Note: This astrology uses the sidereal zodiac. Please be sure to read the section entitled "Astrological Method," below.
This paper has been revised to include a second part of the significator for lesbianism. The original included only the first part of the significator. While the first part occurs in all lesbian charts, it also occurs in charts of an unknown percentage of heterosexual females.
After finding that, the next new finding was that heterosexual women whose charts show the first part of the significator for lesbianism also include a second part which directs their attention to male partners. (At least that is what has been found so far, but it is not conclusive, just suggestive.)
At that point, since a second part was required to create heterosexual interest, I thought the “default setting” for the first part “lesbian.” In my original study many lesbian charts included a potential second part, directing their attention to females partners, but not enough of them for me to take them serious as a second part. The problem lay in the paucity of information available for this study. All that was known about most of the women was that (at some point in time) they considered themselves lesbian. Perhaps one can do physical sex research with so little information, but this method requires far more. I discuss the problem created by so little information more in the Discussion, below.
I returned to the lesbian charts and approached them more like I had the homosexual ones—that is, as if I had more biographical information on them, opening up the number of charts in which I found it reasonable to look for significators. With that, I found a more solid representation of a second part for lesbianism. It is still not 100%--as it very nearly is among homosexual males—but it is very strong. Strong enough to suggest a second part of the significator for lesbianism is valid.
Other factors could account for a result of less than 100%. Since many of the birth times supplied for this study were given “from memory (apparently the women were at a lesbian sociopolitical event),” birth times are a likely source of error.
It is also possible when the data was collected (60s and 70s, USA), some women were then struggling to identify 100% lesbian for whom that was not the total truth That is, they had heterosexual backgrounds, and/or they were newly into lesbianism and aspiring to be wholly that way among lesbian peers.
Below, for each chart I present the two main significator for the astrology nearly all lesbians share.
I have written several other papers on gender preference. Links to all of them are at the top of this page.
Two papers are about twins and gender preference. One of those papers is about a twin brother and sister. As an adult, he is homosexual. His sister is heterosexual. They were born two minutes apart. Here is the link: One Twin is Homosexual, His Sister is Not
The other twin paper is about two sisters, one of whom grew up to be heterosexual, while her twin became a lesbian. They were born twenty minutes apart. Here is that link: Twins: One Sister is Heterosexual, One is Lesbian
Many readers of these papers on medical, psychological and sexual conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the sixteen (with more to come!) papers on twins on this site. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.
The Planets of Human Sexuality
Astrology, like the natural world, and even the subatomic world, is riddled with “sexuality.”
In astrology, though there could be some argument about the sexual assignment of the outer planets, it is generally agreed that among the inner ones the sun and mars are male, and the moon and venus are female.
Mars is penetrating, conquering, aggressive, and competitive. Mars helps us draw sharp lines between our ego and that of others. Mars plus the moon is aggressive and not in the least seductive. It is conquering, and has an “I versus them” quality. Mars comprises the second part of the significator in most male homosexual charts, with the sun sometimes substituting. As male planets in strategic positions, they identify the individual's preference for male partners.
Venus, in general, is receptive, appeasing, sensitive, non-competitive, and often generous. Venus mutes the sharp ego lines drawn by mars. With venus it is “we’re in this together” (whether you like it or not). Venus plus the moon is highly receptive, and when it is forefront it is also charismatic. Venus comprises the second part of the significator in most lesbian charts, with the moon occasionally substituting.
In the paper on homosexuality, I was interested for each individual in the state of his mars and whatever else might present itself as symbolizing same sex attractions for men.
In this paper on lesbianism, I am interested for each individual in the state of her venus and whatever else might present itself as symbolizing same sex attractions for women.
The Astrology of Lesbianism and the Planets Sponsoring It
In looking to identify the astrology of lesbians, then, we are particularly interested in the condition of one of their planets, venus. Their venuses tell us a good deal about their sexuality, to whom and how they are attracted to others.
Simultaneously, we are looking for a condition in addition to their venus that they all have in common which influences their 5th house of sexuality, in particular, and their 7th house of partnerships more generally. The 5th and 7th are the two main houses that clock our close interpersonal relationships. In this astrology, there is a connection between the 5th house in any one chart and the 5th chart, which is a harmonic enlargement of a 5th house. The same is true of the 7th house and the 7th chart. So, we will be looking at a lot of 5th and 7th houses, and 5th and 7th charts.
The significator for lesbianism cannot be just venus (or moon/venus) because venus is symbolic of the sexuality and love capacity of all women, heterosexual as well as lesbian. Just venus in or influencing a 5th house usually means the woman is receptive (venus) sexually because the planet of female attraction (venus) is in the house of sexuality (5th house). Many heterosexual women—not in the closet—have such an astrological condition. So do lesbians.
As it turned out, for both lesbians and homosexuals, one planet plays a big part in the first part of their significator. And that planet is neptune.
For homosexual males, it is mars configured with neptune.
For lesbians, it is venus configured with neptune. Each mars/neptune or venus/neptune must influence certain houses and an Angle. The houses are the 5th, and usually the 7th. See “The First Part of the Significator for Lesbianism”, below, for full details.
At least, venus/neptune starts the process of lesbianism because it occurs in all the charts of lesbians. They would not all have it in common if it did not have something to do with lesbianism.
So, what is it about neptune that can do that? What do we know in general about neptune's influence?
Neptune is forefront in charts of actors as the significator of their participation in a form of fantasy known as the motion picture. Projections on a screen are neptunian, because fantasy is neptunian.
Neptune is also forefront in the charts of fiction writers. In fact, most make believe is neptunian-sponsored. The creativity associated with neptune is of the same nature as the creativity involved in establishing our universe—it is prolific and apparently unlimited. Creations of neptune are usually interesting to us when they do not get too out-of-hand, too far removed from reality.
Neptune and/or Pisces (sign ruled by neptune) with influences to an Angle and 3rd house is forefront in the 7th chart of psychics, who experience a sort of reverse projection when they receive psychic information. (See paper on psychic ability, link on Home Page.)
The above are all basically positive aspects of neptune.
On its lower end, where its influence is more trying, neptune is forefront in the charts of psychotics as people whose “creativity” has gone astray. So, on the level of our thinking mind, too much neptune in certain charts starts moving us toward free-floating anxiety (see chart of SE, Sr., in paper on Asthma: Paper on Asthma and schizophrenia: Paper on Insanity—Woolf, Nietzsche, Van Gogh, Nijinsky . Add mars, and you have paranoid schizophrenia.)
In charts lacking enough benefic support, the Pisces (neptune rules Pisces) of psychic ability becomes the Pisces of confusion and chaos. It takes a certain maturation and individual strength—and strongly benefic charts—to deal well with psychic abilities. See paper on Psychics: Paper on Psychic Ability. When lacking enough benevolent support, psychic ability becomes the suffering associated with Pisces in its affiliation with the 12th house of chaos, madness, confusion, bondage.
Neptune is usually involved when people get scammed or otherwise fooled out of their assets, either through greed or “love.” That is how they can be scammed—neptune is running interference with them, making them see what they want to see rather than the ugly reality that is there.
On the physical level, neptune, often along with mars, appears involved in immune disorders. (Refer to the link on homosexuality and AIDS, and asthma, above. In that case, neptune appears the astrological influence that convinces the body that one of its parts is not one of its parts. On encountering certain cells, the immune system of the physically neptunian individual has become physically “scammed” into believing part of his body is not part of his body. So one part of the immune system declares, ”That is not one of us, it is an imposter. Get it!” It represents a kind of somatic paranoia which has toxic consequences. On the other hand, it may be that what is happening is that the defense system (mars) has become overzealous (neptune with mars, again slightly “paranoid.”.
Also on the physical level, neptune is involved in forms of addiction based on a created craving, like alcoholism or drug addiction. Neptune is the planet that provides the high. The later lows come from mars or saturn.
When mars/neptune represents running, neptune provides the high that comes from it. In that case, the individual, using his mars through physical exertion, has paid the Piper up front. Since all planets in a set must express, either together, or one after another, the runner then gets his high (neptune).
Neptune also produces highs on an emotional level. Connected with jupiter (a benefic), it sponsors non-physical (neptune) or spiritual (jupiter and neptune) expansion (jupiter and neptune). With venus (another benefic), the planet of love, neptune combines to promote adoration, easily seen, for instance, in the 10th charts of homosexual males who adored their mothers (there are some examples in the paper on homosexuality). It shows up in the 10th chart because that chart best describes both our social image and our relationship to our mother.
Neptune is the most creatively fecund of all the planets. Whatever other planet it touches, it suggests magic, allure, bigger-than-life, cinematic, inflated.
So, the one thing we know for certain about the first part of the significator for same sex attractions is that they create highly charged attractions. More concisely, the mars/neptune in homosexual charts inflames the desire nature, while the venus/neptune in lesbian charts inflames the love nature. But Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th is often found in charts of both groups, then indicating strong desire and love natures for both.
And when these sets occur as the first part of the significator in heterosexual charts, they are still describing highly charged attractions, some more sexual (mars), some more feeling (venus), some a combination of both (venus + mars) (all with neptune). In fact Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th occurs in many of the charts of “swingers,” “mate swappers,” and bisexuals presented in the paper on Bisexuality (link at top), suggesting the high charge is the motive force behind their behavior.
Following the logic of that argument, people with a low sex drive or less charged feeling natures are not going to be motivated enough to try the same sex attraction part, for instance, of bisexuality. That would account for the fact their lesser charged sexual significators don’t appear among bisexuals. They probably exist, they just don’t show up.
It is the second part of the significator, for both homosexuals and lesbians, which declares that charge be attached to same-sex individuals.
Now we can spell out the two parts of the significator for lesbianism.
The First Part of the Significator for Lesbianism
The planetary part of the significator for lesbianism is a lighted venus in the same set with neptune. The path they describe involves influence at least to one Angle, 5th, and generally, 7th house.
It is written this way: Angle/light/venus/neptune/5th/(7th). The use of parentheses around “7th” as part of the path symbolizes that the 7th influence occurs very frequently but not 100 per cent of the time. So, the core path is Asc/5th In this paper, the significator may lack 7th house influence, but not the 5th because the 5th is the part that describes it as “sexual.” If the 5th house influence is missing, the set is not a valid significator.
Below are further considerations about ways this set can appear in charts, and what works, and what does not
Comparing this significator set for lesbianism with what the same set might mean in the chart of a man who is not a homosexual, we see that he has powerful attractions, to women, which are filled with an allure that makes sober (saturnine, practical) discrimination difficult. Or, he elevates them in his imagination to “princess status.” Or finally, he adores his wife. Either way, it can work out well for individuals with charts with benefic support for relationship, and not so well in those lacking it.
The Second Part of the Significator for Lesbianism
The second part of the significator for lesbianism is most succinctly written “venus/Desc,” possibly with the moon sometimes substituting for venus. When venus is conjunct the Descendant (7th house cusp of partners) it directs the individuals attention to female (venus) partners (7th). The same occurs when mars is conjunct the Descendant in homosexual charts—it makes his most natural partner (Desc) male (mars). Note that in both cases the significator is conjunct the Descendant (plus or minus 2 degrees normally, see below.) Its position on an Angle brings it continuously forefront in the individual's consciousness. (
The same directing of consciousness occurs when the "lesbian" first parts of the significator occur in the charts of heterosexual women. For her to be heterosexual, the second part of the significator then directs her attention to heterosexuality is “sun/Desc,” (though occasionally it appears as “mars/Desc.") There are examples of this in the paper on bisexuality. Here is the link again: Paper on Bisexuality.
