The pancreas produces insulin and digestive enzymes, the latter fed by a duct to the duodenum. The endocrine--that is, ductless--part of the pancreas is in its production of insulin, which is dumped directly into the blood stream. Without insulin, one cannot properly metabolize blood sugar. Some one who cannot metabolize blood sugar becomes diabetic.
Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of the hormones produced by the anterior pituitary gland, located in the head between the palate and the base of the brain. HGH is one of the master hormones because it affects other endocrine glands. In terms of timing, it promotes stages of growth in children, affecting not only growth itself, but proportion. Its deficiency (relative to normal for each age) in adults correlates with faster aging and various under-functioning.
Both the pancreas and anterior pituitary have planetary indicators forefront in the chart of one individual who had problems with both glands. That is their connection for this paper.
In order to discuss the planet/endocrine correlation, I start with more information on endocrine glands. The following is excerpted from a book on endocrine physiology by Richard N. Hardy (cited below):
What Is an Endocrine Gland?
One of the more obvious advantages possessed by multi-cellular organisms is the ability to differentiate cells which can perform particular and disparate functions and thereby increase the versatility of the organism as a whole. However, the presence of a variety of functionally adapted cell types necessitates the development of an efficient means of internal communication in order to coordinate and regulate their many activities.
There are basically only four ways in which one cell can influence the activity of another. Perhaps the most obvious method by which cells communicate with other cells in distant parts of the body is by means of cellular information channels called nerves, along which a frequency-modulated series of electrical changes, called nerve impulses, is directed between particular cells along precisely defined nerve fibers. In this communication system the specificity of the message is determined by the way in which the ‘wiring diagram’ is laid down, consequently it is sometimes called an ‘anatomically addressed’ system.
The three remaining types of communication involve the release of chemicals and may be considered to be ‘chemically addressed’ systems. The first, and simplest of these systems functions by virtue of close proximity: all cells affect their immediate neighbors non-specifically by consuming oxygen or metabolites from the interstitial fluid and releasing carbon dioxide or other products into it; such changes are incidental to general metabolism and probably serve no regulatory function. However, in the second case, certain cells influence their neighbors by the release of specific chemicals into the surrounding interstitial fluid which have local effects restricted to cells within a very small radius—such effects are called paracrine actions. Paracrine control is probably particularly important in the alimentary tract but, because technical difficulties make it a difficult field to study, paracrine physiology is still in its infancy.
This book is concerned with the final type of intercellular communications, termed endocrine, in which cells influence other cells by releasing into the circulating body fluid particular chemicals called hormones, which, although carried into contact with every cell in the body, only affect those target cells which possess particular recognition features (hormone receptors).
Ignoring paracrine control, the two main executive control systems, nerves and hormones, both appeared early in evolutionary development. To an extent this is not altogether surprising since, in general terms, each system subserves a different mode of control. Thus, nerves assume importance where a fast, rapidly modulated control channel is required, such as for example that which initiates and coordinates voluntary movement. Hormones, conversely, would seem best adapted for longer-term regulation, where speed of response and continuous rapid variation are of secondary importance to a stable, prolonged regulatory action. However, such a rigid segregation of nervous and endocrine control pathways as that above would now be considered naive, in view of the mass evidence available to indicate the many ways in which the two systems can be seen to act in concert; research into aspects of neuroendocrinology accounts for the vast majority of current work on the endocrine system.
The Concept of the Hormone
What is a hormone? A simple question to which there is no simple, ‘watertight’ answer, for it is extremely difficult to devise a precise, succinct definition of a hormone which includes all those compounds generally held to be hormones while excluding all those which are not. Most working definitions are variations on the following general theme, ‘A hormone is a substance secreted directly into the blood by discrete specialized cells (which may be grouped into an endocrine gland) in response to a specific stimulus (neural or blood borne) and in only minute concentrations in blood and when carried to their target cells exert specific effects which always involve the regulation of pre-existing cellular reactions other than by the provision of metabolic energy. This definition may seem unnecessarily cumbersome, but when you have read the book, try to do two things:
1. See if the definition fits all compounds assumed to be hormones. 2. See if it excludes all other possibilities, such as that carbon dioxide is a hormone produced by exercising muscle to stimulate respiration, or glucose is a hormone produced by the liver for the benefit of exercising muscle.” (Hardy, cited below, pp. 1-2, all emphasis his)
Apparently, divisions in body chemistry, as in molecular physics, become less certain as the field of investigation becomes smaller. For our purposes, the seven major, traditional endocrine glands suffice. They are: the pineal, pituitary, parathyroids, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, and thymus.
