Astrology papers linked to this site are listed at the bottom of this page.
As for the characters of novelty and singularity, which some of the following notions may seem to bear, it is, I hope, needless to make any apology on that account. He [the reader] must surely be either very weak, or very little acquainted with the sciences, who shall reject a truth that is capable of demonstration for no other reason but because it is newly known and contrary to the prejudices of mankind.[ From the Preface to the Penguin Edition of the works of Bishop George Berkeley entitled “Principles of Human Knowledge" and “Three Dialogues.” ]
Perhaps their disbelief is because astrology is associated with the Dark Ages and superstition, and that is as far as they can go thinking about it. Perhaps, too, it is because DNA is inside the body and definitely measurable, whereas the planets are outside. And not definitely measurable? No, that is not correct. Their positions at any one time can be precisely calculated. Then it must have something to do with doubt that they can affect the body. Or the mind. Or human culture. Nothing outside the body affects these, right?
Astrology is not so much about the physical influence of the planets as it is about the laws which created—and continue to create—our universe. Ultimately, it is about mathematics and pattern. Number, pattern, code--cosmic level legerdemain.
Currently all those who believe, or not, in the validity of astrology are acquainted only with the art of astrology. Perhaps earlier civilizations had a scientific astrology. Thinking in terms of yugas, the cyclic ages in Hindu cosmology, we cannot know for sure. Our recorded hisories, including some so dfferent they are hard to translate, go back about seven thousand years. According to Sri Yukteswar, who has suggested the shortest durationn for each yuga among a variety of estimates of their length, the Ascending part of our cycle totals ten thousand years: one thousand of Kali, the lowest yuga, one in which Mankind is most enamored and ensnared in the material; two thousand of Dwapara; three thousand of Treta, and four thousand for Satya, the yuga in which Mankind reaches great spiritul elevation. At that top in Satya, then it reverses, and takes a total of nine thousand years before it enters Kali again. Even this shortest suggested duration of the yugas leaves considerable room for the "loss" of much of human history, especially since in descension one has to presume considerable destruction of historical facts because they are less and less prized by those then alive. Estimates of the duration of longer yugas runs into the hundreds of thousands even for Kali. (So far, no one seems able to prove one over the other...) Here is a description of the characteristics of each: the yuga cycles.
The art of astrology, which is a rich, highly diverse field with almost no scientific inroads, is the only astrology that has been practiced in both East and West since “recorded time.”
Moreover, world civilizations have produced more than one zodiac. Aside from the Chinese zodiac, two major ones have been the Eastern (often considered Indian), sidereal one, and the Western, tropical one. For one (West), 26 degrees of Taurus is the same as the other's (East) 2 degrees of Taurus. Astrologers East and West have achieved similar degrees of failure-to-success using these two different zodiacs. That is enough to make any one suspicious about the validity of any astrology. The tropical (Western) and sidereal (Eastern) zodiacs, coincident about 2000 years ago, are now about 24 degrees apart. In the West politically correct astrologers state that “both zodiacs ‘work.'" This astrologer does not concur. This astrology uses the Eastern, sidereal zodiac. It is much older, which sometimes means more authentic. And the Western one was created by men meddling with the facts for their own purposes. Here is an article on these two zodiacs sidereal-vs-tropical-zodiacs-and-why-it-matters..
In the art of astrology, both zodiacs do “work” because any individual astrologer’s success as an astrologer is a function of his own astrology, not the zodiac s/he is using. That can't be seen until charts of both groups are erected by a method which clearly demonstrates it--this method. And that is the reason both arts have never produced a science. Neither of their methods were suitable for research and production of reproducible results. This, and the practical difference between the two zodiacs, is discussed further in my paper The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, a Discussion.)
Other sciences, including physical science have also discovered that the experimenter unwittingly influences his results. Astrology did not invent such ramifications.