I do not, however, think there is a second part of the significator for heterosexual men who have the first part of the significator the same as do homosexual men. I suspect in that case "heterosexual" is the default setting and it does not require an astrology to represent it.
To see the wide range of influence of second parts of significators (in general, but here the sun), read the paper on Bruce Lee's life and death. There it illustrates another aspect of Angle/planet modifiers. In Lee's 1st chart of identity and its somatic consequences, it works against those for allergies, that is, mitigates against allergic reactions. In his case, it made him (and his doctors) believe he had none. That changed when he died from an allergic reaction to a headache pill. At that time his progressed 1st chart showed he had picked up additional Angular significators for allergies. They overwhelmed the "protection" afforded by his Angle/suns. Here is the link: Paper on Bruce Lee.
The second part of the significator for lesbianism can be achieved astrologically several other ways than just “venus/Desc.” Here they are spelled out:
In all of the above cases, it can be seen that venus is always Angular and it is always connected in some way to a 5th or 7th house. The Angularity is what directs consciousness (Angular) to women (venus). A non-Angular venus in a 5th or 7th house does not work for the significator (though you will see plenty moon/venus and venus/nodes in the astrology of lesbianism). The 5th and 7th identify intimate relationships.
Neither of these two significators by themselves constitute the astrology for lesbianism. They work together.
THESE SIGNIFICATORS FOR LESBIANISM ARE VERY SPECIFIC. PLEASE DO NOT ADD TO OR SUBTRACT FROM THEM. FOR INSTANCE, they do NOT include just venus/neptune aspects just anywhere in a chart. They do NOT include just neptune in the 5th house even if it is in the same set (conjunct, square, or opposition) with venus. They do NOT include just venus in the 5th house even if it is in the same set with neptune. And even when venus is conjunct neptune in a 5th house, it STILL does not form the 1st part of the lesbian significator unless they also are in the same set with a light and one of the planets in the set also rules an Angle. When that happens, the 2nd part of the significator, described above, is still required before the individual is seen, astrologically, as lesbian.
Charts Containing the Significators for Lesbianism
Originally, I looked for sexual significators (for all sexual preferences over the years) only in 5th and 7th charts, those representing sexuality and partnerships, respectively. As I became more experienced with this method, I learned significators can occur in charts not usually considered germane to sexuality. For more developed discussion of this and an excellent example, read about Yale professor and medieval philologist John E. Bosley in the paper on homosexuality. Here is the link: Paper on Homosexuality in 50 Males.
My first experience with the phenomenon that a significator set could occur in a “non-typical” chart occurred while searching for significators for spiritually elevated individuals. (See the following papers: Paper on Gurus, Paper on Catholic Saints, Paper on Dag Hammarskjöld, Paper on Osho, Paper on Vivekananda. They clearly showed the significator could occur in 3rd (mind) , 6th (service) and 10th (career and social image) charts as well as 7th and 9th. No matter which chart they occurred in, the planet/path was the same in all of them. So, the planet/path is more important in describing the potentiality than the chart. And, when the chart in which it occurs is atypical, it will always make sense, and it is referred to as the “center of gravity” (COG) chart of the individual.
So far, the only chart in which I have not found same sex significators (and likely opposite sex ones, therefore) is the 2nd chart.
Nonetheless, there are “typical” charts. For homosexual males, most of their significators fell in the 1st, 5th, or 7th charts.
For the lesbians in this study, the majority of their significators fell in 5th, 7th, or 12th charts.
For sexuality, then, second parts of significators can occur in 5th or 7th charts independent of whether or not those charts contain the first part because those charts are about sexuality and relationship. An Angular “sex-of-partner significator” in either of those charts will express through relationships.
Other than that, the second part of the significator cannot occur in any other chart unless the chart is a center of gravity (COG) chart, which means it must also contain the first part.
Before we can go any further, I must make known necessary information about this astrological method.
Astrological Method
This method is not traditional. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. :
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. For my take on why the sidereal zodiac is superior to the traditional, tropical, "Western" one, please see the following: The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, a Discussion.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (link below), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules one or two Angles, it also acts like a light and has the same orb as the other lights. The MC or Asc also acts like a light, but one with only a 2° orb, because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for static planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. (There is a table in the paper on Chartrules which shows which traditional aspects--e.g., semi-square, trine, quincunx, etc.--in the sidereal are converted to conjunctions, squares, and oppositions in the harmonics and which charts they occur in.) Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” As it turned out in this paper, house overlaps were not significant. They can be for some other conditions. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
The link to the paper about the formula for finding date and time of conception can be found in the Method paper, link just below.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to the following papers:
About This Method
Empirically-Derived Chart Reading Rules
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers—for ease of reading—I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.”
Now we can start looking at charts.
Since this is a revised paper, Set numbers are no longer sequential since I had to move some individuals. They should, however, match the discussion they are pointing to.THREE INDIVIDUALS WITH LESBIAN SIGNIFICATORS IN THE 1ST CHART OF IDENTITY ESTABLISHED DURING CHILDHOOD
The 1st chart is the chart which describes our identity and its somatic consequences formed in childhood. Allergies and asthma are two somatic examples. It tells of our self-identity, that is, who we are independent of others. Who we are with others shows in our 7th chart.
We naturally pass through the consciousness of the 1st chart. It is not that it dies as a form of consciousness after we grow up. Unless there are certain health problems, or the individual had a uniquely good or bad childhood, in adulthood 1st house consciousness falls into the background as the foundation of our identity. An example of an idyllic childhood occurred with Osho, the controversial Indian guru (see paper on Osho, link on Home Page). His childhood was not only idyllic, it was the ground for his later spiritual development, something normally considered a 9th chart matter.
Long-term isolation can drive one into the consciousness of the 1st chart.
So can weak ego development. The individual, in trying to compensate for that early lack, keeps being drawn back to it. (See 1st chart of John Hinckley, Jr., link on Home Page.)
In spite of all the information I now have on the meaning of the 1st chart, I suspect there is much more to be learned about it. I, myself, was somewhat surprised it contained significators for homosexuality, then later, for lesbianism. But, then, some individuals discover their same sex preferences when they are still not much more than children So it should not have been a total surprise.
In the paper on homosexuality, a number of individuals were identified who discovered their homosexuality before or in their early teens. Unfortunately, the lesbian data provided no such dates of revelation. With this, I should point out that even if self-knowledge of sexual orientation occurs in childhood, its astrology can be represented by the 7th chart.
Here are the 1st charts.
Set (1) includes sun/venus/neptune. B1 sun co-rulers (30 of 47°) b 7th and c venus rules C MC and c 5. Note b venus on conception descendant.
There is no 12th influence.
Lesbian 10009—the Second Part of the Significator
Lesbian 12143
Biographical data stated: American female homosexual. From the Lee Lehman collection.
Set (4) contains Asc/2sun/venus/2mars/jupiter/neptune. C sun co-rules (28 of 34°) c 5th house. B1 sun rules b 12th house. C1 mars rules C Asc, which is also part of the set.
The set does not have 7th influence. However, b1 venus, at 0 Pisces 56, is on birth descendant at 2 Pisces 05.
Lesbian 12143—the Second Part of the Significator
Biographical data stated: American singer, actress, lesbian, noted family, daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono; sings with group “Ceremony.” From the Steinbrecher collection.
Set (5) shows sun/venus/mars/jupiter/2neptune all in the same set. The midpoint between the two neptunes is 8 Scorpio 50. C1 jupiter co-rules (19 of 33°) c 5th house. B mars rules b Asc and b 5th house, and co-rules 918 of 21°) b 12th house.
There is no 7th influence in this set. However, in her 7th chart she has c mars, ruler of C MC (in b 5th house) and c 5th house at 16 Taurus 59 conjunct c7 venus at 18 Taurus 42 on birth descendant at 18 Scorpio 27.
Chastity Sun Bono—the Second Part of the Significator
Bono’s financial good fortune shows, among other things, in her 7th chart as a conjunction of both harmonic suns with venus and jupiter in Cancer in b 8th house with c7 sun ruler c 2nd house . The set is made Angular by the opposition of b mercury, ruler of B MC at 2 Virgo 54. Here are the figures: b7 and c7 suns at 23 Cancer 43, b7 venus at 20 Cancer 06, b7 jupiter at 21 Cancer 15, and b mercury at 24 Capricorn 04. These all fall in c 1st house, showing considerable charisma.
It also contains information about siblings, or, in particular, one’s relations to siblings.
Our mind can contain the significators for our sexuality because imagination can play a big part in sexuality.
Sometimes, as occurred with Nikola Tesla, the significant set in the 3rd chart includes a path that refers ordinary mind to higher mind. The same can occur with 3rd/9th house overlaps—the 9th part usurps the more common, ordinary, 3rd part.
Set (16) includes node/sun/venus/neptune. B venus rules B Asc in c 5th house. There is no 7th house influence.
Lesbian 12161—the Second Part of the Significator
Roughly speaking, our 4th chart is a harmonic enlargement of our 4th house. In traditional astrology information in the 4th house is correlated with foundations in life, homes, roots, and the less-nurturing parent (which is odd, since it is naturally ruled by Cancer, the most nurturing sign). Traditionally, the parent who is “less nurturing” is usually the father, since he goes out to work while the mother stays home to take care of the children.
In this form of astrology those focal areas of the 4th house also apply to the ones of the 4th chart.
Information on the father in the 4th chart is not an exact description of him. It is a description of how the individual as child experienced him.
Other 4th chart information, such as on homes, includes apartments. For instance, if one is fortunate in buying real estate for a new home, it will show up as forefront benefics in this chart as well as in the 4th house of the 7th chart. But, so will an especially good find in an apartment.
If one’s home is destroyed by fire (as mine once was), the 4th chart will contain the significators for “dying”—Angular mars/saturn and often pluto. Something did die—the house. Also, its importance to one’s self is lost. Here it has some association with Cancer, because when one loses one’s home through disaster, one has lost one’s earth “womb.” A man’s house may be his castle, but for many of us at varying times it is also the socially acceptable womb to which we retreat as adults for recuperation and rejuvenation.
In order for any set to apply only to one of those charts, part of that set must be harmonic because it is the harmonics which create the different charts Without them, all twelve charts are exactly the same.
And, for any particular planet to apply only to, for instance, the 4th chart, it must be harmonic in that chart (unless it rules the 4th house). For instance, if an individual has a harmonic moon in Pisces in his 4th, then it has 4th chart significance. If it is not harmonic, then it is in all charts, and has no particular 4th chart significance.
Here are some interpretations I have found so far for parental influence in 4th and 10th charts:
Sets of neptune with the planets of sexual identity—venus and mars—in 4th and 10th charts start out having fairly ascertainable interpretations:
However, this is where it gets trickier.
Lesbian 10627 has such contradictory sets in her 4th chart. Let’s take a look at it.
Lesbian 10627Set 58 contains B Asc/2venus/jupiter/saturn/uranus/neptune. C venus is actually out of orb, so I put in the harmonic of C Asc, which increases orb at least enough to include c venus.
In the above set, c venus rules C MC. B jupiter co-rules (24 of 33°) b 5th house.
