Above picture by yoloms12 from http://media.photobucket.com
June 2010
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Paper on Bisexuality and More on the Astrology of Same Sex Attractions
Addendum to Paper on Bisexuality--17 More Charts
Paper on 50 Lesbian Women
pedophilia, also a condition of sexual preference (as is heterosexuality) has its own signature Paper on Pedophilia, Charts of 25 Men
Astrological Exoneration of Gerald Amirault, Convicted Pedophile
LGBTI: Mixed Paper on Gender Preferences, Plus One Intersex/Transgender (FTM) (Dec. 2012)

December, 2010: The astrological significators for homosexuality started out identified as “minimum ones.” Those have now been corrected to be called the first part of the significator for homosexuality." This significator occurred in the charts of all homosexuals, but also proved to be in the charts of an unknown percentage of heterosexual males. Now the astrology has been found which identifies the difference between these two groups of men, and is being called the second part of the significator. The new material is written below in purple. Later, I identified the significator for bisexuality, and, for a few of the individuals in this study, that became their second part. The bisexual significator takes precedence over (and includes) the homosexual significator for the second part. I have made the appropriate corrections below.

The same double representation occurred with the significator for lesbianism, that is, even though all lesbian charts contained the minimum significator set, so did charts of some heterosexual women. That paper has now been amended to show a second part of the significator for lesbianism. It also identifies a second part of the significator when it occurs in the charts of heterosexual women whose charts contain the first part for lesbianism.

The Astrology of Homosexuality
Charts of Fifty Men
by Sandra Weidner

Note: This astrology uses the sidereal zodiac. Please be sure to read the section entitled "Astrological Method," below.

The subject of one’s choice of partner for sex, love, long-term commitment, and marriage is a complex one. It cannot adequately be covered in a paper that astrologically just identifies the sexual orientation of its subjects. Yet, the astrology of homosexuality has to start somewhere. I believe I have identified its main significator, and that is cause enough for this paper.

Homosexual males show a wide variety of attitudes and experiences of their sexuality.

Unless something in our astrology is unconditionally painful, we all experience any one part of our astrology—-is it a positive or a negative? is it a blessing or a curse?-—as a function of the amount of benevolence in the entire chart. That, in turn, is also usually correlated with the degree of self- and social acceptance.

It appears some homosexuals are driven to their experience while having an astrology that does not support close and loving relationships. That can reduce their partnerships to “just sexual.” They are driven from pillar to post in trying to satisfy a desire which, often enough, yields them painful experiences and little growth.

Others have an astrology which supports relationship, and like all couples, they experience ups and downs from which they grow individually and in relationship.

A smaller number, those that remain, have charts that show that their sexuality, sharing, and intimacy surpass typical relationships of any gender preference. Any relationship can become a business deal, but not these. These are the rarely occurring relationships of deep affection and commitment, and the feeling of spiritual connection we all look for in love relationships.

All these differing life results come under the label, “homosexual.” Below, for each chart I present the first and second parts of the significator for homosexuality. (Is there more? I do not know. All I know for sure is that these hold up with continuing examination of charts of homosexual men.) In addition, I occasionally make comments and present accessory data aimed at making more clear their wide differences in life experience.

Astroqueer.com, by Sy Scholfield, contains biographical and astrological material illustrating some of those wide differences in life experience. Here is its link: The Free Astrology Website For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Folk Who Follow the Stars

I have two other papers and one Appendix that briefly touch on same sex relationships. With the two papers, because each involved twins, their results were unexpected, rather unique validation of this astrological method.

One of those papers is about twin brother and sister. As an adult, he is homosexual. His sister is heterosexual. They were born two minutes apart. Here is its link: One Twin is Homosexual, His Sister is Not

The other twin paper was about two sisters, one of whom grew up to be heterosexual, while her twin became a lesbian. They were born twenty minutes apart. Here is that link: Twins: One Sister is Heterosexual, One is Lesbian

An appendix in the paper on sects contains the astrology of Marshall Appelwhite. Here is that link: Homosexual Indicators for Marshall Appelwhite, of Hale-Bopp Fame

Sexuality of the Planets and Signs
Astrology, like the natural world, is riddled with sexual assignments.

Starting from Aries and going in order of the signs, the signs alternate from masculine to feminine all the way round back to Aries. The counter-clockwise sequence of the signs is Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

So, the masculine signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. They are, in order, signs that are also identified as fire, air, fire, air, fire, and air signs, respectively.

The feminine signs—Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are, in order, signs called signs of earth, water, earth, water, earth, and water, respectively.

It makes some sense that fire and air signs, which are volatile and tending outward, are masculine, while earth and water signs, which are more stable and tending inward, are feminine. By inner and outer-directed, I mean something more than whether or not an individual is friendly.

Any one who does not believe males are generally more, and further, outer-directed than females should read some studies on qualities correlated with the hormone testosterone. Both sexes manufacture and have circulating testosterone, which, it seems, is necessary for a sexual drive. Men in general, however, have much more of it than women. It can vary within any one individual, depending on what they are doing that encourages or discourages its internal production.

People who have studied attributes associated with testosterone have found that space—working with it and grasping the sciences that are intimately involved with it—is the province of the higher testosterone individuals. Most physicists as well as most construction workers are men, and that is not just because women have traditionally been denied those occupations.

But I have my reservations about the sexuality of the signs because of their rulers. Let’s look at a table, Table I, showing those traditional—it doesn’t matter whether in tropical or sidereal astrology, as long as we always have the same planets ruling the same sign in each—sexual correlations of the planets that rule those signs :

Table I
SignRuled by PlanetPlanet’s Sexuality
Sagittariusjupiter masculine

Note that three of the planets rule two signs each. If we look at masculine planets as outer-directed, and feminine ones as more inner-directed, then we could classify mercury, ruler of Gemini, as masculine. Geminis are all over the place, interested in everything outside of themselves. But we would classify mercury, ruler of Virgo, as feminine. Virgo traits include intense focus to the extent of even losing outer perspective. So, in the above table, mercury’s sexual assignment in Gemini and Virgo agrees with my current description of its behavior in those signs.

A similar sexual alternation exists for the other two planets which each rule two signs, with slightly different results.

Venus, ruler of Taurus, seems relatively focused inward on values, aesthetics, and personal possessions, therefore, feminine. Venus, ruler of Libra, is far more outer-directed, literally defining self through others. But in the table above, through Libra it is identified as feminine, whereas I have just sensed it as masculine.

Mars, ruler of Aries, is outer-directed, always heavily engaged in being a free, roaming, and pioneering self independent of others. However, mars, ruler of Scorpio, with its interest in all kinds of transformations, seems inner-directed, even when the transformations involve significant others. Yet, the table above identifies mars, as the ruler of Scorpio, as masculine. (Some astrologers consider pluto the ruler of Scorpio. At best, I see it as sharing rulership of Scorpio with mars.)

Older astrology worked out a way a way of assigning sexuality to the signs, and therefore to the planets that ruled them, that gives us slightly different results. They assigned “day” and “night” positions to each set. The mars, venus, and mercury rulers of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, respectively, were called night planets and all were feminine. The mars, venus, and mercury, rulers respectively of Scorpio, Libra, and Virgo, were called day planets, and all were masculine.

There is a good representation of this at the following site under the paragraph heading “Solar and Lunar Halves of the Zodiac”:

Day and Night Planets

Maybe, however, sexuality should be assigned based on impressionability, with the most impressionable of each pair being feminine, and the least impressionable being masculine. Here, I am correlating impressionability with receptivity. To me, Aries (mars) can be very impressionable just because it gets so caught up in what is happening at the moment. Ditto for Gemini (mercury). But, do I really think of Taurus as impressionable? (Forget about Taurus “the bull”, which is supposed to be so stubborn. That is a confusion that resulted from mixed rulers being assigned to signs because tropical astrology disconnected the signs from the zodiac and got rid of precession of the equinoxes—see paper on Tropical and Sidereal Astrology, here is the link: Sidereal and Tropical Astrology. Taurus has too much desire, which makes it rather goal-directed, to be too impressionable.)

And, looked at from the point of view of impressionability, Virgo (mercury) doesn’t seem very impressionable just because it is so focused on details. Focus means not available. Neither is Scorpio (mars) that impressionable because once it engages in the transformations associated with it, it, too, becomes goal-directed and not so available to outer events. But Libra (venus), just because it is so interested in connecting and belonging, seems highly impressionable.

I have taken all these musings about the six signs represented by three planets and put them in a second table below, Table II, using the abbreviation F = Feminine, and M = Masculine:

Table II
Planet’s Sexuality Planet’s Sexuality Planet’s Sexuality Planet’s Sexuality
Based OnBased OnBased OnBased On
SignRuled by Planet AlternationSolar/LunarOuter-Inner DirectedImpressionability

The planets of personality—those which help us differentiate one individual from another, are sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, and maybe saturn. I say maybe saturn because it is traditionally considered a planet of personality. But, if we had an individual whose chart only contained saturn there would be nothing of personality evident. Such an individual would exist somewhere way past clinical depression (see paper about William Styron, here is its link: Paper on Styron.

The moon, highly subjective and connected with the Earth, is definitely a planet of personality. After that, going outward from the sun, next in order of appearance are mercury, venus, and mars.

Table II, above, clearly shows that when it comes to planets of personality, even astrologers have trouble being consistent about which is feminine, which is masculine. There are lots of dividing lines between masculine and feminine, male and female, and they are not always consistent.

However, most astrologers agree that mars, in most of the signs, represents functions and states most commonly outer-directed and aggressive, that is, masculine. Without the part of reality that is symbolized by mars, there would be no testosterone production.

Traditionally in astrology, mars, along with the sun, either stands for the man whose chart is being looked at, or, in a woman’s chart, the important men in her life. But the latter applies more to traditional cultures in which the woman stays home, has children, raises them, and supports her husband’s efforts at making a living. Her sun and mars do not represent her because her society does not allow her to manifest those masculine traits. Her father and husband “do it for her.”

Women can be aggressive, whether overtly or covertly. Certainly modern women are more likely to express their own mars (and their own sun). In that case, their aggression is more overt than for women who must find pleasing and seductive ways to hide their aggressive motive.

When women are aggressive, their mars, its placement by sign and aspect, represents their aggression. When they are being sexual, however, generally their sexuality is represented by venus even if they initiated the encounter. Venus is receptive. Venus plus the moon is alluring, seductive, inviting, and above all, again, receptive. Looking at females of all species all over the world, the one thing overwhelmingly necessary from most of them for procreation to occur is her receptivity. But, some of us think human female sexuality should not always be linked with procreation. Even so, receptivity is still primary in her sexuality because a fair definition of rape is that the woman (and now, for men, too) was not receptive. She never said “yes.” Yes is a response, not an initiated action.

In general, the sexuality of men is represented by mars in their charts, its astrological condition, its placement by house, sign, and aspect. Mars is penetrating, conquering, aggressive, competitive, but, above all, penetrating. Mars helps us draw sharp lines between our ego and that of others. Mars plus the moon is aggressive and not in the least seductive. It is conquering.

That does not mean men cannot be receptive, just that there is a component of aggression involved in penetration.

Let’s look at an example that differentiates how mars can function differently in the charts of men and women. Let's use a “weak” mars, that is, one that is least aggressive and self-defining. Let’s look at mars in Pisces (mars in the sign of neptune) in the 7th house (close relationships) in the 7th chart (again, close relationships).

In the chart of a woman her mars in Pisces in the 7th house represents her experience of being kept off-balance, that is, suffering, by the intentional or unintentional shenanigans of her partner. Her mars in the 7th, then, represents the behavior of her male partner.

In the chart of a man, his mars in Pisces in the 7th house represents his own behavior. He behaves in such a way as to keep partners off-balance.

In both cases, she is the one who suffers. Or, put another way, is psychologically penetrated.

I have written several papers which recognize the havoc created by the man with mars in Pisces. Charles Whitman, Eric Harris, and Ted Kaczynski are three examples. Here are links to those papers: Paper on Whitman, Paper on Harris, Paper on Unabomber Kaczynski. Using them as examples, we can state that (some) men with mars in Pisces tend to project the blame for their personal or social failure onto society. From that, their logical conclusion is to take their revenge on society. Mars in Pisces men feel helpless or diminished, a dangerous state for man to exist in. His bigger-than-life acts of destruction are designed to emphatically deny his impotence.

While I have seen the charts of a few female murderers, I don’t remember ever seeing one with mars in Pisces. Women with mars in Pisces tend to blame themselves for their failures. Their “revenge” is enacted on themselves in the form of debilitating self-criticism and other forms of conscious or unconscious self-punishment.

The Astrological Significators for the First Part of the Significator for Homosexuality, Mars and Neptune
In looking to identify the astrology of homosexual males, then, we are particularly interested in the condition of one of their planets, mars. Their mars tells us a good deal about their aggression, the outward thrust of their ego, and their sexuality.

Simultaneously, we are looking for a condition in addition to their mars that they all have in common which influences their 5th house of sexuality and their 7th house of partnerships. The 5th and 7th are the two main houses that clock our close interpersonal relationships. In this astrology, there is a connection between the 5th house in any one chart and the 5th chart, which is a harmonic enlargement of a 5th house. The same is true of the 7th house and the 7th chart. So, we will be looking at a lot of 5th and 7th houses, and 5th and 7th charts.

The significator for homosexuality cannot be just mars because mars is symbolic of the sexuality of all men, heterosexual as well as homosexual. Just mars in or influencing a 5th house usually means the man has a strong sex drive (mars) because the planet of male sex drive (mars) is in the house of sexuality (5th house). Many heterosexual men-—not the least in the closet—-have such an astrological condition.

To turn a male’s traditional interest in females to one in other males, his mars has to be affected by something which makes men sexually more interesting to him than women.

What could that be? Well, it looks like it is a planet that does the groundwork in part I of the significator. And that planet is neptune. That is, neptune, with influence to certain houses (see below), when configured with mars does something to it to initiate an openness to homosexuality.

What is neptune like?

Neptune is forefront in charts of actors as the significator of their participation in a form of fantasy known as the motion picture. Projections on a screen are neptunian, because fantasy is neptunian.

Neptune is also forefront in the charts of fiction writers. In fact, most make believe is neptunian-sponsored. The creativity associated with neptune is of the same nature as the creativity involved in establishing our universe—it is prolific and apparently unlimited. Creations of neptune are usually interesting to us when they do not get too out-of-hand, too far removed from reality.

Neptune or Pisces (sign ruled by neptune) is forefront in the 7th chart of psychics, who experience a sort of reverse projection when they receive psychic information. (See paper on psychic ability: Paper on Psychics.

The above are all basically positive aspects of neptune.

On its lower, more difficult end, neptune is forefront in the charts of psychotics as people whose “creativity” has gone astray. So, on the level of our thinking mind, too much neptune in certain charts starts moving us toward schizophrenia.

In charts lacking enough benefic support, the Pisces (neptune rules Pisces) of psychic ability becomes the Pisces of confusion and chaos. Then it becomes the suffering associated with Pisces in its affiliation with the 12th house.

On the physical level, neptune (especially with mars) appears involved in all the immune disorders. In that case, neptune appears the astrological influence that convinces the body that one of its parts is not one of its parts. On encountering certain cells, the immune system of the physically neptunian individual essentially declares, ”That is not one of us, it is an imposter. Get it!” It represents a kind of somatic paranoia, and has toxic consequences.

Also on the physical level, neptune is involved in forms of addiction based on a created craving, like alcoholism or drug addiction, but also, sugar addiction. In this situation, neptune is the planet that provides the high. The later lows come from mars or saturn when configured with neptune.

Neptune also produces highs on an emotional level. Connected with jupiter (a benefic), it sponsors spiritual (neptune) expansion (jupiter). With venus (another benefic), the planet of love, it combines to promote adoration, sometimes unrealistically.

Neptune is the most creatively fecund of all the planets. Whatever other planet it touches, it suggests magic, allure, bigger-than-life, cinematic, inflated.

The significators for homosexuality include both mars and neptune. So, what do we know about them together?

Autoimmune dysfunction, on the physical level, is represented by mars/neptune. When saturn is added to it the condition becomes serious and life-threatening. Mars/saturn/neptune forefront (influencing an Angle through rulers) represents siege conditions for whatever path they describe. Here are some examples.

So, if the significator for one’s sexual orientation (Angle/mars/neptune/5th/7th so far) is more than one-half of the significator for deadly immune dysfunction (Angle/mars/saturn/neptune/4th), then it should be no surprise homosexual males constituted a large section of the AIDS epidemic, especially before widespread public education on the subject.

We need to know a little bit more about neptune. This time, the information on neptune comes primarily from my own research results.

Saturn is the planet many astrologers associate with karma. I do, too. But, of the three outer planets uranus, neptune, and pluto, neptune is also involved in setting up karmic situations. It draws us into situations our egoistic, self-preserving, self-aggrandizing self would choose to avoid. “Karma” as used here does not necessarily mean punishment. I mean simply that the design of astrology is such that neptune is one of its “tools” used to induce individuals into certain types of learning situations that their sense of self-preservation (saturn, the conservative) would make them avoid.

Planets configured with neptune represent areas and conditions of life (defined by the planet) that must be encountered this life time. They must be encountered because we are irresistibly drawn to them. Neptune is there to bring us into difficult, often painful experiences. As well, it can also lure us into easy, elevated experiences. Which is which depends on the amount and type of benefic support in the rest of the chart.

So, neptune with mars (influencing particularly a 5th house and Angle) in a homosexual’s chart is there as some kind of sexual inducement. It turns out that by itself (as the first part of the significator without the second part) it inflames (neptune) the desire nature (mars, in men). And it does this in heterosexual as well as homosexual charts, in fact, for women (attracting her to hard-to-get [neptune] men [mars]as well as men.

I will get back to the significator. Right now, we want to handle the other question that comes up when we see that mars/neptune planetary plays such an important role in the astrology of homosexuality.

That question is, if mars/neptune is so often toxic--referring to its major role in immune dysfunction--does that mean that all homosexual relationships are toxic?

Above art by MRS_ANG3L, from http://media.photobucket.com

A Brief Digression on the Sociology of Homosexuality
The rise and fall of homosexuality in cultures would take a book in itself, or, probably a set of books. But, this is just a paper identifying the main, minimum astrological significators for homosexuality. And, I am not a sociologist. So, only a brief comment is in order.

Many contemporary industrialized Western cultures find homosexuality more acceptable than do non-industrialized, traditional, land-bound cultures. (Though some cultures have always integrated homosexuals into their general culture.) As homosexuality comes back into cultural acceptability, the sequence of “acceptance” is similar for them as for other “minority” or non-dominant groups, like blacks, women, the Irish, and so on. It goes something like this: bare acknowledgement, on-paper legal protection from assault and murder, enforced legal protection from assault and murder, accorded certain citizen’s rights, win all citizen’s rights. Homosexual men who live in those cultures are more free to accept themselves as they are and have a social life. So, they are not rushing to psychiatrists and surgeons to “get changed.”

The “getting changed” (and furtive behavior) occurs in cultures which find homosexuality absolutely unacceptable.

In the United States, homosexuality defined as a psychiatric illness was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Diseases of the American Psychiatric Association in 1987.

Well, actually, in 1973 they removed homosexuality as a “disorder” category. In that same year they introduced the “sexual disorientation disturbance” category. That was replaced in 1980 with “ego dystonic sexual orientation,” which, itself, was removed in 1987. Here is the definition, from a Wikipedia article (5/29/2010) on the definition of egodystonia (translate ego as “self,” and dystonia as something similar to “dissonance”):

Egodystonic sexual orientation is an egodystonic condition characterized by having a sexual orientation or attraction that is at odds with one's idealized self-image, causing anxiety and a desire to change one's orientation or become more comfortable with one's sexual orientation.

You don’t have to psychiatrist to know there are likely some men who find themselves homosexual who, for a variety of reasons, suffer from egodystonia, that is, are especially (as opposed to normally) neurotic. They find themselves attracted to other men, but really don’t want to be.

At the same time, you do not have to be a sociologist to see that there are a number of homosexuals for whom their sexuality is not only acceptable, but experienced as a blessing. Certainly that is the case for some of the individual’s whose charts are presented below.

History goes up and down, back and forth, on the subject of the normalcy of homosexuality. And history has shown us times when to be homosexual was a guarantee that that man was a tortured being, an outcast, living, yes, a toxic life. That cyclic social flux is one of the ways the significators for homosexuality register their toxic effect. Some times to be homosexual is to experience ongoing toxicity with regard to one’s place in one’s culture.

Returning to the Significator for Homosexuality--the First Part of the Significator
If mars stands for a man’s maleness, and neptune for his (and all our) creative capacity, our flights of fancy and our bouts of inspiration, then what makes mars/neptune homosexual?

On a behavioral level, the answer has to be that neptune does something to mars’ essential function.

Some astrologers believe that neptune works its “magic” by dissolving the planet it is contact with. Others, by inflaming it. In this case, I think inflaming the better fit.

When mars is with neptune, it puts an extra strong "charge" on the mars. Since mars represents not only our initiative, but our sexual desire, mars/neptune inflames the desire of the man in whose chart it influences an Angle, 5th and 7th houses. Desire goes up. Fantasy goes up. Charge goes up. Sexuality is pursued with a passion. He is driven. But, this is true whether it occurs in the chart of a homosexual or heterosexual man. (Remember, the first part of the significator occurs in charts of both groups.) For them, more than any other group of males, indifference to sex is out of the question.

That tells us something about the difficulty of repressing it. It also helps explain why homosexual men continued to get AIDS in such high numbers even after AIDS transmission was known to occur through sexual fluids. That level of charge demands an expression near the same level.

So, we can say the mars/neptune of the first part of the significator clearly has something to do with homosexuality because it appears in all charts of homosexual men. But it only when it is combined that it truly becomes a homosexual significator. Until then, it can represent the charged sexuality of a heterosexual man. Combined with the second part of the significator (see below) it represents two things: his powerful (neptune) desire (mars) for other men (mars), and the high charge on his own sexuality.

Now we want to spell out exactly the first part of the significator.

So, the first part of the significator for homosexuality contained in all the charts below is a lighted mars in the same set (aspect, see below for definition) with neptune and influencing an Angle, 5th, and generally, 7th house.

Planets plus path is written thus: Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th). (The use of parentheses around “7th” in the path above symbolizes that the 7th house occurs frequently in the path, but not 100 per cent of the time.) Those are the planets and the houses they influence. So far, prevalent charts containing them are the 1st, 5th, or 7th charts. But this first part of the significator can occur in any one of the 12 charts of this method.

Defining further:

  • If mars/neptune is on an Angle, the set does not need a light (sun, moon or moon's node, orb of 5°) because the Angle itself acts like a light (one with a 2° orb).

  • If mars/neptune is not on an Angle, then the set must have a light in order to be active in the life. This is because our lights represent our consciousness, and our consciousness needs to be in touch with those planets before it can manifest their meanings.

  • The set that is not on an Angle also needs a planet which rules an Angle because sets which influence Angles—either at birth, or through progression—show the astrology which form the major influences of our lives. Homosexuality is a major life influence, therefore any set representing it has to have Angular influence.

Comparing this significator set with what it means in the chart of a female (who does not have the significators for lesbianism), we see that she has charged attractions, also to men, which are filled with an allure that makes sober (saturnine, practical) discrimination difficult.

We now need to grasp the significance of the second part of the significator.

The Amendment--The Second Part of the Significator
For years I have wondered which was stronger in this astrology, a planet on an Angle, or a planet lighted and influencing an Angle. Now I know. The stronger of the two is the planet on the Angle. It represents a type of astrological “command performance”—a “must-be” of that individual’s existence. It may complement a significator which "only" has influence to an Angle, or, it may completely over-ride it.

One truly astonishing example of a planet on an Angle over-riding one only influencing an Angle through rulers occurs in the chart of a twin boys. One twin is retarded. His brother is not. Both have identical significators inside the 3rd chart (of mind), with a planet in it ruling an Angle. But only one of them shows mercury conjunct an Angle. Mercury is the planet most associated with communication and mind in general, So, the twin with mercury on an Angle is the non-retarded twin. Here is a link to that paper: One Twin Normal, the Other is Retarded. I have since seen other examples of individuals' 3rd charts in which the (completed) retarded significator was over-ruled by mercury conjunction both MCs (which were conjunct each other). One of them belonged to a friend. The "retarded" set has some effect, it just isn't retardation.

Bruce Lee's life and death illustrate another important Angle/planet modifier. It affects physical existence and is found in the 1st chart (of early identity and its somatic consequences) as a significator that works against the one for allergies. Here again is that link: Paper on Bruce Lee.

Vis-à-vis the astrology of homosexuality, with the Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th first part of the significator, we have highly charged sexuality, but it can go into either heterosexual or homosexual expression. It is the second part of the significator which determines which way it will go.

