptune/pluto. There is a lighted pluto in it, but this set has no influence to an Angle or 3rd house. It influences c 7th house through c7 neptune, co-ruler ( 19 of 23°) of c 7th. His lighted pluto influence to a 3rd and 10th houses is through c7 pluto at 14 Gemini 41 (sign) lighted by b7 SN at 13 Virgo 34 conjunct c venus (ruler of C MC and c 3rd house) at 13 Virgo 10 and b7 venus (ruler of b 3rd house) at 15 Virgo 42.Krafft-Ebing was not much of a therapist, though he did talk with patients. His interests focused on research. To quote the data source:
his interests were wide-spread. He directed his investigations into the genetic and legal aspects of criminal behavior…genetics as related to insanity and sexual aberrations…epilepsy, syphilis, and paralysis…the focus of his life was a systematic study into the lives of homosexuals, whom he believed were born ‘normal’ but turned to homosexuality to indulge in ‘perverted’ sexual thrills. He had an interest in same-sex eroticism, and collected hundreds of medical and court reports relating to sexual abnormalities. Although outwardly expressing pity, he often seemed morally revolted by his subjects…Krafft-Ebing’s work formed the foundation that established the psychiatric viewpoint of homosexuality as an illness.”Set (2) above shows the conjunction of two venuses in Virgo to b7 SN in 7th/1st houses. Astrologically, these are one source of his “moral revulsion.” They suggest he was coming from (SN) a place that emphasized discrimination (Virgo) in personal behavior (1st) and relationships (7th). Hygienic practices (Virgo) were probably exceptional. He was chained (SN) to prim, highly-defined (Virgo) attractions (venus). His prissiness would have helped him gain distance from those he studied--“ I am not unfortunate, I am exceptionally clean. They (NN in Pisces in the other 1/7 combination, the 1st/7th) are the unfortunate (unclean, self-indulgent) ones.”
While NN in Pisces often means the individual who has it is investigating suffering through his own experience, in Krafft-Ebing’s case it also indicates he is investigating the suffering and the misfortune of others (his c 7th house).
Set (3) above shows the conjunction (a wide one, but progressing c pluto is retrograde, so moving toward the moon) of c7 moon to c pluto in Pisces. This set, in 1st/8th, suggests an early interest (perhaps in self-defense) in the suffering represented by Pisces. A living representative may have been his mother (moon).
We had our clue about the main focus of Krafft-Ebing’s investigations in both Set (1) and Set (3). In Set (1), c moon co-rules (30 of 32°) c 11th house. In Set (2), c7 moon co-rules c 11th house. In addition, Krafft-Ebing has a 5th/11th and an 11/5th overlap. He investigates groups (11th) of sexual (5th) unfortunates (Pisces moon co-rules 11th).
His interests are further defined by the following.
Richard Krafft-Ebing Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part II
Placidus: c11--29Gem, c12--1Leo, c2--19Vir, c3--18Lib b11--24Sag, b12--17Cap, b2--20Ari, b3--16Tau
Set (1) includes Nodes/mercury/venus/neptune/uranus with mercury and neptune (pulled into a “conjunction by the nodes) in Scorpio in 3rd/8th houses. Mercury in Scorpio shows an intellectual interest (mercury and 3rd) in subjects such as sex, death, murder (Scorpio) and transformations (8th). Conjunct neptune in Scorpio it makes those subjects fascinating. He needs (node progressing toward mercury) to snoop (8th) in those areas. Venus rules b 3rd house (another 3rd influence) and b 8th house (another 8th--Scorpio/transformations) influence. Mercury rules c 2nd and c 11th. The 11th influence focuses his interests in these areas on select groups (11th). Neptune rules B MC (in c 7th house, focusing it on one-on-one relations with others) giving this whole set Angular influence.I want to finish Krafft-Ebing’s astrology with three sets from his 10th chart, the chart which contains information about the individual’s social standing and career as well as the early influence of his mother. (Indeed, our relationships with our mothers profoundly underwrite our social development). One shows his success. Another further elucidates his interest in investigating the sex lives (8th and Scorpio) of particular groupings of individuals (11th). The third one shows a seriously afflicted 10th chart and helps us understand how, with sufficient benefic support, Krafft-Ebing turned his suffering into service.
