If I read her paper correctly, of Millard’s eighteen indications MLJ’s astrology showed eight that fit (assuming we accept all her methods), six that did not, and three that were about one-half a fit. That adds up to about one half that worked. It was not clear to me whether or not number 18, which reads “by Topocentric primary directions a malefic aspects an angle,” was a fit or a not-fit. Following the eighteen, Millard added several other suggestive astrological conditions current at the time.
Even had she scored 18 out of 18, I would have found Millard’s statement about MLJ’s fated death disturbing. To my knowledge, no astrologer has done the definitive astrological study that demonstrates that death must occur with certain astrological indications. Many of us have shown that when death occurs, there are plenty of astrological indications for it. But that it had to occur then…I doubt it.
I, too, fall prey to the temptation to sound definite after the fact. That is, after certain events, I believe I could have predicted them. Were I, however, faced with having to make thousands of predictions before such events, I could not be so definite. More to the point, in regard to death I might well find I had predicted a number of deaths that did not occur.
Another method for determining date of death has been published in several issues by Gillman’s journal, Considerations. The first article, by Ross Harvey, entitled “The Life Span Revolution (LSR),” was published in Considerations, Vol. II, No. 2. I read a later version, “The Life Span Revolution Revisited,” also by Harvey, in Vol. VIII, No. 1. It was clear he had come up with an astrological approach for estimating date of death. It was not clear, at least to me in that later paper, how thoroughly he had tested it. In the one I read, he illustrated his method using several known dates of death. I did not follow LSR up with further investigation because my main interests are elsewhere.
The questions that occur for me about Dr. Millard’s and Harvey’s methods, however, are similar to the ones that occur using my method. My questions always are, do these methods identify the only possible date of death? Do all individuals have one fated date of death? One fated death date was apparently the case for the man trying to outfox Death in the famous parable “Appointment in Samara.” But, can people have several possible dates of death? Can timing for death be open-ended for some, depending on the needs of their incarnation?
And, what about occurrences of death in stickier situations like flu epidemics. If, according to experts, a sizeable proportion of the elderly population would have died in the flu epidemic but did not “because” they were immunized, what happened? Did their potential deaths look like deaths astrologically? Or, would astrologers have missed that these people “escaped” death? Then, maybe the only individuals who died were the ones who had the correct astrology for dying regardless of other explanations (they failed to get their flu shot) given for their death?
Diet and exercise appear to play a substantial role in human pathology. For instance, they appear significant in incidence of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, all of which can cause “early” death. The United States is high on the list of countries which willy-nilly sponsors lifestyles that promulgate these diseases. What about populations in countries where they live more healthily? Do their citizens pass without incident right through astrological indications that appear to sponsor these diseases in the United States? (See Dooley paper, Home Page).
Does modern medicine delay date of death for some? Or, are we only fooling ourselves and those individuals did not die because it was not their “time” to die?
Which, if any, expert stands on a fulcrum far enough from Earth that we ought to accept his prediction of our death?
Astrologers use date of death to confirm or correct time of birth. They look further into chart timing using other known events or conditions. And, because many of them are in the business of predicting, they look ahead to see what they can surmise regarding the future. In all that, however, they are not sitting down with each chart and following its astrology along with returns and transits from birth to death. They work in discrete jumps. This necessarily cursory approach, hopping from spot to spot using known events, makes it possible for them to miss less obvious conditions. I doubt other possible dates of death for those who have already died are even considered.
I have looked at quite a few death charts. I have even arrived at significator sets for death specific to this method. I have not stated—because I have not proved or disproved—individuals could not live through these sets. So, I do not like to say, or even believe, some one who has died had to have died.
Millard’s article prompted me to do MLJ’s astrology using my method. After that, I decided to return to my interrupted 9-11 study of Flight 175 people. For this paper I have completed the astrology for five of them, i.e., I have completed fifteen charts. That is, I completed a workup on the 7th, 9th, and 12th charts for five individuals. Then I added the following: one individual from Flight 11, one of the individuals who died at the Pentagon, and another Lockerbie fatality. I returned to the chart of John F. Kennedy, Jr. (link below) for a fresh look. Then, I added the astrology for death of Yitzhak Rabin who, like all herein except Kennedy, was also murdered. Finally, I included the chart of one of the toddlers who died on Flight 175. Her chart—as is often true of individuals who die very young—varies in interesting ways from the others’. Discussion of each is included in this paper.
I should add I still have not finished the 9-11 study, which, using this method involves more work than I have time for. I have compromised by presenting less in order to show the information I do have. Incomplete as this study is, it shows something about individuals who die in air disasters resulting from sabotage.
Reading about rules for this method could become tedious for any but other astrologers seriously interested in this approach. It is possible to know little astrology and still derive benefit from reading this paper: skim the astrology, read the English, and be sure to read the conclusion. Now about this method.
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley SVP. For my view on the difference between tropical ("Western") astrology and sidereal ("Eastern") astrology, read:
The Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs: A Discussion
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method,” is used.
About This Method
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Planets so related to each other are referred to as “in the same set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs (2nd paragraph below). The set is more active if it contains a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules an Angle, especially if it rules two Angles (Gemini and Virgo), it functions both as a light and a planet. For instance, when mercury rules B MC and B Asc and is in the same set with mars and saturn, that constitutes a lighted (by merury) mars/saturn set with forefront influence (the two Angles). MC and Asc act similar to lights in the sense they enliven and empower the expression of any planet they are touching, but they are not really lights, and their orb is smaller than regular lights.
All planets in a set are lighted, then, when the set includes an Angle, sun, moon, or nodes, and mercury when it rules at least one Angle.
Orbs for planets in sets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Orb for progressed planet-to-Angle or vice versa is 1° and increases ½° - ¾° when a light is involved.
In the paper on gurus I introduce the concept of “path” when speaking about an astrological set. Planets in a set, the houses they are in, and houses ruled by them describe an astrological path. If, for instance, planets in a set rule 4th, 5th and 9th houses, then the 4th, 5th, and 9th houses are inextricably connected to each other. Energy of learning as well as failure, determined by planets in the set, flows among those three houses. That energy flow can be called a path. Paths have interesting implications.
To my knowledge, all planets in a set must express. They may express simultaneously or consecutively, but one does not just eliminate an unwanted planet from a set. Even this all-or-none principle of operation still allows great variability in expression. For example, mars/neptune occurs frequently in the charts of drug addicts. I have also seen it in the charts of runners. The way they experience their path is different. The drug addict approaches neptune (high) in this set first, and gets back-handed by mars (anxiety, pain, suffering). A runner, on the other hand, approaches mars (action, disciplined running) first and is rewarded with neptune (high).