For homosexuality, the second part of the significator demands that a masculine planet be on an Angle and influencing either the 5th or 7th house. The 5th and/or 7th houses represent sexuality and partners, respectively. The mars part designates "male." The Angularity part makes it prominent (or, if you like, dominant) in the individual's consciousness. Whatever is dominant is normal for that individual.

Some similarity exists between this astrological differentiation of sex preference and the morphological development of the gonads in the foetus. Up to a certain point, the foetus can go either way--develop into a girl or a boy. After that point, sexuality is fixed. See: Human Sexual Differentiation by P.C. Sizonenko, Division of Biology of Growth and Reproduction, Department of Pediatrics, University Cantonal Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland.

I use shorthand for writing about second parts of the significators. The one for homosexuality is written "mars/Desc." But "mars/Desc" actually takes several forms, all of which express the same thing astrologically:

  • mars (sometimes the sun---see the sun as a masculine tag in the paper on twins where the male twin is autistic, and the female one is not: Male Twin is Autistic, Female Twin is Not) is conjunct a Descendant. Orb for all planet/Angles is 4° for these un-rectified charts and normally 2° for rectified for static conditions. Both sun and mars are male planets. When the mars occurs on the Desc with a light (sun, moon, or node), the orb naturally extends a bit--± 5° on either side of the Descendant

  • Many readers of these papers on medical, psychological and sexual conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the sixteen (with more to come!) papers on twins on this site. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.

  • mars (or sun) is conjunct an Angle which falls in one of the two 5th or 7th houses.

  • mars (or sun) is anywhere in a 5th or 7th house and is in the same set with any one of the four Angles of this method (birth and conception Midheavens and their Ascendants). In the same set means the mars is in a relationship of conjunction, square, or opposition the Angle (2° orb), with an orb of 4°. This is also referred to as mars being “on an Angle" or mars is "made Angular."

  • mars (or sun) is on any Angle and also rules or co-rules (1/3 of house required) a 5th or 7th house.

As can be seen, all of the above conditions have mars on an Angle, and one way or another it influences a 5th or 7th house.

Note that this second part of the significator appears necessary even when the first part of the significator (in whichever chart it falls) shows a lighted mars/neptune influence to a 5th and/or 7th house.

For the fifty individuals below, forty-seven of their first part significators showed influence to a 5th house, with the remaining three being special cases. Forty-two had the 7th house influence.

But all,depending on if we accept one or two weak ones, fifty charts show the second part of the significator discussed just above.

Neither significator by itself yields an astrology of homosexuality. They work together.

It follows that heterosexual males whose charts contain the first part of the significator for homosexuality are men who either (1) lack the second part of the significator for homosexuality (their consciousness is not actively directed to a male partner), or (2) they have a second part of the significator which actively directs their consciousness to female partners. Right now I think the latter the case, and I think the typical planet is venus/Desc. But it will take a long time to prove it because there is no way to find such an astrology from information available in databases. One case is shown in the paper on bisexuality. Here is the link again: Paper on Bisexuality (at the end of the paper--do a search for the word "anonymous" because I withheld his name.)

Occasionally in the examples below, an individual has both venus (a female planet) and mars (male) falling on the "Desc." My present guess is they represent individuals who can choose, the same as if they were bisexual (which takes a different planet/Desc) But that is just a present guess.

We have defined the planets and houses influenced in the significator for homosexuality. Now we need to know which charts they occur in.

THESE SIGNIFICATORS FOR HOMOSEXUALITY ARE VERY SPECIFIC. PLEASE DO NOT ADD TO OR SUBTRACT FROM THEM. FOR INSTANCE, they do NOT include just mars/neptune aspects just anywhere in a chart. They do NOT include just neptune in the 5th house even if it is in the same set (conjunct, square, or opposition) with mars. They do NOT include just mars in the 5th house even if it is in the same set with neptune. And even when mars is conjunct neptune in a 5th house, it STILL does not form the 1st part of the homosexual significator unless they also are in the same set with a light and one of the planets in the set also rules an Angle. When that happens, the 2nd part of the significator, described above, is still required before the individual is seen, astrologically, as homosexual.

Charts Containing the Significators for Homosexuality
Among homosexual males the leading charts containing significators are the 1st, 5th, and 7th. charts. The 5th and 7th are obvious--they are the charts specifically relating to sexuality and close relationships, respectively.

The 1st chart is less obvious, but applies to individuals who discovered their sexual preferences while still basically children (1st chart).

But significators are not limited to these three charts. Indeed, they can occur in any chart. When they do, it is because the individual's consciousness is basically centered in that chart. Such charts are called "center of gravity" charts, abbreviated COGs. When that occurs, it always makes sense as a center of gravity chart for that individual (assuming biographical information is available).

There are some restrictions, however, in acceptable combinations of first and second part significators and the charts they occur in:

  • Second parts of significators must occur in either the COG or the 5th or 7th chart (either of which can also be the COG).

  • If you find a second part of the significator in any chart other than the 5th or 7th and that chart lacks the first part of the significator, then the second part doesn't count.

  • The only time the second part can be found in other than the 5th or 7th chart is when that chart is a COG, and it cannot be a COG unless it contains the first part of the significator. If it does, then it usually also contains the second part, but it does not absolutely have to because second parts from 5th and 7th charts are always valid second parts.

Before we get to the charts, below I present necessary information about this astrological method.

Astrological Method
Before looking at their charts, I have to explain how this astrological method, which is not traditional, works:

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. For my take on why the sidereal zodiac is superior to the traditional, tropical, "Western" one, please see the following: The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, a Discussion.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. (There is a table in the paper on chartrules which shows which traditional aspects--e.g., semi-square, trine, quincunx, etc.--in the sidereal are converted to conjunctions, squares, and oppositions in the harmonics and which charts they occur in, link below.) Orbs for planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Set without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not a significant as they can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:

About This Method
Chart Reading Rules

A few more notes, then we can get to the charts.

In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.

Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.

Now lets get to the astrology for homosexuality. The significator, representing homosexuality, of Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th) is the same in whichever chart it falls, so I have presented all the like charts together and in ascending order. So, first presented are all the individuals with their significators in the 1st chart. Following that, are all those with the significator in the 5th chart. Then, all those whose significators fall in the 7th chart. Atypical charts (e.g., the 3rd, 9th, and 12th) are shown at the very end of the paper.

All the data for these charts, along with acknowledgment for their origin and their Rodden rating, is at the bottom of this page. Rodden rating is also included with each chart presentation. All the names were the ones given them by the data provider. Unless the individual was famous, not much is known about him other than his gender preference. Birth house cusps are shown below charts in blue. Conception, in red.

I decided to number the sets sequentially, rather than beginning at 1 again for each new individual, so that any one could most easily refer, if needed, to any particular set.

In the charts below, some of the men were identified by the data source as having AIDS. Where appropriate, I show how the very astrology which identified their sexual preference also identified their likelihood of getting AIDS.

I have shown the astrology for one woman with AIDS on a separate page: Go to Appendix 1, Astrology for One Woman’s AIDS.

She has mars/saturn/neptune influencing a 4th house in her 7th chart.

Now we can start looking at charts.

Above picture by jennyrOckz, from http://media.photobucket.com
The 1st chart is the chart which describes our identity and its somatic consequences formed in childhood. Allergies and asthma are two somatic examples. It tells of our self-identity, that is, who we are independent of others. Who we are with others shows in our 7th chart.

We naturally pass through the consciousness of the 1st chart. It is not that it dies as a form of consciousness after we grow up. Unless there are certain health problems involving the 1st, its consciousness falls into the background as the foundation, for good or ill, of our identity.

Other things bring 1st consciousness forward. Long-term isolation can drive one into the consciousness of the 1st chart. Astrology which primarily traps us in our childhood, for instance, weak ego development, also keeps our consciousness in our 1st chart. So do some events which push us back on ourselves. Finally, a particularly idyllic childhood (see paper on Osho: Osho, as the superior marker of one’s existence, can also at least partially locate one’s consciousness in the 1st.

There is much yet to be learned about the 1st chart. I, myself, was somewhat surprised it contained significators for homosexuality. But, then, some males discover their homosexual identity when they are still not much more than children So it should not have been such a surprise.

An account of the suicide of an 9 year old boy who outed himself and was tormented by classmates is found here: Boy Commits Suicide After Outing Himself

The youngest individual in this paper who understood he was homosexual stated “I always knew.” As we will see, “always knew” falls into a different chart (at least for this individual, see end of paper) than even the 1st.

After “always knew” comes a definite revelation in time—one boy knew he was homosexual by the time he was nine years old (not the boy who commmitted suicide mentioned above, whose birth data we do not have). Another knew by the time he was eleven years old. Their homosexuality shows best in their 1st charts. Their progressions in that chart for date of revelation support it being the definitive chart identifying their homosexuality.

Here are the 1st charts.

Homosexual 10761
Biographical data stated that this boy realized his sexual orientation in the spring of 1967, when he was nine years old.

Homosexual 10761 (A)—The First Part of the Significator
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House

Placidian House Cusps: c11—26Cap, c12—30Aqu, c2—12Tau, c3—6Gem b11—8Sco, b12—1Sag, b2—3Aqu, b3—12Pis

Set (2) above is the harmonic derivative of Set (1), which is all non-harmonic and occurs in all charts. The 1st and 3rd charts are the only ones that yield harmonics of Set (1) which have acceptable orbs, and the one in the 3rd chart is weak because the orb is large.

In both sets above, c sun (or its harmonic) co-rules (30 of 34°) c 5th house, c mars rules C Asc and co-rules (12 of 30°) c 7th house. In Set (1), b moon co-rules (30 of 38°) b 7th house, and c moon rules c 5th.

It looks like the return that started on February 10, 1957 and lasted until March 20, 1957 is the return that covered his realization of his homosexuality. The following are some of the important sets current during that time:

  • Progressed b venus, ruler of B MC and b 5th house, at 20 Libra 40, was conjunct c1 jupiter at 20 Libra 04 (in c 7th house)and in the same set (that is, lighted by) with return Asc (which has a maximum 2° orb, as opposed to progressed Angles which only have a 1°--at most--orb) at 19 Aries 30. In this same set were pb mars at 19 Cancer 12, pc1 mars, ruler of C Asc, at 19 Aries 13, and b1 saturn at 19 Capricorn 29. The presence of Angle/mars/saturn indicates the possibility that his awakening was a rude one, or that he resisted understanding, but the presence of a conjunction of venus and jupiter on the Angle also suggests something pleasant and harmonious.

  • Return neptune at 8 Libra 26 was conjunct b venus, ruler of B MC and b 5th house.

  • Return1 neptune at 25 Leo 18 was conjunct b1 venus, ruler of B MC and b 5th house, at 26 Leo 16.

  • Finally, return1 moon, at 4 Leo 59, was in the same set with c venus, ruler of c 7th house, at 3 Scorpio 48 and b jupiter, ruler of b 12th house, at 4 Scorpio 19--joy.

Neptune to venus represents heightened feelings of love or adoration. Venus conjunct jupiter, of which he has two activated with lights and one set without lights, represent the good fortune of love (venus) being favored by luck (jupiter). and represents joy. It occurs in the charts of most individuals when they marry.

We do not know if this experience was actually physically sexual. Probably it was. What is certain from his astrology is that his, in particular, revelation of his sexual orientation was, on the whole, an exceedingly pleasant one, a loving initiation into the reality of his life.

Ruler of c 5th house, c moon, above at 16 Aries 21, in c 1st house is one astrological indication this individual would be experiencing sex (5th) in childhood (1st). It is a main significator for children who are sexually molested. But it does not have to represent molestation. It can simply represent the early realization of sexuality. This astrology could easily represent him being gently shown (all the benefics involved) who he was by some one older. This does not look like the astrology of a young boy being victimized by an older man. That kind of astrology exists, but this is not it. This contains too many benefics both through the return and through progressions. For him, the experience was deeply moving. It changed his life.

Homosexual 10761—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In the 5th chart: c5 mars is at 9 Libra 10 and b5 mars at 9 Libra 54 are conjunct C Desc at 11 Libra 42
  • Also contains Desc/venus in all charts: b venus is at 8 Libra 45 conjunct C Desc at 11 Libra 42

Homosexual 10230
Biographical data stated that this boy realized his sexual orientation in the summer of 1957, when he was eleven years old.

Homosexual 10230 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House

Placidian House Cusps: c11—18Lib, c12—11Sco, c2—8Cap, c3—16Aqu b11—11Ari, b12—18Tau, b2—12Can, b3—6Leo

Set (3) above is wonderfully simple. It includes C Asc plus c mars and c1 harmonic neptune. The Asc also acts like a light. Mars rules c 5th house. The lighted mars/neptune is in c 7th house.

Note that b venus, ruler of b 5th house, is in b 1st house, symbolizing early (1st house) knowledge of sexuality (5th).

It looks like the return that covered his realization occurred on July 23, 1957, place of birth. Here is some of its astrology:

  • Progressed b1 venus, ruler of b 5th house, was at 3 Sagittarius 34, falling into Set (3) above. Return1 venus was also in the set at 3 Virgo 44.

  • Progressed B Asc was at 29 Gemini conjunct b saturn at 29 Gemini 29 in c 7th house. This likely represents an “older” individual (could be 14, for instance). Return mars was in the set at 29 Gemini 29. Just like 10761, this boy has an Angle/mars/saturn set as well as a strongly benefic Angle on the date of his realization, though his activated benefics are not as strong.

  • Progressed c mars, ruler of c 5th house, is at 9 Gemini 59 (in c 7th house) in the same set with c1 NN at 10 Virgo 15.

  • Progressed c NN is at 11 Gemini 55 (it started at 13 Gemini 25) in the same set with both non-harmonic neptunes, b neptune at 11 Virgo 52, and c neptune at 11 Virgo 14.

  • Progressed b venus, ruler of b 5th house, is at 11 Cancer 11 in the same set with b1 uranus at 11 Cancer 12 and pc1 venus, co-ruler (11 of 23°) of c 5th house. This set has no light, but could easily have picked one up by progression or transit on the date of the experience.

10230’s 1st chart shows the likelihood of a benevolent relationship. He has c venus, co-ruler (11 of 23°) of c 5th house at 9 Cancer 54 conjunct b1 jupiter, ruler of b 7th house, at 10 Cancer 27, conjunct c1 uranus, ruler of c 3rd house, at 9 Cancer 55. This set is without light, but is an exceptionally benevolent set, with venus well-placed in Cancer and jupiter exalted there. In his 7th chart he still has an unlighted conjunction of c venus with jupiter, this time with c7 jupiter, ruler of C Asc

In his 7th chart, his c7 NN is at 0 Gemini 46, emphasizing his c mars on c descendant.

Homosexual 10230—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In all charts: c mars at 3 Gemini 00 is conjunct C Desc at 2 Gemini 44. In his 7th chart this picks up c7 NN at 0 Gemini 46.
  • In his 5th chart: c5 mars at 20 Sagittarius 58 is conjunct B Desc at 20 Sagittarius 47.

AIDS 19425
Biographical data does not state when this individual discovered he was homosexual. It does state that he was a Kinsey 6, that is, very homosexual, suggesting he knew early in life. He was diagnosed with AIDS in November, 1987, when he was 61 or 62 years old.

AIDS 19425 (AA)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—12Leo, c12—10Vir, c2—2Sco, c3—4Sag b11—28Sco, b12—18Sag, b2—26Pis, b3—27Ari

Set (4) above shows C MC in the same set with b1 neptune, c mars, b1 NN, and b mercury. B mercury co-rules (18 of 20°) b 5th house. C mars rules c 7th house.

Set (5), including C Asc, c venus, ruler of C Asc, c mercury, and c1 neptune also influences a 5th house as co-ruler (10 of 28°).

In his 5th chart the set with C MC also contains c5 venus, ruler of C Asc, at 8 Cancer 58, and c5 moon, ruler of C MC, at 6 Libra 03. Angle/light/venus/mars is strongly sexual because the two main planets of sexuality, venus and mars, are on an Angle, therefore forefront for life.

His 7th chart has b7 venus (ruler of b 5th house) at 7 Cancer 41—another Angle/venus/mars set.

This man was highly sexualized.

AIDS 19425—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In the 7th chart: c7 mars at 4 Aries 41 is conjunct C Desc at 3 Aries 44. But he has a second one. C mars at 7 Libra 11, ruler of c 7th house, is made Angular by C MC at 8 Cancer 30.

Above picture from http://amorepace.files.wordpress.com
James Dean
The following information is from Astrodatabank:

American actor, an instant star in 1955 who was nominated for the Best Actor Oscar for his role in "East of Eden," which was followed by "Giant," 1956. He became a timeless cult favorite for "Rebel Without a Cause," 1955, a title which he apparently accepted as his personal banner. Rebellious and self-destructive, Dean pushed the edge of the envelope. He was killed in a wild auto accident caused by speeding in his Porsche Spyder on 9/30/1955 on the highway near Cholame, CA.

The only child of Mildred and Winton Dean, Dean was age six when the family moved to Los Angeles and nine when his mom died of cancer. A few days later, his dad sent him to live with relatives in Indiana, the beginning of an estrangement between father and son that lasted their lifetimes.

The Paul Alexander biography, "Blvd. of Broken Dreams," 1994, takes him out of the closet. Under a straight facade, he lived a highly active gay lifestyle indulging in anything and everything, including S&M, bondage and the freak scene. Though he was engaged to actress Pier Angeli, it appeared to have been a chaste love under her Italian mother's watchful eye. Dean was shy, hostile, unwashed and unkempt and subject to vivid mood swings. After his Broadway debut in "See the Jaguar," 1952, he worked steadily on live TV. A method actor, he disconcerted other actors with his tendency to ad-lib in the middle of an intense scene.

Since his death in 1955, his tombstone has been stolen three time; the second time in 1983, it was missing until 1987 and most recently 7/14/1998, it was recovered within two days. Locals have tried to vandal-proof the headstone by anchoring it with steel bars.

James Dean (B)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—25Ari, c12—2Gem, c2—24Can, c3—18Leo b11—30Vir, b12—23Lib, b2—16Sag, b3—24Cap

Set (6) contains moon/venus/mars/neptune, with b1 mars ruling B Asc in c 5th house. B venus rules b 7th house. C1 neptune rules C MC, so this set influences two Angles.

We do not know when Dean became sexually active. B Asc in c 5th house makes an early start (1st house) reasonable.

We are also interested in the influence of his upbringing on his sexuality, that is, the influence of his parents.

Our 4th and 10th charts are charts of our homes and career, relationship to father and relationship to mother, respectively. The occurrence of specifically harmonic (that is, the set has to contain a harmonic planet) lighted venus/neptune (or venus in Pisces) in either of them shows the parent for whom the individual had a strong relationship experienced as spiritual, loving, adoring. The occurrence of lighted mars/neptune shows ambivalence toward that parent, a combination of anxiety and desire. Lighted mars in Pisces is strongest in showing a toxic parent. Any of these sets is stronger if it influences an Angle. If any of these sets also influences a 5th house, then that parent had a marked effect on the later, adult sex life of the individual.

Please note that I am not suggesting that homosexuality is a product of childhood neurosis. Nor do I deny that all people are influenced in some way in their adult sexuality through having had parents. Right now, I am only interested in showing the powerful “parent” charts for some of the homosexual men in this study. Such charts show relations with parents to be highly charged. So, their models of masculine and feminine are also highly charged. They are not indifferent.

James Dean had a strong emotional connection to his mother. Her loss so early must have been very painful. But thereafter, his father’s nearly immediate, total rejection of him must have been devastating.

There is support for both statements.

Dean’s 10th chart contains a golden benefic with neptune (light/venus/jupiter/neptune) with Angle influence. That accounts for his enormous cinematic success and charisma. It simultaneously demonstrates the immense affection he had for his mother. Lighted venus/neptune in the 10th chart of a man indicates a mother who is loving, sensitive, communicative, and emotionally supportive. Therefore, she is usually adored.

Golden benefics are comprised of light/venus/jupiter, with venus and jupiter being conjunction or square but not opposition. At least, when opposition they fight each other rather than cooperate for the "great good" they together can produce. When on an Angle, "Angle" can substitute for "light." Golden benefics are not truly golden unless they also influence an Angle, either being on it or influencing it through a ruler. When they do, they operate to produce luck and success throughout life in the areas and charts they influence.

Here is the 10th chart set:

Set (7)b10 moon6 Leo 19
c neptune7 Leo 04ruler of C MC
b10 venus7 Leo 37ruler of b 7th house
c10 jupiter9 Aquarius 22
c mercury5 Taurus 04
c venus5 Taurus 12ruler of c 5th house

Set (7) indicates his relationship with his mother strongly influenced his sexuality because the set influences a 5th house.

At the same time, two sets in his 4th chart show that his relationship with his father also played in some way into his feelings about men and his own sexuality.

Set (8)c4 NN24 Sagittarius 25
b saturn24 Sagittarius 21
c10 pluto23 Pisces 05
b4 mars22 Gemini 27ruler of B Asc in c 5th house
c pluto23 Gemini 51

Angle/saturn/pluto shows extreme withdrawal or finality. It plays strongly in the 1st and 3rd charts in autism, and in the 7th chart in Asperger’s syndrome (in the one case I have on file), and in other instances of an individual’s strong withdrawal from social life. Dean’s 4th chart shows that kind of extreme, representing either extreme withdrawal or extreme rejection, or both, reflected in his father’s incapacity to even have him in the same house after his wife died. Because this set influences a 5th house, it had an effect on his sexuality.

Set (9)c4 mars0 Cancer 20co-ruler (30 0f 37°) of c 5th house
C Asc3 Cancer 49
b mercury1 Capricorn 53
b4 neptune6 Capricorn 22ruler of b 5th house
b4 pluto2 Aries 39
c4 moon4 Aries 12

Set (9) shows an Angle/moon/mars/neptune with influence to both 5th houses. It likely represents the powerful, mixed feelings he had about his father.

James Dean had one powerfully toxic parent, successfully played powerfully neurotic people in his movies, and died very young due to his exceptionally careless lifestyle. Note his C MC is conjunct uranus in Pisces. In his 7th chart it is joined by c7 moon at 21 Pisces 18. Uranus in general conjunct an Angle produces very individualistic people who do not like to live under the rules of others. In Pisces, it takes on a taint of being self-defeating and self-destructive, which his behavior certainly was. It was his misfortune that he died in 1955 (age 24). In the United States during the fifties, as was depicted in the popular TV programs of the time, the culture was dominated by saccharine models of reality and complete suppression of the genuine differences between people.

James Dean—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In the 5th chart: c5 mars at 10 Taurus 23 is conjunct B Desc at 13 Taurus 00.

Derek Frederick
Frederick died April 9, 1989, in Seattle, of AIDS.

Derek Frederick (A)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Leo, c12—9Vir, c2—1Sco, c3—3Sag b11—26Ari, b12—3Gem, b2—25Can, b3—19Leo

Set (10) above shows node/moon/mercury/2venus/mars/neptune with influence to two Angles—b neptune rules B MC, and c venus rules C Asc. B1 venus rules b 5th house, while c mars rules c 7. The set influences the 4th house through b mercury, showing that he had light/mars/neptune/4th—a susceptibility to a life-threatening immune function disorder.

Set (11) shows C MC in the same set with c1 node, b node, b moon, c mars in Aries and c sun in Aries. Set (12) shows B and C Ascs in the same set with uranus in Aries. Angle/mars/uranus shows some one with considerable courage, sometimes bordering on foolhardiness. The Aries planets also show an individual prone to act and ask questions later. Frederick was a risk taker which quite likely led to his AIDS infection. In a different context he would have been some one whose daring made him a leader of men. In a context of war, he would have taken the dangerous assignments.

Derek Frederick—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In the 5th chart: b5 South Node at 5 Capricorn 39 is conjunct b5 mars at 7 Capricorn 15, both conjunct B Desc at 4 Capricorn 19. Frederick also has second one. C mars, ruler of c 7th house and in it is made Angular by C MC at 7 Cancer 18.

Robert Desnos
Desnos, a surrealist poet, was a French resistance fighter during WW II. He died June 8, 1945, Camp K2, Theresienstadt, Germany, one month after the liberation of Europe known as V-E Day. Born in France, his birth time, like most European ones, was recorded only to the nearest 15 minutes, making accurate progressions with Angles impossible. His birth was stated to be “6:00 a.m.”

Robert Desnos (AA)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—17Tau, c12—24Gem, c2—12Leo, c3—7Vir b11—28Ari, b12—8Gem, b2—28Can, b3—20Leo

Set (13) includes moon/venus/mars/neptune/uranus and influence B Asc through b1 moon. B1 mars co-rules (30 of 40°) b 5th house. C1 uranus co-rules (12 of 19°) c 7th house.

In his 5th chart this set turns into node/mars/neptune in which c5 mars is at 4 Gemini 18. It rules C MC and c 5th house, so it, too, contains the significators for his homosexuality.