B4 saturn rules b 7th. B4 uranus co-rules (15 of 21°) b 7th. C4 neptune co-rules (24 of 25°) c 7th house.
There is no 12th house influence.
Note the conjunction of c4 venus with c4 SN in c 7th house.
It can be seen in the set above that the original Asc/venus/jupiter was joined by harmonic saturn/uranus/neptune. I normally find saturn/neptune parent chart emphasis to mean that the child felt unable to please that parent, producing a form of psychological deflation. That may have been the case. However, saturn in this set has another function. It connects the set to a 5th house, thereby completing the significator.
Set (58) contains a golden benefic (Angle/venus/jupiter) somewhat subdued by the presence of saturn, but vivified by the presence of neptune. In addition, this chart contains a second golden benefic (not shown). Two of them suggest her overall relationship with the father was quite positive, even glowing.
In this chart she has another set which influences an Angle, 5th , and 7th house composed of sun/mars/neptune. In the chart of a male homosexual, this would be represent the significator for his own sexuality. And here, in this “father” chart of a lesbian, the question is does the mars/neptune represent her own sexuality (that is, is she butch) or does it represent a father who was sometimes rather crazy (mars/neptune) or alcoholic? Or, both?
Her harmonic chart for her 10th house (and relationship with mother) puts moon/saturn right on that B Asc, again with the saturn influencing a 5th house. But Angle/moon/saturn/5th suggests rejection by the mother, while the 5th part suggests her influence as a female model for her child’s growing sexuality was negative.
An additional set is in her 10th chart. It shows B MC at 14 Aries 36 being it the same set with b saturn (at 14 Cancer 01 and c10 harmonic pluto at 15 Libra 20. Angle/saturn/pluto shows major withdrawal, as if the child finally just gave up trying to connect with Mom.
Still, this chart, too, contains a golden benefic. As stated above, parent charts are rarely all bad or all good. But, when they contain significant difficult sets, they suggest strong negative effects of that parent.
Lesbian 10627—the Second Part of the Significator
Lesbian 10242
Biographical data stated: American female homosexual. From the Noreen collection.
Set (6) contains 2node/2venus/2neptune. B4 neptune rules B MC. B venus and its harmonic rule b 5th house. C4 neptune rules c 7th house.
Set (6a) shows an Angular golden benefic (with venus conjunct jupiter conjunct C Asc) for this chart, making quite believable it could be the COG chart. But it also contains a potential second part of the significator.
Lesbian 10242—the Second Part of the Significator
In Set (7) there are 2moon/2venus/jupiter/neptune. The two lights make inclusion of neptune possible, but even with only b5 moon, neptune could be included.
Significators in this set are not entirely straightforward. C jupiter rules c 5th house, and b saturn and uranus rule and co-ruler b 5th house. None of those planets are in the set. However, the conjunction of moon to venus in Sagittarius is in c 5th house
C5 venus in Sagittarius would also rule C MC had she been conceived (with birth difference being very similar) just 2 minutes, 24 seconds later than figured from the time given.
Not shown in the partial chart above is the conjunction of c moon (ruler of c 12th house) at 19 Aquarius 55 to c venus at 19 Aquarius 27—in c 7th house.
The above considerations, then, give her moon conjunct venus in 5th and 7th houses, with one set additionally influencing a 12th house and the other potentially influencing C MC. Neptune is part of Set (7), but does not influence c 7th house because the set does not influence a 7th house. It does, however, influence the moon/venus in c 7th house because it is in the same set with them.
Lesbian 10060—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (8) contains moon/2venus/mars/saturn/neptune. B venus and b5 venus rule b 7th and 12th houses. B5 neptune rules b 5th house. B mars rules B Asc and co-rules (17 of 25°) b 5th house.
Lesbian 10066 the Second Part of the Significator
Set (9) contains 2moon/mercury/venus/mars/uranus/neptune. B5 moon rules B MC. B5 venus rules B Asc. B5 mars rules b 7th house. B mercury rules b 12th house. B5 uranus rules b 5th house.
She has b sun at 1 Capricorn 41 on B Descendant at 2 Capricorn 34. This suggests a male (sun) partner (7th house). She also has c venus at 6 Aries 50 on C Descendant at 7 Aries 31.
Lesbian 10110 the Second Part of the Significator
Set (12) contains moon/venus/mars/uranus/2neptune. C5 moon rules C MC. The 2 b neptunes rule b 7th house. C5 uranus rules c 5th house. There is no 12th influence in Set (12). C 12th house, ruled by mercury, is influenced by moon/venus through the following set: c5 mercury, ruler of c 12th and C Asc (therefore acting like a light with an orb of 5°), at 28 Gemini 52 is in the same set with c5 moon at 27 Gemini 34, b5 mercury (another Angle ruler/light) at 25 Virgo 59, and b5 venus at 23 Sagittarius 24. C sun, at 23 Sagittarius 22, and c saturn, at 27 Gemini 49, are also in the set.
Lesbian 10353—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (13) contains 2moon/mercury/venus/mars/saturn/neptune. C mercury rules both C Angles, so it acts like a light, and thus this set has three lights. C mercury also co-rules (11 of 26°) c 12th house. B5 venus rules B Asc. C5 neptune rules c 7th house. C5 saturn rules c 5th house.
Lesbian 10768—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (14) includes node/moon/mercury/venus/jupiter/2neptune. B5 mercury rules both B Angles, with B MC in c 5th house Because of its rulership of an Angle, b5 mercury also acts like a light with an orb of 5°. B neptune rules b 7th house. C5 venus rules C MC and c 5th house. B neptune rules b 7th house. C5 jupiter rules c 12th house.
Lesbian 11074—the Second Part of the Significator
Sun/venus/jupiter/neptune are in Set (15). B5 venus rules B Asc. C5 neptune co-rules (14 of 28°) c 5th house. B5 mercury rules b 12th house. There was no 7th influence.
Lesbian 11902—the Second Part of the Significator
American writer, a novelist and playwright whose works include "Three Lives," 1908 a biography, "Alice B. Toklas," 1933 and an autobiography, "Everybody's Autobiography," 1937. An eccentric, she was one of the most colorful figures in the post-WW I literary scene. In Paris, she formed a salon epicenter of intellectuals, artists and writers. Her weak-spirited mother died when she was 14 and her tyrant dad died 14 years later, leaving her money. She studied medicine at Johns Hopkins University for four years, but flunked out in the turmoil of her first lesbian affair. She went through the exact same scenario on a second occasion, only this time at Radcliffe University. In 1903 she moved to Paris. Four years later she met Alice B. Toklas for the first time, it was love at first sight for both. Alice was slender, whereas Stein was heavyset, plain and butch with rolls of fat. They ended up devoted life partners, with Toklas missing Stein for 21 years after her death.
On July 27, 1946 she died in a hospital in Neuilly sur Seine, France. Suffering from cancer, she slipped into a coma at about 5:30 PM and died an hour later, at 6:30 PM according to her obituary in the New York Times. She was 72.
Set (16a) is comprised of sun/mercury/venus/mars/jupiter/neptune. B sun rules b 7th. B mercury rules b 5th, and co-rules (26 of 47°) b 7th. C jupiter co-rules (30 of 33°) c 5th house. And c5 mars rules C MC and c 5th house. There is no 12th influence.
Gertrude Stein—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (18) contains 2sun/mercury/venus/neptune. C5 mercury rules C Asc, so it acts like a light. B7 rules b 7th house. B7 sun rules b 5th. C7 mercury rules C Asc, and therefore also acts like a light in this set. B neptune rules b 12th house.
Lesbian 10120—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (20) contains 2node/moon/2mercury/venus/jupiter/neptune. B mercury and its harmonic rule B MC and b 7th house and also act like lights. B venus co-rules (19 of 27°) b 5th house. B7 moon co-rules (16 of 31°) b 7th house. C saturn rules C MC.
There is no 12th house influence. However, the two b mercuries conjunct b venus in Pisces in c 12th house constitute a lighted venus/12th influence.
Lesbian 10163—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (24) contains node/sun/moon/mercury/venus/2mars/jupiter/neptune, that is, it contains three lights. B mercury rules b 5th house. B mars rules b 7th house. B7 venus rules B Asc in c 5th house. and co-rules (26 of 39°) b 12th house.
Lesbian 10455—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (25) is very simple. It includes moon/venus/2neptune. C7 venus rules C Asc in b 7th house. B neptune rules b 5th house.
There is no 12th influence, but there is a 12th/lighted venus influence through b venus which is in the following set: b venus, ruler of b 12th house, at 26 Gemini 05, is in the same set with c7 mercury, co-ruler (30 of 38°) of c 5th house, and b7 NN at 29 Gemini 52.
Lesbian 10671—the Second Part of the Significator
Compared to the last chart, Set (26) is large. But a set can be quite large and contain, e.g., moon/venus/neptune, but not contain the necessary house influences. Set (26) is comprised of node/moon/2venus/mars/jupiter/2saturn/neptune/pluto. C moon co-rules (24 of 27°) c 5th house. B7 saturn rules B MC. C7 saturn rules c 12th house.
There is a debatable 7th influence. C7 venus co-rules 13 of 40° of c 7th house, which falls a tiny bit short of 1/3 of the house. 13/40 = 0.325, whereas 1/3 = 0.333.
Note the conjunction of mars to the south node in Scorpio which falls on birth descendant.
Lesbian 10816—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (27) Asc/venus/mars/neptune, with the Asc acting like a light with a two degree orb. B7 neptune rules b 5th house. B7 mars rules B Asc and co-rules (19 of 31°) b 5th house.
There is no 12th influence.
The 7th influence comes into play as she turns adult. C 7th house is ruled by c saturn. In the above chart it is at 10 Cancer 15 and direct. It is too far away from C Asc to be part of the set. The table below shows its progressions for the first part of her life:
Set (28) | Birth Age | pc saturn | pc7 NN |
10 | 11Cancer 13 | X | |
20 | 12 Cancer 14 | 16 Cancer 07 | |
30 | 13 Cancer 20 | 13 Cancer 40 |
I added her progressing harmonic node. With an allowable 2° orb to the Ascendant, it can be see that not long after 10887 turned ten years of age her progressing c saturn, ruler of c 7th house, joined Set (27) above. Unfortunately, by the time she was thirty, it and progressing node had formed a conjunction to Asc/mars. It’s a painful set, perhaps even the end of her life (c venus co-rules c 4th house by 30 of 37°). She also has a conjunction of 2sun/mars/saturn in Taurus with influence to two Angles which is also in b 9th house and also has 4th house influence.
Lesbian 10887—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (29) is another relatively simple set containing sun/moon/venus/neptune. B sun rules b 5th house. C moon rules c 7th house. B7 venus rules B Asc. B neptune rules b 12th house. In the sense of covering the most territory with the fewest planets, Set (29) is potent.
Lesbian 10914—the Second Part of the Significator
Note that the Angles and house cusps given above are for a p.m. birth time. The data source gave 7:41 a.m. as the time of birth. That time did not yield any significators for lesbianism in all her charts. All the birth dates and times given in collections were “from memory,” that is, from the individual’s recollection of birth time rather than from looking at the birth certificate. Since a memory transposition of birth time from a.m. to p.m. or vice versa is an easy mistake to make, I tried her birth time for p.m. and found it contained the significators.