Even now, with so much more being known about hormones in the past 50 years, correlation of endocrines with planets remains speculative. That is, they are speculative for all of astrology, not just this system. With the exception of death from a diseased endocrine gland (e.g., pancreatic cancer), birth data for people with problems with endocrine function is next to non-existent. Without that information, astrologers seldom have their attention directed to endocrine function. The endocrine glands are very important. In terms of work done, they do a great deal for us for very little recognition.
What does astrology say about the correlation of endocrine glands with planets as “rulers?”
Endocrines and Planets
One suggested correlation is from Halevi (cited at bottom of paper). It is formed by putting the planets in nearly astronomical order inside a diagram of the body. Starting with the sun=thymus “ruler,” then moon=pancreas “ruler,” and so on, a clockwise spiral is formed which culminates at the pineal body. It looks like this:
This correspondence did not originate with Halevi. He just passed it on. I do not know who first suggested it.
One important point about identification of planetary rulers with endocrine glands: if they hold up by planet, they are probably also meaningful by sign. That is, each planet which rules an endocrine gland will have its exaltation, detriment, fall, etc. depending on the sign they are in. Such sign allocations could, in themselves, establish certain general facts about how well each gland functions.
For instance, if mars is associated with the adrenal glands, and mars is in Pisces, it is poorly placed for mars. One would expect that individual to have a certain amount of impaired adrenal function even if mars did not influence his health house/chart. Mars, a fiery, active planet is going to have trouble functioning in Pisces, a passive, watery, ego-less sign. Stressed, the individual would often be indecisive, creating over- and under-active adrenals relative to the situation. The longer such inappropriate behavior continue, the more prone the individual would be to even further mis-use of his adrenals. This results in him living too much in his sympathetic nervous system, the system epitomized by “fight or flight.” Mars is a planet sponsoring action, so it is highly connected to the sympathetic nervous system. But staying there beyond the emergency is too stressful and hard on both physical and mental health.
The parasympathetic nervous system is the one we all access when we, for instance, meditate or do other activities which mellow us.. We are quiet, calm, self-possessed. It promotes health.
Returning to our sample correlation of endocrines and planets, our example individual, Sarah, had problems with her pancreas. In the system above, the pancreas is associated with the moon.
Sarah was later found to be very low in growth hormone. In the system above, growth hormone is supplied by the anterior pituitary, which is associated with saturn.
How do moon and saturn look in Sarah’s chart? [The best way to follow this discussion is to print out, or copy, set (a) below. It is key right to the end of the paper.]
Before going any further, it is necessary to introduce some information about this astrological method.
Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. :
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not significant. They can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:
About This Method
Chart Reading Rules
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.”
Many readers of these papers on medical conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other medical condition. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the many papers on twins on this sites. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.
Returning to the astrology of endocrine malfunction in Sarah:
SarahAre Sarah’s medical conditions connected? They are in her astrology.
Sarah--Her Original Astrological “Fault” (See footnote 1
Set (a) | C MC | 2 Scorpio 29 | ||
b saturn | 2 Taurus 42R | ruler of b 12th house | ||
b moon | 1 Aquarius 18 | ruler of b 6th house |
This set shows she has non-harmonic saturn opposite (that is, “on”) an Angle, with moon square both. Saturn is still--notwithstanding modern tendencies to de-blood it--the greater malefic. Its presence on an Angle in set (a)--even before becoming more emphasized by harmonic lights--represents potent, basically life-long difficulties. What kind of difficulties?
Saturn Angular is always consistent with deficiency, denial, delay, and/or limitation, depending, as always, on where it is, what sign it is in, and what houses it influences. When an individual has it short term--through progressions or stationary transits--it marks periods of potential breakdown, death, delay, and loss of other- and self-esteem. It marks a time he “has to run twice as fast just to stay in position.” By transit to an unafflicted chart, it may simply work out to be a time when work is extra heavy.
In Sarah’s chart saturn’s influence is long term--life-long. Can I be more specific about areas affected? Yes, I can.
Set (a) above is further emphasized--therefore more preponderant than normal--in her harmonic charts for her 1st and 7th charts--those of identity (formed in childhood) and relationships with others (actually, identity with others), respectively.