Robert Desnos—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In the 7th chart: c mars at 9 Libra 15, ruler of c 5th house, is conjunct b7 saturn, ruler of b 7th house, with both made Angular by C MC at 8 Aries 41 and B Asc at 9 Cancer 57.

Above picture from http://www.answers.com
Aaron Copland
The following is from the Astrodatabank biography:

American musician and composer, a concert pianist and conductor. Bright, open and spacious, Copland's works captured the sweep, sinew and soul of America. Throughout his career, he helped young composers by teaching them at Tanglewood for 25-years and by persuading performers to play their works. His work include the opera "The Tender Land," 1954, Canticle of Freedom," 1955, "Dance Panels" for small orchestras, 1959 and "Duo for Flute and Piano," 1971. "Inscape," with its contrast of violent chords and haunting lyricism, was his last major score, in 1967. He was awarded an Oscar for the film score of "The Heiress," 1949. (He was a brilliant spokesperson for American music in books and lectures.)

(Born to immigrant East European Jews, he tutored under the atelier of Nadia Boulanger. Meeting her at age 20 while in Paris, he learned everything in those three years before returning home at age 23.)

Homosexual, Copland never married. In his later years, he suffered from Alzheimer's (he’s in the paper on Alzheimer’s: Paper on Alzheimer's Disease. Copland died of strokes and respiratory failure from pneumonia on 12/02/1990, N. Tarrytown, NY.

Here is the link to his more extensive Wikipedia biography: Aaron Copland at Wikipedia .

Aaron Copland (C)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—3Aqu, c12—9Pis, c2—24Tau, c3—15Gem b11—11Gem, b12—13Can, b2—5Vir, b3—3Lib

Set (14) shows 3moon/sun/mars/neptune. Because of the three moons, we could consider C Asc part of the set, but we do not need it for Angle influence because b sun rules B Asc in c 5th house. Progressing c1 neptune is retrograde, so moving closer to the lights. Around age 40 it had turned direct and was at 2 Leo 37.

The set lacks 7th house influence. However, b1 mars is at 7 Aquarius 44 is not too far from birth descendant (11 Aquarius 03) in this birth most likely recorded to the nearest 15 minutes. (His recorded time is 12:15 a.m., Brooklyn, NY, but recorded time probably reflects his parent’s European background).

Aaron Copland—the Second Part of the Significator

  • In the 5th chart: b sun at 28 Libra 02 is conjunct c5 SN at 29 Libra 06 and both are conjunct C Desc at 27 Libra 01.

Above picture from http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
John Maynard Keynes
The following is from the Astrodatabank biography:

English economist, prolific author and architect of the International Monetary Fund and The World Bank. The author of "Economic Consequences of Peace" in 1919, his most noted works were his two books, "Treatise on Money," 1930 and "The General Theory of Employment," 1936.

The son of a Cambridge administrator, Keynes excelled in his early schooling due to a lot of hand-holding by his parents. He loved his mother very much. [italics mine] …His formal study [of math] ended when he placed a disappointing twelfth in his final exam at the end of his second year, at which point he turned to economics…he went on to become this century's most influential economist. …his real education came from the Apostle, a secret society started at Cambridge in 1820…Earlier members of the group were Bertrand Russell and Guy Burgess… During Keynes' generation and after, many of the members were gay. From this group emerged the Bloomsbury group including Lytton Strachey, Duncan Grant, E. M. Forster, Desmond McCarthy, Clive Bell, along with the added members Vanessa Stephen and her sister Virginia Woolf plus a few others.

In 1906 Keynes left for London… to take the Civil Service exam and sailed through it with his lowest scores being in economics. He worked in the India office from 1906 to 1908 and made his mark by writing a minor classic on Indian banking and finance.

[After he returned to Cambridge as a lecturer] at this point most people considered his style of economics as conventional as his private life was unconventional. He steadfastly adhered to laisses-faire economic theory and politics. The day after war was declared in 1914, Keynes rushed to London and spent the next four years in the Treasury trying to keep the war afloat… By the end of the war he was one of Lloyd George's most influential advisers… In 1919 he advanced to the position of principal British treasury representative. He resigned in depression and rage when the Great Powers wouldn't listen to him.

…Being personally androgynous he displayed the male traits of intellect, logic and cunning along with his female side of sensitivity, intuition and passion. He had the heightened sensitivity of a nonconformist. A lifelong speculator in the financial and commodities markets, he felt that markets were driven by the 'animal spirits' of investors.

In the mid-1920's his attitude toward government policies changed. Promoting a program of employment through government works, he influenced Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal programs. He was dissatisfied with unfettered capitalism and believed in government intervention to smooth violent economic fluctuations. Forcing people to save was one of his solutions to inflationary problems.

…In 1951 Sir Roy Harrod, a former student of Keynes, published a semiofficial biography and went to great lengths to protect his reputation and family saying nothing of his homosexuality. These revelations came out later in a biography by Charles H. Hession.

…He met Lydia Lopokova, a prima ballerina in Diaghilev's company and they married in 1925, when he was 42, despite his homosexuality. The marriage lasted twenty years as she was an affectionate and flamboyant partner, as overtly unconventional as Keynes was privately.

Keynes died of a heart infarction on 4/21/1946 in Firle, Sussex, England.

John Maynard Keynes (AA)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Sag, c12—30Sag, c2—2Ari, c3—3Tau b11—29Tau, b12—4Can, b2—21Leo, b3—16Vir

Set (15) shows moon/mars/uranus/neptune all in Aries. B mars rules B MC and b 5th house. B1 uranus rules b 7th house.

In the biography above I italicized “he loved his mother.” Here is the set from Keynes’ 10th chart (career, social image, and relationship with mother) which shows that.

Set (16)b10 NN4 Sagittarius 44
c10 moon4 Pisces 11
b10 mercury4 Pisces 37
c10 venus4 Pisces 54
c jupiter4 Gemini 04
c10 saturn5 Gemini 50

The planets in Pisces show tender love. The saturn might have ruined it, but I think it just means he wanted to please her. This set does not influence a 5th house, so his relations with his mother had no particular bearing on his sexuality.

John Maynard Keynes—the Second Part of the Significator

  • It occurs in all charts: Keynes has c mercury, ruler of c 5th house, at 23 Leo 03 made Angular by C MC at 23 Scorpio 03 and even in c 7th house. That is the significator of the second part for bisexuality. It trumps the one for the second part for homosexuality and confirms his bisexuality..

Above picture from http://www.plyojump.com
Alan Mathison Turing
I still want to write that paper on Alan Turing. I think I can add to the understanding of his suicide. Until then, here is an excerpt from the biography by Astrodatabank:

British mathematician, logician, scientist and the technical genius behind Britain’s successful efforts to break German codes in World War II, Turing made inestimable contributions to cybernetics. His "Computable Numbers," 1937, is considered one of the outstanding scientific papers of the 20th century, a blueprint for what would become the electronic digital computer. His "Universal Turing Machine" was an ancestor for the entire information age.

Turing was the second-born of two sons to a member of the British civil service in India. His mother didn’t feel that was a suitable environment, and so the boys were both raised in foster households in England, separated from their parents. At 13, he enrolled at the Sherbourne School in Dorset where he showed a gift for mathematics. While at Sherbourne, Turing, who recognized his homosexuality, fell in love with another boy at the school who suddenly died of tuberculosis. [italics mine] The event drove him into atheism and the conviction that phenomena must all have materialistic explanations.

He failed twice to win a fellowship at the University of Cambridge’s Trinity College, but did receive one from King’s College in Cambridge. There he found a good environment in which to thrive. He was invited to remain at King’s as a tutor when he obtained his degree.

World War II intervened, and based on his published work, he was recruited to serve in the Government Code and Cypher School. The task there was to break the Nazis’ Enigma codes. It is now known that Turing played a crucial role in the effort by inventing a primitive machine that could decipher at high speed Nazi codes to ships in the North Atlantic.

At the end of the war, Turing hoped to pick up the academic career he had started, but the mathematics division of the British National Physical Laboratory asked him to create an actual Turing machine. He accepted, but found himself mired in bureaucracy, missing the wartime state of urgency that quickly bypassed obstacles. Turing left the NPL and accepted an offer from the University of Manchester where another computer was being built similar to the one he had suggested in 1937.

Though he envisioned a time when "ladies will take their computers for walks in the park," his own reality was not quite so whimsical. When a robbery occurred at his house in Manchester, he frankly told the police that the robber probably knew the man with whom he was having an affair. As homosexual relations were still a felony in Britain, Turing was tried and convicted of gross indecency in 1952. He was arrested and tried for sodomy with a 19-year-old man. He was spared prison but was given a year probation with the condition that he take estrogen to diminish his sex drive. He was subjected to injections of female hormones intended to "curb his lust."

Two years later, on the evening of 6/07/1954, Turing committed suicide by eating an apple laced with cyanide.

The italicized material above establishes that Turing was aware of his homosexuality at least by his early teens.

Turing is one of the individual’s conceived (in India) in a place different from where he was born (London). I have worked extensively with his chart, and concluded that astrological conception was, indeed, in the same place as his birth—London. That conception has to be in the same place as birth is one of the working hypotheses of this method. There is a discussion on this subject in the Method paper under FAQs: Method Paper.

Alan Mathison Turing (A)
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

Placidian House Cusps: c11—19Gem, c12—21Can, c2—9Vir, c3—6Lib b11—3Aqu, b12—14Pis, b2—3Gem, b3—20Gem

Set (17) holds together around the light, c1 sun. It contains sun/venus/mars/2saturn/neptune. The two saturns co-rule (21 of 32°) c 5th house. C1 venus rules C MC. C1 sun rules C Asc in b 5th house. And b mars rules b 7th house.

Alan Mathison Turing—the Second Part of the Significator

  • It occurs in all charts. The second part of the significator is bisexual, which overrides and includes the homosexual one. Turing has c mercury at 17 Leo 40 conjunct C Asc at C Asc at 17 Leo 18 in c 5th house. Turing was engaged for a while, but called it off. I do not know his considerations at the time. Although this set might also seem to imply that he also had an attraction to children (the mercury/5th), that is not the case, at least not through this significator. He does have a pedophile set, but it is cancelled by condition mentioned under "April 2012 Update" set described in the paper on Pedophilia. I will cover Turing’s sexuality more extensively in the paper to be written exclusively on Turing. Here is the link to the pedophilia paper: Paper on Pedophilia .
  • Turing did have an affair with a Scandinavian youth (age unstated in bio) he later regretted and was very concerned about. But since the youth actually came to England to see him, he could not have been a young boy. It is treated rather obscurely in the only biography of him.

    Andrew Hayden Geiger, M.D.
    Biographical data stated that Geiger graduated from M.I.T. in 1977, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1982. He was the chief resident at San Francisco’s St. Vincent Hospital, and certified in radiology in 1988. He died of AIDS on October 1, 1990 at his parent’s home.

    Andrew Hayden Geiger, M.D. (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—21Can, c12—21Leo, c2—12Lib, c3—13Sco b11—8Lib, b12—0Sco, b2—24Sag, b3—4Aqu

    Set (18) contains node/Asc/mars/saturn/2neptune. C1 neptune rules c 7th house. It also co-rules (16 of 25°) c 6th house. C saturn rules c 5th house. B mars rules B Asc and b 5th house. This set has end-of-life implications because b1 neptune rules b 4th house.

    For reasons not apparent yet to me, death may be presaged in a chart, as it was in this one, but the actual progressions for death usually show up in one of several charts—the 6th and 7th. Other charts demonstrate death less often. Here are Geiger’s progressions for death in his 6th chart:

    Set (19)b6 mars8 Scorpio 01ruler of B Asc and b 5th house
    b saturn8 Scorpio 45
    pc saturn8 Scorpio 33ruler of c 5th house (coming from 6 Scorpio 52)
    pc6 mercury6 Aquarius 23Ruler of C MC and C Asc
    b6 sun10 Aquarius 01

    The midpoint between the two lights in Aquarius (separated from the rest of the values by a black row) is 8 Aquarius 11. Pc6 mercury is a light because mercury acts like a light when it rules an Angle. This mercury rules two Angles. The return using data from this chart was not particularly meaningful.

    Progressed C MC was at 22 Cancer 25 in the same set with b6 neptune at 22 Libra 18. Summed, Geiger had mars/saturn/neptune influence to Angles for his death from AIDS.

    Andrew Hayden Geiger, M.D.—the Second Part of the Significator

    • Also in his 1st chart Geiger has a bisexual significator. He has c1 mercury at 16 Gemini 15 conjunct C MC in b 5th house at 17 Gemini 18. His biographical material does not state whether or not Geiger was bisexual.
    • Geiger is one of the individuals who also has a Angle/venus/7th set. In the 7th chart: b7 SB at 13 Gemini 57 is conjunct c7 venus at 15 Gemini 51. Both are in b 7th house, and are made Angular by C Asc at 15 Virgo 35.

    Gilbert Duquenoix
    Biographical data on Duquenoix states he was a popular seer and magician under the stage name “Nathaniel” and was much in vogue. He was openly gay. He was found on October 23, 1990 in the a.m. at home, naked, his head and feet bound with a rope and a cowl over his head. He was surrounded by S&M objects and had a knife in his back. He was 48 years old.

    Gilbert Duquenoix (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—26Sco, c12—14Sag, c2—6Pis, c3—14Ari b11—28Tau, b12—3Can, b2—21 Leo, b3—16Vir

    In Set (20), which consists of moon/venus/mars/neptune, c moon rules c 7th house, b1 mars rules B MC and b 5th house, and c1 sun co-rules (30 of 58°) c 7th house.

    We have finished with examples of charts which show homosexuality sponsored by a set in the 1st chart. Now we move on to the 5th chart.

    Gilbert Duquenoix—the Second Part of the Significator

    • Also in his 1st chart, Duquenoix has c1 mercury, co-ruler (14 of 18°) c 5th house is at 6 Libra 57 and made Angular by C Asc at 7 Capricorn 57. This is a bisexual significator, with no confirmation in his biographical material. He does have a homosexual one which works if he was not bisexual. It occurs in all charts: b sun at 21 Aries 22 is conjunct B MC at 19 Aries 46, that is, it is a sun on an Angle. B sun rules B Asc at 1 Leo 24 which is in c 7th house..

    Above picture by phill407, from http://media.photobucket.com
    The 5th chart,, which, like the 5th house in a traditional chart, includes information about (1) the individual’s sexuality, and (2) their procreative as well as aspects of their creative capacity.

    Scholfield with Lois Rodden in 2002
    Above picture from Astrodatatabank.com Simon Scholfield
    Biographical data on Scholfield states Australian astrodata collector, astrologer and scholar who writes extensively on sexuality in the horoscope, visual art, film, the media and popular culture.

    Sy Scholfield is an active and diligent astrological data collector, editor, publisher and blogger. Mentored by Lois Rodden for several years before her death, he has researched and contributed hundreds of timed astrodata to various software programmes and books, and published hundreds of new data on his websites and blog. Scholfield joined AstroDatabank as an editor in 2013 and over 3500 of his timed research data are included in the database. He is credited as data editor of various astrology books including Frank Clifford's 2009 "Astrologer's Book of Charts" and 2014 "Horoscope Snapshots."

    Born to British immigrants, Scholfield has English, Scottish, Chinese, and Jewish ancestry. Raised on the eastern Australian coast, he is well-travelled and has lived in Hong Kong, Beijing, Sydney, the Byron Bay area, and so on. In 1989, he played a gangster in the Hong Kong film, "Casino Raiders."

    Scholfield holds a B.A. in Modern Asian Studies, 1994 (majoring in Chinese Studies, Anthropology and Sociology), along with Honours (in Visual Art studies) from Griffith University, 1997. On 23 February 2011, he was awarded a Master of Philosophy degree by the University of Queensland, Australia, for his thesis on the crossover of male homosociality, male homosexuality and heterosexism in contemporary Australian political cartoons. In mid 2013, he was granted a merit-based Australian Postgraduate Award scholarship and is currently writing his PhD thesis on the representation of body parts in popular culture.

    In 1994, he compiled "Queer Gravity," the first magazine produced for and by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) students to be distributed nationally (through the annual conference of the Australian students group, Queer Collaborations). He has since written articles and reviews as a cultural analyst for various academic journals.

    Sy Scholfield's AstroQueer website, which he has run since 1997, provides a nexus for LGBTIQ people interested in astrology. He wrote the weekly "Star Lust" Sun-sign column for the Sydney Star Observer, Australia's premier gay and lesbian newspaper, 2000-2002, and worked as a ghost writer in the same field in the mid 2000s.

    Having been a vegetarian for most of his life, Scholfield became a vegan in 2002 in support of animal and human rights and for health and environmental reasons. As hobbies, he works cryptic crosswords, lap-swims, practises Hatha yoga, mountain-treks, renovates his house and enjoys gardening.

    Sy Scholfield currently resides in eastern Australia where he works as a book editor and proof-reader.

    Simon Astley Scholfield (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Cap, c12—10Aqu, c2—7Ari, c3—7Tau b11—20Gem, b12—17Can, b2—1Lib, b3—1Sco

    Set (20a) consists of MC/ Asc/node/moon/mars/neptune. C5 moon rules c 5th house and b5 neptune co-rules (30 of 40°) b 7th house. The set, with two lights, is on two Angles.

    Sy Scholfield—the Second Part of the Significator

    • Also in his 5th chart and in the same set as Part I of the significator, we see c mars at 6 Virgo 34 on C Descendant.

    Above picture from http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
    Quentin Crisp
    The following is excerpted from Wikipedia, March 30, 2010, (only the Early Years. Go to Wikipedia for the Middle and Late Years):

    Denis Charles Pratt was born in Sutton, Surrey, the fourth child … He changed his name to Quentin Crisp in his third decade after leaving home and cultivating his outlandishly effeminate appearance to a standard that both shocked contemporary Londoners and provoked homophobic attacks.

    By his own account, Crisp was effeminate in behavior from an early age and found himself the object of teasing at [school]. After leaving [college] in 1926, Crisp studied journalism…going on to take art classes at the Regent Street Polytechnic.

    Around this time, Crisp began visiting the cafés of Soho…meeting other young homosexual men and rent-boys, and experimenting with make-up and women’s clothes. For six months he worked as a male prostitute, looking for love, he said in a 1999 interview, but finding only degradation.

    Crisp left home to move to the centre of London at the end of 1930 [around age 22] and, after dwelling in a succession of flats, found a bed-sitting room in Denbigh Street, where he held court with London's brightest and roughest characters. His outlandish appearance – he wore bright make-up, dyed his long hair crimson, painted his fingernails and wore sandals to display his painted toe-nails – brought admiration and curiosity from some quarters, but generally attracted hostility and violence from strangers passing him in the streets.

    Quentin Crisp (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—13Cap, c12—15Aqu, c2—15Tau, c3—5Gem b11—6Cap, b12—5Aqu, b2—8Tau, b3—29Tau

    I would like to do more with Crisp’s chart, but birth time was given as “between noon and 1:00 p.m.,” with the chart above cast for 12:30. Birth and conception uranus conjunct C MC seem entirely fitting to his character (individualistic in the extreme), but I do not want to do too much with such an unsubstantiated birth time. In his 1st chart for the 12:30 time, c1 moon, ruler of c 5th house, is at 23 Sagittarius 25, conjunct C MC/2uranus, suggesting an early(1st chart), individualistic (uranus/MC) sexual expression (5th house), but it does not explain the “effeminate behavior.”

    Set (21) above contains node/moon/venus/mars/neptune. The two lights—node and moon—are enough to hold mars and neptune (which are a little over 7° apart) together in the same set. B moon rules b 5th house. B mars rules B Asc. B venus rules b 7th house.

    But Crisp has a valid set in his 7th chart, too. C moon, ruler of c 5th house, at 17 Cancer 58 is in the same set with c7 neptune at 17 Cancer 50 (both in c 5th house) and c mars, ruler of C Asc, at 20 Aries 25.

    Below are some quotes from Crisp, taken from the website “brainyquotes.com.

    The consuming desire of most human beings is deliberately to plant their whole life in the hands of some other person. I would describe this method of searching for happiness as immature. Development of character consists solely in moving toward self-sufficiency.

    The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

    There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.

    It is not the simple statement of facts that ushers in freedom; it is the constant repetition of them that has this liberating effect. Tolerance is the result not of enlightenment, but of boredom.

    Quentin Crisp—the Second Part of the Significator

    • Also in his 5th chart: b5 mars at 3 Libra 27 is conjunct B Desc at 1 Libra 48.

    Glen Corey
    Astrodatabank biographical information states that Corey had the same partner for 9 years but played around. He died of AIDS on March 11, 1990 (age 42), at Visalia, California, and left his entire estate to his partner.

    Using his date of death, I tentatively rectified Corey’s birth time from the given one of 10:47 p.m. PST to 10:40 p.m. because his given time did not reconcile with his astrology for death. 10:47 p.m., because it seems to the nearest minute, might seem like it would be the correct time, but it may simply be the time observed when some one in the delivery room had time to look at a clock.

    Glen Corey (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—19Can, c12—19Leo, c2—14Lib, c3—14Sco b11—26Sco, b12—18Sag, b2—28Aqu, b3—4Ari

    Set (22) above contains Asc/mars/saturn/neptune. It does not contain a 5th ruler. Best we can do is point out that this set is in the 5th chart, so it already has a 5th house connotation. The whole set is, however, non-harmonic, so it occurs in all charts. C neptune, which is direct, is ruler of c 7th house.

    In this chart he does have a strong set showing the "joy of sex" (golden benefic/5th), it just does not make any reference to his gender preference. Here it is:

    Set (22a)b5 mercury20 Capricorn 29co-ruler (18 of 22°) b 5th house
    b5 mars20 Capricorn 35ruler of B MC
    b5 moon23 Capricorn 36ruler of b 7th house
    b venus23 Airs 09ruler of b 5th house
    b jupiter26 Libra 16R

    In Set (22), b5 saturn, ruler of B Asc in c 4th house gives Corey a lighted mars/saturn/neptune influence (siege conditions) to a 4th house from birth. And it already started out Angular. It is the astrology that sponsored his death from AIDS.

    On his date of death at age 42, Corey had pB Asc at 17 Pisces 29, opposing that b5 saturn in Virgo. B Asc, which had started in a set with b mars at 15 Aries 48 (shown above), gained a saturn influence through pb saturn, again ruler of B Asc in c 4th house, at 15 Cancer 48 (coming from 11 Cancer 04 at birth). Progressed c mars was also in the set at 15 Libra 45. Added to Set (22), these progressions gave him a second light(Angle)/mars/saturn influence to a 4th house.

    Glen Corey—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: c mars at 16 Virgo 15 is on two Angles—C MC at 16 Gemini 26 and C Asc at 15 Virgo 40 and it co-rules (14 of 29°) c 7th house.

    AIDS 14348
    All that is known about this man, in addition to the fact he is homosexual, is that he was diagnosed with AIDS on April 24, 1987, when he was 19 years old.

    AIDS 14348 (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—8Aqu, c12—7Pis, c2—29Ari, c3—1Gem b11—9Aqur, b12—7Pis, b2—30Ari, b3—2Gem

    Set (23) contains sun/venus/mars/jupiter/neptune. C5 sun rules c 5th house. C5 mars rules C Asc. C5 venus rules c 7th house. B mars is also on both descendants. The inclusion of venus and jupiter in this sexual set produces highs, or, some people call it bliss. It probably had something to do with getting AIDS. By the late ‘80s he should have been having protected sex.

    Note the conjunction of mars and saturn in Pisces with c NN in both 12th houses. The set influences B MC through b saturn, and C Asc through c mars. It does not influence a 5th house. It could be said it shows a spiritual aim (NN) of suffering (both malefics in Pisces in both 12th houses), not really specifying the reason, but for him, probably connected to AIDS (not that every one who got AIDS had such an “aim.”)

    In both 5th houses, b5 saturn, ruler of B MC, is conjoined with C5 NN at 21 Leo 47, symbolizing states of sexual inactivity which alternated with his states of high sexual activity. On the date he was diagnosed with AIDS, April 24, 1987, pc5 NN was at 20 Leo 51, 1’ of arc from exact conjunction to saturn, a planet, among other things, symbolizing death, darkness, depression in regard to 5th house matters (sexuality).

    AIDS 14348—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: b mars at 2 Libra 59 is conjunct two Descendants—C Desc at 1 Libra 19 and B Desc at 1 Libra 39.

    Above picture from http://thequod.blogspot.com
    Van Cliburn
    Excerpting from Astrodatabank biographical information, Van Cliburn was the 1958 winner of the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow. He began the study of piano at age 3 with his mother as teacher, eventually going to Juilliard. By 1978 he stopped performing and withdrew to Fort Worth, Texas, where he lived with his mother. On July 9, 1994, starting at San Diego, Van Cliburn went on his first tour in sixteen years.