Set (30) contains node/moon/mercury/venus/neptune. C7 venus rules c 5th and 12th houses. C7 mercury rules C Asc and co-rules (30 of 33°) c 12th house and simultaneously acts like a light since it rules an Angle. B7 neptune rules b 5th house.
There is no 7th house influence, but note the conjunction of venus to the south node in Sagittarius on the “dark side” of conception descendant.
Lesbian 10941—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (31) is comprised of MC/Asc/2venus/neptune—again, a rather uncomplicated set. The Angles are already part of the set. C7 neptune co-rules (21 of 27°) c 7th house. B venus and its harmonic co-rule (19 of 23°) b 5th house.
There is no 12th influence in Set (31). Lighted venus does influence b 12th house through b7 jupiter, co-ruler (11 of 22°) of b 12th, at 19 Cancer 22 conjunct c7 NN at 17 Cancer 35 and c venus at 20 Cancer 50
Note that b venus in Aquarius is the conception descendant.
I haven’t been recording other sets that influence the 5th house beside the significator set we are interested in here. However, just as homosexual males often include venus and jupiter among the mars/neptune/5th significators, so also do lesbian females often include mars and jupiter among their venus/neptune/5th significators. Here is a second 5th influence for this individual. It is in her 5th chart :
Set (32) | b5 sun | 18 Gemini 26 | |
b5 mars | 19 Virgo 34 | ruler of b 5th and 12th houses | |
b5 jupiter | 21 Virgo 51 | ruler of B Asc | |
c neptune | 22 Virgo 42 | co-ruler (21 of 27°) of c 7th house | |
c jupiter | 17 Pisces 11 | ruler of c 5th house | |
b5 uranus | 21 Pisces 15 |
Speaking strictly in terms of the masculinity and femininity traditionally assigned to the planets, 12123’s 7th and 5th charts contain different implications. Her 7th, containing the significators pursued in this paper of venus/neptune, has feminine connotations. Her 5th chart, masculine ones.
Lesbian 12123—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (33) includes 2Asc/sun/venus/saturn/neptune/pluto. C7 venus rules C Asc on birth descendant, simultaneously giving us our Angle and 7th influence. C7 venus also co-rules (20 of 30°) c 7th house and co-rules (20 of 23°) c 12th house. C7 neptune co-rules (27 of 28°) c 5th house. B7 saturn rules B MC. C7 uranus rules c 5th house. B sun rules b 5th house.
Note that Asc/venus/neptune in Libra is on birth descendant.
Samantha Andy—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (34) MC/moon/venus/uranus/neptune. The Angle is already in the set, but b venus also rules B MC in c 5th house. C moon co-rules (30 of 43°) c 7th house. B7 uranus rules b 7th house.
Set (34) does not have 12th influence.
This woman has second valid lesbian significator set in this, her 7th chart that fulfills the basic requirements set for this paper:
Set (35) | b7 NN | 13 Virgo 11 | |
c venus | 14 Virgo 28 | ruler of C MC and c 5th house | |
c saturn | 17 Sagittarius 40 | ||
b7 saturn | 10 Gemini 00 | co-ruler (17 of 31°) of b 5th house | |
b7 neptune | 11 Gemini 28 | ||
b mercury | 15 Gemini 42 |
The planets in Set (35) all constellate around that one single light, b7 NN in Virgo.
Lesbian 35840—the Second Part of the Significator
Biographical data stated: American female homosexual.. From the Robert Jansky collection.
B mercury in Set (55) rules B MC, so it functions both as a light and an Angle ruler. Set (55), then, contains Asc/node/2mercury/venus/uranus. C7 neptune, at 16 Leo 56, is too far away from one of the lights to be part of the set. B mercury and its harmonic also co-rule 28 of 34°) b 7th house. B venus rules b 7th house. Without neptune, which co-rules (12 of 29°) c 5th house, this set lacks a main component for being a significator. The table below shows its progressions from ages 10 to 50:
Birth Age | Progressed C7 Neptune | Progressed c NN |
10 | 17 Leo 43 | 26 Taurus 37 |
20 | 18 Leo 55 | 26 Taurus 22 |
30 | 20 Leo 34 | 26 Taurus 08 |
40 | 21 Leo 21 | 25 Taurus 28 |
50 | 25 Leo 03 | 24 Taurus 27 |
Orb for inclusion of planets in a set is 5° from the lights. But that is for static sets, not progressions. Orbs for progressions are much smaller. Here, however, there are three lights with orbs of 5°--the two mercuries and a node. Also, the Asc acts as a light with a 2° orb. They “help” progressing harmonic neptune enter the set earlier than might be expected. Then the progressing c node—positions shown above—acts as another light. Until orbs for such combined lights are actually established through example, we can only guess the point at which neptune entered the set. A reasonable guess would be when it was around 3° from b mercury, between the ages of 20 and 30. Then, picking up one light after another, it stayed in the set at least through age 50.
Does neptune entering this set in adulthood mean this woman did not perceive herself as lesbian until then? If so, was her heterosexuality before then relatively normal? Or, was it muted, suppressed, or damaged?
Another set, also in her 7th chart, suggests her sexuality was damaged:
Set (56) | b7 mars | 7 Scorpio 36 | ruler of B Asc, b 5th , and b 12th houses |
b SN | 9 Scorpio 31 | ||
c7 saturn | 11 Scorpio 55 | ruler of c 4th house | |
b venus | 12 Aquarius 23 | ruler of b 7th house | |
c moon | 9 Taurus 07 | ruler of C MC | |
c mars | 9 Leo 46 | ruler of C Asc |
Lonely little venus in the above set is taking a hit from two mars and a saturn. So, we could say, the venus is afflicted. That means her sense of love is damaged.
The Scorpio planets above—a conjunction of south node, mars, and saturn, are all in b 12th house (reminder, in the 7th chart). With b mars, ruler of B Asc and b 5th house, it becomes a set which distinctly suggests sexual suffering. In this set we have the two malefics (mars and saturn) conjunct a South Node in Scorpio (a sign of the sexual blending that takes place in the 8th house) in the 12th house of hidden and bound circumstances—all influencing a 5th house. Does this set represent sexual molestation or incest?
Previous research has shown that children molested in childhood often have ruler of the 5th in the 1st house. Or, a 1st/5th house overlap with appropriate planets therein. But, here we have ruler of the 5th in the 12th, which also suggests sexual trauma. What is clear with the 1st placement is that it occurs in childhood. In this set, Set (56), we do not know if the trauma occurred in childhood or later, after she grew up.
As far as the “hidden” part of the 12th house, that in fact also applies to the sexual molestation that occurs with ruler of the 5th in the 1st house. One can hardly say that sexual molestation of a child is an open event.
Since the 4th house (c saturn rules c 4th) is part of the set, sexual trauma caused by the father is a possibility. The 4th house part could also interpret as sexual trauma, even medical sexual trauma that occurs toward the end of her life (4th).
That same non-harmonic set that starts out node/moon/venus mars, in set (56) discussed above, acquires harmonic mars, saturn, and pluto in her 4th chart. Mars/saturn/pluto is the combination that spells out some kind of “death”—definitely not always physical. Added to moon/venus/mars, it suggests death of the affections, and severe damage through her father to this woman’s idea of men, or male model. Here is the set:
Set (57) | b SN | 9 Scorpio 31 | |
b venus | 12 Aquarius 23 | ruler of b 7th house | |
b4 mars | 5 Taurus 04 | ruler of B Asc, b 5th and b 12th houses | |
c4 saturn | 7 Taurus 57 | ruler of c 4th house | |
c moon | 9 Taurus 07 | ruler of C MC | |
c4 venus | 7 Leo 56 | ruler of C Asc | |
c4 pluto | 8 Leo 06 | ||
b4 moon | 9 Leo 22 | co-ruler (30 of 38°) b 8th house | |
c mars | 9 Leo 46 | ruler of c 7th house |
The path traveled by Set (56) is repeated in this chart. It involves influence to 4th, 5th, 7th, and 12th houses as well as several Angles. This set is further vivified by the addition of another moon. And, here it acquires 8th house influence, whereas in the 7th chart it showed severe affliction in Scorpio, natural ruler of the 8th house.
Her 5th chart also suggests something amiss for her sexually. Her c5 neptune, co-ruler (12 of 29°) of 5th house, at 23 Scorpio 10 is conjunct B Asc conjunct South Node, implying bad experiences (SN) through sexuality (5th) and shared feelings (Scorpio). C uranus, ruler of c 5th house, at 24 Taurus 38 is opposition that Ascendant. Her 5th house matters, sexuality, are forefront and afflicted from birth, suggesting early and painful sexual encounters.
So, one reasonable story we can construct about Lesbian 10541 through her charts is they certainly suggest that she suffered severe sexual (not necessarily incest) and emotional disturbance through her father’s influence. And, also just as reasonably, she would then have had irregularities in the normal unfolding of her sexuality during puberty. However that worked out for her, it looks like she did not really try a lesbian relationship until sometime between ages 20 and 30, when that progressing c7 neptune entered Set (55) in her 7th chart, completing her lesbian significator set.
Lesbian 10541—the Second Part of the Significator
…Mauresmo first attained the top ranking in mid September 2004, holding that status for five weeks. At age 25 she had become the fourteenth World No. 1 in women's tennis since the computer rankings began. Fittingly, her Sun had progressed 25 degrees to reach her Tenth House cusp.
She 'came out' as a lesbian to the international press at age 19…
Set (44) is comprised of moon/node/mercury/venus/neptune. B7 neptune rules b 5th house. B venus rules B Asc and co-rules (25 of 31°) b 7th house.
Lesbian 10393—the Second Part of the Significator
The 8th house contains information about our sharing with others, including shared identities. It also plays a part in inheritance and financial markets.
Individuals with strongly benefic 8th houses and charts, then, likely have especially powerful and blessed connections with important others, sometimes including financial ones.
Set (2) contains sun/moon/mercury/2mars/venus/neptune—containing three lights. C8 venus rules c 5th house. C8 mercury co-rules (20 of 22°) c 5th house. B mars and b8 mars rules b 7th house. C8 mars rules C MC in b 7th house.
Lesbian 10811—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (19) includes Asc/node/sun/mercury/venus/jupiter/neptune. B sun rules B MC. C jupiter co-rules (30 of 33°) c 5th house.
B8 venus is at 24 Libra 02 with b SN at 24 Libra 15. If we combine that with the sun/c8 SN/c8 neptune above we have sun/2node/venus/neptune in which b sun rules B MC and b venus rules b 7th house—a separate 7th house influence.
Lesbian 10126—the Second Part of the Significator
Foster won Oscars as Best Actress on 3/29/1989 for her role of a rape survivor in "The Accused," and as an FBI trainee in "The Silence of the Lambs," 1991.
When Foster was born, her parents were already separated and she was raised by her mom with supportive approval. The youngest of four kids, she had an eclectic and unconventional upbringing, exposed to Hollywood from youth due to her mom's job with a movie producer. When her brother Buddy tried out for a TV commercial, she stole the scene at three, leading to other roles. By 1970 she was working consistently on various shows and by 1974, honing her acting skills with performances that were intelligent and hard edged. Her performance in "Taxi Driver" won her an Oscar nomination.
Making an effort to be a "normal" teen, Foster enrolled in Yale University in 1981. She graduated magna cum laude in 1985 with a B.A. in literature. Her attempt to have privacy during her education was interrupted by the unwelcome attention of an admirer, a stalker-type fan, John Hinckley Jr. On 3/30/1981, he made an attempt to assassinate President Reagan after writing a series of love letters to Foster.
Foster took on the role of director with "Little Man Tate" in 1993 and the following year, created her own production company, Egg Pictures. The company's first release was "Nell" for which she received another Best Actress Oscar nomination.
In 1976, she again received unwelcome publicity when her brother Buddy published an unauthorized biography, "Foster Child," in which she charged that she abused drugs and was "probably a lesbian." She remarked that Buddy had left home at nine and the book was "a cheap cry for attention and money." She has always guarded her privacy and normalcy.
In 1998, Foster announced her pregnancy but would not discuss the ways and means. On July 20, she gave birth to a son, Charles. She is finding plenty of support in raising Charles with her friend, Cydney Bernard. Her production company was thriving with several films in the works and she came in at No. 40 on the Premiere magazine list of Hollywood's 100 Most Powerful People, the highest ranking woman.
On 9/29/2001 Foster, 38, gave birth to a six-lb.-three-oz. boy, Kit Foster, in Los Angeles. As with her older son Charles, three, the Oscar winner will not identify the child's father.
Set (19a) is massive. It includes node/sun/moon/2mercury/2venus/jupiter/2neptune If we had any doubts about including the neptunes in the set they would be erased by the fact that the set includes four lights—node/sun/moon and b mercury, which rules B MC and acts like a light.. C jupiter rules c 5th house. C sun rules C Asc. C venus rules C MC. And b mercury rules B MC. So this set influences three Angles.
Not her lighted conjunction of venus and jupiter also falls in b 2nd house as well as influences c 2nd through c mercury. This is an aspect excellent for income—and it is all non-harmonic, so occurs in all charts.
Cutting her own way religiously, Foster’s C Asc in Leo is conjunct moon conjunct uranus—planet of independence—in her b 9th house of religion.
Jodie Foster—the Second Part of the Significator
We could have just used her 7th chart. That one includes the set with c neptune at 19 Libra 16, b neptune at 19 Libra 31, b venus at 21 Libra 47, b moon at 22 Libra 16, and b mercury, ruler of B MC, at 24 Libra 18. All the planets in Capricorn (except c8 moon) are still in the set, and so it also influences c 5th house. In this, her 7th chart, she still has c moon at 8 Aquarius 19—a female planet on c Desc at 11 Aquarius 20. I just showed her 8th chart above because it is exceptionally benefic and powerful with that conjunction of moon/venus/jupiter on an Angle with C MC and with c8 venus at 9 Virgo 48 conjunction B MC. Along with all the Angular influence of her golden benefic in Capricorn to Angles, the chart is extraordinarily benefic. It might be her COG chart.
Two of the women in this study had powerfully benefic significators in this, their 9th chart. But, since we have no biographical material on them other than their sexual preference, we cannot know whether the 9th is a “reasonable and appropriate” chart to (also) contain the lesbian significators.
Set (3) contains node/moon/mercury/venus/2jupiter/2neptune. C jupiter and its harmonic ruler c 7th house. B9 moon rules B MC. C9 venus rules c 5th house. C neptune rules C MC. This set influences two Angles, a 5th and 7th house.
Lesbian 11409—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (11) combines C MC and B MC into the same set with venus and jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius and both harmonic neptunes in Gemini. We can include b9 neptune in the set because two Angles are involved, making acceptable orb a little beyond 2°. C venus rules c 5th house. C9 jupiter rules c 7th house. B9 neptune rules B Asc. C9 neptune rules C MC. Three Angles are thus influenced by this set as well as 5th and 7th houses.
With that conjunction of venus and jupiter in Sagittarius in the same set with two Angles, I would sure like to know what this woman’s life work has been. It could be religion, but it could also be something to do with philosophy, or ancient history/linguistics, or law, or even aviation.
Lesbian 10340—the Second Part of the Significator
First, the chart of Lesbian 10468.
Biographical data stated: American female homosexual.. From the Lee Lehman collection.
Set (54) contains node/sun/venus/mars/jupiter/neptune. C10 jupiter rules c 7th house. C10 neptune rules C MC. B10 venus rules B Asc. C mars co-rules (20 of 35°) c 5th house. Because it contains venus, jupiter, and a light, and influences an Angle, this set contains a golden benefic, especially powerful because the NN, sun, venus, and jupiter are all conjunct in Aries, suggesting carte blanche in personal development. With its influence to the 5th house, it suggest this woman’s relationship to her mother (10th chart) powerfully, positively affected her later sexual experiences.
There is no 12th house emphasis in this set.
Lesbian 10468—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (21) contains C Asc/sun/venus/uranus/neptune. B10 sun co-rules (23 of 33°) b 5th house. B10 venus rules b 7th house. B10 neptune co-rules (30 of 48°) b 12th house.
Lesbian 10249—the Second Part of the Significator
Biographical data on lang stated:
Canadian singer and songwriter, accomplishing the music-crossover from traditional country to pop market and achieving a Grammy award for her album "Shadowland." She is known for her lower-case name that was initialized in 1983, always showing individuality and an eccentric style. Lang won rave reviews with her androgynous country singing from 1984 with the validation of three major Grammy nominations in 1990 alone.
Lang was the youngest of four kids born to a teacher and a pharmacist in tiny Consort, Alberta, a town of 650. When she was 12, her dad up and left, never to be seen again. She had been singing and tap dancing since she was five and eccentricity came naturally. In the 6th grade, she used snuff and wore leather bell-bottoms. After graduating from Red Deer College, she joined a group of performance artists who took themselves very seriously. In 1982 a play about Patsy Cline led Lang to country music and an ongoing obsession. It clicked and all came together.
She writes barroom lyrics, wears men's wide-shouldered suits or down home country dresses with boots. With her first film "Salmonberries" in 1991, the question of her sexual preference came up, as it had before, and she announced her homosexuality the following year, coming out in the 6/16/1992 issue of The Advocate. She's a vegetarian, teetotaler, androgyny, feminist Canadian, stridently unlike others and reveling in being "odd one out."
The year 2000 finds her as the opening act for Sting during their concert tour. She starts her own solo concert tour on 8/09/2000 to promote her new CD, "Invincible Summer," some of the songs penned while she was enjoying the beaches of southern California after her move from Canada. .
We want to consider two of her 10th chart sets—one seen as the sponsor of her lesbianism, the other as the sponsor of enough capacity to project male qualities that the two together sponsor her androgynous affect.
Set (59) includes Asc/moon/venus/jupiter/neptune/pluto. Note that moon/venus is on birth descendant. C moon rules C Asc. C venus rules c 5th house. C neptune rules C MC. This is an extremely charismatic set which includes a golden benefic (forefront light/venus/jupiter) and the charismatic (cinematic) light/venus/neptune. (We will see the latter below in the 7th chart of Marilyn Monroe. It influences three Angles and is also exceptionally ”feminine” because moon/venus is receptive and feminine. When forefront in the chart of a man he may not appear overtly feminine (or may, depending on the man) but he is nonetheless exceptionally magnetic.
Forefront and lighted pluto is strong in sponsoring withdrawal and/or a need for privacy. Lang has a lighted conjunction of pluto to B Asc in Set (59). In Set (60) (influencing two Angles) her birth sun is conjunct pluto. Plutonian individuals do not like to be controlled or otherwise dictated to (even through convention). They distrust others enough to always keep their essential freedom intact.
Set (60) does not contain the masculine mars, but it does contain the sun, which is masculine. It contains sun/mercury/2neptune/pluto. B sun rules B Asc and c neptune rules C MC. This set influence two Angles. It is not as strong as Set (59), but I believe it is the source of some of her masculine projection (note neptune’s involvement again).
We can consider her 4th chart because her biographical material above contains some information about her father. We know he left when she was twelve. We do not know how she felt about him until then. Nor do we know how his leaving affected her and her family. Was it a relief? Was it traumatic? Were they left without income? No one is saying. But her 4th chart astrology gives us some idea of her father’s influence:
Set (61) | b4 SN | 14 Cancer 58 | |
b sun | 15 Libra 30 | ruler of B Asc | |
b neptune | 16 Libra 58 | ||
c neptune | 16 Libra 59 | ruler of C MC | |
c mercury | 14 Capricorn 40 | ruler of c 12th house | |
b4 saturn | 15 Aries 52 | ruler of b 4th house | |
c4 mars | 15 Aries 37 | co-ruler (30 of 44°) of c 5th house |
In Set (61) an essentially neutral non-harmonic set which started out sun/mercury/neptune acquired harmonic node/mars/saturn, which is painful, dissonant, implying an unpleasant, “jerky” relationship with her father, possibly even involving physical assault. Node/mars/saturn/neptune is worse, implying siege conditions.
Her 4th chart contains another unpleasant set. Here it is:
Set (61a) | c4 SN | 29 Aries 52 | |
c4 saturn | 0 Taurus 26 | ruler of c 7th and 8th houses | |
b4 mercury | 27 Cancer 57 | ||
c uranus | 0 Leo 33 | ||
b mars | 27 Libra 36 | ruler of b 4th house | |
c4 sun | 3 Aquarius 00 | ||
c4 pluto | 3 Aquarius 09 |
Node/sun/mars/saturn/pluto shows some kind of “death” or disappearance of the parent involved, here the father. It has no Angle influence, so that is probably the astrological reason he stayed around until she was twelve. Otherwise, he would have left earlier.
kd lang—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (17) is comprised of sun/venus/uranus/neptune. B11 uranus rules b 5th house. B venus rules B Asc and co-rules (18 of 29°) b 7th house.
Lesbian 10081 has a perfectly good first part of the significator in both her 5th and 7th charts, but neither contained the second part. And by working definition, the only way I could use a chart (other than those two) containing the second part was if it also contained the first part and was then considered the COG chart. Her 11th chart is the only chart that did, and the first 11th chart I have ever used as COG.
Of course, the 11th chart is the COG chart for some individuals. I have written a paper on sects that illustrates just that. Here is the link: Paper on Sects. But this 11th chart didn’t contain enough positive sets for me to feel it should be a COG. Moreover, her 7th chart, which is more benefic, contains a heterosexual second part: both harmonic suns at 20 Aries 59 are conjunct B Desc at 19 Aries 00.
She likely married or lived with a man before discovering her lesbian option. Her 11th chart emphasis appears to be on a lesbian relationship that includes a significant emphasis on being friends or on common friends. So that relationship could have started out through a group (11th) connection, quite possibly a women’s liberation group. The second part of the significator in her 11th chart, then, made it possible for her to “see” the possibility of a close relationship (Desc) with a female (venus). Once the relationship started, she likely switched to her 7th chart identity, but would have had some trouble with the heterosexual second part significator in it.
Her 5th and 7th charts, though not containing the second part, do contain, respectively, venus conjunct SN in c 5th house, and venus conjunct NN in b 5th house, certainly at least pointing out she will have some “fated” (node), sexual (5th house) loves (venus).
Lesbian 10081—the Second Part of the Significator
In its association with the 12th house, the 12th chart implies something held in bondage or otherwise not allowed to flow freely, something either restrained, or hidden.
In the 12th house’s association with Pisces, naturally correlated with the 12th house, we get a 12th/neptune influence because neptune rules Pisces.
It is easy enough to see—assuming the significators I found are correct and fundamental—that both homosexual males and lesbians have a 12th house emphasis in their astrology because each of their significators includes neptune, ruler of Pisces, the natural sign of the 12th house. What is not clear is the significance of same. As stated above, neptune appears to bring both difficult and exceptionally pleasant “karma.”
Some planets do not do well in Pisces, the sign correlated with the 12th house. For example, mars in Pisces hardly acts like mars at all, having lost the initiative and aggression normally associated with mars.
Venus in Pisces, however appears to run the gamut from instigating great emotional suffering (Pisces) to promoting unusual luck and felicity in love (venus). The difference of which is sponsored appears related to the degree of forefront beneficence in the whole chart as well as in relationships, though there would be some variation in that. Basically, the more benefic the whole chart, the more benefic is venus in Pisces simply because it is rare, but not impossible, to have a great love and have the rest of life be in shambles.
The 12th chart, or the 12th house, is prominent in murder.
On the other hand, the 12th is also associated with hospitals and institutions where the suffering associated with Pisces (incapacitation, over-sensitivity, removal from ordinary life) takes place. But, if you are on staff, and not the inmate, then you are not doing the suffering, your patients are. And sometimes, even, the life of the inmate is not that bad. Both types get representation through the 12th.
And, the 12th house/chart can simply mean some activity or condition whose antecedents are difficult or impossible to find. That is why the house is sometimes called the garbage bin of the houses. Any unfinished business (from the perspective of our mostly un-provable soul purpose) can end up resident there.
Set (23) includes moon/mercury/2venus/jupiter/2neptune. B12 moon rules b 5th house. C mercury rules C Asc (and is therefore also a light) and c 5th house. B12 venus co-rules (23 of 39°) b 7th house. C12 venus co-rules (30 of 41°) c 5th house. Note this set includes a golden benefic.
Lesbian 10440—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (37) contains 2node/mercury/venus/mars/saturn/neptune. B12 venus rules B MC and b 5th house. C12 mercury rules C Asc, providing an Angle ruler and light for the set, and co-rules (27 of 33°) c 12th house. C7 mars co-rules (24 of 39°) of c 5th. C saturn rules co-rules (16 of 19°) c 7th house.
Set (37), then, because it contains mars and saturn with the light/venus/neptune, implies some emotional pain. Let’s see what her 5th chart contains:
Set (38) | b sun | 24 Leo 44 | |
b5 venus | 24 Scorpio 15 | ruler of B MC and b 5th house | |
c5 neptune | 24 Scorpio 32 | ruler of C MC | |
c5 SN | 24 Scorpio 49 | ||
b uranus | 23 Taurus 26 |
The conjunction of SN/venus/neptune all in Scorpio with both 5th and Angular influence also (along with the 12th chart set) implies a certain amount of emotional suffering. The suggestion is that either she, or her lover, is too possessive, or too identified with the relationship. That causes emotional storms. B sun is also conjunct a SN in Leo, usually implying a little bit too much self-importance. Peace is to be found for all of us in NN behavior. Here in Taurus it suggests more emphasis on the beauty (Taurus) of the external world (Taurus) and also, in Aquarius, learning to see other people also as centers of universes—their own.
Lesbian 10024—the Second Part of the Significator
Included in Set (39) are node/2venus/2mars/2saturn/neptune. The whole set hangs around that one NN as the only light. C12 venus rules C MC and c 5th house. B7 mars rules B MC. B7 saturn rules B Asc and also co-rules (20 of 28°) b 12th house.
There is no 7th house influence for Set (39).
Lesbian 10055—the Second Part of the Significator
American author, lecturer and astrologer, a world renowned expert in Horary, Electional and Medical Astrology.
A researcher with M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in botany from Rutger's University, her books include "The Ultimate Asteroid Book," 1988, and "Essential Dignities," 1989, "The Book of Rulerships," 1992 and "Classical Astrology for Modern Living," 1996. At UAC she won the Marc Edmond Jones Award in April 1995 for creating a bridge to classical astrological sources through her meticulously researched books, articles and courses. Developing computer study of asteroids, she researched essential dignities and delved deeply into classical techniques. She is the founder of correspondence courses on horary and election astrology. Dr. Lehman is also noted for being the Research Director for NCGR and program Co-Chairman for UAC in 1995.
A youthful rebel and activist, she acknowledged her Kinsey-6 gay status on 9/08/1972, 7:15 PM CDT, Waupaca, WI.
Set (36) is comprised of node/venus/jupiter/saturn/neptune/pluto, with the node being the only light around which the set centers. C7 saturn rules C Asc in b 5th house. C7 jupiter and its harmonic rule c 12th house.
There is no 7th influence in Set (36), but note the conjunction of that b venus in Cancer to both b7 NN at 15 Cancer 46 and c SN at 21 Cancer 00 in c 7th house (neither node is shown in the drawing). She also has c7 venus at 13 Aquarius 23 in b 7th house lighted by c sun at 12 Scorpio 21.
Lehman has another set very near set (36) which contains all the right planets. Here it is:
Set (36a) | c mars | 11 Capricorn 10 | |
b7 neptune | 13 Capricorn 42 | ||
b7 SN | 15 Capricorn 46 | ||
b7 venus | 13 Aries 51 |
Set (36a) shows lighted venus/mars/neptune, but the set neither influences a 5th house, nor an Angle. Since, however, venus and mars are both “sexual” planets, it raises the question of whether or not this set, if not defining (which it isn’t because it has no Angle influence), cannot also function as a “supporting” significator set.
Lehman also has a lighted venus/neptune set in her 10th chart which has both 5th house and Angular influence. Significator only in the 10th is discussed later in this paper. But this is not the only significator set, so again, the question arises, are these sets cumulative? Added together do they astrologically explain her Kinsey 6 status?
Lee has received a number of awards (not in the above biographical material) for astrological excellence which I will not recite here. More than two, however, implies a strongly benefic 10th chart, which Dr. Lehman has. She has a golden benefic in that chart. Golden benefics, first discussed in the paper on gurus, combine the greater and lesser benefics (jupiter and venus, respectively) in a set with a light with the whole set having Angular influence. Clearly, it is a set which prognosticates success and/or joy in areas covered by the chart it falls in. Here is the set:
Set (36b) | c uranus | 23 Gemini 35 | ruler of c 2nd house |
b10 moon | 23 Gemini 50 | ||
c10 jupiter | 20 Sagittarius 22 | ||
c venus | 21 Sagittarius 29 | ruler of C MC and c 5th house |
Set (36b) shows a lighted conjunction of venus to jupiter in Sagittarius with influence to an Angle. The 2nd house influence helps her to make money in conjunction with her success.
Dr. J. Lee Lehman—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (40) includes node/sun/2venus/uranus/neptune. B venus and its harmonic ruler B MC in c 5th house and also b 5th house. B12 sun co-rules (15 of 45°) b 7th house. C12 neptune rules C MC.
Set (40) does not include a 7th influence. The 7th house is, however, forefront in this chart because c12 saturn, co-ruler (16 of 20°) of c 7th house, is at 22 Capricorn 31 in the same set with B MC, with an orb of less than a degree. That means 7th house matters are forefront.
Note that b 3rd house has Pisces on the cusp. In her 7th chart b7 neptune at 6 Virgo 17 is in the same set with b7 moon at 5 Gemini 36. That’s an indication of some psychic ability. It would be strengthened had she also a light in Pisces in that chart, but she does not. (See paper on psychics, link on Home Page.)
Lesbian 10142—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (41) is comprised of MC/node/venus/2uranus/neptune. B uranus rules B MC. C venus rules c 7th and 12th houses. C neptune rules c 5th house.
Note that she has moon conjunct venus in Taurus on conception descendant. She also has a conjunction of venus to the South Node in Sagittarius in b 7th house, fairly close to that descendant.
Lesbian 10191—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (42) contains moon/venus/neptune/2pluto. The moon conjunct venus is in b 7th house. B moon rules b 5th house. And c venus rules c 5th house.
This set has no Angle ruler. Conception MC, however, at 0 Scorpio 53, is very close to just having left Libra. Had conception (with birth times change being comparable) been at 11:37:37 am instead of 11:41:15 a.m., conception MC would have been in Libra, ruled by c venus. The difference in time amounts to 3 minutes, 48 seconds earlier.
Set (42) has no 12th house influence.
Her 10th chart contains b10 sun, ruler of b 5th house, at 19 Libra 54, and c10 neptune at 17 Libra 26. If her conception time is earlier, yielding a conception MC in Libra, then this set is forefront, suggesting openly lesbian, even possibly a spokeswoman.
Lesbian 10301—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (43) consists of node/sun/venus/2neptune. B12 sun rules b 5th house. B12 venus rules B Asc in c 5th house.B neptune rules b 12th house.
Set (43) does not include a 7th influence. Note, however, that b venus at 3 Scorpio 10 is on birth descendant.
Lesbian 10383—the Second Part of the Significator
The planets in Set (45) are 2moon/mercury/venus/mars/jupiter/2neptune. As a set it is rather spread out, but it contains three lights. C12 mercury, ruler of C Asc, is a light along with the two moons. B moon and its harmonic rule B MC. B12 venus rules B Asc in c 5th house. C mercury rules C Asc and c 5th house. C12 jupiter rules c 7th house.
There is no 12th influence in Set (45).
Lesbian 10697—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (46) includes B MC/mercury/venus/2neptune. B12 mercury rules B MC and B Asc and simultaneously acts like a light with an orb of 5°. It co-rules (14 of 25°) b 12th house. B12 saturn rules b 5th house. Each neptune rules its corresponding 7th house.
Set (46) is a loose set. The occurrence of nearby lights through returns, progressions, or partners would strengthen it.
Lesbian 10766—the Second Part of the Significator
American female homosexual whose lesbian life began at age 21. She was molested at the age of 10 by a 66-year-old friend of the family who later committed suicide. In 1969, while engaged to a boy in college for a while, she helped a widower friend with his kids until he raped her while drunk. By 1978 [she was born in 1949] she was content with her life style and peer group, but had memory blocks of past trauma that she could not remember dates for.
Set (47) includes node/moon/3mercury/2venus/uranus/neptune. C mercury and its harmonic rule C MC and C Asc in b 7th house> Since they rule Angles, they both function as lights. C mercury and its harmonic also co-rule (10 of 27°) c 12th house.
B12 mercury rules b 5th house. It also co-rules (30 of 42°) b 7th house. C12 neptune rules c 7th house. C uranus co-rules (13 of 31°) c 5th house.
Note that SN conjunct venus conjunct neptune is in b 7th house.
Rape significators, to my knowledge, always show up only in the 7th chart. Here they are for this woman:
Set (48) | b7 pluto | 5 Taurus 18 | |
b7 venus | 6 Taurus 37 | ||
b mars | 6 Taurus 54 | ruler of B MC | |
c saturn | 3 Leo 57 | ruler of c 5th house |
The significator in the 7th chart for rape is Angle/light/venus/mars/pluto/5th. The venus stands for the woman’s sexuality or receptivity. The mars and pluto, apparently, for the force that is involved. Forced receptivity—a contradiction of terms, but astrology does a good job of representing the real world. Saturn is unnecessary in the significator. Here it functions to connect the set to the 5th house. Other than that, it makes the rape experience more brutal (mars + saturn) and bitter, but rape is that way anyway.
Rape significators as discussed above do not apply to young children who can be talked into being sexually violated.
Lesbian 11265—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (49) consists of sun/moon/venus/jupiter/saturn/uranus/neptune. B12 moon rules b 5th house. B12 neptune co-rules (30 of 62°) b 12th house. B sun co-rules (26 of 35°) b 5th house. B venus rules b 7th house. C jupiter rules c 7th house. C uranus rules C MC.
This woman also has a valid set in her 7th chart which I missed at first.
Lesbian 12197—the Second Part of the Significator
We saw her partner’s significators above as Set (33) which occurred in her 7th chart.
Joan’s “acceptable” set is Set (50) above. It contains moon/venus/neptune in which c12 moon rules C MC in b 5th house, c venus rules C Asc, and c12 neptune co-rules (23 of 28°) c 5th house. These are our defined “minimum” astrological significators for lesbianism.
Joan’s other set, Set (51) above, includes mars/venus/3neptune and lacking a light. C mars rules c 7th house. B12 neptune rules B Asc. C12 venus rules C Asc.
Still discussing Set (51), I did not put in it b moon, which rules b 5th house, and is at 0 Capricorn 42. It is in orb with the venus and mars, but not with the neptunes. Her partner’s three 12th chart lights that fall in that area, however, bring it well into play.
Samantha’s 12th chart lights are as follows:
b12 moon | 29 Sagittarius 20 | ||
b12 NN | 28 Gemini 07 | ||
c12 jupiter | 29 Virgo 59 | ||
c12 NN | 26 Sagittarius 27 |
As can be seen, Samantha’s 12th chart lights greatly vivify Joan’s Set (51). I put the jupiter in to show that in their synastry through this chart, they have a golden benefic (light/venus/jupiter)—the summum bonum of synastry—which has forefront influence. Since Joan apparently experiences her lesbianism primarily through her 12th chart sets, the golden benefic bodes well for a fruitful and long-lived relationship.
Joan Andy—the Second Part of the Significator
Included in Set (52) are node/moon/mercury/venus/2mars/neptune, with mercury being out-of-sign with the rest of the planets. It rules b 5th house, and co-rules (21 of 43°) b 7th house. C12 moon rules c 7th house. C mars and its harmonic rule C MC.
This set tends to separate into two—one at the upper end with moon/mercury/mars/neptune, and the other at the lower end with venus/node/mars. I am not particularly pleased with it as the only significator set for this woman whose lesbianism is part of her career, but that is all I have found (so far). If all she had for a light was that b1 node, by itself it makes a set with all the planets shown. It is just that lights usually fall more in the middle of sets, whereas here they fall on each end. She does have moon/venus/5th in her 1st and 5th charts, but they are without neptune. She has moon/venus/neptune/5th in her 7th chart, but it lacks an Angle ruler. It could be brought forefront by either (1) a partner's Angle, or (2) a long-term locality which puts the set on an Angle.
Set (52) does not include an influence to a 12th house.
Phranc—the Second Part of the Significator
Set (53) is comprised of sun/2venus/2neptune. C12 venus rules c 7th house. C sun co-rules (24 of 33°) c 5th house. B venus rules B Asc. C neptune co-rules (30 of 44°) c 12th house.
Since three-quarters of the above set is non-harmonic, it occurs in all charts. I just used the 12th chart because it included influence to the 7th house.
Note that c venus, ruler of conception descendant, at 29 Pisces 18 is in out-of-sign conjunction to c SN at 0 Aries 18.
That conjunction of c mars in Capricorn to B MC also influences C Asc because c mars rules C Asc. As a strong forefront mars influence, it could be connected to her being butch.
Homeless 36004—the Second Part of the Significator
We have come to the end of the 50 subjects of this paper. I have, however, included the astrology for five more that I put in Appendix I, link below. The remaining five subjects are Marilyn Monroe, Martina Navratilova, Barbara Jordan, Billie Jean King, and Frieda Kahlo:
Once we included atypical charts as possibly containing the significator for lesbianism, there was no problem finding at least one chart that contained it.
Distribution among the different charts was interesting. The table below counts the number of times significators occurred in the charts we were examining. :
Significator Found In Chart | Number of Individuals | |
1st Chart | 3 Individuals | |
3rd Chart | 1 Individual | |
4th Chart | 2 Individual | |
5th Chart | 8 Individuals | |
7th Chart | 13 Individuals | |
8th Chart | 2 Individuals | |
9th Chart | 2 Individuals | |
10th Chart | 3 Individuals | |
11th Chart | 1 Individuals | |
12th Chart | 15 Individuals | |
TOTAL | 50 Individuals |
Compare the above with the distribution for significators for 50 homosexual males, shown below:
Significator Found In Chart | Number of Individuals | |
1st Chart | 11 Individuals | |
3rd Chart | 1 Individual | |
5th Chart | 16 Individuals | |
7th Chart | 18 Individuals | |
9th Chart | 1 Individual | |
10th Chart | 1 Individual | |
12th Chart | 2 Individuals |
Once I expanded my search for significators beyond that “warranted” by the scarce biographical information (but warranted by my many years experience with this method), the “missing” second part of the significator started showing up consistently.
How did I do that? For individuals whose chart lacked second parts of the significator, I looked “leafed” through all the harmonics for birth and conception to see which supplied a venus/Angle. Once I found any, I then looked to see if those charts also contained solid first parts of significators. If they did—and especially since most of them appeared very powerful charts, I considered them the center of gravity chart.
Having done that, the count for the occurrence of the second part of the significator occurred as follows (if more than one occurred, I always counted the venus/Desc first and as the only one):
”Venus/Desc” | Bisexual | Maybe (slight change in birth time) | Moon/Desc | None |
35 | 8 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
When I first started investigating charts of homosexual males, I was as interested in the incidence of mars in Pisces (as mars in neptune’s sign) as I was in the later established significator of mars/neptune. And, at first, I believed mars in Pisces (with the right path) an additional significator. When I expanded the search by investigating more charts than the 5th and 7th, mars in Pisces as significator fell by the wayside. Mars in Pisces has far more of a 12th house (Pisces, bondage) implication than does mars/neptune.
Something similar occurred in my search for the significators for lesbianism. Was venus in Pisces (venus in neptune’s sign) as acceptable as significator as was venus/neptune? I was prejudiced in this area because an old friend from college days was a lesbian. I no longer had her chart, but remembered it contained a conjunction of moon to venus in Pisces in the 5th house. In fact, that was my first clue about the significator that ended up being venus/neptune. But, as can be seen in this paper, venus in Pisces is not identified as significator even once.
I have literally—except for substituting “lesbian” for the word “homosexual” in some of the following paragraphs—the same thing to say in this discussion as in the one for homosexuality:
While I have not provided a control group in any of my papers (I have good reasons), thinking of providing one for this subject group presented even more problems than usual. Suppose I looked for significators for lesbianism in the charts of 50 heterosexual women and found several that had the full set (see chart of Marilyn Monroe in the Appendix). Does that mean:
There are more questions worth entertaining. Would a significator set located in the 4th house (say, a conjunction of moon/venus/neptune) with Angle and 5th influence only “mature” late in life (4th house)? I think so. So, when younger, this individual would not see herself as lesbian.
Does some astrology support stronger adherence to the cultural norm of woman-loves-(only)-man more than other astrology? I believe it does, In that case, that woman might take longer, and more disappointment in traditional relationship, to admit her lesbianism even to herself.
Does a “weak” but complete significator—say one with orbs to lights just within the acceptable orb—mean that the idea of one’s lesbianism presents itself only loosely for many years?
These kinds of astrological and/or social conditions may explain such switches as occurred, for instance, with Billie Jean King, who was “very much in love” with her husband when she married him. She said she would not have done that to her husband—marry him knowing she was a lesbian. I do not doubt her. But, only three years later she finally understood her interest was in women, not men.
There are further complications in research involving homosexuality of either sex. They cannot be sorted out until the biographical material that comes with their birth data yields far more information than we had here:
In any lesbian relationship we start with two women who are lovers or mates in a female body, one of whom may be identified internally as female (but not as “standard” female because her sexual interest is not in men), and one of whom may be identified internally as male. While it is possible to guess exactly which astrology produces which, from my point of view it would be far better to have identified each through numerous examples, and then see if those identifications hold up with later research.
Dates of realization—was it an epiphany or a gradual dawn in her understanding of herself?—would also be enormously helpful. The astrology of epiphany is often quite good in identifying significators.
I will give an instance in which it would have been helpful to have each individual's sexual orientation within his/her homosexual orientation. Papers on both homosexuality and lesbianism contain fifty example charts. I suspect, but do not know, that data from all the groups submitting their birth information came from couples.
The minimum homosexual significator is Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th/(7th). In that study, the number of homosexual individuals whose minimum significator also contained venus--that is, Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th/(7th)--was twenty-five. Exactly half. Does the addition of venus to the significator stand for a change in the sexual identification of the homosexual in whose chart it occurs? That is, does he identify "feminine?"
Close to the same thing occurred with the fifty charts of lesbians. {With the change of several of the charts, this needs a recount which I cannot do right now.] Their minimum significator is Angle/light/venus/neptune/5th/(7th). Twenty-three of their fifty minimum significators also contained mars--Angle/light/venus/mars/neptune/5th/(7th). Is that an indication of their inner sexual orientation, that is, do women without the mars see themselves as female, while women with the mars see themselves as more aggressive?
Research on parental influence on the lives of their offspring is also difficult to pursue in any consistent manner.
When either “parent” chart (4th/10th) indicates a strong negative or positive 5th house influence, it means the individual’s early role models are highly charged. That charge has had some influence on their child’s sexuality. Whether or not it created her lesbianism (or homosexuality) is a subject for further work. Heterosexuals, too, have parent charts that show negative and positive sets with 5th influence. When I see them I do not think the set created the individual’s heterosexuality, just biased it. But this question needs further work.
Too, we have the right to wonder, does the significator occurring in, for instance, the 10th chart, really only indicate that the individual is well-known (10th chart) as a lesbian, but has nothing to do with actually astrologically promoting her personal experience of lesbianism? Based on the traditional meaning of the 10th house, that seems reasonable. On the other hand, the fact that each of the 12 charts of this method has within it all 12 houses of traditional astrology, suggests the whole chart can be read as an “only chart” yielding most of the information about the individual. In that case the 10th chart only represents a skew toward 10th house matters, but not an obliteration of matters of the other eleven houses.
Data Acknowledgments
Birth data for each woman is presented below in ascending numerical order, then alphabetical order by last name. Letters following each name show the Rodden rating for data reliability. As a category label, each of the women below who are identified with a number, were first identified as a research category. So, the original label, e.g., for Lesbian 10009, occurred in the database under the label “Research: Lesbian 10006.”
Lesbian 10009 (A)
Birth: 8/28/1945, 6:12 p.m. CWT, Cincinnati, Ohio. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kathryn Farmer quotes her, from memory.
Conception:11/17/1944, 12:02:04 p.m. CWT, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lesbian 10024 (A)
Birth: 9/11/1945, 4:13 p.m. EWT, 40N51, 73W54. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Noreen collection, from memory.
Conception:11/30/1944, 8:25:32 p.m. EWT, 40N51, 73W54.
Lesbian 10055 (A)
Birth: 10/27/1945, 1:34 p.m. CST, Chicago, IL. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kathryn Farmer quotes her, from memory.
Conception:1/14/1945, 6:49:34 a.m. CST, Chicago, IL.
Lesbian 10060 (A)
Birth: 10/31/1945, 4:45 a.m. EEDT, Cairo, Egypt. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:1/17/1945, 8:31:56 p.m. Ba.T, Cairo, Egypt.
Lesbian 10066 (A)
Birth: 11/07/1945, 7:50 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kathryn Farmer quotes her, from memory.
Conception:1/24/1945, 9:56:46 p.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 10081 (A)
Birth: 12/05/1945, 5:08 a.m. CST, San Angeles, TX. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:2/21/1945, 4:44:12 p.m. CST, San Angeles, TX.
Lesbian 10110 (A)
Birth: 1/16/1946, 1:23 a.m. PST, Astoria, OR. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:4/05/1945, 11:41:05 a.m. PST, Astoria, OR.
Lesbian 10120 (A)
Birth: 1/29/1946, 11:26 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kathryn Farmer quotes her, from memory.
Conception:4/19/1945, 9:46:11 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 10126 (A)
Birth: 2/11/1948, 1:58 a.m. EST, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:5/02/1947, 12:17:31 p.m. EST, New York, NY.
Jodie Foster (AA)
Birth: 11/19/1962, 8:14 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in hand from the Wilsons.
Conception:2/05/1962, 6:53:22 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 10142 (A)
Birth: 2/27/1946, 4:30 a.m. EST, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:5/19/1945, 8:15:21 a.m. EST, New York, NY.
Lesbian 10163 (A)
Birth: 3/21/1946, 1:02 a.m. EST, 11N15, 74W04. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Robert Jansky collection, from memory.
Conception:6/11/1945, 2:45:57 a.m. EST, 11N15, 74W04.
Lesbian 10191 (A)
Birth: 5/03/1946, 9:24 a.m. EDT, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:7/25/1945, 4:17:41 p.m. EST, New York, NY.
Lesbian 10242 (A)
Birth: 6/23/1946, 6:09 a.m. EST, 41N39, 83W33. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Noreen collection, from memory.
Conception:9/14/1945, 8:25:51 a.m. EST, 41N39, 83W33.
Lesbian 10249 (A)
Birth: 7/03/1946, 1:38 a.m. EDT, 40N51, 73W54. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Noreen collection, from memory.
Conception:9/23/1945, 10:25:06 p.m. EDT, 40N51, 73W54.
Lesbian 10301 (A)
Birth: 8/31/1946, 8:52 a.m. PST, Oakland, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Crawford collection, from memory.
Conception:11/20/1945, 11:41:15 a.m. PST, Oakland, CA.
Lesbian 10340 (A)
Birth: 10/14/1946, 4:50 p.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:1/01/1946, 5:29:14 p.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY.
Lesbian 10353 (A)
Birth: 10/21/1946, 3:57 a.m. EST, Weehawkin, NJ. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:1/08/1946, 12:34:43 a.m. EST, Weehawkin, NJ.
Lesbian 10383 (A)
Birth: 11/13/1946, 4:55 p.m. EST, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:1/31/1946, 4:27:16 a.m. EST, New York, NY.
Lesbian 10440 (A)
Birth: 1/01/1947, 11:32 a.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:3/21/1946, 10:43:19 a.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY.
Lesbian 10455 (A)
Birth: 1/18/1947, 2:13 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kathryn Farmer quotes her, from memory.
Conception:4/08/1946, 2:22:43 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 10541 (A)
Birth: 4/04/1947, 11:28 p.m. PST, 36N20, 119W39. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Robert Jansky collection, from memory.
Conception:6/26/1946, 2:07:41 p.m. PST, 36N20, 119W39.
Amelie Simone Mauresmo (AA)
Birth: 7/05/1979, 4:30 p.m. CET, Saint-Germain en Laaye dans les Yvelines, France. From Sy Scholfield at, “Didier Geslain in les DN de Septembre 2002 quotes official records, “Acte n° 1619.”
Conception:9/26/1978, 12:06:28 p.m. CET, Saint-Germain en Laaye dans les Yvelines.
Lesbian 10627 (A)
Birth: 7/02/1947, 8:42 a.m. EDT, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Crawford collection, from memory.
Conception:9/23/1946, 6:13:46 a.m. EDT, New York, NY.
Lesbian 10671 (A)
Birth: 7/24/1947, 3:07 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Robert Jansky collection, from memory.
Conception:10/14/1946, 7:32:57 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 10697 (A)
Birth: 8/13/1947, 10:30 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kim Griggs quotes her, from memory.
Conception:11/02/1946, 8:04:33 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 10766 (A)
Birth: 10/23/1947, 4:33 a.m. EST, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:1/10/1947, 12:23:00 a.m. EST, New York, NY.
Lesbian 10768 (A)
Birth: 10/28/1947, 6:05 a.m. EST, Greensboro, NC. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Crawford collection, from memory.
Conception:1/14/1947, 11:09:09 p.m. EST, Greensboro, NC.
Lesbian 10811 (A)
Birth: 12/14/1947, 3:04 p.m. PST, 33N59, 118w11. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Robert Jansky collection, from memory.
Conception:3/03/1947, 4:56:17 a.m. PST, 33N59, 118w11.
Lesbian 10816 (A)
Birth: 12/18/1947, 3:06 p.m. PST, 36N10, 115W08. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Robert Jansky collection, from memory.
Conception:3/07/1947, 6:35:05 a.m. PST, 36N10, 115W08.
Lesbian 10887 (A)
Birth: 3/04/1948, 12:01 a.m. EST, Kingston, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:5/25/1947, 9:15:28 a.m. EST, Kingston, NY.
Lesbian 10914 (A)
Birth: 4/03/1948, 9:18 a.m. PDT, 34N25, 119W42. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. LMR quotes Vera G. from her.
Conception:6/25/1947, 11:01:40 p.m. PDT, 34N25, 119W42.
Lesbian 10941 (A)
Birth: 5/09/1948, 7:41 a.m. EDT, Bronx, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Noreen collection, from memory.
Conception:8/01/1947, 4:31:06 p.m. EDT, Bronx, NY.
Lesbian 11074 (A)
Birth: 10/00/1948, 5:15 a.m. EST, Elyria, OH. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Kathryn Farmer quotes her, birth certificate.
Conception:12/28/1947, 9:24:26 a.m. EST, Elyria, OH.
Lesbian 11265 (AA)
Birth: 6/10/1949, 11:55 p.m. PST, Sandra Ana, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Pat Scott at AFA GA 1978, birth certificate.
Conception:9/02/1948, 7:22:06 a.m. PST, Santa Ana, CA.
Lesbian 11409 (A)
Birth: 11/16/1949, 4:38 a.m. PST, Burbank, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Jean Saxon quotes her, from memory.
Conception:2/02/1949, 3:25:43 p.m. PST, Burbank, CA.
Lesbian 11902 (A)
Birth: 6/25/1951, 8:23 a.m. EDT, New York, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:9/16/1950, 9:53:59 a.m. EDT, New York, NY.
Lesbian 12123 (AA)
Birth: 3/30/1952, 1:01 a.m. MST, El Paso, TX. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden client, from the birth certificate.
Conception:6/21/1951, 11:13:30 a.m. MST, El Paso, TX.
Lesbian 12143 (A)
Birth: 5/07/1952, 3:32 p.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:7/30/1951, 11:56:58 p.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA.
Lesbian 12161 (A)
Birth: 5/26/1952, 6:03 a.m. PDT, 34N01, 118W30. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Robert Jansky collection, from memory.
Conception:8/18/1951, 4:28:33 p.m. PDT, 34N01, 118W30.
Lesbian 12197 (A)
Birth: 6/30/1952, 1:27 a.m. MST, Great Falls, MT. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Lee Lehman collection, from memory.
Conception:9/21/1951, 11:56:03 p.m. MST, Great Falls, MT.
Joan Andy (a pseudonym) (A)
Birth: 5/14/1952, 3:29 a.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Marcello Borges quotes her, from memory.
Conception:8/06/1951, 1:19:36 p.m. PDT, Los Angeles, CA.
Samantha Andy (a pseudonym) (A)
Birth: 5/06/1950, 6:00 a.m. PDT, Sun City, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. I originally got this data from one of Rodden’s books, which I no longer have. Nor is this individual listed by name in Astrodatabank. I somehow failed to note on my chart where the data came from.
Conception:3/21/1946, 10:43:19 a.m. EST, Brooklyn, NY.
Artist 35840 (A)
Birth: 6/18/1961, 11:23 a.m. EDT, Brooklyn, NY. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Jane Drury quotes her.
Conception:9/09/1960, 4:12:35 p.m. EDT, Brooklyn, NY.
Chastity Sun Bono (AA)
Birth: 3/04/1969, 12:55 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From the Steinbrecher collection, birth certificate in hand from the Wilsons.
Conception:5/24/1968, 9:57:49 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Homeless 56004 (A)
Birth: 12/20/1977, 3:33 p.m. CST, Jackson, TN. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Jane Drury quotes her, from memory.
Conception:3/09/1977, 8:12:53 a.m. CST, Jackson, TN.
Barbara Jordan (AA)
Birth: 2/21/1936, 2:30 p.m. CST, Houston, TX. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. From CAH, no other notes on source.
Conception:5/13/1935, 12:07:09 p.m. CST, Houston, TX.
Frida Kahlo (AA)
Birth: 7/06/1907, 8:30 a.m. LMT, Coyoacan, Mexico. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes Hayden Herrera in her biography, Frida, where she pictures her birth certificate.
Conception:9/27/1906, 3:01:05 a.m. LMT, Coyoacan, Mexico.
Billie Jean King (AA)
Birth: 11/22/1943, 11:45 a.m. PWT, Long Beach, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. BD.C> Doane quotes the birth certificate in Progressions in Action. Same CAH and Gauquelin Book of Charts.
Conception:2/08/1943, 10:16:07 p.m. PWT, Long Beach, CA.
kd lang (A)
Birth: 11/02/1961, 2:03 a.m. MST, Edmonton, Canada. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Marion March quotes her to three of her students, from the birth record.
Conception:1/19/1961, 4:50:31 p.m. MST, Edmonton, Canada.
Dr. J. Lee Lehman (AA)
Birth: 9/09/1953, 4:35 a.m. CST, Wakefield, NE. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quotes her , August, 1986, from the birth certificate.
Conception:11/28/1952, 11:11:40 a.m. CST, Wakefield, NE.
Marilyn Monroe (AA)
Birth: 6/01/1926, 9:30 a.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in hand from Bob Garner. Photo of b.c. in The Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe. br>
Conception:8/23/1925, 7:21:28 p.m. PST, Los Angeles, CA.
Martina Navratilova (A)
Birth: 10/18/1956, 4:40 p.m. MET, Prague, Czech Republic. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frank C. Gifford quotes her for the time and place, Date in her autobiography, 1/1995.
Conception:1/06/1956, 2:52:58 p.m. MET, Prague, Czech Republic.
Phranc (AA)
Birth: 8/28/1957, 7:11 p.m. PDT, Santa Monica, CA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Birth certificate in hand from Aaron Fischer.
Conception:11/17/1956, 11:57:56 a.m. PST, Santa Monica, CA.
Gertrude Stein (B)
Birth: 2/03/1874, 8:00 a.m. LMT, Allegheny County, PA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Lois Rodden quote James R. Mellow “Charmed Circle” which says she was informed by her Dad her birth was about 8:00 a.m.
Conception:4/24/1873, 12:43:19 p.m. LMT, Allegheny County, PA.
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