.Richard Krafft-Ebing Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th House, Part I
Placidus: c11--29Gem, c12--1Leo, c2--19Vir, c3--18Lib b11--24Sag, b12--17Cap, b2--20Ari, b3--16Tau
Set (1) above shows C MC in a set with nodes/moon/jupiter/mars/mars/saturn/-saturn/uranus, with the nodes and moon acting as lights. His shell chart showed C MC in a set with nodes/moon/saturn/uranus, with moon co-ruling (17 of 23°) b 5th and saturn ruling b 12th, co-ruling the 11th. That is difficult enough--it implies fated (nodes and 12th) or powerful (nodes) rejection (saturn) and/or lack of nurturing (saturn) or emotional scarring (saturn in Scorpio) of Krafft-Ebing in his early life (moon) through his relationship with his mother. This had a depressing or repressive (saturn) effect on his sexuality (5th). Harmonics for his 10th chart , however, added three more malefics--two mars and another saturn, confirming his early negative relationship with his mother. Influence of the set through rulers and co-rulers increased to b 2nd, 8th, and 9th (mars), c 3rd, 8th and 9th (mars), and c 5th (c10 saturn co-rules c 5th house, 30 of 32°). Jupiter in it is benefic, but it serves to link this set again to the 5th house (jupiter rules c 5th), negatively affecting his sexuality (5th) through poor early female models.In working this out through his career he was known (10th chart) as an individual who studied (3rd) the sexual problems (5th) of groups (11th) of unfortunate (mars/saturn) individuals.
Richard Krafft-Ebing Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th House, Part II
Placidus: c11--29Gem, c12--1Leo, c2--19Vir, c3--18Lib b11--24Sag, b12--17Cap, b2--20Ari, b3--16Tau
Set (1) above started out in the shell chart with c mars (4th and 9th ruler, 3rd and 8th co-ruler) and B Asc. Through harmonics it acquired moon/neptune/pluto, with neptune and pluto conjunct in Scorpio in an out-of-sign conjunction with b10 moon, co-ruler (17 of 23°) of b 5th house. C10 neptune rules c 8th. This set shows a fascination (neptune) with sex (5th) and sexual relationships (Scorpio/8th) and a deep need to investigate them (pluto) intellectually (3rd influence). But it is also a toxic set--containing as it does light/mars/neptune. It suggests the source of Krafft-Ebing’s lifelong investigation of “aberrant” sexual behavior and his fascination with same-sex eroticism. It was based on his own toxic relationship with his mother and the consequent aversion for females it caused. (I should add, Krafft-Ebing was married for 28 years and had 3 children.)I have discussed the 4th and 10th charts as representative of parental influence in other papers. In the Appendix I show two more charts. The first shows the 10th chart of a little girl, Elisa, sexually abused and tortured to death by her mother. The second shows the 4th chart of a little girl, “Laurie,” allegedly sexually abused by her father.