    He was sued for palimony in April, 1996 by Thane E. Marimba, who stated Van Cliburn had exposed him to AIDS. Since he did not have AIDS, the suit was dismissed.

    Van Cliburn (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—19Tau, c12—21Gem, c2—14Leo, c3—12Vir b11—20Can, b12—20Leo, b2—15Lib, b3—15Sco

    At first it is not so apparent that c5 mars is part of Set (24). It is nearly 6° from b7 moon and 5° 13’ from c7 moon. The allowable orb for light-to-planet in this method is 5°. But, b7 mercury rules B MC and B Asc, so it is also a “light.” (When mercury rules an Angle, it acts like a light, with an orb of 5°.) Since it rules two Angles, it is a strong light. Thus, there are three lights in Set (24), bringing c5 mars into the set. C5 jupiter rules c 5th house. C5 mars rules C MC and c 5th. And c moon rules C Asc. B neptune rules b 7th house. Set (24) influences two Angles.

    Van Cliburn—the Second Part of the Significator

    • None found. The closest we can come is that the mars in Set (24) above, c5 mars at 12 Scorpio 56 (and lighted by b5 moon in Leo) rules C MC at 14 Aries 49 which at the very end of b 7th house. Placidian house cusps, used here, give us 15 Aries as the cusp of the 8th house. So as is, this represents an Angular influence to c 8th house. If we use other house systems, it would be the first and only time in this study that such was necessary. Nonetheless, it is intriguing because so close.

    Robert Devise
    Devise was diagnosed with AIDS on March 9, 1992 and died on April 10, 1993 at the age of 35. That is all the information I have on him.

    Robert Devise (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—5Ari, c12—13Tau, c2—8Can, c3—1Leo b11—2Can, b12—3Leo, b2—26Vir, b3—26Lib

    Set (25) shows moon/mercury/2mars/2neptune. Note that c5 mercury rules C Asc, so it acts like a light, and this set thus contains two lights. C mars co-rules (just barely at 13 of 38°) c 5th house. But all the Libra planets are in c 5th, so that 5th contains light/mars/neptune with influence to an Angle. B neptune co-rules (26 of 27°) b 7th house.

    Robert Devise—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b7 mars at 17 Pisces 57 is in b 7th house and made Angular by C Asc at 17 Gemini 32.

    Above picture from http://www.astro.com
    Truman Capote
    The following is from the Astrodatabank biography:

    American writer whose books include "Other Voices, Other Rooms," 1948, "In Cold Blood," 1966 and "Answered Prayers," 1976. He received the O’Leary Memorial Award at age 18.

    Capote grew up in a small town in Alabama, living next door to writer Harper Lee. A slender southern boy, he amused his friends for hours by telling them stories. By age ten, he knew that he was meant to be a writer. With a girlish manner and lisp, he soon entered a homosexual lifestyle.

    Capote was forced to fend for himself after his mother, Nina, neglected him to glam it up in New York. His biological father was not in the picture. He attended Trinity school and St. Johns Academy in New York, and his mother married a well-to-do businessman. She later died of a drug overdose. While in his teens he was hired to be a copyboy at the "New Yorker," publishing his first work at age 16.

    Capote's career began in 1944 [age 20] when he wrote his first short story, "Miriam." His first novel, "Other Voices, Other Rooms" was published in 1948. He then researched for six years to write the book "In Cold Blood. His work on "Answered Prayers" began in 1966, and in 1975, he published the first chapter in Esquire.

    Capote was on the whole a charmer, remembering people's names and tastes years after meeting them and he proved a delightful party animal in the society of noted public figures. At the same time, he made a spectacle of himself on talk shows, babbling about his drug and alcohol problems. He claimed that everyone, male and female, found him irresistible, such as Albert Camas and Errol Flynn. He had the bizarre look of a somewhat pudgy, naughty little boy, and his high-pitched voice could scrape paint. He was starved for the attention that his parents denied him. Capote once went to a conjure woman and asked to be made into a woman. Most of his friends were women, two of them being Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. He was also a friend of Jacqueline Kennedy, and visited the White House on several occasions. He had a relationship for 36 years with his friend Jack Dumpy who inherited the bulk of his estate, $600,000.

    Capote was hospitalized in 1983 after tests showed a "toxic level" of Dilatin and Phenobarbital in his system. In 1981 he collapsed in a convulsive seizure. Capote died in his sleep after imbibing a mix of drugs and alcohol on 8/25/1984, Los Angeles, CA.

    Truman Capote (B)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—27Can, c12—27Leo, c2—22Lib, c3—23Sco b11—27Sco, b12—20Sag, b2—29Aqu, b3—5Ari

    Minus c5 harmonic moon, c5 harmonic mercury, and c5 harmonic mars (that leaves node/moon/venus/mars/neptune, all non-harmonic), Set (26) actually occurs in the 1st, 5th, and 7th charts. The harmonic of c moon gets further into Taurus as the harmonic number increases, so this set is also strong in his 1st chart, where c1 moon is at 1 Taurus 46. His biographical data states he knew by age 10 that he was homosexual.

    In Set (26) b venus rules b 5th house, b mars rules B MC, and c5 mercury rules C MC and C Asc. C5 mars co-rules (22 of 28°) c 7th house. (So, in his 1st chart, the set would be lacking a 7th influence.) The significator is actually strongest in this chart because it contains five lights—the node, c moon and its harmonic, and c5 mercury. And, through c5 mercury, it influences two more Angles.

    His 5th chart, however, is the only one that contains Set (27), which I thought I would also show. It shows Asc/2node/mars/neptune/pluto. It lacks a 5th ruler, but this chart is a harmonic enlargement of the 5th house, so it already has a sexual connotation. C mars co-rules (22 of 28°) c 7th house.

    Truman Capote—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: c mars at 16 Libra 45 co-rules (22 of 28°) c 7th house and is conjunct b SN at 18 Libra 18. Both are made Angular by B Asc at 17 Capricorn 44.

    Jorge Carver
    Diagnosed in 1983 with Kaposi’s sarcoma, a virus which flourishes when the individual has AIDS, Carver, a waiter, later went into remission. He died of AIDS on June 18, 1986.

    Jorge Carver (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—7Sag, c12—3Cap, c2—12Pis, c3—15Ari b11—8Sco, b12—3Sag, b2—3Aqu, b3—9Pis

    Set (28) contains MC/mercury/mars/jupiter/neptune. C5 mars rules C MC and c5 mercury rules c 5th house. The set has no 7th house influence, but c mars, at 1 Leo 58, is on C Descendant (at 3 Leo 32).

    On June 18, 1986, the date he died from AIDS, Mr. Carver had the following sets emphasizing Angularity of mars, saturn, and neptune:

    • Progressed B MC was at 20 Scorpio 55 in the same set with b mars at 20 Aquarius 55.

    • Progressed B Asc at 14 Aquarius 45 was in the same set with b5 neptune at 14 Scorpio 14 and pc5 mars at 14 Leo 40.

    • Progressed C MC was at 22 Sagittarius 35 was in the same set with pb mars at 22 Pisces 33.

    • Pb saturn, co-ruler of b 1st house, at 15 Gemini 01 was in the same set with pb NN at 15 Gemini 43 and pb5 saturn at 15 Pisces 06.

    • Return saturn at 12 Scorpio 05 was in the same set with C MC at 12 Scorpio 29 and c5 mars at 12 Aquarius 39.

    • Return pluto was at 10 Libra 39 conjunct his B MC at 10 Libra 59>

    Jorge Carver—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: c mars at 1 Leo 58 is conjunct C Desc at 3 Leo 32.

    AIDS 1167
    We do not have any information on this Brazilian man other than that he had AIDS.

    AIDS 1167 (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Sag, c12—22Cap, c2—19Pis, c3—20Ari b11—24Ari, b12—19Tau, b2—17Can, b3—23Leo

    In Set (29) we have node/venus/mars/neptune/pluto. This is the third significator set which occurs in the 5th chart which is without a reference to a 5th house. Because the 5th chart is a derivative of the 5th house, this lack does not appear to cancel out the significator. The set does, however, have to either be on an Angle, or influence an Angle. B1 neptune rules B MC, giving the whole chart a lighted mars/neptune influence.

    I did not make it a numbered set, but show above that mercury and mars in Leo are in the same set with C MC and C Asc and b NN. C mercury rules c 5th house and b mars co-rules (19 of 25°) b 5th house. When the ruler of the 5th house is actually on a Angle, 5th house matters (sexuality) are forefront for the whole life. Since it is all non-harmonic, it is an influence he has felt from boyhood. This set also includes his mars/7th as his mars on the Descendant.

    Set (30) suggests this man was feminine and receptive, especially with moon conjunct venus in Pisces, ruler of b 5th house, conjunct B MC, giving this set a another definite forefront 5th influence, it just does not include mars/neptune. Venus in Pisces is rather like venus/neptune. He is Looking for love (and is idealistic and tender-hearted about it), wearing his heart on his sleeve. The saturn opposition suggests considerable emotional pain.

    There is more venus emphasis. In his 1st chart he has:

    Set (31)b1 venus11 Cancer 02ruler of b 5th house
    b1 neptune11 Libra 44ruler of B MC
    b marsb1 mercuryruler of B Asc
    c1 mercury 11 Aries 07ruler of c 5th house

    Set (31) suggests a warm, effeminate, sexually aware boy. Let’s see how his father reacted to him.

    AIDS 1167 (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 4th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Sag, c12—22Cap, c2—19Pis, c3—20Ari b11—24Ari, b12—19Tau, b2—17Can, b3—23Leo

    Set (32) includes Asc/moon/mars/saturn, with the mars and saturn in Pisces, indicating the deep emotional suffering of rejection. But this set also influences 5th houses. C moon co-rules (22 of 30°) c 5th house. B4 mars co-rules (19 of 25°) b 5th house. And b4 saturn co-rules (17 of 34°) b 7th house. In its house influences, it follows the same path as those followed by homosexual significators.

    This is an emotionally charged 4th (father) chart that suggests 1167’s deep rejection by his father affected his later sexual expression. In that sense, it also sponsored looking for love from a father substitute, at which his 5th chart tells us he was often unsuccessful.

    Set (33) shows more susceptibility to suffering in his relationship with his father. Unless a chart is very benefic, an elevated moon is Pisces—all by itself—represents suffering. He is too open, too pliable. His ego vis-à-vis his father is weak and too subdued for his own comfort. The conjunction of the Pisces moon to B MC is an all-charts phenomenon (all sidereal), but mercury in it add more emphasis. B4 mercury rules b 4th house and B Asc in c 4th house. The 4th house as well as the 4th chart give us information about our relationship with our father. Again and again, this man's astrology shows that his relationship with his father involved an enormous amount of suffering. The other 4th house emphasis is on its meaning regarding the "end of life." Combined, we get an individual who never got free from the terrible emotional injury he suffered through his father.

    AIDS 1167—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: b mars at 21 Leo 45 is on C Desc at 20 Leo 57.

    Above art by TeeJay210, from http://media.photobucket.com
    Homosexual 12252
    All we know about this man is that he realized his homosexuality in the summer of 1960, when he turned eight. In spite of that, his 1st chart does not contain the significators.

    Homosexual 12252 (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Aqu, c12—18Pis, c2—29Tau, c3—20Gem b11—20Pis, b12—1Tau, b2—28Gem, b3—20Can

    Set (34) contains moon/mercury/venus/mars/saturn/neptune/uranus. B5 mercury rules B Asc, so it acts like a light with a 5° orb, giving this set two lights. It also rules b 5th house. C5 mars rules c 7th house. C5 venus rules C Asc. This set therefore influences two Angles.

    Returns for 12252 occurred that summer on June 7, July 19, and August 30 (his birthday return). Only the latter symbolized sexual realization. Progressed c mars, ruler of c 7th house and in c 5th house, was at 8 Virgo 22 in the same set with B Asc at 8 Gemini 16. Thus, matters of his 5th/7th house were brought forefront.

    Below are some of the sets formed by the return and his 5th and progressed 5th charts. Here we are looking at them from the point of view of what is a valid set for a return. It has a 2° orb (more if a light is involved), which is greater than the normal 1° orb allowed for progressed Angle/planet:

    Set (35)return MC4 Pisces 56
    b5 neptune0 Pisces 33
    c5 neptune5 Pisces 43
    return venus1 Virgo 27
    b venus0 Virgo 50co-ruler (30 of 41°) of b 5th house
    c mars3 Virgo 25 ruler c 7th house
    b moon 4 Sagittarius 36

    Note that Set (35) contains moon/venus/mars/neptune with influence to a 5th house. It was not included in the significator set because it lacks influence to an Angle. The return for this period provided the Angle. There is more.

    Set (36)return Asc23 Gemini 38
    c5 moon21 Virgo 01
    c5 mars23 Virgo 58ruler of c 7th house
    b neptune25 Virgo 48
    b5 mercury 21 Sagittarius 30ruler of B Asc and b 5th house
    b5 mars 21 Sagittarius 32
    c5 venus23 Sagittarius 09 ruler C Asc

    His return also provided an Angle for Set (34) above, further emphasizing that set.

    Return5 mercury at 23 Aries 59 and return5 pluto at 22 Aries 19 are on his c5 SN at 22 Aries 48. Return pluto at 11 Leo 40 is on his c SN at 11 Leo 50 and his b sun at 12 Leo 41. Since pluto represents transformations and deep realizations, these two sets show he was somewhat bowled over by his new understanding, which changed his life.

    Homosexual 12252—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: c sun at 2 Scorpio 41 is conjunct C Desc at 4 Scorpio 10 and conjunct b mars at 7 Scorpio 22 (the orb from mars to the sun is 4° 41’, with the sun increasing acceptable orb).

    Above picture from http://www.mantex.co.uk
    Duncan Grant
    One of the “members” of the Bloomsbury group, Grant was a painter, decorator, and designer of textiles, counting among his lovers Lytton Strachey and John Maynard Keynes. Grant died at age 93 on May 8, 1978, in Alder master, Great Britain.

    Duncan Grant (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—9Aqu, c12—26Pis, c2—14Gem, c3—28Gem b11—27Pis, b12—19Tau, b2—11Can, b3—27Can

    Set (37) includes C MC/mercury/2mars/neptune. But, without a light, mercury and neptune are out of orb to be part of the set. Conception about 4 minutes earlier would put C MC at 13 Capricorn 15, and then all the planets would belong to the set. Or, conception a little later would put C Asc into Gemini, making c mercury its ruler (and a light), and making C MC in the set unnecessary.

    In Set (37), b mars co-rules (19 of 52°) b 5th house and c mercury co-rules (26 of 47°) c 5th house. C mars rules c 7th house.

    Duncan Grant—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: c mars at 14 Cancer 01 rules c 7th house and is made Angular by C MC at 14 Capricorn 15.
    • Grant is another individual in this study who also has a venus/7th set. In the 7th chart: b7 venus at 29 Scorpio 14 is conjunct C Desc at 28 Scorpio 58.

    Homosexual 11125
    Again, all we know about this man is that he realized his homosexuality in 1961, when he was 12 or 13 years old, and came out in January, 1980. With this chart I made a mistake in calculating conception. Correcting that error, this man’s significators for homosexuality occur in his 7th chart and his material should be under the heading for those with the significators in the 7th chart. Here is his corrected material:

    Homosexual 11125 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—2Lib, c12—27Lib, c2—20Sag, c3—27Cap b11—29Lib, b12—21Sco, b2—20Cap, b3—30Aqu

    In Set (38) we have node/2moon/venus/mars/neptune. C moon co-rules (28 of 39°) c 7th house and b moon co-rules (25 of 38°) b 7th house. C venus rules C MC and c 5th house.

    Here are the progressions for July 1, 1961, the approximate midpoint of the year in which he discovered his sexual preferences:

    Set (39a)pb7 NN8 Libra 43(coming from 22 Libra 29 at birth)
    pc7 neptune8 Libra 42Rruler of c 3rd house
    C MC9 Libra 01
    b SN9 Libra 10
    b moon9 Libra 55co-ruler (25 of 38°) of b 7th house
    pb7 jupiter9 Capricorn 54ruler of B Asc
    c moon 9 Aries 01co-ruler (28 of 39°) of c 7th house
    c moon 9 Aries 01co-ruler (28 of 39°) of c 7th house
    pc7 venus8 Aries 37ruler of C MC and c 5th house

    The above is just an approximate date which works out to be fairly close to the likely date. Progressing c venus has just entered the set (within a month earlier, depending on how much orb we allow with all those lights) and will move through it fairly quickly—likely within a month to two months. So, this part of the year looks good.

    Progressed b7 jupiter, as ruler of B Asc, makes the discovery at age 12 (or 13) a 1st house, “childhood” event. It shows how the 7th chart, in addition to the 1st chart, can also represent revelation of sexual identity in childhood

    Note that c venus at 12 Aries 54 and b7 mars at 12 Aries 12 did not figure into his revelation. That is they are too far out of orb for Set (39a) as a progression, but not as a static significator set.

    I did not calculate returns around July 1 to see which most likely covered his experience. There were some interesting transits at the time.

    Homosexual 11125—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: c7 mars at 19 Gemini 58 is on C Desc at 18 Gemini 52. It is shown in the drawing above as Set (39).

    AIDS 1147
    From Astrodatabank, all we know about this man is that he owned a hotel chain in Brazil.

    AIDS 1147 (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—3Aqu, c12—4Pis, c2—0Tau, c3—1Gem b11—7Tau, b12—1Gem, b2—2Leo, b3—8Vir

    Set (40) includes node/sun/2mars/saturn/neptune. C mars rules C Asc and c saturn rules C MC. B5 mars rules b 4th and 5th houses as well as B MC. C saturn rules C MC in b 7th house. The 4th influence of this set containing mars/saturn/neptune suggests susceptibility to immune disorder (mars/neptune) that could result in death (4th).

    Note the golden benefic shown in Set (41). Golden benefics not only make us winners (with the pleasure that produces), they bring us good fortune. How they work depends on the chart they are in and the path they describe. This set does not include a reference to a 5th house (but does a 7th). It is, however, in the 5th chart. With venus and jupiter conjunct in Capricorn conjunct C MC (in b 7th house) and additionally lighted by c moon, and it shows a fortunate and very pleasant sex life. When something is that good, it is hard to this individual probably has powerful and successful (Capricorn) lovers. With a set like this, it would have been difficult to conceive he could end up with AIDS. The joy of Set (41) “led” him to numerous sexual encounters, likely unprotected. An altogether different set, Set (40), represented his AIDS infection.

    The closest he has to a mars/descendant is the c5 mars at 6 Libra 36. Since it is lighted by c moon on his C Asc it may be considered “on the Descendant.”

    AIDS 1147—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b7 mars, ruler of b 5th house, is at 27 Pisces 06 and made Angular by B Asc at 26 Gemini 12.

    Homosexual 10949
    This gentleman realized his homosexuality in the summer of 1960, when he was about 13-1/2 years old. He came out at the same time. That is all we know about him.

    Homosexual 10949 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—2Gem, c12—6Can, c2—26Leo, c3—23Vir b11—4Vir, b12—29Vir, b2—19Sco, b3—24 Sag

    Set (42) is straightforward. Containing node/mars/saturn/neptune, it influences C MC through c mars. B5 neptune rules b 5th house. C saturn rules C MC in b 7th house.

    Note that his B Asc is conjunct venus and jupiter in Libra. This man is very charismatic, charming and lucky in love. He is good with people. This is a European birth, with birth time to the nearest 15 minutes, so we cannot count on this conjunction to his Asc being correct.

    His relatively early realization of his homosexuality suggests his 1st chart could also contain the significator for homosexuality. It does. In that chart he has sun/venus/mars/saturn/neptune with influence to an Angle and 5th and 7th houses. I did not do his progressions for the summer of 1960.

    Homosexual 10949—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 5th chart: c5 mars, ruler of C MC in b 7th house at 21 Aries 10 is made Angular by B Asc at 20 Libra 03 and is also on B Desc.
    • In the 7th chart: c7 mars at 1 Leo 31, ruler of B MC in c 7th house is conjunct B MC at 1 Leo 19.

    Homosexual 10212
    This man realized his homosexuality in the summer of 1960, at age 14. He came out in 1966.

    Homosexual 10212 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—30Can, c12—30Leo, c2—24Lib, c3—25Sco b11—29Sco, b12—22Sag, b2—3Pis, b3—9Ari

    Set (43) includes node/venus/mars/2neptune. B venus rules b 5th house. B5 mercury co-rules (22 of 23°) b 5th house. B5 mars rules B MC. There is no 7th influence, but b5 moon and b mars are on birth descendant.

    In the summer of 1960, his pc saturn, ruler of c 5th house, at 27 Gemini 20, had come to a conjunction of his C MC, showing a forefront—if sobering (saturn)—5th house influence. Transiting pluto was at 11 Leo in the same set with his b sun at 11 Taurus.

    Homosexual 10212—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 5th chart: b5 moon at 21 Cancer 32 is conjunct b mars at 22 Cancer 48 and both are conjunct B Desc at 20 Cancer 04. But he also has an all-charts set: B mars at 22 Cancer 48 is conjunct B Desc at 20 Cancer 04.

    Bruce Wayne
    We know only that he died of AIDS in Los Angeles.

    Bruce Wayne (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—4Sag, c12—26Sag, c2—15Pis, c3—19Ari b11—17Can, b12—17Leo, b2—9Lib, b3—10Sco

    Set (44) includes 2sun/mercury/venus/mars/jupiter/saturn/neptune. B mercury rules B MC. It rules B Asc in c 7th house. Since mercury rules two Angles, it has the orb of a regular light of 5°. C saturn, which is progressing closer to the set, rules C Asc in b 5th house. C venus rules c 4th house. One important fact about c saturn is that it is moving retrograde. Below is a table showing saturn’s progress for several decades. As it moves closer to his C MC, his health is more and more threatened.

    Birth Agepc saturnYear
    1017 Scorpio R1968
    2016 Scorpio 18 R1978
    3015 Scorpio 35 R1988
    4014 Scorpio 54 R1998

    Note that Set (44) includes both venus and jupiter—another example of a sexual set including a golden benefic (light/venus/jupiter), this one combined with a "dark malefic" (light/mars/saturn).

    Set (45) shows another mars/neptune/5th and 7th influence because it is in c 5th house, and because b5 neptune rules b 7th house. This set comprises a second significator in this chart.

    Bruce Wayne—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 5th chart: b5 neptune, ruler of b 7th house, is conjunct B MC at 13 Gemini 39 and conjunct c mars at 15 Gemini 38.

    Above picture from http://www.egodesign.ca
    Christian Dior
    Notes from Astrodatabank state that Dior created fashion history on February 12, 1947 with his “new look.” Described as quiet, timid, charming, unassuming, and a perfectionist, he was a discreetly gay man who had many failed love affairs and never found personal happiness. He had a good relationship with his mother. [italics mine] He died October 24, 1957 [age 52], 10:30 p.m., Montecatini, Italy, of a heart attack.

    Christian Dior (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—0Can, c12—1Leo, c2—20Vir, c3—19Lib b11—26Leo, b12—22Vir, b2—10Sco, b3—14Sag

    Set (46) shows sun/mercury/mars/2neptune. C5 sun rules C Asc. B5 mars rules b 7th house. And b neptune co-rules (22 of 26°) b 5th house.

    C pluto (unnumbered set above) in the same set with both conception Angles indicates some one who is “retiring” and captious.

    Note the conjunction of c SN with c venus in Pisces in 5th/7th houses, suggesting a feminine receptivity, or maybe it just means karmic (SN) loves (venus). It has forefront influence because c venus rules C MC.

    Dior’s 10th chart has the following set:

    Set (47)b neptune 12 Gemini 44co-ruler (22 of 26°) of b 5th house
    c10 venus 12 Gemini 50ruler of B Asc. & co-ruler (10 of 28°) b 7th house
    b10 moon14 Gemini 10ruler of B MC and co-ruler (23 of 39°) of b 9th house
    b mercury12 Sagittarius 35ruler of b 9th house
    c jupiter 16 Pisces 21co-ruler (30 of 36°) of c 4th house

    Set (47) simultaneously shows (1) his career success (golden benefic—light/venus/jupiter—in the 10th chart with forefront influence), (2) its international success (9th house influence), (3) possibly as a designer (light/venus=art), and (4) his “good relationship with his mother,” that is, his strong affection for her (light/venus/neptune/10th chart). She clearly influenced his sexuality (5th house influence), but that does not mean she created it.

    Christian Dior—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: c mars at 9 Aries 30 is conjunct B Desc at 11 Aries 41.