Perhaps you believe in the Western notion that human consciousness evolved through evolution of the brains and has arrived rather late in the scheme of evolution. Or perhaps you believe in the Eastern ones (some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism) that consciousness is the basis of all apparent materiality, all that we know of as "existence." Relative to the possible usefulness of this astrology, it does not matter. What both know is that this world operates according to laws. That is, everything existing (except some subatomic particles) in this space/time/causation universe works law-comformably. So, too, humans. If you are an Advaita Vedantist and claim the world is an illusion, Maya, it is a space/time/causation illusion. If you are hard-boiled Western scientists who believe nothing exists but the material (withh perhaps a non-material God in the background or beginning), and that it is the brain that produces consciousness, you are still experiencing and measuring existence within the space/time/causation ongoing event. No laws, no universes, no knowledge. Laws are the basis of science, and the astrological laws explored and presented in papers on this site are the basis for its inclusion among the sciences.
Returning to our Introduction, the point of view presented here is that the science of astrology has started. It could not have started before the proper identification of the date and time of astrological conception along with the infallible rule for deriving it (cf "About this Method," link at bottom of page). It needed the multiplication of the planets through harmonics. It could not have started without the invention and wide-spread use of the computer and the Internet. Before it can be fully realized, it needs more specific software that does work not reasonably done by hand; it needs useful and relevant databases, and it requires consistently correct birth times. It requires that there be public participation that produces true and detailed biographies of all aspects of human experience. Its subjects need to be culled from all human cultures. It requires the dedicated, sustained input of tens of thousands of researchers--one person does not make a science. And finally, it needs public trust that such information will be used for people, not against them. Over time, if it is to become practically useful, it will have to develop sophisticated differential diagnoses like those used in medicine. Some of those “differentiators” have already been established. Way more are going to be required for a functioning scientific system. (The paper on pedophilia has a number of anti-significators--one of the forms of differentiators: Pedophilia Paper.)
The art of astrology has never produced significant research results across areas of human experience. The science of astrology has already produced a respectable number. They demonstrate that something law-conformable is occurring in the way each human life manifests relative to the positions of planets at his conception, birth and lifetime. Those results have surpassed in range those achieved by Mendel in establishing laws of inheritance through work with pea plants.
This method uses birth and conception planets, both their sets of houses arranged around one axis, and the Egyptian harmonic. Harmonics have long been used in Indian astrology, and even later in Western astrology, though never with as much regularity. Here directly are the links for the two papers which describe derivation of conception: About This Method and Formula for Finding Conception. The Method Paper also discusses the Egyptian harmonic and FAQs about conception.
The genetic code created by DNA is comprised of four bases used again and again. Heredity does most of what it does using just those four bases. Their position and sequence determine how, and apparently even if, they manifest a trait or condition.
Traditional astrological nativities of the West are comprised of ten planets, twelve signs, and twelve houses. Houses are divisions by life subject such as finances, ordinary mind, partnerships, etc,, created by “dividing the circle” of the chart by twelve and identifying each division with a different astrological sign and life experiences.
For the sake of argument, we could say planets are astrology’s equivalent to DNA’s bases. So, astrology has ten “bases”—six more than DNA. [If you are not interested in this comparison of codes, you can search for the second incidence of "a code comprised." It will take you to the section in which charts are discussed as maps of consciousness. If you want to skip this first part altogether, you can search for "Taking a longer, more social look" to see some of existential questions a scientific astrology raises.]
All people are not interested in a discussion about astrology forming a scientifically researachable code, so the more thorough discussion of it has been put in a separate paper with the following link Discussion of the part position plays in DNA and astrology. The lesser discussion follows here.
In the following discussion, the code formed by DNA is compared to the code formed by the planets of this astrological method. It is not meant to extensively represent genetics, now a huge field. It has become really complex--far beyond anything I have time or mind to consider. By using it in this comparison, I am simply assuming that no matter how great the change, there are still only four bases and that position still plays a large part in the way bases express. So, too, does position in the way planets express. Hence, our basis for comparison.