Her 1st chart acquires two harmonic lights--one sun, one moon--which add to set (a). During childhood, therefore, she experienced excessive saturn (because it was triple-lighted and on an Angle). That is, she felt unloved, isolated, and abandoned (though that is not the language the child uses). In terms of familiar psychology, she would be the “lost” child.
Her 7th chart picks up a harmonic node, with harmonic south node conjunct her moon in set (a). Her perception of herself colored her later relationships. The two charts act as effect to the cause of each other. The 1st/7th axis is called the “I-Thou” axis. Severe saturnine affliction in both implies rigidity (saturn), rejection (saturn, the anti-charismatic planet), coldness (saturn), and depression (saturn). A growing child experiences a wide variety of feelings. Part of her caretaker’s job is to help her navigate through them, accentuating the positive, and dealing with the negative--skills the child later learns to apply himself. Angle/moon/saturn says Sarah got stuck in the negative.
Set (a) also has strong implications about Sarah’s relationship to her mother (moon), which was deficient (saturn) in emotional bonding (moon). Since her moon also represents her own femininity, it implies problems in that area--from coldness (she retreated to abstractness, saturn), to deficient (saturn) maternal instinct (moon), to self-restriction (saturn) regarding the softer feminine qualities (moon). It also implies a certain amount of trouble (saturn) with other females (moon) based on the fact her main model of women was that they were cold and denying. Of all the planets, the moon is most debilitated by receiving aspects from saturn. This is especially true in a woman’s chart because her moon eventually becomes self-descriptive.
Since saturn represents tradition and authority, it has some affinity with fathers. Moon and saturn in the same set suggest her parents did not get along well. They created an environment in which the home (moon, matrix) was cold and/or authoritarian (saturn). The atmosphere was one of uneasy truce involving suppression of nearly every one’s true feelings.
So far, all these descriptions are primarily of psychological faults.
Set (a) also suggests health problems. Why? Sarah’s moon rules her birth 6th house of health matters. It also co-rules her birth 5th house of sexuality (18 out of 25°). So she has Angle/moon/saturn/(uranus) influencing both 5th and 6th houses. Saturn always implies deficiency or restriction. Her health problems might not, however, be spotted for some time (saturn rules 12th house of hidden matters). If health problems did not show up at birth or during childhood, when might they surface?
So far, we have covered Sarah’s original astrological fault--set (a)--as it was emphasized in her 1st and 7th charts, before progressions, i.e., long-term, general life conditions. Set (a) can also become emphasized through progressions, i.e., shorter-term.
How charts pick up emphasis through progressions is so unique, and so integral to the timing of conditions, I need to cover more about how that happens.
Since all of set (a) is non-harmonic, it occurs in all twelve of Sarah’s charts. Any of her harmonic charts can further emphasize it if, and when, they contribute another light to it, as occurred in Sarah’s harmonic charts 1 and 7. (See footnote 2 below regarding mars’ inclusion.) Each added light further emphasizes the original condition, bringing it more and more forefront.
In addition to emphasis created by harmonic lights, emphasis can be temporarily created through progressed Angles and lights. Progressed lights come in two major forms: (1) regular progressions of suns, moons, and nodes, and (2) the harmonics of those progressions. Progressions show changes in astrological conditions since birth, and they occur throughout each individual’s lifetime.
Astrologers use several forms of progression. Here secondary ones are used. In secondary progressions the position of each planet (in an ephemeris, which lists the position of the planets daily) each day after birth equals its position by progression each year after birth. How do lights act in progressions?
Faster moving lights do not present much problem in progressions. Slower moving ones, however, may add extra emphasis to a set for years. They become an issue when the original condition they highlight is a difficult one.
If the difficult condition highlighted is in the 3rd chart, problems will be mental. If the 4th, they will be with the father and/or home. With the 5th chart, children and/or sexuality, and so on.
So, how fast the light moves is directly correlated with how long its influence lasts.
The lights--sun, moon, and moon’s nodes--each have the same orb of influence, that is, they highlight a planetary condition for approximately 3/4° (i.e., 3/4 of a year) before hitting it and approximately 1/4° (1/4 year) after passing it. Since they move at different speeds, the slowest among them have the longest influence.
The lights each have general rates of speed.
Progressing moons move approximately one degree per month. When highlighting set (a), they emphasize it for one month (see footnote 3 below). Except for severe pain or distress, most of us can live through a month’s difficulty.
Harmonic moons derived from progressing moons move even faster, from 3 to 14 times faster, depending on the harmonic number. They are often at play in events, but their role in exacerbating conditions is negligible.