In that same paper (gurus) I also coined terms for sets which contain the greater and lesser benefics as well as those containing the greater and lesser malefics. Respectively, “golden benefic” is the term for a set containing light/venus/jupiter; “dark malefic,” for sets containing light/mars/saturn. These two sets contribute to humanity’s extremes of experience.
I use the concept of “fault” in a geological sense indicating a weak place in the astrological structure pre-disposing the individual to a physical, emotional, or psychic “earthquake.” Faults, by definition, exist only in the pre-progressed charts. Faults for death, for example, usually contain the same planets the individual gains through progressions when he dies. Some one, for instance, who dies in an accidental aviation crash often has partial faults containing mars and/or saturn with influence to Angles, 4th and 9th houses in his 7th and 9th charts at birth. They suggest the potential for such a death. In order to represent death, however, the progressed chart must show the same significators (or have them re-emphasized) through progressions, to which transits and returns can contribute. Right now I identify only faults containing malefics. Since, however, benefics can also sponsor devastating problems, they will eventually be appropriately enumerated among the faults.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” House overlaps play an important part in this astrology. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order. A “9th/3rd” has birth 9th house overlapping conception 3rd house. Birth house/conception house in that order.
“Shell chart” is used to describe birth and conception planets and their houses erected around the same axis before harmonics are added. I have adopted the convention that conception planets are red and outside the circle. Birth planets are blue and inside the circle. For all partial charts I have added MC and Asc to the wheel, but placed other house cusps just below it. All twelve harmonic charts are derived from the planets of the shell chart
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
Although the harmonic used for each chart is always 2 greater than the number of the chart, for ease in reading I have adopted the convention of writing the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For instance, “b12 mars” represents the harmonic of birth mars for the 12th chart (but the harmonic used to find b12 mars is the 14th).
In abbreviating, I use “b” for birth, “c” for conception, “p” for progressed, and “t” for transiting. A number following them, e.g., “3” or “7,” shows the house whose harmonic chart we are examining. For instance, “b7 pluto” represents the harmonic of birth pluto for the 7th chart. “Pc3 mars” is the harmonic of progressed conception mars for the 3rd chart. “T12 mars” is the harmonic of transiting mars for the 12th chart, i.e., the 14th harmonic of transiting mars.
I do not use harmonics of Angles. Compared to planets, Angles move very fast. Small errors in time of birth lead to larger errors with Angles than with planets. An error of only four minutes in birth time produces a regular MC that is approximately 1° off. Applying the smallest harmonic, that for the 1st chart, the harmonic MC would be 3° off. With the largest harmonic, that for the 12th chart, that harmonic MC would be 14° off. I allow a 2° orb for Angles-to-planets and only 1° (which, in practice is usually far less than 1° for progressed Angles-to-planets). General errors in harmonic MCs starting at 3° render harmonic Angles useless.
This method uses a solar return that occurs every 40 degrees (exactly) after birth right up to death, with nine returns occurring annually. I do not use houses in interpreting returns. The focus is on planets that fall on Angles. “Angles” means either return, shell, or progressed Angles—all of these adding to the “return picture,” which is always only part of the picture.
For years I have found locality and progressed locality Angles of interest, but do not usually add them to a paper. Here I do. All astrologers work with shell Angles, i.e., those for place of birth, and in my case, conception. Once, however, an individual leaves his place of birth, he acquires additional Angles, those found by moving his chart to his different locality as if he had been born there. In addition to his shell Angles, his locality Angles are influenced by shell, harmonic, progressed and transiting planets. Locality Angles alter the dynamics of forefront sets and make a considerable difference in synastry.
So, what does this method show about death charts for individuals killed in air plane crashes? Let’s start with the significator set I found prior to my first Lockerbie chart.
Significators for Accidental Aviation Death
I introduced significator sets for accidental aviation deaths in the Kennedy paper. (Go to Kennedy Paper). They are:
In the 7th chart:
(a) mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will be influencing Angles, that is, either an Angle is progressed to mars and saturn, or mars and saturn progress to an Angle, or finally, mars and saturn will be in a lighted set which contains the ruler of an Angle.
(b) lighted mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will either be in the 4th house or in a set with a 4th house ruler.
(c) lighted mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will either be in the 9th house or in a set with a 9th house ruler.
Summing: The conditions above add up to Angle/mars + Angle/saturn + lighted mars/4th + lighted saturn/4th + lighted mars/9th + lighted saturn/9th, giving us a list of six astrological conditions for aviation death.
(d) often an outer planet—uranus, neptune, or pluto— is included in (a), (b), and (c) above, but it is not required. Lighted mars/saturn/neptune spells out siege conditions, which translated for this type of event shows the danger (mars/saturn), sense of helplessness (saturn/neptune) and fear (mars/neptune) possible when in an airplane is hijacked.
While these significators are always present, they may not be complete.
In the 9th chart:
Significators for the 9th chart are exactly the same as those for the 7th chart, but they occur in the 9th chart.
Summing: Significators for aviation death for 7th and 9th charts are six each and add up to twelve. Significators may occur in separate sets which cumulatively add up to the total required, or they may be very efficient, that is, all appear in one set.
While these significators are always present, they may not be complete.
When both charts agree, the individual in whose chart they occur in is danger of death through aviation (or skydiving, suicide through jumping, etc.—all correlated with a negative relation to height. The chart Patrick De Gayardon, who died in a sky dive, is in the paper about gurus.)
It would have been interesting to follow up on the part played by neptune, uranus, and pluto in public group deaths. I suspect, among other things, neptune shows karma—said more positively, spiritual commitment prior to incarnating; uranus, the sudden, unexpected nature of the event; and pluto, a group, rather than individual, event. Here, however, I show these planets only when they are a part of a set including mars and/or saturn, the two planets necessary for death.
I need to make two further comments before showing results for aviation death.
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Both these are outside the circle. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Both these are inside the circle. Occasionally, because of cramped space, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Please note: In the sets shown below, it remains important to differentiate between progressed only sets and sets including progression, return, and transiting planets and Angles. The former have the smaller acceptable orb of Angle-to-planet of 1° ; the latter, of 2°. Acceptable orb of the former is increased about a degree when a light is part of the set, while acceptable orb for the latter may increase several degrees with the presence of lights.
We start with MLJ whose chart was first done by Dr. Millard. Twenty-five years old when she died in transit on Flight 103, MLJ was a graduate of Brown University (1986).
Let’s look first for general indications for (1) early and (2) aviation death. We use the 7th chart because it is the major chart of this method. One significator for death as a child occurs with ruler of a 4th house in the 1st house. CH, the toddler on Flight 175, had that. But, this paper also shows all the individuals who died before or around age 30 had a direct and simple connection between 1st and 8th houses. So, for all the 7th charts below, the 1st paragraph following each drawing demonstrates that simple astrology indicating death by early adulthood. The 2nd paragraph shows that chart’s basic connection between 4th and 9th houses, that is, the link between end of life (4th) and aviation (9th).
(1) MLJ has a 1st/8th overlap.
(2) B neptune, ruler of b 9th house, is in b 4th house.
Set (1) above shows Angle/venus/saturn, with venus ruling b 4th house. So, at birth MLJ has a close Angular saturn which is also a “lighted” (by the Angle) 4th/saturn. Her return7 moon was at 12 Capricorn 40.
Set (2) above shows both c mars in 12th/7th houses in the same set with both c mercuries. Mars 7/12th is prominent in murder. Those mars also ruler c 12th and c 4th houses. The two mercuries rule c 7th and 9th houses, so this set gives us an unlighted, background 4th/7th/9th/12th mars combination—all the houses thought necessary for aviation homicide. The set lacks saturn. On December 21, 1988 progressed c sun, co-ruler (30 of 42°) of c 8th house, joined the set at 14 Virgo 13, and return neptune was at 14 Sagittarius 01.
Set (3) shows moon/mars/jupiter/saturn/pluto. It has no 9th influence. Mars rules B MC in c 4th house, so it shows the possibility that some excessive and/or unforeseen force (mars/pluto) brings about the end of her life (4th). Moon rules c 8th, showing this consciousness for death. Jupiter rules C Asc so the set has Angular influence. It co-rules (9 of 20°) c 12th house showing unforeseen (12th) violence, possibly murder.. (I re-emphasize—12th violence is not always violence from another individual. It can involve an accident, or it can, I believe, be representative of an unforeseen, fatal illness.) Her return covering the explosion had NN at 15 Aquarius 29
MLJ’s faults are cumulative: Set (1) plus Set (3) gives her influence of mars and saturn to Angles and lighted mars/saturn to 4th houses. She has an unlighted mars/9th influence and no saturn/9th. A forefront (Angular or in a set ruling Angles) fault containing lighted mars/saturn/4th suggests an early death.
Her major all-charts Angle/saturn for death consisted of progressed B MC at 28 Aries 55 in the same set with b saturn at 28 Capricorn 47. Return9 mars was at 29 Capricorn 54.
I am not going to show progressions for this chart. MLJ’s for Lockerbie on December 21, 1988) yielded Angle/saturn (paragraph above), Angle/mars, mars/4th, and mars/9th. In terms of aviation death, she was missing saturn/4th and saturn/9th.
According to my own list of significators for accidental aviation death, MLJ did not die in an air crash. That is, she may have died, but this information does not tell us how. This chart, therefore, does not work for her death, which we know occurred through an aviation disaster.
Another possibility exists: it is not this, but another chart that is paramount in representing her death.
Before working with MLJ’s chart, all charts I examined previously for aviation death were for accidental deaths. MLJ and all the other passengers on Flight 103 were murdered. So, it was not an accident.
W hen an individual is murdered (any kind of murder), his 7th and 12th charts are strongest. We just found out that MLJ’s 7th chart did not show her death, at least not the way she died. Did her 12th?
Set (2) above gives us our dark malefic for the 9th house (c mercury rules c 9th house as well as c 7th). Its widest orb (1° 38’) is from mercury to jupiter. It contains mars, saturn , and neptune and influences C Asc as well as c 4th and 9th houses. Except that it is missing a light, this set already contains all six conditions, as defined for an Angle, 4th, and 9th houses, for MLJ’s aviation death through homicide. Since we are working with the 12th chart, we need to add as requirement lighted mars and saturn influences to the 12th house. Here, c12 mars rules c 12th house. And perhaps we should consider adding as requirement for this chart a 7th influence—with homicide, a significant, though not necessarily known, other is involved. B saturn rules b 7th house. Altogether, this set influences an Angle, 4th, 7th, 9th and 12th house. It lacks a light. Its Angular influence foresees a hard time (Angle/mars/saturn) in some 12th house matter. Its 4th influence tells us it could involve her death, the 7th suggests at the hand of another, the 9th suggests how it will happen (a fall, air plane crash, etc.), and the 12th confirms the event/condition is generally unforeseeable or unexplainable until it actually happens.
Sets (1) and (2) are serious 12th chart faults. Comparing 7th and 12th charts, it is easy to see her 12th chart developed her malefics more.
What do her progressions show?
On December 21, 1988 progressed B MC was at 28 Aries 55, providing Set (2) above with a second Angle influence and a light (Angle acting as light). Its widest orb (1° 5’), from pB MC to c12 mercury, is a normally unacceptable orb for progressed Angle-to-planet. However, the average of the whole set is 28° Cardinal 29’ Transits provided another light, t12 NN being at 29 Aries 05. T12 neptune at 29 Capricorn 21 gave her lighted mars/saturn/neptune (siege conditions) influence to two Angles and 4th, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses. Progressed b12 mars was at 29 Libra 33, forming a midpoint with c12 mars, shown above, of 28 Cardinal 45.
I did not know where most individuals written about here were when their last return occurred. Therefore, I calculated all returns for place of event, e.g., Lockerbie, Scotland, New York City, New York (for 9-11) and Washington, D.C. (9-11). All additional return locales are so identified. For instance, it was reasonable to erect returns for place of birth for individuals whose flights originated in Boston who were also born either in Boston, its suburbs, or nearby towns. The assumption was they were born in that area and continued to live in that area.
What does MLJ’s return show? It organizes a potent set :
Set (3) | C Asc | 9 Sagittarius 14 | |
b12 sun | 9 Gemini 28 | ||
c12 pluto | 10 Gemini 43 | ||
return mars | 9 Pisces 59 | ||
transiting saturn | 9 Sagittarius 48 | (return was at 6 Sag 45) | |
C Locality MC for Lockerbie | 10 Sagittarius 18 | ||
B Locality MC, Lockerbie | 10 Gemini 08 |
Set (3) shows mars/saturn/pluto on three Angles. It supports the progressed Angle/mars/saturn influences she had through progressions.
Summarizing progressions, MLJ’s 12th chart showed the six conditions listed above for the 7th and 9th chart, but transferred to the 12th chart. They also included the tentatively added lighted mars/saturn influence to 7th and 12th houses. Transits and the return supported the indicated event. MLJ’s 12th chart strongly support the type of death she experienced.
I would think the 9th chart is involved in both accidental and homicidal aviation death. That makes sense because both involve air planes. Let’s look at MLJ’s 9th chart.
Set (1) shows C MC/B MC/venus/saturn, with venus ruling C MC in b 4th house, giving her simultaneous saturn influences to an Angle and 4th house. She has this double-Angle/venus set in other charts, but only in this one does it acquire saturn.
Set (2) is comprised of C Asc/mars/neptune, with mars ruling B MC in c 4th house, yielding simultaneous Angle and 4th mars influences.
Set (1) plus Set (2) show lighted (by the Angle) mars/saturn influences to an Angle and 4th houses. All her charts contain her close B Asc opposition c saturn, another Angle/saturn.
Set (3) shows sun/mercury/mercury/mars/mars influencing houses 4, 7, 9, and 12. It gives lighted mars influence to all the houses necessary for death (4th) through aviation (9th) and homicide (7th and 12th). In terms of being a complete significator set for her death, it lacks Angle and saturn influence.
Although cumulative, MLJ’s 9th chart contains serious faults.
On December 21, 1988, MLJ had two, possibly three, “new” Angle/saturns:
She still lacks mars and saturn influence to 9th houses.
Prior to doing this study, I did not accept that important significators for death, that is, mars and saturn, could be formed by return or transit positions. My reasoning was that all necessary significators could be—and usually are—found in the chart plus its progressions. While I still hold that most of the significators are provided by chart planets plus their progressions, it can be seen below that return and transit positions are significant contributors in both the Lockerbie and 9-11 tragedies. The interplay of all four is so great that I abandoned trying to separate them.
Now I can add that MLJ’s mars and saturn influences to her 9th houses are acquired by adding return and transit positions to Set (3) above:
from Set (3) | c9 mercury | 13 Gemini 18 | ruler of c 7th and 9th houses |
c mars | 14 Gemini 51 | ruler of c 4th and 12th houses | |
c9 mars | 13 Virgo 22 | ruler of c 4th and 12th houses | |
c mercury | 14 Virgo 55 | ruler of c 7th and 9th houses | |
b9 sun | 13 Pisces 52 | ||
return9 saturn | 14 Sagittarius 18 | ||
t neptune | 14 Pisces 30 |
The above set gives MLJ lighted mars/saturn/neptune influence to 4th, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses.
She lacks only an Angle/mars to complete her significator set.
Set (4) | progressed b9 moon | 12 Leo 31 | ruler of B Asc in c 7th house |
progressed b9 mars | 12 Scorpio 31 | ruler of B MC in c 4th house | |
c jupiter | 12 Aquarius 49 | ruler of C Asc |
Through rulers Set (4) yields a lighted mars influence to three Angles, 4th and 7th houses, completing her twenty significators for this chart for aviation homicide.
Transiting saturn was at 9 Sagittarius 48 conjunct MLJ’s C Asc. But in this, her 9th chart, it fits into Set (2) above:
from Set (2) | C Asc | 9 Sagittarius 14 | |
b9 mars | 7 Gemini 17 | ruler of B MC in c 4th house | |
c9 neptune | 7 Gemini 20 | ||
return moon | 8 Pisces 49 | ||
return mars | 9 Pisces 59 | ||
transiting saturn | 9 Sagittarius 48 | (for her return it was at 6 Sag 45) | |
C Locality MC for Lockerbie | 10 Sagittarius 18 | ||
B Locality MC for Lockerbie | 10 Gemini 08 |
Return harmonic mars was at 19 Libra 53 and transiting pluto at 19 Libra 14, both conjunct her b neptune (spiritual purpose?) in b 4th house.
In terms of faults, MLJ’s 12th chart has stronger faults than her 9th. It was more efficient—that is, used fewer sets—in suggesting her potential manner of death. At the time of her death, each showed new (or re-emphasized) mars and saturn influence to Angles, and new ( or re-emphasized) lighted mars and saturn influence to 4th, 7th, 9th and 12th houses. In terms of their interplay with return and transit planets, her 12th and 9th charts were about equal.
At this point I am going to define significator sets for aviation homicide different from those for aviation accidents. The latter do not fit MLJ’s astrology. MLJ’s charts imply that the significators for homicidal aviation death result from a combination of part aviation death and part murder. That would make them more like the following :
Tentative Significators for Aviation Homicide
In the 9th chart:
(a) mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will be influencing Angles, that is, either an Angle is progressed to mars and saturn, or mars and saturn progress to an Angle, or finally, mars and saturn will be in a lighted set which contains the ruler of an Angle.
(b) lighted mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will either be in the 4th house or in a set with a 4th house ruler.
(c) lighted mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will either be in the 7th house or in a set with a 7th house ruler.
(d) lighted mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will either be in the 9th house or in a set with a 9th house ruler.
(e) lighted mars and saturn, together or in separate sets, will either be in the 12th house or in a set with a 12th house ruler.
Summing: the conditions above break down to Angle/mars + Angle/saturn + lighted mars/4th + lighted saturn/4th + lighted mars/7th + lighted saturn/7th, + lighted mars/9th + lighted saturn/9th + lighted mars/12th + lighted saturn/12th giving us a list of ten astrological conditions for aviation homicide.
(f) Often an outer planet—uranus, neptune, or pluto— is included in (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) above, but they add to rather than define the situation.
In the 12th chart:
Significators for the 12th chart are exactly the same as those for the 9th chart, but they occur in the 12th chart.
This significator set for aviation homicide is tentative and subject to revision following more (or more comprehensive) research. Perhaps, for instance, the 8th house (which shows up often in these sets) is always part of each path and I have simply failed to follow through to identify it.Summing:significators for aviation homicide for 9th and 12th charts are ten each and add up to twenty total. When both charts are so afflicted, the individual in whose chart they occur in is danger of dying in an air disaster initiated by individual(s) intent on destroying the air plane and its occupants.
With significator sets for aviation homicide differentiated from those for aviation accidents, let’s continue.
A second Lockerbie fatality, ENB was twenty-one years old when she died. A cum laude graduate of Syracuse University in three and one-half years, in December, 1988 she was returning from London, where she had been studying theater.
As with MLJ, I am not going to show ENB’s 7th chart progressions for death because they are not complete. That is, her 7th chart was not as afflicted as it should be for the way she died. It does, however, suggest she will not die of old age. Since the 7th chart is the main one for this method, below I show these indications :
(1) The co-ruler of b 1st house, b jupiter at 7 Leo 09 is conjunct b moon, ruler of b 8th house, at 6 Leo 47 in 8th/9th houses.
(2) Set (1) above shows the conjunction of b mercury, co-ruler (19 of 34°) of b 9th house, b7 neptune, ruler of b 4th and c SN, all in c 12th house.
Both harmonic saturns are in close sets with Angles. One of those, Set (2) above, is in her c 4th house, giving her, at birth, Angle/saturn plus lighted saturn/4th.
Mars’ rulership of her B Asc and co-rulership (15 of 26°) of her b 4th house creates problems. Every time progressed b mars or its harmonic picks up a light or Angle she has added Angle/mars + 4th/mars to Set (2) above to complete the main significators (Angle/saturn, 4th/saturn, Angle/mars, 4th/mars) for death That’s a little over-simplified, but correct in the main.
Set (3) above shows b7 mars conjunct both neptunes in c 12th house opposition sun/sun/uranus. B neptune rules b 4th, c neptune co-rules (23 of 45°) c 4th, and mars rules b 12th and B Asc as well as co-ruling (15 of 34°) b 4th house. C7 uranus rules c 4th house. B7 sun rules b 9th house. C7 sun rules C MC in b 9th house as well as co-ruling (22 of 37°) c 9th house. At the time of the explosion over Lockerbie, transiting saturn was at 28 Libra 12. Her return Midheaven was at 29 Capricorn 45, providing another Angle and light (the MC). Thus she had lighted mars/saturn/neptune influencing two (or three, if we include the return Angle) Angles, 4th, 9th, and 12th houses. 7th house influence is lacking, except all those planets are in Libra, the sign naturally affiliated with the 7th house. Progressed b7 neptune, coming from 21 Libra 44, was at 28 Libra 47. Only saturn was from transits.
Progressed c7 saturn, however, at 25 Scorpio 22 was conjunct B Asc at 25 Scorpio 47, giving her a progressed Angle/saturn on December 21, 1988.
ENB’s 7th chart plays a powerful part in her death.
What about her 12th chart? Does it contain faults?
Set (2) is weaker still, but it gives lighted mars/saturn influence to a 9th house. C sun co-rules (23 of 37°) c 9th , uranus rules c 4th, and mars rules C Asc in b 12th, so this set influences an Angle, 4th, 9th, and 12th houses. It lacks 7th influence (except that saturn is in b 7th, but the whole set does not influence a 7th). Its widest planet-to-light orb, 4° 01’, is from mars to the sun.
Summed, in terms of faults the two sets influence all the requisite houses for aviation homicide. Progressed Angles through them, however, will separate them into smaller sets, so they cannot, in total, be the progressed malefics for Lockerbie.
On December 21, 1988, 6:02 p.m. GMT ENB had:
progressed B MC at 9 Libra 58, aspecting the sun/saturn (but not the mars) in Set (1), giving her an Angle/saturn and saturn/9th influence.Progressed b12 mars, ruler of B Asc, b 12th, and co-ruler of b 4th (15 of 34°) was at 29 Gemini 52, conjunct saturn and opposite c sun [ruler of C MC and co-ruler (22 of 37°) of c 9th house] in Set (2). T12 moon was at 29 Sagittarius 00. Mars and saturn were in b 7th. This set gives lighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle and 4th, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses.
She had additional Angle/saturn:
Set (3) | progressed B Asc | 14 Sagittarius 04 |
progressed C MC | 14 Virgo 41 | |
progressed b12 saturn | 14 Gemini 21 | |
progressed c moon | 15 Sagittarius 47 |
To Set (3) we can add return positions:
Add to Set (3) | return neptune | 14 Sagittarius 24 |
return mars | 14 Pisces 04 |
Her return highlighted another difficult set:
Set (4) | return Asc | 9 Gemini 56 | |
return12 moon | 9 Sagittarius 46 | ||
return saturn | 8 Sagittarius 03 | ||
b mars | 9 Sagittarius 40 | ruler of B Asc and b 12th house, co-ruler (15 of 26°) of b 4th house |
Her return for London, from which her flight departed, had an Asc of 8 Gemini 18.
From the above sets we can see ENB’s 12th chart played a potent role in her death. Let’s see what was in her 9th chart.
On December 21, 1988 the following transit fit into Set (1):
Add to Set (1) | t9 saturn | 17 Capricorn 47 |
return moon | 19 Libra 54 | |
return pluto | 19 Libra 10 |
ENB had two progressed Angle/saturns: (1) pB MC at 9 Libra 58, c9 saturn at 8 Cancer 24, b9 NN at 9 Cancer 58, and b sun at 10 Libra 13, and (2) pC Asc at 22 Scorpio 38, b9 saturn at 21 Scorpio 06, and c moon at 22 Aquarius 38. In each of these the distance of the Angle to saturn is over 1°, but the lights in each set extend acceptable orb.
ENB also had a progressed Angle/mars (through its rulership of C Asc) with progressed c mars at 4 Libra 03 conjunct b SN at 3 Libra 38.
For this, her 9th chart, her return Asc at 9 Gemini 56 still has its opposition to b mars at 9 Sagittarius 40 and return saturn at 8 Sagittarius 03. This chart adds harmonic (t9) neptune at 8 Pisces 28.
She has one more interplay of return and progressed planets. Progressed B Asc at 14 Sagittarius 04 was in the same set with return mars at 14 Pisces 04 and return neptune at 14 Sagittarius 24.
ENB’s 7th, 9th and 12th charts were all strong for her death, with her 12th being the most afflicted.
We have finished looking at charts of the two individuals Lockerbie fatalities. Although method of destruction was different, it seems reasonable those individuals who died on air planes on September 11, 2001 would have similar charts. They were also murdered and the plane they were on was also instrumental in their deaths. Let’s take a look at some of their charts.
The 30-year-old wife and mother of two young children, TKSC was on Flight 11 which crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m. EDT on September 11, 2001.
(1) C Asc is in b 8th house.
(2) Set (1) above contains sun/node/mercury/mars. Mercury, ruler of b 9th, is conjunction the SN and opposed by mars, ruler of b 4th house. (It is not the opposition, but the coupling of the ruler of the 9th with the ruler of the 4th that suggests she could die (4th) in an air (9th) crash.)
TKSC’s 7th chart does not contain any glaring faults. Her C MC is in a set with c mars, ruler of c 8th, shown in Set (2) above.
On September 11, TKSC had two important all-charts conditions.
Set (2) | b venus | 15 Libra 27 | co-ruler (19 of 21°) of b 4th; co-ruler (28 of 29°) of b 9th houses. |
progressed C Asc | 15 Libra 29 | ||
progressed c mars | 15 Aries 22 | ruler of c 3rd and 8th houses, co-ruler (17 of 27°) c 7th | |
t7 North Node | 15 Aries 08 |
Transiting harmonic node for the 7th chart was at 15 Aries 08. This set gave her an Angle/mars and lighted (by the Angle) mars influence to 4th, 7th, and 9th houses.
Set (3) | progressed b mars | 21 Libra 22 | ruler of b 4th house. |
progressed b saturn | 21 Aries 38 | ruler of B Asc in c 4th house | |
progressed b7 uranus | 21 Libra 41 |
Her 7th, 9th, and 12th charts do not provide lights for (2) above. Her return for New York City had an MC of 20 Capricorn 21 and her progressed c locality MC was at 22 Cancer 19. Their midpoint is 21 Cancer/Capricron 20. They, then, give her mars/saturn influence to an Angle and 4th house.
Specific to the 7th chart she has pB Asc at 22 Aquarius 33 and pc7 saturn (co-ruler of c 4th, 26 of 33°) at 22 Scorpio 37. It gives her an Angle/saturn and 4th/saturn influence.
So far her 7th chart has shown mars and saturn influences to an Angle and a 4th house. She has a progressed lighted mars (pc 9 sun at 17 Sagittarius 41 and pc9 mars at 18 Sagittarius 14) in b 12th with sun ruling c 12th, to complete all her mars/house significators.
She has a possibly effective set :
Set (4) | progressed b7 mars | 12 Leo 15 | ruler of b 4th house. |
b9 mars | 16 Leo 27 | ruler of b 4th house. | |
progressed b7 saturn | 14 Aquarius 40R | ruler of B Asc in c 4th house | |
progressed c7 pluto | 14 Taurus 42 | ||
b sun | 13 Scorpio 41 | ruler of b 8th, co-ruler (29 of 47°) of b 7th houses | |
t7 neptune | 14 Leo 18R | ||
return Asc | 14 Taurus 43 |
The midpoint between the two mars above is 14 Leo/Aquarius 21. Saturn is just over a degree from the sun, its light, but traveling toward it. This set gives her lighted mars/saturn(/neptune/pluto) influence to an Angle, 4th, and 7th houses reinforced by return Asc.
Accepting all above, she has lighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle, 4th, and 7th houses. Her progressed mars and sun in Sagittarius give her mars/12th influence (and possibly mars/9th through the sign Sagittarius). Her two progressed mars in Libra give her mars/9th influence. She lacks saturn/9th and saturn/12th influence.
Her return her place of birth (Worcester, MA) is strong:
Set (5) | return Asc | 18 Taurus 24 | |
return saturn | 19 Taurus 59 | ||
return pluto | 17 Scorpio 53 | ||
c SN | 17 Leo 35 | ||
b7 mars | 16 Aquarius 53 | ruler of b 4th house |
TKSC’s 7th chart is strong in that it tells us she could die, but it fails to tell us how because the 9th and 12th houses are lacking significators.
Moving on to TKSC’s 12th chart, first come the faults.
Set (2) shows lighted mars influence to two Angles as well as 4th, 7th, and 12th houses.
Sets (1) and (2) combine to give her lighted mars/saturn influence to all Angles plus 4th and 12th houses.
Her progressions for this chart are not as strong as for her 7th chart:
Set (3) | B Asc | 3 Capricorn 05 | |
progressed b12 saturn | 2 Capricorn 49R | ruler of B Asc in c 4th house | |
b mars | 1 Libra 50 | ruler of b 4th house | |
progressed c12 mars | 5 Libra 03 | ruler of c 3rd and 8th houses, co-ruler (17 of 27°) of c 7th | |
t12 mars | 3 Libra 14 |
The midpoint between b mars and progressed c12 mars is 3 Libra 26. Set (3) shows lighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle, 4th, and 7th houses. The two progressed Libra mars are in b 9th, so constitute a mars/9th influence. This set lacks saturn/9th as well as mars/saturn/12th influences.
Her return for New York City is not significant for this, her 12th chart. But, cast for her place of birth (Worcester, MA) it is strong:
Set (4) | return Asc | 18 Taurus 24 | |
return saturn | 19 Taurus 59 | ||
return pluto | 17 Scorpio 53 | ||
c SN | 17 Leo 35 | ||
c12 mars | 17 Scorpio 54 | ruler of c 8th, co-ruler 17 of 27° of c 7th houses | |
progressed b12 moon | 18 Leo 26 | ruler of b 7th house | |
progressed b12 neptune | 16 Leo 59 |
Is her 9th chart going to be her most significant one?
Set (2) is her most malefic for this chart for 9th house matters. It contains C MC, c9 mercury, and c mars with simultaneous influence to two Angles, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses. With the Angle acting both as Angle and light, the widest orb here is 54’ from C MC to c9 mercury.
Set (3) shows C Asc square mars, with mars ruling b 9th house, giving her another Angle/mars and mars/9th influence. Summed with Set (2) it provides the full complement of mars influences. Saturn is missing in all influences.
B saturn rules B Asc in c 4th house. With b saturn at 23 Aries 19R (it is at 21 Aries 38 at the time of her death) opposition b9 mercury at 20 Libra 03 it ties together Angular, 4th, and 9th influences, but this pre-progressed orb is unacceptably large—over 3° (with mercury not ruling an Angle, so acceptable orb is only 2°). Her other b saturn, b9 saturn is at 16 Aquarius 27R conjunct c NN at 17 Aquarius 35, giving her an acceptable pre-progressed lighted saturn influence to an Angle and 4th house, but showing no influence to 7th, 9th, or 12th houses..
Let’s look at her progressions.
Set (4) | progressed b moon | 24 Capricorn 53 | ruler of b7th house |
progressed b9 mars | 24 Cancer 59 | ruler of b 4th house | |
progressed C MC | 24 Cancer 40 | ||
birth locality MC | 25 Libra 30 |
Set (4) gives her additional lighted mars influence to progressed and locality Angles and 4th and 7th houses.
Here is Set (1) again showing that sun and mars have been separated from saturn by current conditions:
from Set (5) | c9 sun | 10 Virgo 03 | ruler of c 12th house |
c9 mars | 9 Pisces 46 | ruler of c 8th, co-ruler (17 of 27°) 7th house | |
p b mercury | 8 Sagittarius 20 | ruler of b 9th house | |
return SN | 8 Sagittarius 21 | ||
return9 mars | 10 Sagittarius 51 | ||
return9 saturn | 9 Sagittarius 52 |
Set (5) shows lighted mars/saturn influence to 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses.
Her progressed mars at 21 Libra 22 and saturn at 21 Aries 38 picks up her return MC at 20 Capricorn 21 and her progressed conception locality MC at 22 Cancer 19.
With her return she shows all the significators for aviation death through homicide.
Her return Asc for her place of birth (Worcester, MA) is also strongly afflicted:
Set (6) | return Asc | 18 Taurus 24 | |
return saturn | 19 Taurus 59 | ||
return pluto | 17 Scorpio 53 | ||
c SN | 17 Leo 35 | ||
b9 saturn | 16 Aquarius 27 | ruler of B Asc in c 4th house | |
b9 venus | 19 Taurus 52 | co-ruler (28 of 29°) b 9th house | |
pc9 mars | 18 Scorpio 58 | ruler of c 8th, co-ruler 17 of 27° of c 7th houses | |
pc9 uranus | 20 Taurus 06R |
HH, age 48, was an official with the U.S. Department of Defense on September 11, 2001 when United flight 175 hit the World Trade Center. He and his wife had moved to Milford, Massachusetts in 1997 where they were active in church and community.
(1) Although age 48, HH’s chart also showed the 1st/8th connection: c venus, ruler of c 8th house, was in c 1st house, but 40° inside it.
(2) HH has a 9th/4th overlap.
Set (1) is the worst fault of HH’s 7th chart. It contains sun/moon/mars/pluto with influence to an Angle, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses. On September 11 progressed conception locality (NYC) MC at 11 Capricorn 30, progressed b mars (ruler of b 8th) at 10 Aries 35, and pc7 venus (ruler of c 4th and c 8th) join it. His return occurred on August 30, 2001 and contributes return moon at 11 Capricorn 22, return neptune at 11 Capricorn 49, and return7 pluto at 10 Aries 11. With the latter the set then shows lighted mars influence to an Angle, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses, but it completely lacks saturn. This chart does not produce a progressed Angle/saturn for HH’s death, not even through rulers. He has a progressed saturn/node, with influence to a 4th house and transiting saturn, at 20 Taurus 00, falls into the C Asc/c moon set.
HH has an unlighted set in his 12th chart which is a potentially strong fault.
Set (2) | c12 saturn | 8 Leo 59 | ruler of c 12th house |
c12 mars | 10 Scorpio 09 | ruler of C MC and c 9th house | |
progressed C Asc | 9 Taurus 06 | ||
t12 saturn | 10 Aquarius | ||
return12 moon | 9 Aquarius 03 |
Return moon in Set (2) brings mars and saturn together for the progressed Angle. Without the moon, their numerical average is 9° Fixed 34’. This set gives HH his progressed Angle/mars, Angle/saturn, and mars/saturn influences to 9th and 12th houses. He lacks lighted mars and lighted saturn influences to 4th and 7th houses.
Set (3) | progressed b sun | 11 Pisces 38 | ruler of b 12th house |
B Asc | 11 Virgo 28 | ||
progressed c12 mars | 11 Gemini 38 | ruler of C MC |
The above is additional Angle/mars and mars/12th influence.
Set (4) | progressed c12 saturn | 17 Cancer 49 | ruler of c 12th house |
c mars | 17 Libra 52 | ruler of C MC and c 9th house | |
progressed b NN | 17 Capricorn 03 | ||
b NN | 18 Capricorn 15 |
H e has acquired more Angle/mars/saturn and mars/saturn 9th and 12th influences. The midpoint between b NN and progressed b NN is 17 Capricorn 39.
Set (5) | progressed C MC | 14 Capricorn 21 | |
b12 saturn | 14 Aries 47 | co-ruler (16 of 34°)of b 4th house | |
return12 mars | 13 Cancer 58 |
We could say the above is definitely a 4th/saturn influence, probably a 4th/mars/saturn one.
Set (6) | c mercury | 17 Pisces 19 | co-ruler (17 of 20°) c 4th house & co-ruler (30 of 47°) c 7th house |
progressed b12 saturn | 17 Pisces 28R | co-ruler (16 of 34°) of b 4th house | |
progressed b12 pluto | 18 Virgo 12R |
Set (6) provides his new saturn/4th and saturn/7th influences, but they are unlighted.
Set (7) | b pluto | 28 Cancer 05 | |
c12 moon | 29 Capricorn 04 | ||
progressed b12 mars | 28 Cancer 08 | ruler of b 8th house | |
progressed c12 mercury | 28 Cancer 08 | co-ruler (17 of 20°) c 4th house, co-ruler (30 of 47°) c 7th house | |
progressed birth locality MC | 28 Cancer 11 |
And this set, Set (7), provides his new lighted mars/4th and saturn/4th influences.
What does his 9th chart show?
His strongest set for September 11 is made up of shell, harmonic, progressed and return planets:
Set (2) | C Asc | 18 Aquarius 19 | |
c moon | 19 Taurus 13 | ||
b9 mars | 18 Scorpio 53 | ruler of b 8th house | |
progressed b9 neptune | 17 Scorpio 43 | ruler of b 7th house | |
progressed c9 mars | 19 Aquarius 51 | ruler of C MC and c 9th | |
return saturn | 19 Taurus 34 | ||
return pluto | 17 Scorpio 48 |
Set (2) has Angle/moon/mars/saturn, but it is a far cry from satisfying all the significators. Its has Angular, 7th , 8th, and 9th house influence, but lacks 4th and 12th.
HH’s return Angles for New York City were not that meaningful, but those for his birthplace (Everett, MA) were 5 Sagittarius 32 and 5 Pisces 50, for MC and Asc respectively. I understand he resided in Milford, MA before his death, and I have used those return Angles in the set below:
Set (3) | return MC | 5 Sagittarius 07 | |
return Asc | 4 Pisces 59 | ||
c9 pluto | 5 Sagittarius 12 | ||
b mars | 4 Pisces 26 | ruler of b 8th house | |
progressed c9 saturn | 5 Gemini 26 | ruler of c 12th house, in 9th/4th houses | |
t9 mars | 6 Sagittarius 40 |
”Borrowing” the return Angles (which also serve as lights), the above set gives HH new lighted mars/saturn influence to 4th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses.
An administrator at an investment company in Norwood, Massachusetts, LCG and her boyfriend were on their way to a vacation in Hawaii. She was 25 years old when the flight she was on, United Airlines flight 175, hit the World Trade Center.
(1) LCG has C Asc in b 8th house.
(2) Set (1) above shows b mercury, ruler of b 9th house, in b 4th house.
Set (2) shows her worst 7th chart fault, a wide orb (but with three lights) set including node/sun/sun/mercury/mars/saturn/neptune with influence to two Angles, 4th, 8th, and 12th houses. It lacks 7th and 9th influences. Though on the low end of the set, c neptune, ruler of c 7th, at 14 Scorpio 37 is just barely in this set and adds the 7th influence. This set lacks, then, as a fault, lacks only 9th house influence. On September 11, 2001 pc mars, ruler of c 3rd and 8th houses, was at 23 Taurus 24, giving her a then operational sun/sun/mars/saturn with influence to 4th, 8th, and 12th houses.
Her Angle/malefics for September 11 for this, her 7th chart, were as follows:
Set (3) | progressed C MC | 2 Cancer 15 | |
progressed b7 mars | 1 Cancer 55 | ruler of b 4th and 12th houses | |
c saturn | 2 Cancer 38 | co-ruler (11 of 34°—1° short of the acceptable 1/3 of the house) c 9th house |
The above set, all in Cancer is in b 7th house. If we accept saturn as part of the set, this whole set influences an Angle, 4th, 7th, and 12th houses. A 9th house influence is lacking.
and her other Angle/malefic:
Set (4) | progressed c7 saturn | 18 Sagittarius 59 |
B Asc | 18 Sagittarius 30 |
Since B Asc is in c 4th house this saturn set influences an Angle and a 4th house. It also has a 9th house influence in that saturn is in the sign of Sagittarius, the 9th sign. That gives her a saturn/9th. Her mars/9th comes from pc mars at 23 Taurus 24 (her functional sun/mars/saturn, above) where mars is lighted and in c 9th house.
LCG’s 7th chart produced all the significators set up earlier for homicidal aviation death for the 9th and 12th charts. What is in her 12th chart?
In her 12th chart, LCG’s worst fault is:
Set (1) | b12 mars | 20 Aquarius 21 | ruler of b 4th and 12th houses |
b12 mercury | 19 Taurus 31 | ruler of b 9th house | |
c mercury | 20 Leo 04 | ruler of C MC and C Asc (therefore mercury acts like a light) | |
b neptune | 18 Scorpio 20R |
Set (1) above shows lighted mars influence to two Angles, 4th, 9th, and 12th houses. It lacks saturn and 7th house influence, but gains saturn from transits and return:
Add to Set (1) | return12 neptune | 19 Aquarius 07R |
return saturn | 18 Taurus 57 | |
transiting saturn | 20 Taurus 00 |
Her progressed Angle/malefics for September 11 were:
She has an early mars/Angle that is an all-charts phenomenon:
Set (4) | progressed B MC | 8 Scorpio 24 |
c mars | 9 Taurus 04 |
And she has one more “new” Angle/mars:
Set (5) | C MC | 7 Gemini 01 | |
C Asc | 6 Virgo 49 | ||
c12 mars | 6 Virgo 51 | ruler of c 8th house | |
progressed b sun | 6 Gemini 40 | ruler of b 8th house | |
t12 mars | 6 Sagittarius 40 |
Progressed b sun activates, or brings forefront, her original C MC/C Asc/mars set. This set gives her the missing mars/8th influence.
Her NYC return gives her the strongest malefic set for this chart:
Set (6) | return Asc (NYC) | 25 Taurus 43 | |
return mars | 26 Scorpio 32 | ||
return12 NN | 24 Scorpio 39 | ||
b12 moon | 24 Taurus 41 | co-ruler (30 of 43°) of b 7th house | |
c12 neptune | 24 Scorpio 37 | ruler of c 7th house |
The above set lacks saturn.
Let’s look at LCG’s 9th chart.
None of her four saturns in this chart is on an Angle or lighted.
We already know that LCG has all-charts progressions of Angle-to-mars (which is early) and Angle-to-saturn. An additional Angle/saturn for this, her 9th chart, is Set (3), comprised of progressed C Asc at 28 Virgo 02 opposition c9 saturn at 28 Pisces 53. In her 12th chart her Angle-to-saturn was early but it included a progressed sun. In this chart, her extra Angle-to-saturn is also early, that is, the Angle is still fairly far from opposing saturn. Her birth time appears exact to-the-minute (10:47 p.m.), but may have been estimated a little too far back, e.g., when the delivery room nurse found time to record her birth, she estimated long ago it occurred, but went a little too far.
S he has a specifically 9th chart progressed Angle/mars
Set (4) | progressed B Asc | 17 Capricorn 48 | |
c moon | 18 Capricorn 13 | ||
b NN | 18 Libra 05 | ||
progressed c9 mars | 17 Capricorn 27 | ruler of c 8th house |
On September 11 her progressed C Asc to saturn in Pisces (above) gives her a saturn-7th influence because saturn is in c 7th house. Her progressed C MC to saturn in Cancer is another 7th house saturn influence plus a 4th (saturn co-rules? c 4th, 11 of 34°). Pc NN at 29 Libra 39 to pc9 saturn (co-ruler of c 4th?) gives her lighted saturn influence to 4th and 8th houses because saturn is in 4th/8th. Transiting saturn at 20 Taurus 00 (or return saturn at 18 Taurus 57) are conjoining her b9 moon (co-ruler of b 7th house) at 19 Taurus 24 in
c 9th house and squaring her c mercury (ruler of both C Angles) at 20 Leo 04.Set (5) | b9 neptune | 21 Taurus 44 | |
b9 SN | 22 Taurus 54 | ||
progressed b9 saturn | 22 Taurus 22 | ||
progressed c mars | 23 Taurus 24 | ruler of c 8th house | |
return9 mars | 21 Leo 53 |
All of the above planets in Taurus fall in c 9th house. This set constitutes lighted mars/saturn influence to 8th and 9th houses.
Her return Asc for New York City is strong.;
Set (6) | return (NYC) Asc | 25 Taurus 43 |
return mars | 26 Scorpio 32 | |
c9 pluto | 24 Taurus 45 | |
return9 saturn | 28 Scorpio 32 | |
return9 sun | 27 Aquarius 23 |
And her return contains a potent set. But an afflicted return combined with un-afflicted progressions is misleading. Returns work with the birth/conception chart, its progressions, and transits, not independently of them. Here, :CG’s return gave significant planets to her b9 moon:
Set (7) | return moon | 17 Leo 59 | |
return11 moon | 17 Leo 54 | ||
return saturn | 18 Taurus 57 | ||
return pluto | 17 Scorpio 47 | ||
b9 moon | 19 Taurus 24 | in c 9th house | |
b neptune | 18 Scorpio 20 |