Go to the Appendix
I had limited objectives in writing this paper. I wanted to show significators, that is, planets always associated with a condition, for psychiatrists. They begin with lighted pluto (in-depth investigation) influencing 3rd (mind), 7th (one-on-one personal encounters) and 10th (profession) houses in the 7th chart. That I did, accounting for missing significators according to type of psychiatry I understood each practiced. Dr. Karl Abraham’s missing 7th house significator is an example.I wanted to show unique sets in charts in which the psychiatrist diverged from one-on-one therapy:
The heavy Gemini/10th emphasis (two moons in Gemini) in the chart of Dr. Progoff is one example. With that much Gemini, he was more prone to writing and communicating than to individual therapy. He might have satisfied the writing part of it by writing papers and books. He did satisfy it by inventing a journal method of self-analysis and even writing about his writing. The communication part of it he satisfied through extensive lecturing.In the chart of Krafft-Ebing, his forefront mars/saturn (and sometimes mars/saturn/neptune) as well as Pisces reflect not so much his misery as that of his “unfortunate” (people with sexual diseases) patients. One could say they acted out his pain for him. His chart shows what can happen when an individual starts the service part of his path--some of his more difficult sets become descriptive of the individuals he works with.Because psychiatry is heavily involved in the influence of parents on the development of the child, I showed or discussed several parent charts:
Krafft-Ebing’s mother chart (10th) is especially heavily afflicted and he worked, in his time, with individuals considered heavily afflicted.I discussed some of Karl Abraham’s father chart (4th) in trying to explain Abraham’s self-annihilating as well as loyal relationship to Freud..In the Appendix I discussed both parent charts for two molested children. Elisa Izquierdo, who was sexually tortured and murdered by her mother has the most heavily afflicted mother chart. Laurie, who was allegedly sexually molested by her father has extra Pisces in the 5th house in both her 4th and 10th charts, but the malefic in Pisces (mars) is in her father chart (4th chart). In retrospect, I added another chart, that of a pedophile who also murdered one child. Both his parent charts were discussed but not as extensively as with the two little girls.All of the above categories require much more research. However, because of the number of charts I have done of psychiatrists, I am certain about the solidity of those significators.
Unique sets in charts of psychiatrists also need more research. Interpretations, however, of those I presented are solidly in line with standard astrological interpretation.
Finally, I started this paper with an interest in examining Freud’s chart from the perspective of his objectivity.
First, I would like to say that Freud’s conclusions about the importance of sex and death in human psychodynamics was based on a deep and continuous examination of those areas. He did not just have a few insights that somehow became historically viable. He dedicated his life to examining those areas. At the same time, however, and importantly for the duration of his ideas, those two areas have always been subjects of tremendous interest to mankind. They are profoundly imbedded in Man’s being. Every mortal has to die. And the whole of creation is based on sex.
Moreover, Freud's work took place during times there was considerable cultural sexual repression. Combined with limited life roles then available to women, it is not surprising the combination gnerated many pathological symptoms.
All of the above had to have combined to make it seem Freud's view of reality was "spot on." Surely what he discovered was "reality."
However, in this paper, we saw numerous indicators in Freud’s charts of his profession, his particular choice of emphasis on sex and a death urge, and his role as an innovator. All of these point to Freud’s powerful predisposition to “see” these subjects as if they independently existed “out there” when in fact his ability to see them was conditional, i.e., based on his astrology. Moon (or sun) in Scorpio is a particularly strong indicator (shown in numerous charts in other papers) of an interest in sex and death, transformations, and merged identities. Sometimes these subject areas are combined in one individual, as is seen in the charts of serial murderers who torture sexually. Sometimes they take a much milder form as demonstrated, for instance, by the writing, and readers, of Stephen King. Or, for instance, by readers of pornography and S&M literature. Or, as one more example, is shown by members of spiritual groups for whom emotional group cohesion is important as the major vehicle of reminders to spiritual work.
Freud’s Scorpio moon set the parameters (sex and death) of his interests. Its conjunction to pluto set the depth. The same was true of Nietzsche’s moon conjunct pluto in Pisces, sponsoring his deep exploration (pluto) of suffering (Pisces). Depth combined with genius sponsors new (relative to those of us without those things) insights.
We can conclude that rather than seeing absolute reality, Freud saw a reality he was predisposed to "discover." At least at the level of the ordinary mind, it appears we can (only?) examine that which we are astrologically predisposed to see. Our astrology, the sponsor of our self with a small "s", sets our parameters for being-in-this-world, seeing-in-this-world, and feeling-in-this-world. Without his predispositions, Freud could not have sponsored psychoanalysis. Because of his predispositions, as well as his cultural, familial, and epochal biases, Freud was far from free from bias. That does not deny him as a significant innovator.