Through harmonics this method creates a whole chart from each of the original 12 houses of traditional Western chart. That yields twelve charts, each of those with two sets of twelve houses (those of birth and those of conception), which share the same axis. Each chart contains the original ten “planets" (sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto—and moon’s nodes not counted here) from birth and conception and each of their appropriate harmonic derivatives, using harmonics three through fourteen. The resultant "nativity" is comprised of 480 astrological “bases,” the result of twelve times the 40 planets per chart.
Traditional astrology East or West could not have found a code in their method because their charts contained only 10 planets, twelve signs, and twelve houses, all in one chart.
The science of astrology with its birth and conception data creates 480 (12x40) planets (bases), and 288 houses (12x24) and keeps the 12 signs. With this, it begins to show more promise as a code.
480 does not come close to matching the number of times the bases of DNA are used in the human genetic code.
But to start with, genetic bases are far more like each other than planets are like each other. After all, the genetic ones are all bases. They have similar chemical structures and performance. The zodiacal planets cover a much wider range. Their performances are conceptual, though backed by consensus of historical observation. For instance, jupiter is about expansion while saturn involves contraction. Venus is conciliatory and including (Democrats), while mars is aggressive, cutting, and differentiating (Repurblicans). Consideraing the conflict that comes from their interaction, it should come as no surprise that in its orbit around the sun Earth is between venus and mars, that is between peace and war, love and hate. These greater differences in planetary modes contribute to the complexity of astrology’s code. This universe requires these modalities because they create the sense of movement, time, space, and causation. When presented as apparent opposities, such as venus (conciliation or love) and mars (aggression or hate), they are not so much opposites as movements along a gradient.
For interesting identification of the signs with the Measure Formulas, see the book by Arthur M. Young, co-inventor of the Bell helicopter, entitled The Geometry of Meaning. They are all good, but that of the sign Pisces with the formula for moment of inertia is fabulous.
Position in genetics is related to and constrained by physical sequence. Position in astrology is not confined to the physical. Its only physical part is that it starts out with the planets in their orbits, but turns conceptual thereafter. Planets express differently in different houses and signs—positions—just as bases do.
The remainder of this discussion is dedicated to establishing astrology’s potential to form a complex and sophisticated code through the innumerable ways it achieves variation in position.
Signs, associated with position, also demonstrate a type of opposing complementarity as do planets, associated with bases. Pisces is about believing, while its opposite, Virgo, is about discriminating. Aries is about self-assertion, while its opposite, Libra, is about cooperation with others. Leo stresses self- importance while its opposite, Aquarius, diminishes same. Sign differences add a richness of expression to the positions in the astrological code.
Birth (and conception) are snapshots in time of astronomical positions of planets translated into zodiacal ones. As physical realities based on their distance from the sun, planets have a definite order as do their zodiacal representations. This order represents some restrictions in position. They are, however, always changing those positons relative to each other. Their harmonics can fall almost anywhere in the zodiac. Sun can be opposition mercury. Saturn can be conjunct uranus even though astronomically they are nowhere near each other. Equally as effective astrologically as their physical models, harmonic planets are independent of their constrictions.
Astrological methodology has various ways to show how the planets change position over an individual’s lifetime. They cannot stay where they started out at birth because life is full of change. If astrology is a valid mirror of lives, then the planets in signs and houses have to keep changing. These changes are forms of "environmental" influence or flux on the original notes struck by birth and conception. This method uses secondary progressions. Today software does the work, but before software the daily changes of the position of the planets over time was shown in a book called an Ephemeris. Secondary progressions operate under the verified assumption that each day after birth(/conception) is equivalent to each year of life experience. So for changes for age ten, then, one looks at the position of the planets ten days after birth. "A day for a year" is mentioned in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6. Or we could contemplate the potential astrological allusion to the morphology of this method written in Ezekiel’s visions of the chariot throne. Their appearance were “as if a wheel were with a wheel” [conception/birth—author](Ezekiel 10:10), they moved “in any of their four directions without turning as they went’ (v.11) and their rims were full of eyes” [forms of consciousness symbolized by the planets—author](v. 12).