Progressing suns move approximately one degree per year. Highlighting set (a), progressing sun’s influence would increase saturn’s malefic influence for approximately one to two years.
Harmonic suns derived from progressing suns also move 3 to 14 times faster than their “parent” sun, again depending on the harmonic. So they move from 3 to 14 degrees per year. In the slower moving harmonics, they highlight difficult conditions for months. In the case of cardiac stress, for instance, where sun/mars/saturn is usually forefront in the 1st harmonic chart, the sun is the fastest moving of the three planets. Moving approximately 15’ per month, it represents more-than-usual cardiac stress for approximately four months.
Progressing true nodes, however, can station in one spot, or even turn retrograde and direct around the same spot, for years. When they station, even their harmonics may barely budge for years. If, in their station, they happen to highlight an already difficult astrological condition, they produce long-term, “apparently insoluble” conditions.
I can now return to Sarah’s set (a) as it picks up a progressing node in her harmonic chart for her 6th house, creating the following long-term condition [add each progression for each date to set (a)--that gives the total set for that date]:
Set (b) | Date | pb6 North Node |
January 1, 1993 | 4 Scorpio 48 | |
July 1, 1993 | 4 Scorpio 05 | |
January 1, 1994 | 3 Scorpio 25 | |
July 1, 1994 | 2 Scorpio 49 | |
January 1, 1995 | 2 Scorpio 19 | |
July 1, 1995 | 1 Scorpio 54 | |
January 1, 1996 | 1 Scorpio 35 | |
July 1, 1996 | 1 Scorpio 22 | |
January 1, 1997 | 1 Scorpio 13 | |
July 1, 1997 | 1 Scorpio 08 | |
January 1, 1998 | 1 Scorpio 06 | |
July 1, 1998 | 1 Scorpio 07 | |
January 1, 1999 | 1 Scorpio 08 | |
July 1, 1999 | 1 Scorpio 08 | |
January 1, 2000 | 1 Scorpio 07 | |
July 1, 2000 | 1 Scorpio 03 | |
January 1, 2001 | 0 Scorpio 55 | |
July 1, 2001 | 0 Scorpio 43 | |
January 1, 2002 | 0 Scorpio 25 | |
July 1, 2002 | 0 Scorpio 03 |
Her progressing 6th harmonic node increases the preponderance of her Angle/moon/saturn as a specifically 6th chart (health) influence from around January 1, 1993 until after January 1, 2002, that is, nine years. The orb used here is 2° before and 2° after exact to conception MC. Why 2° and not 1° as specified above? Set (a) already includes the moon. The moon plus the progressing node extend the orb of influence to something more than 1 but less than 2.
Because progressions tend to be stronger while approaching, and weaker leaving the set, Sarah’s health difficulties, as represented by set (a) plus set (b), should be somewhat less than nine years.
When did her more severe problems with energy start? In the early 90’s, just when progressing 6th harmonic node was starting to highlight set (a). During that time she had an attenuated form of chronic fatigue syndrome (see paper on chronic fatigue syndrome, Judith Curren). Sarah’s problem was one of depressed vitality. A little work accompanied by hours of exhaustion.
During that time, she had three health crises, two of which are recognized as illnesses. The first occurred to her pancreas.
January 15, 1998--Pancreatic Tumor--6th HOUSE CHART,
She was diagnosed with a grapefruit-sized tumor on the head of the pancreas, possibly
cancerous. In surgery she underwent a Whipple procedure. With Whipple the pancreatic tumor, gall bladder, and duodenum (bottom of stomach) are removed. The remaining stomach is joined to the small intestine. Since the pancreas, in its non-endocrine function, supplies important enzymes for digestion through its duct into the duodenum, she has to take enzymes every time she eats for the rest of her life. Following surgery, her tumor was diagnosed non-malignant.
Did set (a) plus the progressed node alone initiate her pancreatic problem? No. A little more than that is required for surgery. With surgery, mars is involved. The following shows her astrology for pancreatic surgery:
(c-1) | pB MC | 28 Capricorn 50 |
pb saturn | 28 Aries 32R |
(c-2) | c6 saturn | 22 Sagittarius 07 | ruler of C Asc | |
c6 North Node | 22 Pisces 19 | |||
pc mars | 22 Sagittarius 19 | ruler of C MC |
Following her surgery, Sarah was told her tumor had been growing for a long time--years. Her doctor gave no reason because he had none.