Rose Twisted-Stalk (cropped)
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela
(1) Readers might wonder if his 1st/5th overlap means Freud was sexually molested as a child. It is premature in my work to state he was or was not. I do not believe he was. In his 7th chart, the overlap does not contain any planets. But his 5th chart contains b5 venus, ruler of B Asc, at 24 Libra 15. His B Asc is conjunct c SN in Libra (a sign favoring appeasement) in c 5th house. These, along with other indications in his charts (to be discussed) are sufficient to indicate a very early interest in sexuality, possibly from past lives (SN). The question of the dividing line between “interest in sexuality” and being “sexually molested” can really only be decided after research has been done with individuals who fall into one or the other of the two groups.(2) The locations of Freud’s progressed conception North Node for age 20, 40, 60, and 80 are 13 Aries 36, 12 Aries 19, 11 Aries 12, and 11 Aries 01, respectively. So, throughout his life his conjunction of pluto to NN in Aries became tighter.
(3) Taken from website Copyright René DesGroseillers.
Freud: A Life for Our Time, by Peter Gay. New York and London: WW Norton & Company, 1988.
Mister God, This is Anna, by Fynn. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974,
Data Acknowledgments
Letters following each individual’s name show the Rodden rating.
Sigmund Freud (A)
Birth: 5/06/1856, 6:30 p.m. LMT, Frieburg, Czechoslovakia. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Philip Lucas quotes a photo of his father’s diary in which the data was written in Hebrew and German. Ernest Jones gives the same data in “The Life and Works of Sigmund Freud,” 1953, p. 1. …”A copy of Freud’s birth certificate is available via the internet on the A.A. Brill website at, clearly showing the date of 6th of May, written in perfect German copperplate.”
Conception:7/30/1855, 3:19:18 a.m. LMT, Frieburg, Czechoslovakia. [Freud’s mother and father were married on July 29, 1855--auth.]
Carl Gustav Jung (A)
Birth: 7/26/1875, 7:32 a.m. LMT, Kesswil, Switzerland. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Time given by his daughter, Gret Baumann in the (1988) translated “Carl Gustav Jung: Leben, Werk, Wirkung,” by Gerhard Wehr, 1985, Kosel-Verlag and Co., Munich, translated 1987 by Shambhala Publications (7:32 PM given as LMT rather than Berne time, to put the sun on the Desc.)
Conception:10/16/1874, 9:10:56 a.m. LMT, Kesswil, Switzerland.
Karl Abraham (AA)
Birth: 5/3/1877, 1:30 a.m. LMT, Bremen, Germany. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the BC/BR, Gauquelin Vol. 2/1623.
Conception:7/26/1876, 8:59:17 a.m. LMT, Bremen, Germany.
Ira Progoff (A)
Birth: 8/2/1921, 10:00 a.m. EDT, New York, New York. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Zip Dobyns quotes a colleague, from him.
Conception:10/23/1920, 4:44:19 a.m. EST, New York, NY.
J. Marvin Spiegelman (A)
Birth: 5/26/1926, 4:05 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, California. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes him.
Conception:8/17/1925, 2:41:37 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Anna Freud (A)
Birth: 12/3/1895, 3:15 p.m. MET, Vienna, Austria. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni quotes Sigmund Freud’s letter.
Conception:2/20/1895, 2:37:47 a.m. MET, Vienna, Austria.
Richard Krafft-Ebing (AA)
Birth: 8/14/1840, 8:15 p.m. LMT, Mannheim, Germany. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni quotes Sigmund Freud’s letter.
Conception:11/5/1839, 2:02:36 a.m. LMT, Mannheim, Germany.
Elisa Izquierdo (AA)
Birth: 2/11/1989, 2:21 p.m. EST, Brooklyn, New York. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in news clipping in hand, sent by Kathleen Hanna. (On the B.C. the PM is covered with an X to indicate that this is the meridian in use.)
Conception:5/3/1988, 2:35:49 a.m. EDT, Brooklyn, NY.
Laurie (name withheld) (AA)
Birth: 3/21/1979, 9:20 p.m. EST, 42N33 and 70W53. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:6/12/1978, 12:20:51 a.m. EDT,42N33 and 70W53.
John Rex, Jr. (AA)
Birth: 8/31/1970, 11:14 p.m. EDT, Lowell, MA. From Astrodatabank0 by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:11/20/1969, 1:18:04 p.m. EST, Lowell, MA.
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