Progressed planets may and often do change sign. Venus in Taurus expresses differently than venus in Gemini. This change is equivalent to a change in position. They (may) change house, which is also equivalent to a change in position because each house covers different aspects of human experience. Since all of them progress all the time, they change in relationship to each other, which also alters the way they express.
The further the planet from the sun, the longer it takes for it to completely orbit it. That means that the progressed outer planets (from saturn outward) change do not change much during a person’s lifetime. Hence, they have limited position potential. Their harmonics, however, which start out in positions different from those in the ephemeris, progress anywhere from three to fourteen times faster. Their much wider variety of position means they compete with the faster moving inner planets in forming significant astrological conditions, that is, positions.
Astronomical planets do not move backwards in their orbit around the sun. Astrological planets appear, from the perspective of looking at them from Earth, to do so. Their backward motion forms different relationships to the planets than when they first moved through that area, forming more variety in position. Their stations, exact points of turning either direct or retrograde, have unanticipated positional effects. In the ephemeris, their movement during stations can take from days to weeks, changing very little, mostly only minutes per day. That means that the harmonics of their progressions (day for a year) also stay in virtually the same place for weeks or even months. Though their change in station is a form of lesser position, the duration of that station is a highly potent form of change—in this case, not change—in position.
Anyone moment in time around our planet Earth is represented by different clock times. Different clock times produce different houses—always arranged in a definite order, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.—rising and falling around the local noon and sunrise positions. These different houses yield different “positions” of those planets throughout the world. So, for instance, on this summer day in July,
Friday 3:31 pm Eastern Daylight Time on Friday in New York equals
8:31 pm Greenwich Daylight Time, Friday, in London, England, is equal to
2:31 am Peru Standard Time, Friday, in Lima, Peru, is equal to
4:31 am Japan Standard Time, Friday, in Tokyo, Japan, and all are equal to
5:31 am Australian Eastern Standard Time , Saturday, in Sydney, Australia
Since every day is comprised of 24 hours, many significantly different moments in time are possible in which the same positions of the planets fall in increasingly varying houses with their different rulers, yielding constantly varying differences in impact on life every single day.
Planets in houses and signs often have timing, therefore position implications. For instance, a planet in the 1st house usually first manifests most its qualities in childhood. One in the 4th house often does not experience its full expression until the last years in life. Similarly, mercury, sponsoring mentation and quickness, often has implications of youth, while saturn, correlated with decay, desiccation, and old age, suggests end-of-life conditions. These all have different position implications.
Each harmonic chart, one of the twelve total, itself tends to describe limited conditions based on the typical subject matter traditionally associated with the house with which it is identified. For instance, the 1st chart is derived from harmonic number (3) associated with the 1st house. The 1st chart contains valuable information about our identity formed in early childhood. It also often has astrology referring to allergic and asthmatic susceptibilities as well as tendencies to drug and alcohol addiction. But the planets in that chart may form relationships to each other, called sets, which can refer their manifestation to the subject area of a chart more typically representing that experience. It can do this because one of the house rulers in the set can refer it that other chart. For instance, we find in the 1st chart of Osho, the spiritual teacher, a very benefic set with 9th house influence usually found in the charts of spiritual achievers. The 7th and 9th charts are the charts most commonly showing the potential for spiritual achievement. But Osho’s has this, among one other, in his 1st chart of allusions to childhood. In his case, mystical experiences started in childhood.
For the sake of this discussion I have defined all the above qualities of astrology not about planets (i.e., "bases") as ones that are about position. Astrology has more than twice the number of bases than DNA. And because of all of the above and because its positions per individual, as well as over generations, are in continual flux while those of DNA are more fixed, it suggests a huge number of positions. More than DNA? I do not know—I know of no way to actually count all of them. Position in astrology is not as linear as in DNA. It proceeds from the real planets of our solar system, develops through house and sign, and through various harmonic possibilities, all of them ultimately proven “real” through research results. Aside from the "limitation" of meaning of signs and planets—in this discussion that they represent qualities of a human life—this code appears more open-ended than DNA’s..