According to the planet/endocrine association above, we can see her pancreas was involved because her moon, in set (a), was forefront and afflicted by saturn. Moon rules the pancreas. It became further emphasized through addition of set (b). (See footnote 4 below about why, astrologically, it was not cancerous.)
She also has saturn Angular in set (a), and it, too, was forefront for years. It, too, then, was extra-emphasized during set (b)’s 6th node progression. According to the planet/endocrine association above, potential pituitary problems are indicated.
Astrologers might see how saturn “afflicts” the moon in Sarah’s chart, but how does little moon afflict mighty saturn? The moon afflicts saturn because, as a light, in increases saturn’s (malefic) influence.
What hormone comes out of the pituitary gland? Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced by the anterior pituitary gland.
What does HGH do for adults?
The following information on HGH was taken from the site Facts About Growth Hormone
In numerical values, we produce on a daily basis about 500 micrograms at 20 years of age, 200 micrograms at 40 years of age, and 25 micrograms at 80 years old.
Plotted out on a curve measured by plasma IGF-1 levels--good indicators of HGH levels--versus age, we see a graph that starts at 3000 IU at age 10, drops rapidly to 800 IU around age 18, again drops to about 450 IU around age 27, about 370 IU around age 40, and thereafter flattens out around 300-325 IU for the remainder of the individual’s life.
We read that
Under 350 IU is considered evidence of deficiency. Between the ages of 20 to 40 years, less than 5% of healthy men have less than 350 IU per liter of IGF-1. But after 60, 30% of apparently healthy men have this low amount. And after 65, about half the population is partially or wholly deficient in growth hormone[i.e., below 350].
Sarah, following years--and a great deal of money--spent trying to find the cause of her depressed vitality, finally met a physician--consulted for other purposes--who suggested a test for growth hormone.
In April, 2000 she received her test results . Her growth hormone--measured as the amount of Somatomedin C, (which turns out to be the same thing as IGF-1 levels) measured 108. What was the number (in the list above) below which one was considered deficient in HGH? It was any number below 350.
Actually, since that web site promotes the sale of HGH “supplements,” some one with less vested interest should be consulted. The range quoted as acceptable in the laboratory results was 118-270 NB/ML. 108 is ten points below even that minimum, highly conservative range.
What did the web site state growth hormone promotes in adults? Taking the negative first, what does its deficiency produce?
Symptoms of Deficiency in Growth HormoneTaking the positive approach, supplementing deficient levels of growth hormone in adults promotes:
Growth Hormone - Proven Scientific Information on GHThe 11th item on the list--”enhances activities of all other hormones”--is our clue to why the pituitary is sometimes called the master endocrine gland. Without it, and enough of the growth hormone it produces, the individual is, in simple language, old ahead of her time. (Which makes sense vis-à-vis saturn, which is also known as “Father Time” and “The Grim Reaper.”) Growth hormone is known to affect several other glands: the thyroid, adrenals, and gonads. Some one deficient in HGH will end up with several other endocrine glands under-functioning.
Many of the beneficial effects of human growth hormone were known about as early as the 1920s. During that time, it was injected for rejuvenation by at least one European doctor into some of her wealthy patients.
Unlike all other hormones, human growth hormone for human supplementation can only be obtained from other humans, not from animals. Most injected into wealthy people in its early use was obtained from cadavers. Cost then was high--between $10,000-$20,000 per year.
HGH can apparently be produced now by genetically engineered bacteria, but I did not find any Internet sites advertising it. It may still be undergoing FDA approval.
So, the cost of human growth hormone is still prohibitively high. Alternatives have been researched, and results are slowly mounting. Two major alternative forms of supplementation are now on the market. One uses a homeopathic (therefore, exceptionally diluted) dose of actual human growth hormone. One advertisement for that remedy can be found at:
CSE hGH: Homeopathic Human Growth HormoneThe second alternative treatment consists primarily in supplementing the individual with certain amino acids which are precursors to human growth hormone. The apparent theory is they stimulate, or make easier, the production of HGH. One site which contains information on that kind of supplement is:
The HGH Releaser Anti Aging Formula(Citing these web sites is in no way an endorsement of their products, whose efficacy is unknown to me.)
The purpose of this paper was, and could only be, that of illustrating the correlation of forefront planets with endocrine problems in one individual.
If such correlation was dependable, it could be used as a valuable, early indicator of endocrine problems. That could save lives, organs, devastating experiences of long duration, and a great deal of money spent on useless and mis-directed health care.
Sarah, with both moon and saturn Angular had serious problems involving the two endocrine glands associated with those planets. Both problems surfaced during the time those planets were extra-emphasized by progressions.
I have only one other chart which demonstrates known endocrine problems--not deficiency, but disease. It belongs to Michael Landon, who died from pancreatic and liver cancer. His birth moon (pancreas) was opposite conception Ascendant square conception mars (ruler of C Asc and c 6th house), and was, indeed, afflicted by progressed b6 saturn and progressed c6 node preceding and including his death.
In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that this paper inadvertently addresses the issue of mind/body duality. In Sarah’s case, set (a) has had relational, mental, emotional, and physical consequences. Because saturn is also in her birth 2nd house, it also has had financial consequences. Had not her moon ruled her 6th house, I doubt physical consequences would have been so severe.
So, too, this paper addresses the issue of the potential health consequences of early emotional deprivation. It is not good to have saturn on an Angle. Once there, even if its influence starts out primarily emotional, it sets the stage for possible long-term health problems.
I conclude with a quote from Roger Gosden (cited below). Gosden is primarily addressing the physical aspects of longevity, but, as has been shown, the body is not as separated from mind and feelings as language implies.
Jones [Hardin Jones, a medical physicist at Berkeley, California, from his work 40 years ago] estimated that at a given chronological age the generation born in the 1940s is five to ten years younger than that born a century earlier and is therefore less vulnerable to the diseases and disabilities of old age. Favorable experiences early in life have a greater impact than being a rugged survivor of a hostile environment. While a healthy infancy does not slow the aging clock, it may reset the time at which the life span begins to tick away.
Unfortunately, Jones’s theory is not easily tested, because people living in poor and unhealthy conditions when they are young are likely to remain so for the rest of their lives. His explanation also flies in the face of evidence that some serious illnesses of later life, such as breast cancer, are more common in wealthier communities. It therefore was neglected by researchers and has only recently resurrected in a new form as a result of studies by English epidemiologists.
In the English counties of Hertfordshire and Lancashire, records of the weights of newborn babies have been preserved from earlier in the century. David Barker and his colleagues at the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit in Southampton consulted medical histories to see whether people’s birth weights bore any relationship to their health 65 years later. They found that those weighing less than 6.6 pounds at birth suffered from 10 times as much heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes as those who weighed more than ten pounds. This difference persisted even after taking smoking, alcohol and social conditions [?] into account. Jones’s prediction that favorable conditions during childhood carry lifelong benefits is therefore also good for the environment of the womb, because conditions there affect birth weight. It is ironic that it has taken so long to rediscover the importance of the early programming of health when so much evidence already pointed to this in animal nutrition. Indeed, animals have been beneficiaries of improvements in animal husbandry throughout the twentieth century. (pages 97-98)
(1) In fact there is another planet in set (a). It is b uranus at 5 Taurus 20R (R = retrograde). It does make some difference, especially since, being retrograde, by progression it approaches saturn and the moon. As it approaches (November, 2000 it is at 3 Taurus 03R) it increases the influence of set (a) because it rules a different Angle, birth Ascendant. So, as it approaches, it means Angle/moon/saturn/uranus is influencing two Angles
(2) It would also be further emphasized, painfully, by regular or harmonic addition of mars, the lesser malefic.
(3) Since one day equals a year, then, since astronomically the moon moves approximately 12 degrees per day, in its progressed form it will move 12 degrees per year, or 1 degree per month.
(4)Why, however, wasn’t her tumor cancerous? If our sets for cancer--see the Tom Dooley paper--are correct, it was because she did not have neptune forefront. It was not in the node/mars/saturn set, nor was it on any Angle, regular or progressed.
The Anatomy of Fate: Astrology and Kabbalah, by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi. London: The Penguin Group, 1978, page 38.
The Clock of the Ages: -- Why We Age--How We Age--Winding Back the Clock, by John J. Medina. Cambridge, England: The Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Endocrine Physiology, by Richard N. Hardy. (First published in the United States) Baltimore, Maryland: University Park Press, 1981, part of the physiologic principles in medicine series.
Endocrinology, by R.G. Hoskin, Ph.D., M.D. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1950. This book is old, but written in laymen’s language. It also contains a number of interesting historical anecdotes.
Data Sources
Birth: 10/28/1941, 3:54 p.m. EST, 42N15, 84W45. Data given to this astrologer
from birth certificate, and rectified from the given time of 4:00 p.m..
Conception: 1/15/1941, 8:37:20 a.m. EST, 42N15, 84W45
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