    Above picture from http://www.im.rediff.com
    Eric Douglas
    The following biographical information is from Astrodatabank:

    American minor actor and model; noted family, the son of Kirk Douglas and his second wife. He played roles in "The Flamingo Kid" and "Tomboy," and in a TV movie in which he played his father's character as a young man. He had a part in "Golden Child" and on TV, in the miniseries "North and South," and in "Delta Force III." He worked on the production set of his brother Michael's movie, "Wall Street."

    Gay, he was a close pal with Tommy Lasorda Jr. who died of AIDS in June 1991. Douglas has made the most of a reputation for drugs and rowdy behavior. He was charged with three assault cases, two for battering women and one for kicking a cop. He's been picked up for possession, a user of coke, booze and valium. On 10/30/1994, he was arrested for drug use and possession, Rosemead, CA. The cops hauled him away from Los Angeles airport 8/95 for a ruckus on the plane when he insisted that he would hold his dog on his lap for the flight and for calling one of the flight attendants gay and pinching the buns of another; he spent a month in jail. In May 1996, he was arrested on charges of possession when a package of 1,085 Xanax pills from France were intercepted by Customs. When arrested he was holding 11 vials of crack cocaine. On 5/07/97 he was given 10 days community service, drug rehab, and placed on probation.

    The 46-year-old son of Kirk Douglas was found dead in his New York apartment on July 6, 2004. The cause of death is unknown at this time, and an autopsy is planned. The police reported that there was no sign of foul play. [Later it was found he died of the combined effects of drugs and alcohol.]

    Eric Douglas (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for 5th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—13Vir, c12—10Lib, c2—2Sag, c3—6Cap b11—4Tau, b12—8Gem, b2—1Leo, b3—27Leo

    Set (49a) shows sun/mars/saturn/neptune with c mars ruling C Asc and co-ruling (10 of 27°) c 5th house. C sun rules C MC. B5 neptune rules B MC in c 5th house.

    Eric Douglas—the Second Part of the Significator

    • The second part of his significator is also in his 5th chart and is shown as set (49b) above. B5 sun, at 9 Capricorn 01 is conjunct B Desc at 8 Capricorn 44.

    • Douglas has a venus/7th set. In all charts: b venus at 29 Aries 36 is on the dark side of C Desc at 1 Taurus 59, and in many of his charts, its harmonic is also there.

    Eric Douglas (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—13Vir, c12—10Lib, c2—2Sag, c3—6Cap b11—4Tau, b12—8Gem, b2—1Leo, b3—27Leo

    We want to take a look at the 7th chart.

    Set (50), composed of all non-harmonic planets and lacking neptune, is not a significator set for homosexuality. It is a significator for stress on health (the greater and lesser malefics, saturn and mars respectively, in the same set with the sun, one of the indicators of vitality).

    Set (51) basically shows us two sets in Pisces in his c 5th house. The first one contains 2sun/mars/2uranus with c7 sun ruling C MC and b7 mars ruling b 5th house. The second one just contains NN/mars in Pisces, that is, a second set of lighted mars in Pisces with influence to both 5th houses—it is in c 5th, and the mars rules b 5th.

    • B sun rules b 3rd house, so Douglas has some psychic abilities. (See paper on psychic abilities: Paper on Psychics).

    • And, of course, neptune and Pisces have a strong correlation with drug and alcohol addiction. When mars is mixed in with the neptune, it brings problems (mars) and anxiety (mars) as a concomitant consequence of the highs (neptune).

    • Still considering Set (51), mars in Pisces is self-destructive, self-defeating, self-diminishing, and, in the charts of men, often leads to aggressive behavior designed to deny just such feelings. (See papers on Eric Harris, Ted Kaczynski, and Charles Whitman: Paper on Eric Harris, Paper on Kaczynski, Paper on Whitman. At the very best it leads to experiences of powerlessness that men, in particular, have trouble, integrating into their self-concept as a man. Douglas’ mars in Pisces, associated with both 5th houses and forefront in influence, surely led him to behavior he himself found distasteful, which probably fueled his addictions, which put him in a vicious cycle.

    Douglas would have experienced awful conflict with these Pisces sets because of his dignified, loyal, self-respecting Leo sun. That conflict likely spelled out his “demons,” mentioned by friendly Internet obituary commentators. The Leo part of him would have loathed his Pisces behavior and experiences (see paper on a 9 year old boy who killed himself: Paper on Child Suicide. He had a similar Pisces/Leo conflict (although that most assuredly was not the only reason he killed himself).

    Set (51) is simultaneously in b 9th house, showing his sudden (uranus) run-ins and conflicts (mars) with law enforcement (9th house). B7 uranus also rules b 9th house, so there no shortage of 9th influence for this set. It did give him a way to exteriorize some of the conflict. It is surely better to be angry and belligerent than to be self-despising or seem weak. But the problem was not outside himself. It was inside and shown by his very difficult Pisces astrology.

    Douglas’ b moon, at 29 Cancer 28, ruler of B Asc, was in the same set with b venus, at 29 Aries 36, giving him an Angular moon/venus influence. Moon/venus is loving, sweet, adaptive, affectionate, and, at its worst, appeasing.

    At the time of his death, he had a progressed Angle to mars and one to saturn. The neptune in his return was at 2 Scorpio 34, conjunct his C Asc. Summed, these gave him Angular influence of mars/saturn/neptune—siege conditions, most likely psychological and further fueled by drugs. Forefront on his return Angle was the following:

    Set (52)return7 SN15 Gemini 59
    return Asc16 Gemini 48
    pb7 saturn16 Gemini 30Rruler of b 7th house
    return7 moon14 Pisces 04in c 4th house
    b7 NN15 Pisces 52
    b mars 16 Pisces 01ruler of b 5th house

    As can be seen in the table above, Douglas’ return that covered the time he died provided a node, moon, and Angle to his progressed saturn to mars/node. Houses from his chart (I do not use houses in the return) that were forefront were his 5th and 7th. His relationships at the time were either non-existent, or, more likely, painful.

    Since he died of the synergistic affects of prescription drugs combined with alcohol, his death was deemed an accidental overdose. That is entirely possible. So, too, however, was an intentional death. Progressed return uranus was at 11 Aquarius 57 opposite his C MC. And progressed b mars, ruler of b 5th house, was in the same set with both his uranus—b uranus at 15 Cancer 15 and c uranus at 15 Cancer 42. His return provided two lights for that set—return moon at 14 Cancer 54, and return NN at 15 Aries 07. Light/mars/uranus describes anything from courage to bravado to foolhardiness, which can be used in a number of different ways.

    The 7th chart, the main chart of this method, contains a great deal of information about our lives. Theoretically, it is concerned only with matters pertaining to the 7th house—our relations with significant others, including marriage, business partners, and close friends. However, it contains information about just about every aspect of our life, including health, finances, death, career, talents, children. and so on. It just doesn't contain all the information on these subjects.

    Above picture from http://2.bp.blogspot.com
    Dr. Tom Dooley
    I have written a whole paper on Dr. Dooley who died in his twenties of melanoma. Once it was diagnosed, it did not take very long for him to die. His behavior at the end was heroic. He insisted on walking from the airplane bringing him home, refusing a wheel chair. At the time, his spine was riddled with cancer. He died in the hospital shortly thereafter. Here is the link to the paper: Paper on Tom Dooley

    Dr. Tom Dooley (AA) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—15Tau, c12—19Gem, c2—10Leo, c3—7Vir b11—7Vir, b12—3Lib, b2—25Sco, b3—29Sag

    Set (53) shows a set slightly over orb (birth was given as at 2:20 a.m.) with Asc/venus/2mars/neptune/pluto. C Mars rules C MC and c 5th house. B venus rules B Asc and co-rules (25 of 30°) b 7th house. So influences to houses are complete. Note that venus/mars are on conception descendant.

    Dooley’s 5th chart also contains a full set of significators for homosexuality and contains an additional light (i.e., that is, in addition to the "light" that is C Asc) and is his best chart for showing his homosexuality. Here it is:

    Set (54)C Asc18 Cancer 31
    b venus 16 Capricorn 09ruler of B Asc And co-ruler (25 of 30°) b 7th house
    c mars16 Capricorn 51ruler of C MC and c 5th house
    b5 sun17 Capricorn 36
    c5 saturn17 Capricorn 54
    c5 neptune19 Capricorn 22ruler of c 9th house

    With b venus ruling B Asc in c 4th house, Set (54) shows a forefront lighted mars/saturn/neptune influence to a 4th, a significator of cancer as well as AIDS (light/mars/saturn/neptune) and shows the possibility it will cost him his life (4th house influence).

    The unnumbered set with venus conjunct jupiter in Aquarius in wide opposition to B MC (that is, in b 4th house) is the symbol of Dooley’s continuing good name as the humanitarian “jungle doctor” of southeast Asia. Venus rules c 4th house. In his 10th chart c10 sun is at 0 Aquarius 11—also slightly out of orb, but apparently good enough. Venus conjunct jupiter in a 4th house often symbolizes a good end of life, but can simply being famous (or infamous) at the end of life. In addition to his medical abilities applied under the roughest of conditions, he was a "miracle worker" in getting charitable financial support for his work. This set greatly increased his charm and thus furthered his work.

    Dr. Tom Dooley—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: c mars at 16 Capricorn 51 is conjunct C Desc at 18 Capricorn 31. B venus, at 16 Capricorn 09 is also there.
    • Also in the 7th chart, and also part of the same set above: b mars at 19 Aries 55, ruler of b 7th house, is made Angular by C Asc at 18 Cancer 31.

    Jack Fertig
    My notes indicate that Mr. Fertig is an astrologer, humorist, and political activist. He worked for gay rights from 1970. In 1979 he joined the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgences, an order of gay male nuns.

    Jack Fertig (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—6Tau, c12—12Gem, c2—2Leo, c3—27Leo b11—15Pis, b12—27Ari, b2—26Gem, b3—16Can

    Set (48) contains Asc/mercury/venus/mars/jupiter/neptune. The orbs for jupiter are a little over 2°--close enough that return lights and Angles, as well as lights of partners, would pull them into the set. C7 mars rules c 5th house. The two c jupiters co-rule (12 of 36°) c 5th house. Note that c7 venus conjunct c7 mars is on the birth Descendant.

    Jupiter/neptune, part of Set (48), often symbolizes anything from spiritual to religious to mystical. He also has a conjunction of jupiter and neptune in Virgo on conception I.C., shown in Set (49) above. So, when he became a nun, he wasn't making a joke, he was pursuing spirituality in the form available to him.

    Jack Fertig—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: c7 mars at 4 Sagittarius 23 is on B Desc at 5 Sagittarius 59. C7 venus is also there at 4 Sagittarius 38.

    Above picture from http://www.en.wikipedia.org
    Benjamin Britten
    From Astrodatabank:

    Benjamin Britten [was Britain’s] foremost composer who helped revive interest in opera through his "Peter Grimes," 1945 and other works, including compositions for motion pictures.

    He studied and from age seven and from age 14, composed music that was straightforward and conservatively modern with a dramatic flair. In 1937, then 24 years old, he made his mark outside England with the premiere at the Salzburg Festival of his "Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge," a work of stunning brilliance.

    The son of a dentist, Britten was raised in the seaside town of Lowestoft. He went to boarding school and later fell into the raffish company of W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood in the London '30s. According to his letters, the gay writers took him to bath houses and urged him "to decide something about my sexual life." Neither was able to crack his physical reserve, nor was his relationship with the tenor Peter Pears consummated until they reached a hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in June 1939.

    For most of Britten's life, homosexual contact between consenting adults was an imprisonable offense. It was during Britten's time in America during WW II that his relationship with Pears deepened to become a nearly 40-year partnership. They were baited by homophobes among their colleagues and taunted by other musicians over their pacifism and socialism. Becoming hyper-sensitive to criticism and paranoid about his privacy, Britten was a timid but deeply ambitious man, fortified in his resolve by the two people who loved him most, his mother and his lover. When his adored and adoring mother died in 1937, he lost "the grandest mother a person could have." [italics mine] It was within weeks that Pears entered his life. It was noted that Pears, a lyric tenor, had a voice "exactly like Britten's mother."

    Pears was the active partner, and the one with a roving eye. Britten never wavered in his devotion and was often fearful that his lover may stray, though his love was essentially more emotional than carnal. Theirs was a unique melding of talent and Britten specifically instructed Mitchell "to tell the truth about Peter and me."

    Britten died on 12/04/1976 [age 63].

    On 6/20/1991, his intimate letters and diaries were published, but gingerly, because he had shared most of his adult life with Pears. The materials were suppressed by Britten's lover and nervous trustees of his estate, but after Pears' death in 1986, the eminent Mahler scholar Donald Mitchell was given permission to edit the correspondence. A close friend and the composer's publisher for 13 years, Mitchell co-edited the work, titled, "Letters From a Life: Selected Letters and Diaries of Benjamin Britten," in three volumes.

    Benjamin Britten (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—8Sco, c12—25Sco, c2—2Aqu, c3—19Pis b11—0Ari, b12—17Tau, b2—10Can, b3—28Can

    Set (55) shows sun conjunct mercury/mars/neptune, all in Scorpio in b 5th house in the same set with b7 uranus, ruler of B MC. B mercury rules B Asc in c 7th house.

    We want to look in his 10th chart to see his success and his relationship with his mother:

    Benjamin Britten (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—8Sco, c12—25Sco, c2—2Aqu, c3—19Pis b11—0Ari, b12—17Tau, b2—10Can, b3—28Can

    Set (56) shows a 10th chart golden benefic consisting of sun/venus/jupiter/uranus. C5 rules c 5th house and C MC in b 5th house. C jupiter rules C Asc. Thus this set influences two Angles.

    Set (57), comprised of node/venus/neptune is one of the sets that shows Britten’s “adoring and adored mother.” Once again, c venus rules c 5th house and C Mc in b 5th house.

    The 5th influence in Set (56) in particular shows creativity (5th house) a part of Britten’s success. While the 5th influence in Set (57) shows that Britten’s sexuality was influenced by his relationship with his mother (10th chart), but it did not necessarily create his homosexuality. Britten’s highly benevolent 10th chart is a reflection of his very positive relationship with his mother. No wonder he adored her.

    Benjamin Britten—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b and c harmonic suns at 27 Sagittarius 10 are conjunct c mars at 28 Sagittarius 46 and all are on B Desc at 24 Sagittarius 54.

    Above picture from http://www.en.wikipedia.org
    Bill Blass
    The following is from the Astrodatabank biography:

    American fashion designer and eminently successful businessman, a full partner in the firm "Maurice Rentner," a leading manufacturer of exclusive women's wear. By the '70s, he was the head of a fabulous $200-million a year empire.

    The son of a seamstress with one sister, Gloria, he learned of tragedy early when his dad committed suicide during the Depression. Where other boys were reading Popular Mechanics, he was fascinated by his mom's style magazines such as Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, captivated by the glamour. He would return from the movies and draw and design his own outfits, picturing penthouses and cocktail parties in a small town that had never seen either.

    In high school he kept his interest in fashion, along with football, the school paper and art, but he was not widely accepted and found it an unhappy, lonely time. By the time he was 15 he was a free-lance designer, selling sketches by mail to New York City clothing manufacturers at $35 each. After graduation in 1939, he moved to New York and enrolled in the Parsons School of Design. Within six months he was a sketch artist with a sportswear firm.

    When WW II broke out, the 19-year-old joined the Army and spent 3 1/2 years in Europe as a combat engineer and truck driver. Post-war, he went immediately to work as an in-house designer.

    He became a partner in the company, which later merged with another and in 1961, he was vice president. Nine years later, he bought the company and renamed it Bill Blass Ltd.

    As a couturier, he was widely acclaimed for a style that was crisply elegant and vibrant. He traveled extensively as a business executive, eventually managing 35 domestic and 70 overseas retailers from his New York headquarters. Though fashion always remained his first love, his name became associated with over 100 products.

    Blass learned to party-hop with the socially elite, and for relaxation swam, painted, read profusely and studied astrology. He lived in a posh New York penthouse and a retreat in Connecticut where he kept his two golden retrievers. The 6'2" bachelor never married.

    Blass retired from his six-decade career as a fashion designer with a last grand show in New York in November 1999, selling his empire for $50 million to two fashion executives. One of the most celebrated and influential men in American fashion, he was as warm, friendly, intelligent and talented as he was good-looking. A mild stroke last year made him think of a less stressful life, though he plans to play an advisory role.

    Blass, whose trademark for 40 years was casual American style for career women, died of cancer at his Connecticut home on 6/12/2002, just days short of his 80th birthday.

    Note that the Astrodatabank biography never stated that Blass was homosexual. However, below the biography, one of the categories they placed him in was “Passions: Sexuality: Homosexual Male.”

    Bill Blass (AA) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—20Leo, c12—17Vir, c2—8Sco, c3—11Sag b11—24Ari, b12—1Gem, b2—23Can, b3—17Leo

    Set (58) shows moon/mercury/mars/neptune. C mars rules c 7th house, b7 neptune rules B MC. We lost our 5th house influence. I originally included B MC in c 5th house, but it is really on the cusp of c 6th house. No problem. We have another set that works.

    Set (59) is comprised of node/venus/mars/neptune/uranus. C uranus rules c 5th house. C7 neptune co-rules (17 of 27°) c 5th house. B7 mars co-rules (30 of 37°) b 5th house. And c7 venus rules C Asc. This set has no 7th house influence, but we can get our mars/neptune/7th influence from Set (58).

    Blass’ astrology is replete with the mars/neptune significators for homosexuality. He also has them in his 1st and 5th charts in entirely different places,, that is, they are not the result of the repetition through harmonics of a single non-harmonic set. Let’s look first at the significators in his 1st chart:

    Set (60)B Asc3 Cancer 24
    c1 neptune3 Capricorn 33co=ruler (17 of 27°) of c 5th house
    bc1 venus3 Capricorn 58ruler of C Asc
    b1 mars4 Capricorn 16co-ruler (30 of 37°) of b 5th house

    Set (60) does not contain a 7th ruler, but all the Capricorn planets are in b 7th house (and lighted by B Asc.)

    Now for the set from the 5th chart:

    Set (61)b mars21 Scorpio 25co-ruler (30 of 37°) of b 5th house
    b5 neptune22 Scorpio 56ruler of B MC
    c5 NN22 Aquarius 46
    b5 moon22 Taurus 44ruler of B Asc

    Set (61) lacks an influence to a 7th house.

    Blass died of cancer in 2002. In his pre-progressed 6th chart he had the following, all in Virgo (in b 3rd house of speech—throat and tongue cancer?): c6 neptune at 7 Virgo 06, b saturn at 7 Virgo 27, c6 venus at 7 Virgo 56, and b6 mars at 8 Virgo 32. The light for the set is provided by b6 sun at 9 Sagittarius 42. B6 sun rules b 3rd house. C6 venus rules C Asc. C6 neptune rules c 6th house.

    Blass has so much venus/mars/neptune it is also strong in his 10th chart :

    Set (62)C MC16 Cancer 43
    c10 neptune14 Capricorn 11co-ruler (17 of 27°) of c 5th house
    c10 venus15 Capricorn 52ruler of C Asc
    c moon16 Capricorn 16 44ruler of C MC
    c10 mars17 Capricorn 03 ruler of c 7th house

    What does all this mean? Well, we saw lighted venus/neptune in the 10th charts of men who deeply loved their mothers. We also saw that when a set like this influences a 5th house, it means the man’s relationship to his mother influenced the development of his sexuality in important ways, but that it did not necessarily create his homosexuality. Further, light/venus/neptune is strong in the charts of people with tremendous charisma. Likely it stands as some kind of significator for his career in fashion (venus=beauty, harmony, grace) as well as his attractiveness as a social guest. After that, it is open to further interpretation.

    In Blass’ partial chart shown above, I did not label all the sets shown. I will comment on them now. C Asc at 10 Libra 01 is in the same set with b venus at 9 Cancer 43. And, B MC at 16 Pisces 59 is in the same set with b jupiter at 15 Virgo 42. Both sets are non-harmonic, so are in all charts. Blass was highly favored for a successful career and a life of various social graces. Venus and jupiter produce the greatest good (success/fame/popularity) when they are conjunct. They are not conjunct here. They are not even in the same set. But, they are still simultaneously Angular, and in all charts, so they are still very powerful. Since b venus rules b 5th house, it shows his early and ongoing interest in creative (5th house) use of beauty (venus).

    Bill Blass—the Second Part of the Significator

    In the discussion of this portion of the significator, I stated that the second part could be found in (1) the chart the first part of the significator is located in, or (2) the 5th chart, or (3) the 7th chart. I included the latter two because it seems to me that the 7th house in either of these charts must contain important information about how we relate to significant others (7th house). I include the former because, after all, if the chart contains the first part of the significator, then it stands to reason it could also contain the second part.

    I discuss this now because for Blass I selected the 7th chart as the one containing the first part of the significator. Under those circumstances, then, I would look for the second part of the significator either in that chart (the 7th), or in the 5th chart. It is not in either chart. Then, according to my instructions above, it does not exist.

    Looking again at Set (60) above for the 1st chart, it is clear it contains both parts of the significator. It, therefore, should be considered the main chart containing the significators. That makes it a viable chart in which to look for the second part of the significator. Here is the second part as shown therein.

    • In the 1st chart: b1 mars at 4 Capricorn 16 is on B Desc at 3 Capricorn 24.
    • Blass is another individual who also has an Angle/venus/7th significator. Again in the 1st chart: c1 venus at 3 Capricorn 58 is conjunct B Desc at 3 Capricorn 24. (mars and venus on B Desc plus c1 neptune at 3 Capricorn 33 produce the 7th house part of the first part of the significator.)

    AIDS 19409
    From Astrodatabank:

    AIDS 19409 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—29Sag, c12—26Cap, c2—27Ari, c3—21Tau b11—13Aqu, b12—26Pis, b2—8Gem, b3—26Gem

    Set (63) is the significator set. It includes B MC with 2sun/mars/neptune. B7 sun rules b 5th house. C7 neptune rules C Asc. And b mars rules b 7th house.

    I put in Set (64) to make a point. A lot of these charts of homosexuals include sun/venus/mars, often enough with neptune. Set (55) influences both 7th houses, but not a 5th. Yet, what astrologer would call a light/venus/mars non-sexual? I would not. Therefore even without direct 5th house influence, this set shows a powerful interest in sexuality. Sex (venus/mars) was his balancing point (sun).

    AIDS 19409 has further strong 5th/sexual influence. The following set affects b 5th house through b sun, ruler of b 5th:

    Set (65)b7 mercury 4 Capricorn 08co-ruler (26 of 43°) b 5th house
    c saturn5 Capricorn 06ruler of c 12th house
    b venus7 Capricorn 54ruler of B Asc
    b sun8 Capricorn 50ruler of b 5th house
    b saturn8 Capricorn 08ruler of B MC
    c jupiter10 Capricorn 14
    c7 uranus8 Cancer 10co-ruler (30 of 49°) c 12th house

    In spite of the fact it contains two saturns, Set (56) contains a golden benefic (light/venus/jupiter). One of the saturns, moreover, has the positive function of influencing an Angle, increasing the scope of this set. Our golden benefics (if we have them) bring us pleasure, success, and joy. Therefore, we “hang out” in that area (life activity) as much as possible. This is the set that was the carrot for the stick of his AIDS. (Almost all of us have something in our astrology that functions as the carrot to the stick of some really unpleasant experience. It doesn't just occur with sexual activity, nor with homosexuality).

    I have not been putting in 12th house influences in all the sets above. I have not because I have not yet added them tentatively to my significator. I included them with Set (65). They show that for unknown reasons this set has some kind of hidden significance (12th influence). Some people use the word karmic. Could be his AIDS was karmic. But, I think the word over-used. We all have immense karmas—if we did not we would not be here. So, I would rather interpret 19409’s 12th influence in Set (65) as follows: For the soul’s own purpose, he has chosen this particular carrot with its possible consequences. So, the consequences (AIDS) were part of the soul’s (not the personality’s) purpose.

    In sporadic reading about the end of life of individuals who had AIDS, I felt some of them reached a high level of spirituality that many people do not reach no matter how long they live. As ugly as AIDS is, in those men it produced a poetic beauty and spiritual discernment. Any one could wish to have such a “good” death.

    AIDS 19409—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b7 mars, ruler of b Desc, is at 16 Aries 30 and is made Angular by B MC at 16 Capricorn 03.

    AIDS 12672
    From Astrodatabank, this man knew he was gay from the time he was eighteen years old.

    AIDS 12672 (AA) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—6Can, c12—6Leo, c2—1Lib, c3—1Sco b11—15Pis, b12—24Ari, b2—23Gem, b3—15Can

    Set (66) is comprised of sun/mars/(saturn)/uranus/neptune. B uranus rules B MC. C neptune rules c 7th house. The only way we can get a 5th influence for this set is to include c saturn, which rules c 5th house. The reason it is only tentatively included is because it is over orb from the sun—5° 34’ from it. Acceptable orb is only 5° 00’. This would be a very weak set.

    I almost missed his 12th chart significators. The 12th chart is one of the charts significators occur in more rarely, and we will see another toward the end of this paper. Here is 12672’s 12th chart set :

    Set (66a)c12 neptune26 Aquarius 08ruler of c 7th house
    c12 sun26 Aquarius 08ruler of c 12th house
    b venus21 Leo 54co-ruler (24 of 39°) of b 5th house
    c mars26 Leo 30
    b12 uranus28 Leo 52ruler of B MC

    Set (66a) above includes all the planets and path described so far for homosexuality. The sun as light is in the middle of the set, furthest away from b venus—4° 14’, but in this paper venus is not being counted as part of the significator. So, this set is very acceptable as a significator.

    Note the unnumbered set in the partial chart above. His C MC and C Asc are in the same set with venus and jupiter, giving him an all-charts golden benefic. C venus rules c 2nd house—money was no problem for him. It also rules c 9th house--he probably loved to travel. C jupiter rules c 4th house, suggesting benevolence at the end of his life regardless of his hard manner of death through AIDS.

    AIDS 12672—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: b mars at 1 Sagittarius 28 is conjunct B Desc at 0 Sagittarius 39.

    Homosexual 10967
    He realized he was gay in the spring of 1967 (age 18) and came out in the summer of 1971.

    Homosexual 10967 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—10Tau, c12—14Gem, c2—6Leo, c3—3Vir b11—25Vir, b12—20Lib, b2—13Sag, b3—19Cap

    Set (67) does not contain a light, but it otherwise contains such strong significators that I think it the primary set for this man. If it had contained a light, then he would have discovered the nature of his sexuality much earlier than at age 18.

    Let’s look at the set. It contains venus/2mars/3neptune. C mars and its harmonic rule c 5th and C MC in b 5th house. B venus rules b 7th house. B neptune rules b 5th house.

    Our progressing moons move approximately 1° per month. In the 7th chart, progressing harmonic moons move approximately 9° per month. There are two progressing harmonic moons—birth and conception. Any of these could enter this set and supply the light for three days (the harmonic moon) or approximately one month (the regular progressed moon). Other possible light sources include progressing harmonic suns, or progressing Angles, both of which would light this set less frequently than moons. In addition, any partner who had a light in the area—around 15-16° of Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces/Gemini, would also provide a light for this set. His 5th chart has a significator set, but the orbs are somewhat large, so I think this his primary set.

    Note that B Asc is in the same set with sun/mercury/venus/mars/jupiter/saturn (an unnumbered set, shown above), with b mars ruling B Asc in c 5th house and co-ruling (20 of 25°) b 5th house. The Angle/sun/venus/mars shows a forefront sexual significator and makes sex paramount in his life. The Angle/light/venus/jupiter is a golden benefic, making his sex experiences highly positive.

    The men in this paper who have light/venus/mars (and neptune, which only increases the voltage of the set) influencing an Angle and 5th house are probably always “ready.” Sex is a main “interface” between them and their experience of their life, maybe the main one.

    He also has an Angle/moon/venus (C MC at 5 Aries 22, c moon at 3 Capricorn 24, and b7 venus at 3 Cancer 35), with b7 venus ruling b 7th house, showing a loving, caring, affectionate, giving individual.

    Homosexual 10967—the Second Part of the Significator

    • There is a bisexual significator in the 5th chart: c5 mercury at 6 Aries 25 is conjunct C MC at 5 Aries 22 and both are in b 5th house. If he is not bisexual, the closest we can come is the following:
    • in the 7th chart: c7 saturn at 11 Taurus 50, ruler of c Desc, is in the same set with c sun at 10 Leo 13 and b mars at 13 Leo 33 and made Angular by B Asc at 11 Scorpio 45 (that is, both mars and the sun influence the Desc.)

    Above art by TeeJay210, from http://media.photobucket.com

    AIDS 10954
    Astrodatabank biographical material states that this man was highly promiscuous, having sex with anybody and everybody. He realized he had AIDS in 1983. We do not have a date of death on him, but are informed his lover [had already] died of AIDS.

    AIDS 10954 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Lib, c12—13Sco, c2—11Cap, c3—22Aqu b11—22Aqu, b12—3Ari, b2—9Gem, b3—30Gem

    AIDS 10954 has significators for homosexuality in both his 5th and his 7th chart. His 7th includes the one most limited to the significators set defined for this paper.

    Set (68) is the “basic” significator set. It includes CMC/2sun/mars/neptune. C7 mars rules c 5th house. B7 sun rules b 5th house. It lacks a 7th influence.

    With Set (69) we see another individual with AIDS whose chart contains a golden benefic. The set includes node/moon/venus/jupiter/2neptune, with b venus ruling B Asc and c7 jupiter ruling C Asc in b 7th house. So, it influences two Angles, but not a 5th house. It is really about his good fortune with partners (7th). They could be anything from socially prominent, to being generous and giving, to being neat people—all possible interpretations. Ultimately, he enjoys them independent of their status. To him, they are not “anything and everything.<”/p>

    This next set in this chart, his 7th, does influence a 5th house:

    Set (70)c NN4 Taurus 59
    c7 venus5 Taurus 26co-ruler (13 of 21°) c 5th house
    b sun6 Taurus 15ruler of b 5th house
    b mars7 Leo 03ruler of b 7th and 12th houses
    b7 uranus6 Aquarius 31ruler of b 11th house

    Is he promiscuous because this set influences an 11th house (Aquarian, egalitarian, groups)? (The 11th house is involved in gang rape, so I know it can function sexually when included in a sexual significator.) Or, is he promiscuous because it is through sex that he experiences the partners who ultimately give him joy? Set (7) influences both 5th houses, but not an Angle. It doesn’t get him into bed, but once there, it brings him a sexual high.

    It is in his 5th chart that he combines influences of all the sets in his 7th chart:

    (5th chart set)b5 sun13 Gemini 48ruler of b 5th house
    b venus14 Gemini 18ruler of B Asc
    c moon19 Gemini 51
    b5 jupiter20 Gemini 59
    c neptune14 Virgo 48ruler of c 4th house
    b neptune16 Virgo 27co-ruler (30 of 41°) of b 11th house
    c5 mercury 18 Virgo 38ruler of C MC in b 5th house and c 7th house
    b5 mars19 Pisces 21ruler of b 7th and 12th houses

    In the set above, c5 mercury rules C MC, so it acts like a light with an orb of 5°. So, the set contains three lights, necessary for unifying that spread of 7° 11’ from b5 sun to b5 jupiter.

    This 5th chart set seen above contains his best significator for homosexuality. , contains the defined significator—light/mars/neptune—with influence to an Angle/5th/7th houses. It also contains a golden benefic (light/venus/jupiter) with forefront and 5th influence, showing great pleasure through sex. And finally, it contains the light/venus/mars--here the light is the sun--seen in so many of these charts.

    AIDS 10954—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 5th chart: c mars at 6 Gemini 00 (i.e., 3° 01’ inside c 7th house) is conjunct c5 NN at 4 Gemini 57 and that node brings it well within orb for being conjunct C Desc at 2 Gemini 59.

    Homosexual 10872
    From Astrodatabank biographical material we are informed that this man realized his homosexuality in May, 1960 (age 12). He came out throughout the years 1962-1968.

    In spite of his early discovery of his sexuality, his significators were not found in his 1st chart. That shows us that they do not have to be in the 1st chart just because sexual identification occurred when rather young.

    Homosexual 10872 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Lib, c12—13Sco, c2—11Cap, c3—22Aqu b11—22Aqu, b12—3Ari, b2—9Gem, b3—30Gem

    In Set (71) instead of mars/neptune, we have mars in Pisces, the sign ruled by neptune. This is the first time I have resorted to mars in Pisces as comprising the "mars/neptune" of the significator set. There is a distinct difference in implication between mars in Pisces and mars/neptune as the significator for homosexuality, so I doubt this is correct.

    In Set (71) includes moon/mercury/venus/mars-in-Pisces/uranus. The orb from mercury and venus to the moon--5° 04' and 4° 54' respectively, is wide. C7 mercury is needed because it rules c 7th house. C venus rules C MC and c 5th house. It is a weak set.

    Set (72) is another weak significator. Containing moon/venus/mars/saturn/neptune, it is spread out over 6° 56' around the central light, c moon at 8 Sagittarius 13. B venus rules b 5th through b venus. C moon co-rules (24 of 38°) c 7th house. B7 saturn rules B Asc in c 1st house. This latter influence to c 1st house (early childhood) is the astrological reason he realized his sexuality at the young (1st house) age of 12. This set, however, lacks an influence to an Angle, which is far more serious than its lack of influence to a 7th house. Birth time given for this Midwestern individual was 6:30, probably a rough estimate. It puts his B MC at 2 Scorpio 46. Birth would have had to been about 11 minutes earlier to put this B MC back into Libra, and therefore ruled by b venus in this set. Considering all the possible commotion in a delivery room at time of birth, such an "error" is possible. Without information to rectify the chart, we just don't know if that was what happened. It is also possible he picked up his Angle from the chart of the man through whom he realized his sexual orientation, but that leaves his significator set weak for lack of Angle influence.

    On May 15, 1960 (the middle of the month he identified for his date of realization) his progressed b venus, ruler of b 5th house, was at 27 Pisces 14 conjunct b7 moon—a classic astrology for feeling in love/attraction. Progressed b7 venus, also ruler of b 5th house, was at 5 Cancer 07 (in c 7th house), in the same set with C MC at 5 Libra 29—showing that affection and love (venus) were forefront (Angle/planet) in his consciousness at the time. The latter, however, would not have worked if he were born 11 minute earlier.

    Further progressions show that progressed b7 mercury, co-ruler of b 5th house, was at 13 Capricorn 21 conjunct b7 uranus at 13 Capricorn 28, a set showing a revelation (mercury to uranus). And, he had neptune to two Angles—pb7 neptune was at 15 Libra 52 in the same set with B Asc at 15 Capricorn 36, and pC MC was at 18 Libra 02 was conjunct b7 neptune at 18 Libra 04. The Angular venus combined with neptune imply he was smitten.

    Homosexual 10872—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In all charts: b mars, at 3 Leo 59 and in b 7th house, is made Angular by B MC at 2 Scorpio 46.

    Homosexual 10272
    He realized his homosexuality in the winter of 1967, at age 21, and came out then.

    Homosexual 10272 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Leo, c12—13Vir, c2—6Sco, c3—8Sag b11—1Pis, b12—10Ari, b2—13Gem, b3—5Can

    Set (73) consists of node/venus/mars/2uranus/neptune. C uranus rules c 5th house. C venus rules C Asc in b 5th house. B mars rules b 7th house. And, c7 neptune co-rules (13 of 29°) c 5th house.

    Note that Set (73) is almost completely non-harmonic. All-important neptune is the only harmonic planet. In his 5th chart this man has an even stronger significator (at least it has more harmonic planets) which starts with the non-harmonic planets of Set (63) and adds: b5 venus, ruler of B Asc, at 28 Taurus 24; b5 neptune at 25 Scorpio 24; c5 venus, ruler of C Asc in b 5th house; c5 mars, ruler of c 7th house, at 25 Taurus 26, and c5 neptune, co-ruler of c 5th house, at 29 Scorpio 02.

    We had only “winter” of 1967 for his date of realization. Using 12-15-67, he had pb mercury, ruler of b 5th house, at 10 Cancer 56 conjunct C MC at 11 Cancer 20. Since it is “early,” realization date was likely to have been in January or February.

    Homosexual 10272—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 5th chart: b7 mars, ruler of b Desc, at 27 Cancer 41 is made Angular by B MC at 29 Capricorn 44.

    Above picture from http://www.en.wikipedia.org
    Tennessee Williams
    Pulitzer Prize Winning author, Tennessee Williams wrote, among other plays, “The Glass Menagerie,” “Streetcar Named Desire,” and “Summer and Smoke.” The following is from the section entitled “Personal Life” in Wikipedia (6/7/10):

    Tennessee was close to his sister Rose, a slim beauty who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age. As was common then, Rose was institutionalized and spent most of her adult life in mental hospitals. When therapies were unsuccessful, she showed more paranoid tendencies. In an effort to treat her, Williams' parents authorized a prefrontal lobotomy, a drastic treatment that was thought to help some mental patients who suffered extreme agitation. Performed in 1937 at the Missouri State Sanitarium, the operation incapacitated Rose for the rest of her life. Her surgery may have contributed to his alcoholism and his dependence on various combinations of amphetamines and barbiturates, often prescribed by Dr. Max (Feelgood) Jacobson.

    While in New York, Williams worked in many causal (sic) jobs including as a waiter at a Greenwich Village restaurant and a cinema usher. Williams worked extremely briefly in the renowned Gotham Book Mart in Manhattan, lasting less than a day.

    His first sexual affair with a man was at New Orleans with a dancer named Kip. Having struggled with his sexuality throughout his youth, he came out as a gay man in private. When Kip left him for a woman and marriage, Williams was devastated. Williams was outed as gay by Louis Kronenberger in Time magazine in the 1950s.

    While living in New Orleans, Williams, met and fell in love with Frank Merlo, a second generation Sicilian American who had served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. This was his only enduring relationship. Williams' relationship with Frank Merlo lasted from 1947 until 1962. With that stability, Williams created his most enduring works. Merlo provided balance to many of Williams' frequent bouts with depression and the fear that, like his sister Rose, he would go insane.

    Due to Williams' addiction to sleeping pills and alcohol as well as his numerous episodes of infidelity, Merlo finally ended the relationship. However, soon after Merlo was diagnosed with lung cancer and died in 1963. Merlo's death deeply affected Williams and he sank into a deep depression.

    He discussed his homosexuality openly on television and in print in the 70s. He released his autobiography Memoirs 1975.

    His personal tragedies as well as alcoholism contributed to his emotional problems. At the insistence of his brother, he agreed to be re-baptized as a Catholic for a short time. His brother also admitted him to a psychiatric ward for treatment related to his addiction problems after a nervous breakdown in 1969.

    Below is information not in the section on his personal life. It comes from the section titled “Childhood and Education”:

    His father, Cornelius Williams, a hard drinking traveling salesman, favored Tennessee's younger brother Dakin, perhaps because of Tennessee's weakness and effeminacy as a child. His mother, Edwina, was a borderline hysteric.

    For a while the story was that Williams died from choking on a bottle cap. Later that was corrected to death being due to a combination of drugs and alcohol.

    Tennessee Williams (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Tau, c12—24Gem, c2—17Leo, c3—15Vir b11—15Sco, b12—7Sag, b2—12Aqu, b3—21Pis

    Set (74) shows node/sun/mars/jupiter/neptune, with c7 mars ruling C MC and c 5th house. C jupiter co-rules (24 of 32°) c 5th house.

    Set (75) shows the 7th house influence. It contains moon/mars/2neptune, with c moon ruling C Asc in b 7th house.

    Note that b neptune in Set (75) rules b 3rd house. In the 3rd chart Angle/light/mars/neptune3rd is the main significator in that chart for paranoid schizophrenia. Williams had a sister who was diagnosed schizophrenic and was lobotomized. William himself apparently had some concern that he, also, might be schizophrenic. Lets take a quick look at his 3rd chart to see what it shows:

    Tennessee Williams (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—22Tau, c12—24Gem, c2—17Leo, c3—15Vir b11—15Sco, b12—7Sag, b2—12Aqu, b3—21Pis

    First, note that, like John Nash and David Koresh, Williams has dual 3rd/9th and 9th/3rd overlaps. Such overlaps give tend to merge ordinary mind (3rd house) with higher mind (9th house). Practically, it implies a religious or highly philosophical or contemplative nature. It is more difficult for the individual to be practical (3rd house) or ordinary because higher mind tends to "usurp" lower mind.

    Set (76) is the one we are most interested in. It shows moon/mercury/mars/uranus/2neptune. B neptune rules b 3rd house. C3 mars rules C MC in b 3rd house and c 5th house. C moon rules C Asc. B mercury rules b 9th house. This set definitely shows Angle/light/mars/neptune/3rd influence. But, as I have previously proposed, when mercury is part of the set it mitigates against schizophrenia. It does so by increasing actual ideation over a mere kaleidoscope of images. Mercury/uranus is intuitive and intellectual, and it, too, would mitigate against schizophrenia. Finally, the moon/mercury/uranus is in Virgo, the sign opposite the sign of Pisces, ruled by neptune, that is involved in sponsoring schizophrenia. Too much Pisces creates a condition like a mental free-for-all. Here, the emphasis on Virgo gives Williams a capacity for discrimination (even pickiness) that runs counter to such states. So, it, too, would mitigate against schizophrenia.

    As pointed out in the paper on John Forbes Nash (Nash), in his 3rd chart an individual can live with schizophrenic factors if his chart is not too afflicted. Nash had his big breakdown when a slow-moving saturn progressed to one of his Angles, making mars/saturn/neptune influences forefront. He started recovering as saturn moved off that Angle. To his understanding, he willed his recovery.

    Williams has B Asc conjunct uranus. That, in itself, but not necessarily by itself, mitigates against schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a disorder involving states of weak identity and weak control of ideation. Uranus forefront sponsors iconoclasm and strong or at least idiosyncratic individuality.

    There is more in this chart that runs counter to schizophrenia. Williams has an all charts golden benefic made up of his B MC and C MC in the same set with venus and jupiter show in Set (77). (in an unnumbered set in the chart above), all non-harmonic. True, it also contains mars and saturn, but that just makes it less of a golden benefic, it doesn’t cancel it. Also true, the venus and jupiter are in opposition, which creates certain problems, but it is still a golden benefic.

    Note that in Set (77) his b North Node is conjunct C MC. North node conjunct an MC or an Asc guarantees some social success and approval. One of the ways Williams neutralized his problematic schizophrenogenic tendencies was by writing about people who were crazy or exceptionally neurotic, something William Styron also did.

    The condition of the 1st chart is also part of the significator for schizophrenia. I will not present it here, In that chart, too, he had difficult significators tending toward schizophrenia. But, in that chart, too, and even more than in the 3rd chart, he had benefic support to Angles which more or less lifted him out of being directly hit by a mental breakdown.

    Still, it is not difficult to see he also was under some mental stress. We all often use our work to counter such stresses.

    On the date Williams died, February 25, 1983, at the age of seventy-one, he showed strong suppression of his all-charts benefic involving B MC with venus/jupiter. Progressed b saturn was at 20 Aries 45, directly opposing B MC and had been moving through Set (77). The 1st chart is strong in showing drug and alcohol addiction (paper not written yet) In his 1st chart, he also had pb neptune, ruler of b 3rd house, at 26 Gemini 26, pC Asc at 26 Virgo 48, both closely in the set with b1 moon at 26 Gemini 13. It shows a close Angle/moon/neptune with 3rd influence in the 1st chart, a tentatively identified significator of susceptibility to drug and/or alcohol addiction which was also stressing him mentally by spacing him out.

    Tennessee Williams—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b7 SN at 3 Cancer 55 is conjunct c mars at 4 Cancer 57 and both are conjunct B Desc at 1 Cancer 29.

    Bradford C. Weston
    My personal notes state I got this man’s birth information from Astrodatabank, but when I looked to check something, I could not find it there. This is all I have: He was American and died of AIDS early in 1992, at the age of 33.

    Bradford C. Weston (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—16Gem, c12—16Can, c2—11Vir, c3—12Lib b11—28Sag, b12—26Cap, b2—12Ari, b3—10Tau

    Set (78) is straightforward. It is comprised of node/moon/mars/2uranus/neptune. Neptune rules B Asc in c 7th house. B moon co-rules (26 of 28°) b 5th house. C uranus rules c 7th house.

    Set (79) is made up of moon/venus/2mars/uranus/neptune. C7 venus rules C MC. B7 moon co-rules (26 of 28°) b 5th house. C7 neptune co-rules (11 of 26°) c 7th house.

    Set (79) appears weak because of the distance of c7 neptune from the nearest light, b7 moon. Their separation is 4° 49’ out of a possible orb maximum of 5°. But that neptune is progressing toward the set. The table below shows its movement during his life (he died in early 1992, at the age of 33):

    Set (80)AgeYearProgressed C7 Neptune
    5196326 Aries 36
    10196827 Aries 56
    15197329 Aries 10
    2019780 Taurus 19
    2519831 Taurus 22
    3019882 Taurus 18

    I might also point out that he had node/venus/2jupiter (a golden benefic) with influencing c 5th house. The set includes b NN at 28 Virgo 35, c jupiter, ruler of c 5th house, at 29 Virgo 26, and b7 jupiter, ruler of b 11th house, at 28 Pisces 37. C venus, ruler of C MC at 0 Capricorn 17, turns it into a set with forefront influence

    Bradford C. Weston—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b and c harmonic suns at 2 Pisces 39 are conjunct B Asc at 3 Pisces 35 which falls in c 7th house.

    Chris Westlund
    Again, all we have on this man is that he was American and that he died of AIDS. No date of death was given.

    Chris Westlund (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—25Vir, c12—20Lib, c2—14Sag, c3—19Cap b11—2Pis, b12—11Ari, b2—13Gem, b3—5Can

    Set (81) gives us the minimum significators. It contains node/2mars/2neptune. C mars and its harmonic rule C Asc and co-rule (20 of 25°) c 5th house. C neptune rules c 5th house. B mercury rules b 5th house. For his 7th house mars he has b7 mars at 23 Taurus 28 conjunct b7 NN at 23 Taurus 43 conjunct (through the 5° orb of the node) B Asc at 20 Taurus 26, all in c 7th house and with mars ruling b 7th house.

    Chris Westlund—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b7 mars at 23 Taurus 28 is conjunct b7 NN at 23 Taurus 43 and both are conjunct B Asc at 20 Taurus 26 which is in c 7th house.

    Victor Taylor
    Victor Taylor was a graphics artist for Astro-Analytics, an astrology publisher, for years. The company no longer exists, but when it did it was located in Van Nuys, California. According to a map distance calculator, it is thirteen miles from Van Nuys to Los Angeles, California. Taylor died of AIDS on June 16, 1991 in Los Angeles at age 51. I have assumed, then, that Taylor lived in the Los Angeles area for many years. We will see the importance of this fact when we look at his chart as it configures with his locality astrology, below.

    Victor Taylor (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—1Gem, c12—4Can, c2—25Leo, c3—23Vir b11—16Vir, b12—11Lib, b2—3Sag, b3—8Cap

    Set (82) contains mars/saturn/neptune in b 5th house. It lacks a light. B mars rules B Asc in c 4th house (indicating an end-of-life influence for his death from AIDS) and co-rules (11 of 25°) b 5th house. This set lacks a 7th house influence. There are several ways in which Set (82) acquires a light. First, through progressions. At birth b7 SN is at 8 Cancer 48, not part of the set. The table below shows its movement:

    Set (83)AgeYearProgressed B7 South Node
    1019504 Cancer 34
    1519551 Cancer 49
    2019601 Cancer 45
    25196527 Gemini 16
    30197025 Gemini 57
    40198025 Gemini 02

    It can be seen that, using about 2-1/2° on either side (it is not as large as the orb is used in the natal astrology, which is 5°, nor is it as small as the orb used for progressions of planets to lights and Angles, which is 1°) of Set (82) as the orb, some time between the ages of 10 and 15 this progressing node started lighting Set (82) And, some time between the ages 20 and 25 it ceased lighting it.

    That was the first instance of Set (82) becoming lighted.

    The second instance is through Taylor’s locality astrology. His locality birth Midheaven (B-Loc MC) for Los Angeles is at 1 Cancer 18, fitting right into Set (82) above and providing a “light” (an Angle is like a light with a 2° orb) for it for the whole time he was in Van Nuys.

    He has more locality astrology which is unfortunate. His locality birth Ascendant (B-Loc Asc) for Los Angles is at 28 Virgo 55, fitting into set (83) above. Set (83) includes node/venus/mars/saturn, with the South Node conjunct saturn in Pisces in b 5th house, showing some sometimes painful sexual experiences or deprivations. B7 venus rules b 7th and 12th houses. C mars rules C MC and co-rules (30 of 35°) c 4th house (another end-of-life influence). C saturn rules c 6th house.

    But, more is happening with Set (83). On his twentieth birthday retrograde progressing c7 neptune, coming from Set (82) at 1 Aries 48, entered Set (83) at 29 Pisces 58R. By the time he was thirty years old it was still in that area, at 29 Pisces 48, but had just turned direct. So, pc7 neptune entered Set (83) sometime between the ages 15 (when it was at 0 Aries 14R) and 20 (when it was at 29 Pisces 58). From then until age 30, he had a second lighted mars/saturn/neptune set with 4th influence.

    Still working with Taylor’s locality astrology, we see that his locality conception Midheaven (C-Loc MC) was at 11 Pisces 17. I could look at that as simply conjunct his b moon at 11 Pisces 14. No doubt about that. In that case, it would normally (but not always) be considered unfortunate because moon in Pisces on an Angle is too receptive, too open to any influence that comes along. But, I see it as a conjunction of the C-Loc MC with the whole of Set (84), which is comprised of moon/venus/jupiter—all in Pisces—in b 5th house. In that set, c venus rules c 4th house, and co-rules (26 of 33°) c 3rd house and co-rules (30 of 35°) c 10th house. B moon rules b 9th house. The 3rd/10th influence shows in the work he did there—as a graphic artist (light/venus). But the set also falls in b 5th house, so it influenced his sex life. A lighted venus/jupiter in Pisces is normally extremely benefic. Venus is exalted in Pisces, and jupiter well-placed there. It gives fine good luck (jupiter) in love (venus). And, I am sure that was his experience. All these disparate sets affecting his love life show he experienced extreme highs and extreme lows. One of the lows eventually had to be his discovery he had contracted AIDS.

    I do not know exactly what happened to him. Perhaps he would have preferred the love he found regardless of what it led him to. Perhaps, even, the love he found was the reason for his incarnation. That being the case, his death was not the point, his life was.

    In the chart above, in an unnumbered set, it can be seen that Taylor had a second conjunction of venus and jupiter, with b venus at 6 Pisces 08 and c jupiter at 4 Pisces 32. Any time another individual provided a light (sun, moon, node, Angle) for it, it was then a “lighted set.” It meant he experienced joy with that person. It also meant he was very generous and loving toward that person, even generous to a fault.

    We can actually find a “third” venus/jupiter set. I put b moon with the later conjunction of venus and jupiter. It can also be combined with b7 jupiter at 8 Pisces 15 and c venus at 15 Pisces 58. Since this last conjunction of venus and jupiter in Pisces falls in 4th (end of life)/8th (shared assets, including emotions) houses, it suggests he was lovingly supported during the days he was dying.

    In his 5th chart Taylor’s b5 North Node is at 13 Pisces 31, providing another light for Set (84) and definitely bringing the whole set onto his C-Loc MC.

    Victor Taylor—the Second Part of the Significator

    • This significator has a special circumstance--in the 7th chart: c mars at 28 Sagittarius 08 is conjunct b7 venus at 25 Sagittarius 05 and made Angular by B-Loc Asc at 28 Virgo 55. This is the only chart resorting to a locality Angle to find the Angle/sun-or-mars/7th. His birth time was given as 1:17 a.m., Philadelphia, so I am inclined to think it correct, but I am not fully satisfied this is the significator.

    Homosexual 8708
    Biographical information on this man is as follows:

    American homosexual who was a musician in his youth. The last known drug-alcohol program he was enrolled in was 1979. A sado-masochist, he had no problem in attaining erection, but couldn’t reach orgasm. [This very personal information was probably provided originally to his astrologer.]

    Homosexual 8708 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—14Leo, c12—12Vir, c2—3Sco, c3—6Sag b11—20Tau, b12—24Gem, b2—14Leo, b3—11Vir

    Set (85) includes 2moon/mars/jupiter/uranus/neptune. C neptune co-rules (12 of 28°) c 5th house. B moon and its harmonic rule B Asc. C mars rules c 7th house. C uranus rules c 5th house.

    Set (86) is the “sweeter” set because it contains a benefic, venus. With venus/mars/uranus/neptune, it has no light, but c7 neptune co-rules (12 of 28°) c 5th house, and b mars rules b 5th house and B MC in c 7th house For it to be active, he would need either a progressed light, or to acquire a light from a lover.

    I suspect his problem achieving orgasm is in his 5th chart in the following set:

    Set (87)c NN2 Libra 17
    c5 saturn3 Libra 47
    C Asc5 Libra 10
    c5 moon3 Capricorn 41ruler of C MC
    c5 mars4 Aries 27ruler of c 7th house

    Set (87) shows an Angular node/moon/mars/saturn. The two lights bring the mars and saturn into orb with C Asc. Through c5 moon, it influences a second Angle. There is no 5th house ruler here, but this is an Angular set in the 5th chart and contains harmonics which belong only to the 5th chart, so it is potent in defining his sexuality--a 5th chart, 5th house phenomenon.

    Mars on the Angle gives him the desire. Saturn also on the Angle flattens it. Mars and saturn together are notorious for start/stop experiences, or, perhaps, difficulty completing an experience, thereby yielding frustration and pain. The place of S & M, apparently, is to awaken through pain the deadness caused by saturn because it increases all physical feeling. The increased energy helps surpass the barrier.

    Homosexual 8708—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 5th chart: c5 mars at 4 Aries 27 is conjunct C Desc at 5 Aries 10.

    Homosexual 10373
    He is only identified as an “American homosexual.”

    Homosexual 10373 (A) —The First Part of the Significator
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—9Sag, c12—2Cap, c2—20Pis, c3—23Ari b11—2Pis, b12—13Ari, b2—15Gem, b3—6Can

    Set (88) includes node/moon/2mars/neptune. C7 mars rules C MC. B7 mars rules b 7th house. The Virgo planets—SN/moon/mars/neptune—the full significator set—are in b 5th house.

    Homosexual 10373—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b mars, ruler of b Desc, at 5 Scorpio 28 is made Angular by C Asc at 3 Aquarius 56.

    The 7th chart astrology for Anderson Cooper's homosexuality can be found at the following link: Anderson Cooper.

    Above art by Peacewind, from http://media.photobucket.com
    When I first started doing the work on charts of homosexual males, I discounted the possibility that anything other than the 5th and 7th charts could contain the significators. After some time, I started realizing the 1st chart could also be involved, especially as I began to realize there is such a thing as 1st chart consciousness.

    I can’t really remember, but think that in fact I did not even consider any other than the above three charts until I was unable to find significators for homosexuality in any of them in a few charts. That surely does imply I was biased in my viewpoint from then on. However, several things have modified my viewpoint in regard to my bias:

    • Using this method, some conditions, such as homosexuality, tend to behave somewhat like fractals. The significators often show up in more than one spot, as if they permeated the whole in some dimension not quite clear to us. That opens up the possibility of looking at the whole chart--at least any of the twelve that are at all related to our behavior—as potential locales for significators.

    • For any significator, the planets plus their path are paramount. They must be the same in every chart we look for the significator in. The minimum planetary significators for homosexuality are light/mars/neptune. The minimum path they must follow are Angle/5th and quite possibly 7th houses. Therefore, any chart containing that full set potentially has input in forming the life of that individual with regard to that condition.

    • Take, for instance, the 3rd chart of our ordinary mind. Can this chart really contain the significator for homosexuality? Well, does one’s thinking influence one’s behavior? We all know that it does. So, maybe the right answer to that question is—“Why not?” Or, does it mean the individual never gets beyond thinking about sex? That is, he never acts on it?

    • On the other hand, the 3rd chart containing the significator—especially if it is the only significator in all the charts—for homosexuality raises some interesting questions. For example, Angle/light/mars/neptune/3rd (house) is the 3rd chart (of two charts involved) significator for paranoid schizophrenia. Sure, it seems possible that Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/7th in this chart could contain the significators for homosexuality, but what if the path also includes the 3rd house? Does one significator suppress the other? Does it depend on the nature of two conditions? Or, in this case, do we have a homosexual who also has a tendency to paranoid schizophrenic? (Or, more likely, since the 1st chart is also involved in defining schizophrenia and here we are not considering the 1st chart, does this homosexual/schizoid 3rd chart set represent a man who is homosexual who also has a strong anxiety disorder or, like Tennessee Williams, fear of insanity?)

    • Only more research can answer those questions.

    Below, I lightly outline, in italics, the basic meaning of the differing charts as significators show up in them.

    Homosexual 10284
    Astrodatabank notes state that he “always realized” that he was gay.

    Actually, this man has a valid significator in his 5th chart as well as his 3rd. So, his 3rd is not the only one that works. But the 3rd chart (defined above in italics), warrants our curiosity. Below, I show both.

    Homosexual 10284
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—24Cap, c12—28Aqu, c2—14Tau, c3—7Gem b11—27Aqu, b12—7Ari, b2—11Gem, b3—2Can

    Set (89) contains sun/venus/2mars/saturn/neptune. As it turns out, none of those planets rules a 3rd house. Of the houses we are interested in, b5 sun rules b 5th house. B venus rules B Asc. B mars rules b 7th house. And, c5 mars rules C Asc. The set surely could represent some one who always knew (3rd house, ordinary mind of knowing) he was homosexual.

    His lighted mars/saturn/neptune actually in Pisces in c 12th house might indicate he was more liable to bad treatment from others because of his sexual identity. It could also represent bouts of fear.

    His 5th chart set uses the same non-harmonic planets as those in Set (89). Here it is:

    Set (90)c5 sun4 Gemini 15co-ruler (28 of 34°) of c 5th house
    b venus2 Virgo 35ruler of B Asc
    b mars3 Virgo 48ruler of b 7th and 12th houses
    c5 neptune2 Sagittarius 21

    Homosexual 10284—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: c sun at 9 Libra 11 is conjunct c7 SN at 10 Libra 38 and both are conjunct C Desc at 14 Libra 15. The node extends the orb.

    Homosexual 10291
    Astrodatabank notes that this man realized he was gay in July of 1967, when he was almost 21 years old. Twenty-one is relatively late when we remember that some individuals know before they are even sexually mature.

    The chart we are examining below is the 7th chart, which I have already defined in the beginning of this paper. Why didn’t I include it with the group of other 7th charts above? Well, just as 10291’s realization was relatively late, his 7th chart (and all his other charts) shows a relative lack in regard to containing the full significator set. That lack is what we want to examine here.

    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—7Sco, c12—27Sco, c2—1Aqu, c3—12Pis b11—5Gem, b12—7Can, b2—28Leo, b3—26Vir

    Set (91) is small. It contains 2venus/mars/2neptune. It is without light. And, it is without 5th influence. B mars rules B MC. Since B MC is so late in Aries (29 Aries 28) and this birth was recorded for a straight 7:00 a.m., birth could have been earlier or later. Only minutes later would have put B MC into early Taurus, in which case the two venuses in the set would rule B MC. Either way, the set is still without a light and without a 5th influence.

    For our purposes for this significator, lacking a light is less serious than lacking a 5th influence. After all, through progressions his own chart will provide lights periodically, to say nothing of the fact that he can “pick them up” from others he is interacting with. However, the 5th house is a necessary part of the path, and this set lacks a 5th influence.

    Because they are all non-harmonic, all the planets except b7 venus occur in all his charts. In his 3rd chart this set picks up a light, c3 moon at 13 Sagittarius 07. It still has b harmonic venus, this time at 14 Pisces 07. Nonetheless, the set still lacks a 5th influence.

    Set (91) falls in 2nd/9th houses. They have nothing overtly to do with sexuality.

    Note Set (92). It contains node/venus/jupiter/uranus. It is all in c 5th house. C venus rules C MC and c 5th house. B jupiter rules b 5th house. B uranus rules b 7th house. This is his strong sexual/relationship significator. It influences all the houses we are basically looking for in our mars/neptune set (which weren’t all there).Set (92) is harmonically derived from non-harmonic b jupiter, ruler of b 5th house, at 28 Virgo 54 conjunct c venus, ruler of C MC and c 5th house, at 29 Virgo 02. This is a close conjunction that stays together in harmonic form in all the early charts. Even in the 11th chart (13th harmonic), they are only a couple of degrees apart (c11 venus at 17 Virgo 28, b11 jupiter at 15 Virgo 42). As an astrological statement, this is another way of indicating that in this lifetime this individual is slated for fortunate love experiences.

    So, Set (92) shows a fortunate, joyous, romantic love life and partnership, but it implies nothing whatsoever about homosexuality.

    Let’s return to Set (91). It contains a conjunction of venus, mars, and neptune. True, they do not have 5th influence, but venus and mars, are, in themselves, sexual planets. And, it contains the planet we hypothesize changes sexual orientation, neptune This set is certainly sexual enough. No one could say it wasn’t sexual. And, if it were on Angle, even without 5th house influence, it would lead to numerous sexual encounters, or to many with one individual. In fact, possibly, but only possibly, to many homosexual encounters. Because of that mars/neptune.

    We had the month and year he discovered his sexual orientation, so we can do progressions for that time period to see what else was happening:

    Set (93)b moon26 Pisces 12ruler of b 12th house
    pc7 NN26 Pisces 31
    pc7 venus25 Virgo 38ruler of C MC and c 5th house
    pc7 jupiter25 Virgo 45ruler of C Asc in b 5th house

    Because of the two lights, we can include all the planets above in one set. Set (93) represents a major, positive romantic, sexual event. We all tend to have the conjunction of venus (love) to jupiter (luck) when we meet a some one special. We also have them when we marry. Still, nothing in these progressions refers to a homosexual lover.

    10291’s return for this event occurred on July 6, 1967. I did it for his place of birth since there was not way to know where he actually was. Place of birth is often used under such circumstances. Return venus was at 4 Leo 13, conjunct his B Asc at 5 Leo 14. The important set, however, was this, the one which uses Set (91) above:

    Set (94)b mars 11 Virgo 00ruler of B MC
    b neptune12 Virgo 48
    b7 venus13 Virgo 25
    c neptune13 Virgo 33
    return Asc 11 Sagittarius 35
    return moon 11 Gemini 56

    Set (94) shows that, for 10291, his return had provided both a light and an Angle for this potentially homosexual set, bringing it forefront for the duration.

    Summarizing, his progressions brought forefront very positive (golden benefic) 5th influence to both 5th houses. So, his progressions provided the strong suggestion the event was sexual/romantic, but they had no reference to homosexuality. His return simultaneously brought forefront his homosexual planets, which had no reference to a 5th house, but did reference the basics of sexuality. The two of them together describe his experience and realization.

    It is quite likely that his partner did something similar. That is, provided an Angle and/or light for Set (91), inadvertently and positively making clear to 10291 exactly what his sexual preference was.

    Homosexual 10291—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 7th chart: b and c harmonic suns at 29 Cancer 24 and b sun at 29 Cancer 56 (that is, 3 suns) are late in c 7th house (8th cusp is 1 Leo) and all three are made Angular by B MC at 29 Aries 28. A And, possibly, its influence to the 8th house (in addition to the ones already recognized--to 5th and 7th houses) is valid.

    John E. Boswell
    The following is an excerpt from the Wikipedia page on Boswell (6/4/2010):

    Born in Boston in 1947 into a military family, Boswell earned his undergraduate degree from the College of William and Mary, where he converted to Roman Catholicism. His nickname, from his initials, was "Jeb". A gifted medieval philologist, he worked in, among other languages, Catalan, Old Church Slavonic, Ancient Greek, Arabic, and Latin. Boswell received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1975, whereupon he joined the Yale University history faculty as its rising star; he was made full professor in 1982. In 1987, Boswell helped organize and found the Lesbian and Gay Studies Center at Yale, which is now the Research Fund for Lesbian and Gay Studies. He was named the A. Whitney Griswold Professor of History in 1990, when he was also appointed to a two-year term as chair of the Yale history department. Boswell was a gifted and devoted teacher. His undergraduate lectures in medieval history were renowned for their organization, erudition, and wit, with the course often making the "top 10" for highest enrollment. The multi-talented Boswell would pen his comments on student papers in perfectly executed italic script.

    According to Astrodatabank, Boswell was the author of Same Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe as well as other books. He died of AIDS at the Yale Infirmary in New Haven on December 23, 1994, at the age of forty-seven.

    In my paper about Eastern gurus, we saw the 9th chart overwhelmingly in evidence as one of two charts containing significators for successful and famous spiritual ascension. I have not written the paper yet, but the same is true for American and European “gurus.” The 9th chart, a harmonic enlargement of the 9th house, contains vital information in regard to an individual’s spiritual life. However, the 9th chart, like the 9th house, also contains information concerning law, philosophy, aviation, foreign travel and residency, and like issues. The common denominator of all of these appears to be distance or overview, or foreign, a kind of transcendence of our submersion in the thoughts of “ordinary or everyday mind,” which is represented by our 3rd house and chart.

    Most of us are centered in the consciousness of our 7th charts. But, not every one is. I wrote a paper on the second Secretary General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld: Paper on Hammarskjöld. From the time he accepted the job, the description of his life makes it apparent the center of gravity of his life switched from the 7th chart (in which he was quite successful, but also rather lonely and unhappy) to his 6th chart. By temperament he was a Christian mystic, and only his 6th chart described that part of him. Only his 6th chart released him from the existential loneliness he experienced through his 7th chart.

    Unlike most gurus, the ground for existence for the guru Osho appears to have been his 1st and 3rd charts. His 1st chart showed his idyllic and spiritual childhood which represented the inception of his spiritual journey. His 3rd chart contained all the significators for a realized guru normally found in the 9th chart. That is, the planets and path were those normally found in the 9th chart, but for him, they were found in the 3rd.

    Another, contemporary India guru, Chariji, has his significators for his spiritual realization in his 3rd chart. It is his 3rd chart which contains the planets and path that are usually found in the 9th chart of gurus. (Here is the link: Paper on Chariji).

    The genius Nikola Tesla (See Tesla, located in Hammarskjöld Paper lived primarily out of his 3rd chart of ordinary mind. But the planets which showed his brilliance were the same as those for gurus. And the path they described referred all his “ordinary” mental activities upward to his 9th chart of contemplation. Tesla himself stated his work left him in nearly ecstatic states for years.

    Perhaps now we can countenance the fact that John E. Boswell’s center of gravity came out of the consciousness represented by his 9th chart, not his 7th, and not his 5th. His biographical data states that he was a gifted philologist. One of the significators for giftedness in languages is mercury in Sagittarius, the natural sign of the 9th house. That is not surprising since the 9th also covers foreign countries and travel.

    Boswell’s astrology lets us know that the whole 9th chart can act as the astrological vehicle for genius with languages and history. And, since his 9th chart was his primary one, it also contained his significators for his homosexuality.

    John E. Boswell (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—9Vir, c12—4Lib, c2—25Sco, c3—1Cap b11—7Gem, b12—10Can, b2—0Vir, b3—28Vir

    Set (95) includes MC/Asc/node/sun/mars/neptune. C9 sun rules C MC. C9 mars rules c 7th house. C9 neptune rules c 5th house. Note that the planets and path are the same as when the significators are located in the 1st, 5th, or 7th charts. That node never progresses completely out of the set. It was at 8 Taurus 32 when he died. Another node, b9 NN starts out at 29 Leo 44. It passes through Set (95) during his late twenties and thirties.

    Set (96), a golden benefic (Angle/venus/jupiter) including mars and influencing the whole chart, shows his success living predominantly through this chart. That is, he was a popular professor at Yale and a respected historian and philologist.

    A prominent set from this chart at death was pc mars, ruler of c 6th house, at 29 Leo 08, and pC Asc at 29 Scorpio 30, falling into the same set as b9 sun at 29 Leo 18, b9 NN at 29 Leo 44, and b9 saturn at 29 Taurus 28.

    John E. Boswell—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 9th chart (his main significator chart): c 9 mars at 8 Aquarius 04 is conjunct c9 sun at 9 Aquarius 18 and both are conjunct B Desc at 7 Aquarius 35.
    • Boswell also has an Angle/venus/7th set: b venus at 24 Capricorn 10, ruler of B MC in c 7th house, is made Angular by C Asc at 24 Libra 49.

    Gavin Arthur
    The following is from Astrodatabank:

    American astrologer in San Francisco and a leader in the gay liberation movement. Arthur was asked by the Oracle staff to select the chart for the first Human-Be-In, thereby determining the date for that historic event. He helped Kinsey with his research into gay sexuality and wrote the now-out-of-print "Circle of Sex," 1966, which catalogued preferred sexual activities by sign.

    The grandson of U.S. President Chester Arthur, the colorful maverick worked his way around the world as a seaman in the Merchant Marines. During his travels, he fought for the Irish Liberation movement, founded a literary magazine, prospected for gold, taught in San Quentin prison, was secretary of the Utopian Society, and led a commune. The gay community abounds with lore about his life and provocative suggestions of his adventures with a variety of eminent or notorious associates.

    Arthur died on 4/29/1972 [age 76], Fort Miley Vet’s Hospital in San Francisco.

    I am not an expert on the 12th chart. In its association with the 12th house, it is correlated with Pisces, which is ruled by neptune. The 12th chart implies something held in bondage or otherwise not allowed to flow freely. For example, mars in Pisces hardly acts like mars at all, having lost the initiative and aggression normally associated with mars. The 12th chart, or the 12th house, is often prominent in murder.

    On the other hand, the 12th is also associated with hospitals and institutions where the suffering associated with Pisces (incapacitation, over-sensitivity, removal from ordinary life) takes place. But, if you are on staff, and not the inmate, then you are not doing the suffering. Both types get representation through the 12th.

    In the context of this paper, astrological focus on the 12th chart, as is the case with Gavin Arthur’s astrology, could mean several things. Born in 1901, he was homosexual a long time before the Gay Rights movement established some degrees of freedom socially for homosexuals. So the 12th being his primary chart could mean that he took on the difficult experience of homosexuality to experience certain forms of growth. It could mean, too, that his homosexuality was some form—we do not know why—of expiation for sins of previous lives. These, however, are just guesses, not subject to proof.

    Whatever his reasons, his biography certainly suggests his life was also one of adventure.

    Gavin Arthur (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—11Can, c12—11Leo, c2—4Lib, c3—4Sco b11—2Pis, b12—13Ari, b2—15Gem, b3—6Can

    Set (97) contains moon/mars/jupiter/saturn/2neptune. C12 saturn rules c 5th house. B12 mars rules b 7th house. C neptune rules c 7th house. And, b12 venus rules B Asc. B mercury rules b 5th house.

    He has the sun/mars/venus which occurs often in homosexual charts. His c sun, ruler of c 12th house, is at 27 Taurus 02, b12 mercury, ruler of b 5th house, at 26 Taurus 50, c12 mars at 26 Aquarius 27, and b venus, ruler of B Asc, at 26 Aquarius 39. B uranus, ruler of B MC in c 5th house, is at 23 Scorpio 32.

    Noteworthy in Arthur’s 12th chart is his conjunction of b moon, ruler of b 3rd house, at 23 Pisces 32, with c12 pluto at 21 Pisces 00. Since that moon is non-harmonic, it also occurs in his 7th chart where significators for psychic abilities are found (here is the link:Paper on Psychics). In this chart the conjunction of moon to pluto in Pisces suggests his psychic abilities were a source of suffering for him. Others would not have known of this ability because it has no Angular influence. Since it is also in c 7th house, it could mean he went through some really painful relationships. Some times it indicates an appetite for suffering, as occurred with Friedrich Nietzsche, who intentionally explored his suffering because of his belief it increased his Being.

    Gavin Arthur—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the all charts: b sun at 7 Pisces 06 is conjunct C Desc at 7 Pisces 29.
    • b mars at 0 Leo 52, ruler of b Desc, is made Angular by B MC at 0 Aquarius 30.

    Horatio Forbes Brown
    My notes from Astrodatabank state that Brown was a French writer. After he died in 1926 (age 72) his executors tried to burn all his unpublished writing to hide his homosexual tastes which ran from sailors to strapping servant boys.

    His 12th chart contains his strongest significator for homosexuality. His 5th chart also contains acceptable ones, just not as strong. I will show both.

    Horatio Forbes Brown (AA)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House —The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—25Tau, c12—29Gem, c2—19Leo, c3—16Vir b11—28Tau, b12—1Can, b2—21Leo, b3—18Vir

    Set (98) contains sun/venus/mars/3neptune. B mars rules B MC and b 5th house. There was no 7th ruler.

    Note (unnumbered) in the chart above his C MC at 18 Aries 26 is in the same set with two harmonic uranuses, with b12 uranus ruling b 7th house, and c12 uranus co-ruling (19 of 21°) c 7th house. His non-harmonic uranus at 16 Aries 19 is also progressing toward C MC. With uranus so forefront and ruling 7th house of partnerships, the suggestion is unusual partners, and perhaps many of them. Brown would not be sticking around out of loyalty when a partner started boring him. Among other things, uranus stands for change and innovation.

    Set (99), on the other hand, shows distress—could we say “roughness?”—in relationships because it includes Angle/mars/saturn, a “dark malefic” (the astrological opposite of a “golden benefic”), in which c saturn rules c 7th house, b12 mars rules B MC and b 5th house, and c moon co-rules (28 of 29°) c 12th house. It, too, would discourage long-term relationships, this from the perspective that he needed excitement and change in order to overcome the drag produced by the two malefics.

    His 5th chart contains the following set:

    Set (100)b5 mars 14 Gemini 05ruler of B MC and b 5th house
    b moon17 Virgo 37ruler of b 12th house
    b5 jupiter21 Scorpio 39co-ruler (30 of 33°) b 5th house
    p neptune20 Aquarius 08
    c neptune20 Aquarius 39

    Brown also has a sun/venus/mars/uranus set in this chart which influences an Angle, 5th, and 7th houses, showing strong sexuality.

    Horatio Forbes Brown—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In his 7th chart Brown has b7 mars, ruler of b 5th house, at 22 Capricorn 24 made Angular by B MC at 21 Aries 06.

    Child Abuse Victim 8080
    From Astrodatabank:
    American child abuse victim, suffered beatings and abuse from his alcoholic mom who favored his brother. He is a homosexual.

    Our 4th and 10th charts each reflect two apparently very different things.:

    The 4th chart shows our experience with real estate, homes, and rented apartments. It also shows the kind of relationship we had with our father, reflecting something about our foundations in life. It may contain other information, but I have not seen it, oddly, reflect conditions at the end of life (4th house).

    The 10th chart shows our career and social status, and it also shows the kind of relationship we had with our mother, who, apparently, sponsors our confidence in our social outreach.

    Identification of the 10th house as containing information about the individual’s relationship with his mother (or chief care provider) is not new with me. It is standard astrological fare. Since the 10th chart of this method is a harmonic enlargement of the 10th house, then, it, too, should contain such information.

    I am not really tentative about 4th(father)/10th(mother) chart parental connections. I believe the first time I wrote about them in a paper was in the one about Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld (link above). His relationship with both parents was well-documented in one of his biographies. His relationship with his father was difficult in the sense of never living up to the old man’s high standards (or, maybe never having it acknowledged that he had). His relationship with his mother was more positive and unusual. She often took her with him in the visits she made to the households of the poor and ill, a task she considered part of the duty of the wife of a head of state. Hammarskjöld’s 4th and 10th charts are good reflections of his relationships with his parents. Nevertheless, I feel I still have much to learn about how to read these charts as parent charts.

    Child Abuse Victim 8080 (A)
    Partial Harmonic Chart for the 10th House—The First Part of the Significator

    Placidian House Cusps: c11—20Pis, c12—2Tau, c2—29Gem, c3—20Can b11—24Can, b12—24Leo, b2—15Lib, b3—16Sco

    Set (101) contains node/mars/jupiter/saturn/uranus/neptune, with c jupiter ruling c 7th house. C10 uranus rules C MC in b 5th house. B10 saturn rules b 5th house.

    The south node conjunct mars and neptune in Pisces shows that she is a toxic parent, and, possibly, shows her alcoholism (or at least undependability). Mars/neptune is one thing. Even mars in Pisces has some limitation on how difficult it can be. But mars in Pisces conjunct both neptune and a south node implies distinctly painful, abnormal, pathological behavior. He is impelled (SN) to be her victim (mars/Pisces).

    The mars/saturn part of Set (101) shows the beatings (or at least rough experiences), and the mars/uranus part of it shows there is something autocratic in her behavior.

    It looks like the beatings started when 8080 was about 3 years old. That is when progressed B MC reached around 23 Gemini and was in the same set with mars and saturn.

    The influence of the set to an Angle, 5th, and 7th houses show his relationship with her definitely affected his later sexuality as well as his relationship to his own partners. Does it mean that because of her he became homosexual? Or, does it only mean that the her influence on him affected the type of sexuality he found interesting, but not gender preference? That is, did he re-enact her beatings with his lover? Right now, we don’t know.

    I have seen mars in Pisces with 5th influence in the 10th chart of a heterosexual man. There are also plenty of heterosexual men who have toxic relationships with their mother. All we know for sure now is that Set (92) affected his adult sexuality. And, with mars/neptune/SN in Pisces, it affected it in a way that would be considered pathological, or neurotic. That is, likely he was continuing to act out for or against that early (sexual) conditioning.

    Quite possibly as a boy 8080 was far too feminine for acceptance by his mother. Although Angle/moon/venus definitely occurs in the charts of both heterosexual as well as homosexual males, it usually shows a considerable amount of feminine sensitivity. It is also charismatic, but is more charismatic in the chart of some one with self confidence, while receptive and adapting in the chart of some without it.

    In his 1st chart of early identity 8080 has the following set:

    Set (102)B MC20 Gemini 31
    b1 moon16 Virgo 14
    B Asc18 Virgo 23
    c1 moon17 Pisces 20
    c venus20 Pisces 09ruler of c 12th and co-ruler (30 lf 42°) c 5th house
    b1 uranus20 Pisces 21ruler of C MC in b 5th house

    Set (102) above affects three Angles. Angle to uranus in Pisces brings too much unpredictability into the life of a child and therefore runs counter to his emotional growth. The multiply-lighted venus in Pisces with influence to three Angles shows a very emotional, suggestible child, sweet perhaps, but too open for his own good. It also probably suggests his craving (Pisces) for the love (venus) of his mother, which he finds so hard to get. It is possible this chart shows a very effeminate little boy, already homosexual “from birth.” In that case, what happens to him through his mother is a function of her incapacity to care for that kind of child.

    He has a node/venus/mars/saturn/neptune set in this chart, but it lacks Angular influence. Its influence to b 7th house through b1 neptune might indicate, again, the beatings (or rough times), and the emotional pain (venus/saturn) 8080 experienced through “an important person in his life” (7th house).

    His 7th chart also brings a moon (b7 moon at 18 Gemini 43) into his set of B MC with c venus in Pisces. So, whether he is flying solo or in a partnership, he is both loving and needy.

    We know absolutely nothing about his father. Was he in the picture? If he was, was he passive to his wife’s mistreatment of their son? Or, did his Mom have the number of lovers often implied with an alcoholic mother? 8080’s scant biographical material does not state how much he loves his father, only how much damage he experienced through his mother (implied in the fact “beaten by her” was the only information that was forthcoming about her.)

    His 4th chart, reflecting something about his relation to his father, has some very powerful sets. Two contain mars/neptune. But those same two also contain venus/neptune. Together they represent a lot of craving (neptune), a kind of idealistic hope for a nearly unrealizable (neptune) love (venus). And, perhaps, inflamed (neptune) desire (mars) for the love and protection of a man (mars.)

    His 4th chart contains a golden benefic, too. B MC at 20 Gemini 31 is in the same set with c4 jupiter at 19 Pisces 17 and c venus at 20 Pisces 09. He is probably fortunate in his experience of “home” (and its real estate) as an adult. This set also suggests that if he “lives out of this chart” (perhaps as a stay-at-home lover/mate/wife), his experience of life will be basically quite fortunate.

    The sets in his 4th chart cry out for authentic biographical material. Until then, much of what has just been written is hypothetical.

    Child Abuse Victim 8080—the Second Part of the Significator

    • In the 10th chart (that is, his main significator chart): c10 mars at 23 Pisces 05 is conjunct b10 neptune at 25 Pisces 25, ruler of b 7th house. The mars is within 4° of being made Angular by B MC at 20 Gemini 31. Also, pb10 SN in Pisces moves into position over his lifetime to bring them together better. Starting at 26 Pisces 41, by age 10 it is at 25 Pisces 20, by age 20, at 24 Pisces 46, by age 30, at 24 Pisces 16. Thereafter, it drops off suddenly to appear at 19 Pisces 25 only 5 years later at age 35.
    • He has a venus/Desc set. In the 7th chart he has c venus, at 20 Pisces 09 on B Desc at 18 Pisces 23.

    Of the fifty individuals in this study, the distribution of the mars/neptune or mars/Pisces significator with at least Angle and 5th influence was as follows:

    Significator Found In ChartNumber of Individuals
    1st Chart12 Individuals
    3rd Chart1 Individual
    5th Chart15 Individuals
    7th Chart 18 Individuals
    9th Chart1 Individual
    10th Chart1 Individual
    12th Chart2 Individuals

    But the above table is somewhat misleading because an uncounted number of individuals had significators in more than one chart. Here, however, I was interested only in establishing that they existed in one of three charts—the 1st, 5th, and 7th. The rationale for their location in charts other than those three is discussed above for each different chart .

    The incidence of mars/neptune to mars in Pisces (in which mars is in the sign ruled by neptune) was interesting.

    Altogether mars in Pisces occurred in 8 of the charts. However, in 7 of those charts the mars in Pisces was part of a set which also included neptune. (Only Homosexual 10872 had only mars in Pisces as part of his significator set.) So, we do not know whether the significator worked because of the mars in Pisces, or because of the mars/neptune.

    In astrology there is a similarity between (1) a planet in a sign and (2) a planet in the same set with the planet that rules that same sign. The above count, however, suggests that mars in Pisces is not really an acceptable significator for homosexuality.

    There are similarities between mars in Pisces and mars with neptune. There are also big differences. Mars/neptune is more about inflamed desire, while mars in Pisces is more about the psychological suffering that comes with being without power, generally psychological in origin.

    This is a seed paper on the astrological significators for homosexuality.

    While I have not provided a control group in any of my papers, thinking of providing one for this subject group presented more problems than usual. Were we to do the charts of 50 heterosexual men, and find the significators for homosexuality in some of those charts, does that mean (1) they are homosexual and in the closet? (2) They are homosexual and don’t even know it themselves? (3) They are not homosexual because there are other factors, not embraced in this paper, which must support these significators for homosexuality to occur? Or (4), is the man aware of homosexual urges, but, for his own private, acceptable reasons, absolutely dedicated to suppressing them? Or (5), does he engage in homosexual sex “only” for purposes of recreation or relief, but “wouldn’t think” of considering himself homosexual?

    There are further complications which can best be sorted out only when the biographical material on these subjects yields far more information than we had here. The fact that in any homosexual relationship we are starting out with two men in a male body, one of who may be identified internally as female, and one of whom may be identified internally as male (but not “standard” male because his sexual interest is not in women) means the study cannot be properly done until each individual’s internal sexual identity is disclosed along with the fact that he is homosexual.

    The same problem occurs in any astrological study done with lesbians.

    I will give an instance where such information would have been useful. Papers on both homosexuality and lesbianism contain fifty example charts. The minimum homosexual significator is Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th). In that study, the number of homosexual individuals whose minimum significator also contained venus--that is, Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th/(7th)--was twenty-five. Exactly half. Does the addition of venus to the significator stand for a change in the sexual identification of the homosexual in whose chart it occurs? That is, does he identify "feminine?"

    Close to the same thing occurred with the fifty charts of lesbians. Their minimum significator is Angle/light/venus/neptune/5th/(7th). Twenty-three of their fifty minimum significators also contained mars--Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th/(7th). Is that an indication of their inner sexual orientation?

    The Data Acknowledgements below show that at least three groups of homosexual males have at one time volunteered their birth data to an astrologer, so it appears they would be interested in the results. A guess is that it was also likely they volunteered their data as couples. Most of my data from collections comes from the Hamerslough collection. It was not on purpose, that just happened to be the collection I found first. Two other collectors were Prince and Jansky.

    As of right now I have charts of ten more individuals who identify themselves as homosexual. Nine of them had the above defined significators in either the 1st, 5th, or 7th chart. I cannot find any mars/neptune significators anywhere in the charts of the 10th individual.

    Research on parental influence on the lives of their offspring is also difficult to pursue in any consistent manner. On the whole, the biographical data for the men in this study contained little about parents. I do not know how many astrologers include impact of parents in their reading for clients.

    As noted above, when either “parent” chart indicates a strong negative or positive 5th house influence, it means the individual’s early role models are highly charged and that it has some influence on sexuality. Whether or not it can create a homosexual (or a heterosexual) male is a subject for further work

    Right now I suspect such influences—again, whether positive or negative--distort that child’s sexuality, but do not create it. If so, that would mean, for instance, that a “negative mother chart with 5th influence” in the astrology of either a homosexual or heterosexual male impacts his sex life. That is, in some aspect of his sexuality he acts out some early experience with his mother.

    Red Trillium, a member of the lily family (cropped)
    From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

    Data Acknowledgments
    Birth data for each man is presented in order of his appearance in the paper above. Letters following each name show the Rodden rating for data reliability.

    Homosexual 10761 (A)
    Birth: 10/15/1947, 12:37 p.m. CST, 30 N 41, 88 W 03. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:1/02/1947, 12:46:57 p.m. CST, 30 N 41, 88 W 03.

    Homosexual 10230 (A)
    Birth: 6/11/1946, 7:20 a.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:9/02/1945, 2:44:05 p.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23.

    AIDS 19425 (AA)
    Birth: 5/21/1951, 12:32 a.m. MST, Denver, CO. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes him May, 1988, from the birth certificate.
    Conception:8/12/1950, 10:56:47 a.m. MST, Denver, CO.

    James Dean (B)
    Birth: 2/08/1931, 2:11 a.m. CST, Marion, IN. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Bordoni sends pages of his bio “Una Vita Bruciata” by Mary Jo Pace quoting him for the data. V. Herndon, “James Dean, A Short Life Story,” gives 2:00 a.m. Liz Taylor remarked in an interview that she, Rock Hudson, and Dean were all born at the same time, 2:00 a.m.
    Conception:4/29/1930, 9:58:34 a.m. CST, Marion, IN.

    Derek F. (A)
    Birth: 2/02/1935, 4:00 p.m. EST, Philadelphia, PA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Joe DeMello quotes him.
    Conception:4/23/1934, 6:08:48 p.m. EST, Philadelphia, PA.

    Robert Desnos (AA)
    Birth: 7/04/1900, 6:00 a.m. LMT, Paris, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From Gauquelin Vol. 6/250..
    Conception:9/25/1899, 1:44:48 a.m. LMT, Paris, France.

    Aaron Copland (C)
    Birth: 11/14/1900, 12:15 a.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Cirkles quotes Robert Jansky. Penfield Collection the same as “personal,” not confirmed.
    Conception:1/31/1900, 11:21:35 a.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY.

    John Maynard Keynes (AA)
    Birth: 6/05/1883, 9:45 a.m. GMT, Cambridge, England. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Arthur Blackwell quotes Robert Skidelsky, “John Maynard Keynes,” Vol. 1, p. 24, 1983, “from family records.
    Conception:8/27/1882, 6:35:46 p.m. GMT, Cambridge, England.

    Alan Mathison Turing (A)
    Birth: 6/23/1912, 2:15 a.m. GMT, London, England. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Charles Harvey quotes his mother in AJ, Spring, 1968.
    Conception:9/15/1911, 4:39:31 a.m. London, England.

    Andrew Hayden Geiger, MD (AA)
    Birth: 11/06/1956, 8:58 a.m. EST, Boston, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quote the birth certificate.
    Conception:1/24/1956, 10:20:30 p.m., Boston, MA.

    Gilbert Duquenoix (AA)
    Birth: 5/6/1942, 1:40 p.m. MEWT, 50 N 29, 2 E 33. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Jany Bessiere quotes birth certificate.
    Conception:7/28/1941, 9:25:07 p.m. CST, 50 N 29, 2 E 33.

    Sy Scholfield
    Birth: 5/05/1964, 2:15 p.m. AEST, Brisbane, Ausralia. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes him by letter.
    Conception:7/28/1963, 9:37:58 p.m. AEST, Brisbane, Australia.

    Quentin Crisp (Charles Denis Pratt) (A)
    Birth: 12/25/1908, 12:30 p.m. GMT, Carshalton, England. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. David Fisher quotes Zerda Barlow for 1:00 p.m. from Crisp, AFA, DX 1984. Richard Geyman quotes him for “between noon and 1:00 p.m.”
    Conception:3/14/1908, 7:42:57 a.m. GMT, Carshalton, England.

    Glen Corey (A)
    Birth: 6/02/1947, 10:40 p.m. PST, Lemon Grove, CA From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Joe DeMello quotes him. I rectified this chart from an original given time of 10:47 pm.
    Conception:8/25/1946, 8:20:06 a.m. PST, Lemon Grove, CA.

    AIDS 14348 (AA)
    Birth: 12/25/1968, 2:13 p.m. AEST, 37 S 57, 145 E 00. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Elva How son quotes the hospital record.
    Conception:3/14/1968, 12:28:27 a.m. EST, 37 S 57, 145 E 00.

    Van Cliburn (AA)
    Birth: 7/12/1934, 11:45 a.m. CST, Shreveport, LA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Gene Lockhart quotes birth certificate (same in Contemporary American Horoscopes). John Ahern quotes his mom, postcard, 11:20 a.m.
    Conception:10/03/1933, 1:53:43 a.m. CST, Shreveport, LA.

    Robert DeVeza (A)
    Birth: 11/08/1957, 3:10 a.m. MET, Algiers, Algeria. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Dory Sipper quotes him, May, 1995.
    Conception:12/20/1957, 4:06:15 p.m. MET, Algiers, Algeria.

    Truman Capote (B)
    Birth: 2/27/1958, 8:00 p.m. EST, New Orleans, LA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. LMR quotes biographer Gerald Clarke, "Capote" (1988, p.6-7) The author researched the book for eight years, interviewing Arch Capote and other kin, and wrote, "Finally on Tuesday at 9:30, mother began labor . . . the baby was born about three o'clock that afternoon." The book relates how Arch took the family to New Orleans before Truman was born. (Dotson Rader "Tennessee Williams, Cry of the Heart" claims that Truman Capote was actually born in Huntsville, TN.) (Bob Prince quotes Capote himself for "a few minutes after midnight."
    Conception:12/20/1923, 1:30:10 a.m. CST, New Orleans, LA.

    Jorge Cervera (A)
    Birth: 4/13/1945, 12:45 a.m. CST, Progress, Mexico. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Joe DeMello quote him, from his mom.
    Conception:7/04/1944, 9:22:57 p.m. CST, Progress, Mexico.

    AIDS 1167 (A)
    Birth: 5/27/1965, 9:02 a.m. BZT, Sao Paulo, Brazil. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Marcello Borges quotes his mom, 1992.
    Conception:8/18/1964, 7:12:37 p.m. BZT, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

    Homosexual 12252 (A)
    Birth: 8/30/1952, 1:10 a.m. EDT, 40 N 03, 74 W38. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:11/19/1951, 4:39:42 p.m. EST, 40 N 03, 74 W38.

    Duncan Grant (AA)
    Birth: 1/21/1885, 3:10 p.m. GMT, Rothiemurchus, Scotland. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes birth certificate in hand.
    Conception:4/11/1884, 7:34:51 a.m. GMT, Rothiemurchus, Scotland.

    Homosexual 11125 (A)
    Birth: 12/25/1948, 7:30 a.m. CST, 34 N 30, 87 W 44. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:3/14/1948, 2:26:42 a.m. CST, 34 N 30, 87 W 44.

    AIDS 1147 (A)
    Birth: 12/09/1944, 8:45 p.m. BZT, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Marcel Borges quotes him.
    Conception:2/27/1944, 9:18:17 a.m. BZT, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    Homosexual 10949 (A)
    Birth: 12/08/1946, 5:00 a.m. MET, 43 N 46, 11 E 16. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:2/24/1946, 5:10:52 p.m. MET, 30 N 41, 43 N 46, 11 E 16.

    Homosexual 10212 (A)
    Birth: 5/27/1946, 12:07 p.m. EST, 33 N 28, 83 W 01. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:8/18/1945, 10:17:34 a.m. EST, 33 N 28, 83 W 01.

    Bruce Wayne (A)
    Birth: 2/27/1958, 8:00 p.m. EST, Catskill, NY. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes Robert Burnside, from Wayne.
    Conception:5/20/1957, 12:28:27 p.m. EST, Catskill, NY.

    Christian Dior (AA)
    Birth: 1/21/1905, 1:21 a.m. GMT, Granville, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Cahiers No. 73 quotes birth record (1:30 a.m. Paris time).
    Conception:4/10/1904, 3:59:21 p.m. GMT, Granville, France.

    Jack Fertig (A)
    Birth: 2/21/1935, 12:16 p.m. CST, Chicago, IL. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes him, June, 1983.
    Conception:5/13/1954, 9:51:25 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL.

    Eric Douglas (AA)
    Birth: 6/21/1958, 8:21 a.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in hand from the Wilsons.
    Conception:9/12/1957, 11:56:55 a.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA.

    Thomas Dooley, MD (AA)
    Birth: 1/17/1927, 2:20 a.m. CST, St. Louis, MO. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. D.C. Doane quotes the birth certificate. Joan McEvers quotes AFA for 2:30 a.m. from his mom.
    Conception:4/06/1926, 1:05:16 p.m. CST, St. Louis, MO.

    Benjamin Britten (A)
    Birth: 11/22/1913, 7:00 p.m. GMT, Lowestoft, England. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Astrology Quarterly quotes his personal friend, spring, 1951.
    Conception:2/09/1913, 5:16:51 a.m. GMT, Lowestoft, England.

    Bill Blass (AA)
    Birth: 6/20/1922, 6:20 a.m. CST, Fort Wayne, IN. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From Contemporary American Horoscopes.
    Conception:9/13/1921, 9:03:29 a.m. CST, Fort Wayne, IN.

    AIDS 19409 (A)
    Birth: 1/23/1962, 1:32 p.m. MET, Paris, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Francoise Gauquelin, personal file.
    Conception:5/20/1957, 12:28:27 p.m. EST, Catskill, NY.

    AIDS 12672 (AA)
    Birth: 7/27/1954, 3:04 a.m. PDT, Downey, CA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes his letter, birth certificate.
    Conception:10/17/1953, 4:58:47 a.m. PDT, Downey, CA.

    Homosexual 10967 (A)
    Birth: 6/04/1948, 7:00 p.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:8/28/1947, 4:03:47 a.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23.

    AIDS 10954 (A)
    Birth: 5/21/1948, 6:48 a.m. EDT, Elyria, OH. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Pat Geisler quotes a colleague, from him.
    Conception:8/13/1947, 5:19:06 p.m. EDT, Elyria, OH.

    Homosexual 10872 (A)
    Birth: 2/17/1948, 6:30 a.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:6/10/1946, 4:42:05 p.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23.

    Homosexual 10272 (A)
    Birth: 7/23/1946, 2:20 a.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:10/13/1945, 7:41:20 a.m. EST, 33 N 45, 84 W 23.

    Tennessee Williams (A)
    Birth: 3/26/1911, 2:30 a.m. CST, Columbus, Ohio. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Gene Lockhart quotes Emma Cates of Floriday for date from him, Constellations 177.
    Conception:6/16/1910, 8:53:38 a.m. CST, Columbus, Ohio.

    Bradford C. Weston (A)
    Birth: 9/10/1958, 6:57 p.m. CST, Houston, TX. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes him, April, 1980.
    Conception:11/30/1957, 12:09:50 a.m. CST, Houston, TX.

    Chris Westlund (A)
    Birth: 10/03/1949, 8:50 p.m. PST, Glendale, CA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes Jean Marlow, from him.
    Conception:12/22/1948, 5:07:17 a.m. PST, Glendale, CA.

    Victor Taylor (A)
    Birth: 2/12/1940, 1:17 a.m. EST, Philadelphia, PA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Obit. in AstroAnalytics Publication.
    Conception:5/03/1939, 12:29:13 p.m. EST, Philadelphia, CA.

    Homosexual 8708 (A)
    Birth: 10/14/1940, 12:35 a.m. EST, 41 N 43, 71 W 23. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. G.A. Ball in Modern Horoscopes Ext., October 1983.
    Conception:1/02/1940, 1:31:39 a.m. EST, 41 N 43, 71 W 23.

    Homosexual 10373 (A)
    Birth: 11/05/1946, 6:59 p.m. EST, 38N16, 77W28. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Robert Jansky collection.
    Conception:1/23/1946, 8:40:21 a.m. EST, 38N16, 77W28.

    Homosexual 10284 (A)
    Birth: 8/06/1946, 1:00 a.m. EST, 38 N 21, 81 W 38. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:10/26/1945, 5:43:50 p.m. EST, 38 N 21, 81 W 38.

    Homosexual 10291 (A)
    Birth: 8/17/1946, 7:00 a.m. EDT, 40 N 37, 79 W 09. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Hamerslough Collection.
    Conception:11/06/1945, 11:34:07 a.m. EST, 40 N 37, 79 W 09.

    John E. Boswell (AA)
    Birth: 3/20/1947, 3:28 p.m. EST, Boston, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
    Conception:6/10/1946, 4:42:05 p.m. EST, Boston, MA.

    Gavin Arthur (A)
    Birth: 3/21/1901, 9:50 a.m. MST, Colorado Springs, CO. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes him.
    Conception:6/11/1900, 12:44:43 p.m. MST, Colorado Springs, CO.

    Horatio Forbes Brown (AA)
    Birth: 2/16/1854, 5:00 p.m. LMT, Nice, France. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steinbrecher quotes birth certificate in hand.
    Conception:5/08/1853, 11:29:59 a.m. LMT, Nice, France.

    Child Abuse Victim 8080 (A)
    Birth: 11/30/1937, 2:18 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. E.H. Wolman in “Aspects,” winter 1987, client.
    Conception:2/16/1937, 12:49:31 p.m. CST, Chicago, IL.

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