Some genetic diseases are found to have astrological significators. All of the latter are not known because much more research is necessary to identify them. Right now it appears astrology faithfully represents mental, psychological, and even financial inheritance. The fact that the first of these are shared with genetics suggests a connection between the two codes.
A code comprised of so many fundamentals with so much possible variation promises tremendous diversity. It suggests dimensions unimaginable even with DNA. It delivers the “unimaginable.” It delivers human lives—consisting of mind, feelings, body, material and social conditions, mental and physical diseases, honors, susceptibilities and more, both obvious and hidden—for each individual among an extremely wide variety of individuals existing through time and space across different cultures. And, based on consistency of research results, it does it "correctly" for all of them.
We have, then, in scientific astrology a symbolic map of each individual's consciousness written in astrological code. In demarking each individual from every other one, it creates the many.
Why is it a map of consciousness?
Work with this method makes clear that conditions of the body/mind—the inside part as thinking, feeling, and sensation—are reflective of the individual’s consciousness consistent with their astrology. But what about the outside? In the physical world, are they shown, too?” Well, yes, the “outside” appears to be consciousness, too.
Why? Because inside and outside work seamlessly together to produce the finances, reputation, interests, death, child bearing, marriages, diseases, etc. of individual human beings.
Those consistent results suggest that there is no separate inside, the consciousness supposedly produced by the body, and outside, the world of “dead” physical matter. From the point of view of human lives, their highly efficient cooperation via the code suggests they are made of the same thing.
One could say the chart is a symbolic map for creating an individual life and “running” it. But that is too harsh. The “derived” conscious must have some kind of relationship to that greater Consciousness--that Omniscience,, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence. Since we understand the latter to be unlimited, there must be some way the potential of the human being is also unlimited.
This tentave conclusions about the primacy of consciousness as expressed through the astrological code has resonance with the esoteric part of a number of religions. They resonate, for instance, with the conclusions of hundreds of years of Advaita Vedanta Hinduism’s spiritual researchers: God, Consciousness, ) is, everything else is not, at least not what it appears to be. In fact, remaining true, this science will, at the mental level, validate that science.
Does all this invalidate science in general? Not at all. Science applies to, and is part and parcel of the measurement of, the space/time/causation universe, the only one that most of us know. In order to exist, it must express through patterns and laws.
Recapitulating with a slightly different emphasis, the sum of each individual's set of 12 harmonic charts, along with their changes through time, is an objective map of a subjective being. The subjective being is the ego identity. It tells us, dependably, a great deal about the trajectory of each human life.
The objective part, the map, gives us a common measure of similar experiences within the person and from person to person. So, for instance, all individuals who suffer from schizophrenia, no matter where in the world they are or when in time they existed, will have had similar astrology which symbolized that experience. Results like that make this form of astrology ideal for research and a candidate for becoming a science.
Does all of this, based on a code comprised of planets of our solar system, seem absurd? That may be, but how can it be more absurd than the already established and accepted reality that is genetics? If the validity of astrology's code can be demonstrated again and again by many, then it is no less a science than is genetics.
One might infer here that the implication is that there is nothing truly random about any human life. The question it raises, of course, is how non-random is it? Are there differing degrees of freedom for different people? Those interested in that perennial question, "is life Fated or do we have Free Will?" are encouraged to read: Creatolution—Creationism, Evolution and Astrospect Astrology, A Discussion. The conclusions generated by this form of astrology fall right in with statements made by Sages of all lands for all of written history. That is, that one is not free until he is free from his self. And to start with, he has to "know himself," which is not the simple journey implied by two such common words strung together.
Stated another way, what about the—American? Western?—belief that "any one can be anything he wants?" Is it really true? Does genetics deny that? What about astrology? Do they contradict our notions, East and West, of human freedom? Who has truly examined that statement across the broad spectrum of human diversity? Over time? With what tool, using which fulcrum? Scientific astrology will move us closer to a real answer to that question.
If, then, it is true astrology constitutes a code, that is, a set of specifications for making people in all their diversity, astrology’s code is rich enough to pull it off.
If, then, it is true astrology constitutes a code for making people consciousness with its accompanying material manifestations, astrology belongs not on the periphery, but in the hub of the human sciences.
Because if astrology constitutes a true code, then it behaves lawfully. If it behaves lawfully, then it is subject to the scrutiny, methods, formulations, and re-formulation of science.
Before going any further, we should review just what is scientific method. We want to tentatively answer, based on the material above, "can the scientific method be applied to this form of astrology?" Following are two links to papers written on the subject:
Introduction to the Scientific Method from the University of Rochester, and
A Long, Sophisticated Explanation on Scientific Method from Wikipedia (this was more than I wanted, but some readers might want to read all of it)
The variety of information per individual produced by this method ought to make it highly suitable for research and application of the scientific method. If it doesn't organize data better than any other method (that is, if it doesn't show connections never before demonstrated, or if it doesn't simplify connections previously considered more complex), and if it does not yield reproducible results, then we can say the method is invalid. But, this method does a superior job of organizing data more efficiently than other forms of astrology. And its results are reproducible. Evidence for same is in the papers and their addenda published on this site, all listed with links below. And they can be reproduced by any other astrologer because the method, its derivation and principles, and its empirically-derived rules are available in two other papers on this website. Their links are available at the very bottom of this page as well as at the bottom of most papers. Their titles are “About This Method” and "Chart Reading Rules." The former paper also contains answers to FAQs.
Observations, intuition, speculation, formal hypothesis, research, results. With new observations inconsistent with first hypothesis, the hypothesis is adjusted and then there is more research, more results. This is consistent with scientific method and papers on this site demonstrate a number of revisions to the original hypothesis, usually true, just not sufficient.
Taking a longer, more social look at astrology, there are indications in ancient literature that astrology was once far more in ascendance than it is now. I don’t mean just as a superstition, but, in the hands of the right interpreter, a trusted method for discerning certain aspects of reality. During most of human history, mankind has known the night sky. It seems to have stimulated not only his imagination but his continuous observation. Understandably, many people today think astrology’s present debased status an appropriate outcome for an out-dated superstition. Astrology, they believe, has died because it was based on the primitive, unscientific belief that the stars and planets influence human destiny.
On the other hand, perhaps astrology had to be suppressed, speaking teleologically, because in the hands of a good astrologer it appeared able to answer profound questions about life. But they could not be replicated by astrologers of the art of astrology. And its general use would have been an impediment to the development of Western rationality and its sciences, which in the past couple of centuries have stepped way ahead in their use of demonstrable, reproducible results.
Before it was suppressed (or died, depending on your point of view), astrology answered questions relevant to the world view that existed then. It has better answers—and different questions!—for the world view that exists now.
Astrology can still sponsor many vices. A chart is, after all, a map of the individual’s consciousness, deep and superficial. As the papers on saints and gurus of east and west demonstrate, these astrological charts even demonstrate the individual's potential for higher consciousness. It doesn’t say we can always identify who they are. Aside from super consciousness, which, strictly speaking, does not really belong to man, his two other possible levels of consciousness, waking and sub-, sponsor his life. Consciousness looking at itself is often tricky. Consciousness looking at its potential trajectory through time can get down-right scary. So, astrology is not for everyone. Itis not even for most people.
It does have a unique quality that could benefit everybody.
The useful part of astrology is it can answer questions that only modern science can raise. It can take us deeper into mind/body and environment/heredity questions than any other science. It can identify current and potential physical, mental, and behavioral problems, many at birth. It identifies "excesses" of consciousness which lead to disastrous behaviors and illnesses. All of these yield consistent and quantifiable information. In doing so they place astrology firmly in the category of a research tool as well as diagnostic aid. Astrology also has unprecedented potential as a learning aid: I can better understand another’s experience if ever in my life I have approached their astrology which represents that form of consciousness. If it is a painful experience, and in all my life I only experienced something half that difficult (indicated by its astrology), then I have some idea how bad it is for the other fellow. The same is true of being conned. Gambling. Asocial behavior. Being blindly in love. And so on. These are all astrologically sponsored experiences, though it is true different people have different susceptibilities to some.
Unlike other sciences, astrology is unique in that it can also give us verifiable information about the timing and duration of many conditions.
The paper about John Forbes Nash's schizophrenia is an excellent example. Why did it become so bad at one point that he had to be hospitalized even though he had been carrying it long before that? Here is the link: Paper on Nash.
It can help us better see whether any particular treatment, diet, or practice helped the patient, or did he “heal himself?” That is, did the astrology that sponsored his condition change for the better? Is there an astrology of healing? We live in a society filled with a multitude of forms of help. Can anyone get the help he needs, or are certain astrological conditions necessary?
Astrology can illumine the question of whether or not persistent, concerted effort to change our mind set (or our level of consciousness) changed our condition.
Finally, in order to grasp what we actually accomplish with consciousness, we need an accurate map of each individual's skew on it. If we don't know where he started from, how can we tell how far he has come? Or did he come, or go, anywhere? What has he created—willed—and what has he simply fulfilled? Scientific astrology is rich with potential answers to those questions. Without astrology, the other sciences—which have made tremendous gains in the study of mind and consciousness in the past eighty years—are still working out of the black box of “primordial substance” called consciousness.
By the time consciousness expresses through us as living beings on this planet it is not primordial. It is highly developed. It just takes time for it to show.
Ford, Arthur M., The Geometry of Meaning. New York: Delacorte Press, 1976.
Papers listed below show some of the areas astrological results separate the wheat from the chaff diagnostically. As stated above, the method used here is not the traditional Western. For that matter, it is not a traditional Eastern one, either. For the best explanation of it, read the paper titled "About This Method" with a link at the bottom of this page. This method appears more complex than others. Actually, because of its consistency, in ways it is simpler, much simpler. For a better understanding of the empirically-derived rules for reading this form of astrology, read the paper "Chart Reading Rules," link at bottom of this page.
As can be seen among the titles of papers listed below, subjects covered range from the ordinary (compulsive talkers) to the extraordinary (the suicide of Carter Cooper) , from health and healers (Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science) to sickness (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s), from mental illness (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) to mental incapacity (retardation and autism), from religion (Eastern gurus, Catholic saints, and Dag Hammarskjöld, the closet mystic), career success (thy name is legion, shown in many papers), gender differentiation (homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality), and many more.
Information necessary to cast a chart is: (1) date of birth, (2) time of birth (from birth certificate), (3) location of birth (town, county if the state contains two towns of the same name) state, country. I am no longer doing readings but sometimes respond to unique problems.
If you have questions about the method, send an e-mail to the author:
In Various Stages of Completion:
The Composite Physician--Highlights of 30 Physicians
Playing the Harmonics--What Do They Measure? (Further discussion of the harmonics and their relation to standard astrological aspects occurs in this paper: Chart Reading Rules)
A Glossary of Terms and Symbols (Much of this is also in the paper listed above.)
Alan Turing: Genius, Homosexual, Enigma, Suicide. There are a few comments on Turing's astrology in the paper on homosexuality:Turing
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's astrology for his reported (but not confirmed by autopsy) heart attack has been added to the November 2014 Heart Paper. Here is its link: The Astrology of Heart Disease: 35 Cases, Including Eight Serious Newborn Heart Defects, Sixteen Deaths from Heart Attack, and Four Deaths from Heart Failure.
The Astrology of Kidney Disease, 23 Cases, Including Four Successful and One Failed Transplant, Two Known Genetic Conditions, One Infant Born with a Severe Kidney Defect, and One Five-Year-Old with Kidney Disease
The following three papers do not contain explanations of the astrological method, working principles, etc. used on this site because they were pulled out of larger, main papers. Almost every other paper on this site includes such explanations, with the later ones being more comprehensive than the earlier ones.
Contact the author at: