The Astrology of Aviation Homicide:
Lockerbie and 9-11
Part II

MM was an employee on United Airlines Flight 175. Her mother was a representative for United Airlines at Logan Airport. The middle child in a close family, MM was 34 years old on September 11, 2001.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

Placidus: c11--12Aqu, c12--21Pis, c2--2Gem, c3--24Gem b11--16Cap, b12--18 Aqu, b2--9Tau, b3--2Gem

(1) In Set (1), b mars, ruler of b 8th house, at 7 Libra 26 is opposition B Asc at 6 Aries 48.

(2) Set (2) shows b mercury (ruler of b 4th house) in a close set with c7 saturn, co-ruler (14 of 20°) of c 9th. B jupiter, ruler of b 9th house, is in b 4th house.

Set (3) includes mercury/venus/mars/saturn giving her an unlighted mars/saturn influence to an Angle (C Asc), 4th, 7th and 12th houses. It lacks 9th influence.

Added together, these four sets imply the possibility of aviation homicide.

On September 11 progressed b mars (ruler of b 8th house and of B Asc in c 12th house) had turned retrograde and was at 6 Libra 47 in close opposition to B Asc (6 Aries 48). She has no progressed Angle/saturn in this, her 7th chart. Transit of saturn to her birth locality (Brighton, MA) return shows an Angle/mars/saturn, but that by itself is not strong enough to constitute a new Angle/saturn. Here is the set:

Set (4)progressed c mars19 Taurus 01ruler of c 7th house, co-ruler (30 of 47°) of c 12th
transiting saturn20 Taurus 00
return (Brighton) MC18 Scorpio 11

Looking at its progressions, returns, and transits, MM’s 7th chart does not indicate her death though it suggests its possible manner.

For her 12th chart, we find the following.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11--12Aqu, c12--21Pis, c2--2Gem, c3--24Gem b11--16Cap, b12--18 Aqu, b2--9Tau, b3--2Gem

Set (1) above shows her strongest 12th chart fault. It contains sun/sun/mars/saturn with influence to an Angle and 7th, 9th, and 12th houses. It lacks 4th house influence. With its two lights it may also include C Asc at 8 Taurus 42.

The all-charts progressed Angle/mars shown in her 7th chart above has picked up a light in this chart, making it stronger:

Set (2)B Asc6 Aries 48
progressed b mars6 Libra 47ruler of B Asc
t12 sun7 Libra 23

She has another progressed Angle/mars:

Set (3)progressed B MC26 Capricorn 46
progressed c9 mars 26 Capricorn 13co-ruler (30 of 48°) of c 12th house
c moon26 Capricorn 26ruler of c 4th house
c neptune26 Libra 32ruler of c 12th house
t12 NN 26 Libra 52

Her Angle/saturn comes through an Angle ruler:

Set (4)c9 moon9 Virgo 58ruler of c 4th house
b9 moon9 Sagittarius 08co-ruler (16 of 24°) of b 4th house
progressed c9 saturn 8 Pisces 51ruler of C MC
progressed b saturn 8 Pisces 37
progressed c locality Asc8 Gemini 07

Her progressed birth locality MC was at 23 Capricorn 56 square her c mars at 23 Aries 52 in c 12th house.

Her return (NYC) MC was at 15 Scorpio 33 conjunct her c12 SN at 15 Scorpio 17.

MM’s return MC for her birthplace (Brighton, MA) was strong as it was for her 7th chart, but in this chart it acquires two additional planets--mercury (4th ruler) and mars.

Set (5)return (Brighton) MC 18 Scorpio 11
return saturn 17 Taurus 44
return pluto 17 Scorpio 53
return mars21 Scorpio 52
progressed b12 mercury 18 Taurus 46ruler of b 4th house
progressed c mars19 Taurus 01Rruler of c 7th , co-ruler (30 of 49°) of c 12th houses

Moving on to her 9th chart, as was the case with her 12th, MM’s 9th shows a serious fault:

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House

Placidus: c11--12Aqu, c12--21Pis, c2--2Gem, c3--24Gem b11--16Cap, b12--18 Aqu, b2--9Tau, b3--2Gem
Set (1) above contains lighted mars/saturn/neptune with influence to an Angle and 4th, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses. The largest separation of planets in the set is from b9 mercury to c9 saturn, almost 5°. But this set, as a fault, holds together well because the two lights, c sun and c moon, are in its approximate middle.

Set (2) contains Node/mars/mars/saturn/uranus/pluto. It shows a lighted mars/saturn influence to B Asc as well as 7th, 8th, and 12th houses.

Her progressed b mars to B Asc shown above in her 7th and 12th chart is an all-charts (i.e., all non-harmonic) set. Her progressed C Asc at 11 Gemini 52 conjunct b moon (co-ruler (16 of 24°) at 11 Gemini 52 is also an all-charts set.

MM’s progressed Angle-to-saturn for this, her 9th chart, occurs as follows:

Set (2)progressed C MC17 Aquarius 55
b9 saturn 18 Leo 23
b9 SN 18 Scorpio 11

to which we can add:

Set (3)transiting pluto17 Scorpio 53
progressed birth locality Asc 18 Taurus 33
return MC (Brighton)18 Scorpio 11

Her return Asc for NYC was at 29 Capricorn 52, fitting into, and providing an Angle for, Set (1) above.

Her return Asc for NYC has an Angle/saturn:

Set (4)return (NYC) MC 15 Scorpio 33
return9 saturn 15 Scorpio 03
progressed b9 mars 14 Aquarius 41Rruler of B Asc in c 12th house

And, once again, her return Angles for her birth locality produce the powerful chart:

Set (5)return (Brighton) MC 18 Scorpio 11
return saturn 17 Taurus 44
return pluto 17 Scorpio 53
progressed C MC17 Aquarius 55
return mars21 Scorpio 52
b9 SN19 Taurus 10
b9 saturn18 Leo 23
progressed c mars 19 Taurus 01 ruler of c 7th , co-ruler (30 of 49°) of c 12th houses

With the node acting as a light I extended the orb a little past the 2° normally allowed for planets-to-Angles in the return. An increased orb of 3° allows the following to be added:

Set (6)c uranus 21 Leo 17
c pluto 21 Leo 36
b9 mars21 Aquarius 41ruler of b 8th house and B Asc in c 12th house

DG was 52 when he died on Flight 175 at the World Trade Center. We can be fairly certain the location for his return before his death was Tewksbury, Massachusetts because he worked there. He apparently traveled often. This time he was flying out of the area. However, his change in Angles from Tewksbury to his birth locality was small, so I used his birth locality for his return. As it turned out, none of his return Angles showed appreciable affliction.

Let's see if he has any faults in his 7th chart.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

Placidus: c11--21Cap, c12--25Aqu, c2--14Tau, c3--6Gem b11--1Gem, b12--4Can, b2--25efLeo, b3--22Vir

(1) DG, the second individual included here over the age of 35, did not have a 1st/8th connection.

(2) DG’s 7th chart has two faults involving the 9th house. Set (1) above shows B MC in a set with b mars (on the cusp of b 4th) with mars co-ruling (25 of 33°) b 9th and co-ruling (30 of 35°) b 4th. This is also his simplest indication that the end of his life (4th) could involve 9th house matters like aviation.

Set (2) (node/mars/mars) shows a 7th/9th fault. It is forefront in influence because c mars and its harmonic rule C Asc. It has 9th house influence because C Asc is in b 9th house. C mars also co-rules (14 of 28°) c 7th house.

On September 11 pb saturn was at 11 Leo 37, fitting into Set (2) above. Progressed c moon (co-ruler of c 4th house) is a bit above them at 12 Aquarius 38 along with pc mercury (ruler of c 4th house) at 12 Aquarius 30R. If we accept moon and mercury as progressed parts of Set (3), then the set shows a lighted mars/saturn with influence to an Angle, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. DG’s birth time was given to the minute, so might be accurate.

DG’s 12th chart is loaded with faults.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11--21Cap, c12--25Aqu, c2--14Tau, c3--6Gem b11--1Gem, b12--4Can, b2--25Leo, b3--22Vir

In his 7th chart, Set (1) above contained c mars, its harmonic and a harmonic node. In this, his 12th chart, it contains sun/mars/saturn. Through mars it influences an Angle, 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. On September 11, 2001 it was joined by progressed c moon (co-ruler of c 4th, 21 of 24°) at 12 Aquarius 38, progressed c mercury (ruler of c 4th) at 12 Aquarius 30R, and progressed b saturn (non-harmonic) at 11 Leo 37. Transiting12 saturn was at 11Aquarius 00 and transiting12 neptune at 12 Aquarius 15R. On September 11 this set was had the full complement of significators for aviation homicide.

Set (2) above has mercury/mars/saturn/pluto with influence to all the same houses as Set (1) through c12 mars.

Set (3) above contains the fault Node/moon/mars/saturn with influence to an Angle (B MC), 4th (mars co-rules b 4th, 30 of 36°) and 12th houses. In lacks influence to 7th and 9th houses. On September 11, 2001, the set was joined by progressed c mars—the main spreader of influence in the first two sets--at 6 Leo 21R at which point the set gained influence to another Angle, 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. Harmonic return12 moon was at 6 Scorpio 20. On September 11, therefore, Set (3) contained a full set of significators for DG’s death through aviation homicide.

The three sets above combine, before progressions, to show lighted mars/saturn influence to two Angles and 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses.

On September 11 his B MC, which starts opposed by b mars (on the cusp of b 4th) acquires the following:

Set (4)B MC25 Aries 05
b mars 24 Libra 03ruler of B MC; co-ruler (30 of 36°) b 4th house
pc saturn25 Cancer 02R
pc12 mercury 25 Aries 00Rruler of c 4th house
return12 saturn25 Capricorn 53R
transiting 12 NN26 Libra 52
progressed c NN 24 Aries 12

The above set comprises, independent of rulers, his progressed Angle/mars/saturn for his 12th chart.

DG had one more important set, giving him additional Angular, 7th, and 9th mars/saturn influence:

Set (5)c saturn28 Cancer 27
progressed c12 mars 28 Capricorn 49Rruler of C Asc in b 9th, ruler of c 8th, co-ruler c 7th
c NN28 Libra 49
progressed b12 NN 29 Cancer 15

All together, from both faults and progressions, DG’s 12th chart was heavily afflicted.

What about his 9th?

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House

Placidus: c11--21Cap, c12--25Aqu, c2--14Tau, c3--6Gem b11--1Gem, b12--4Can, b2--25Leo, b3--22Vir
Set (1) above shows DG’s worst 9th chart flaw. It started with his original B MC opposition mars. Because c NN adds to allowable orb, we could include c saturn at 28 Cancer 27 (ruler of c 11th house) in this set. That would give DG a loose all-charts Angle/mars/saturn. It is, moreover, reasonable to do that because c saturn is retrograde, so it is heading toward his MC/mars. In this, his 9th chart, the presence of b9 moon adds to the increase in acceptable orb, and both harmonic neptunes also become part of the set. Before progressions, then, Set (1) shows lighted mars/saturn/neptune influence to an Angle, 4th, 9th, and 12th houses. It lacks 7th influence. On September 11 progressed b9 mars (ruler of B MC and co-ruler (30 of 36°) of b 4th) at 27 Libra 04 joined the set. The midpoint between it and b mars (at 24 Libra 03) was 25 Libra 33. The midpoint between c NN and progressed c NN was 26 Aries 47. And progressed c saturn, at 25 Cancer 02R, was then firmly in the set.

The mars/7th influence is there after all in Set (1) because b mars is in c 7th house.

The saturn/7th influence comes from the following. Set (2). It contains one of the c mars, c9 mars, which contributes so many relevant house influences:

Set (2)b9 mercury2 Pisces 10
c9 mars4 Gemini 33ruler of C Asc in b 9th, ruler of c 8th, co-ruler c 7th
b uranus6 Gemini 33ruler of b 7th house
c sun 3 Sagittarius 00
pc venus5 Pisces 39ruler of c 7th house
pc9 saturn5 Sagittarius 23Rruler of b 7th house
return9 sun 3 Pisces 05

As a progression I do not like the fact that c sun is over 2° away from progressed c saturn, but return sun increases orb, and the above is the closest DG comes to having the requisite lighted saturn/7th.

MLB was 31 years old when he died on Flight 175 on September 11, 2001. He had been a scout for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team and was a former outstanding hockey player at Boston University. He spent three seasons as a player in the American Hockey League. He has a twin brother, Michael, born ten minutes earlier. (Michael’s MCs would be about 2-1/2° earlier, making a decisive difference in progressed Angle/planet.)

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

Placidus: c11--2Cap, c12--30Cap, c2--24Ari, c3--19Tau b11--9Cap, b12--9Aqu, b2--2Tau, b3--26Tau

(1) He has b mars, ruler of b 8th, at 10 Aries 17 in b 1st house (14° inside it). He also has c venus, ruler of c 8th house, at 3 Aries 19 in c 1st house.

(2) MLB, alone among the individuals included here, lacks the initial, simple 7th chart connection between 4th and 9th houses. Ruler of the 9th is not in either 4th. No 4th/9th (or 9th/4th) overlap exists. However, as shown below in Set (2), rulers of 4th and 9th are initially in the same set.

MLB’ 7th chart demonstrates three sets that could develop into full significators. Set (1) above is the simplest. Including Asc/mars/uranus, in which mars rules c 9th. The conjunction (C Asc to c7 mars in Pisces) falls in b 12th house. This set suggests failed power (or being a victim--mars in Pisces and 12th/mars) in some 9th house (aviation, among others) matter. Note C Asc is in b 12th house. Full influence to C Asc is actually the noted mars/uranus plus lighted neptune because c7 neptune, ruler of C Asc, is at 23 Scorpio 27 conjunct c7 NN at 24 Scorpio 03.

Set (2) ranges up to nearly 6°, but that 6° is between two lights, b moon and c sun. The widest orb from any planet to a light is 3° 22’, from c mars to c sun. This set includes node/sun/moon/mercury/mars/jupiter/saturn/pluto. Moon co-rules (9 of 23°) b 4th, mercury rules b 4th and 7th, mars rules c 9th and co-rules (19 of 25°) c 8th, and jupiter rules B MC while co-ruling (16 of 20°) b 9th. Thus this fault influences an Angle, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. It lacks 12th house influence. Because of its wide spread, its meaningful progressions are likely to be limited to the node/ mars/saturn. In fact, on September 11 MLB’s pb7 uranus, ruler of b 12th house, was at 15 Leo 17R (coming from 27 Leo 21R) and progressed b NN was at 16 Aquarius 39. This node/mars/saturn/uranus has influence to 8th, 9th, and 12th houses.

Set (3) above shows sun/sun/mars/jupiter/saturn/pluto where jupiter rules B MC and co-rules b 9th. Mars rules b 9th and co-rules b 8th. This set, which gives mars/saturn Angular and 9th influence is important because on September 11 progressed C MC was at 10 Capricorn 51 (the midpoint between mars and saturn is 11 Aries 00), providing progressed Angle/mars and Angle/saturn, as well as mars/saturn/9th , for all charts for MLB’s death.

Summed, the above progressed 7th chart influences show new influence of lighted mars/saturn to an Angle, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses. The 4th influence is missing. Completely. In other words, this chart suggests an aviation accident, possibly sabotage, but not death.

We could say he had at least a forefront 4th ruler (but not mars/saturn/4th influence) if I included pb7 mercury (ruler of b 4th house) in its set with progressed birth locality MC for New York City—the former at 14 Capricorn 05 and the latter, at 14 Capricorn 40. It would bring the 4th house into the equation, but not provide its mars and saturn influences.

Let’s look at MLB’s faults in his 12th chart.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11--2Cap, c12--30Cap, c2--24Ari, c3--19Tau b11--9Cap, b12--9Aqu, b2--2Tau, b3--26Tau

Set (1) above is the same as Set (3) in the 7th chart with the two harmonic7 suns removed and the much tighter c12 harmonic moon added. This set includes moon/mars/jupiter/saturn/saturn with influence to B MC, 9th and 12th houses. It lacks 4th and 7th influence. The midpoint of all five is 10° Cardinal 51’ (see below). This is MLB’s worst 12th chart fault and it is forefront because of its influence to an Angle.

Set (2), containing uranus in Pisces (co-ruler, 30 of 45°, of c12th house) in b 12th house lighted by B MC, is suggestive of unpleasant surprises. It could have been hitting his C Asc at the time of the attack, but it was not. It had turned stationary direct earlier and was then at 22 Pisces 42 in a set with pb12 NN at 23 Gemini 08 and b12 mars (in both 4ths, ruler of b 8th and 9th houses) at 23 Gemini 57. Progressed conception locality MC was at 22 Sagittarius 02, while progressed birth locality MC was at 24 Pisces 46. Their midpoint was 23 Mutable 24.

On September 11, 2001 MLB had progressed B MC at 17 Capricorn 32 opposition c12 saturn (11th and 12th ruler) at 17 Cancer 10, providing his 1st progressed saturn/Angle. His most potent progression, involving his all-charts progressed Angle/mars/saturn above, is :

Set (3)
progressed C MC10 Capricorn 51
b jupiter10 Libra 55ruler of B MC and co-ruler (16 of 24°) b 9th house
c saturn9 Aries 48ruler of c 12th house
progressed c saturn 12 Aries 48ruler of c 12th house
b mars10 Aries 17ruler of b 9th house
c12 moon 11 Cancer 46
return12 moon 10 Libra 34
return neptune11 Capricorn 56

The midpoint between c saturn and progressed c saturn is 11 Aries 18. The midpoint between it and b mars is 10 Aries 47. The addition of so many lights to this 12th chart set identifies this set as more important in the 12th than in the 7th chart. MLB still lacks influence of lighted mars/saturn to a 7th house and lighted saturn to a 4th:

Set (4)b12 saturn 14 Leo 06
c mars14 Scorpio 49ruler of c 9th house
b moon12 Taurus 21
progressed c12 mars 14 Leo 11Rruler of c 9th house
progressed b12 mercury15 Scorpio 14ruler of b 4th and 7th houses

The set above provides the missing lighted mars/saturn influence to 4th and 7th houses. The light in it, b moon. is too low, but the closest I can come to a more appropriate light involves the midpoint between progressed b NN (16 Aquarius 39) and b moon (above), which is 14 Fixed 30.

If we accept the set just above as valid, MLB’s 12th chart ended up with the full set of progressions for the event.

MLB’s return for Los Angeles, where he resided at the time, had an MC of 20 Scorpio 20, with return saturn at 19 Taurus 19, return pluto at 17 Scorpio 47, return12 neptune at 17 Aquarius 06R, return12 NN at 18 Scorpio 24, c sun at 18 Taurus 11, b mercury (ruler of be 4th house) at 18 Aquarius 59, and pb12 sun at 20 Aquarius 23. There was no mars for this.

What faults does MLB’s 9th chart contain?

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House

Placidus: c11--2Cap, c12--30Cap, c2--24Ari, c3--19Tau b11--9Cap, b12--9Aqu, b2--2Tau, b3--26Tau

Set (1) has already been seen in MLB’s 7th and 12th charts with their accompanying harmonics. In this chart it has no lights. It acquires c9 mars, ruler of c 9th and co-ruler of c 8th, as well as b9 neptune, ruler of B Asc. It gives him unlighted mars/saturn/neptune for siege conditions for potential development for 9th house matters. Progressed C MC (already discussed above) picks up the mars/saturn in Aries plus jupiter in Libra and progressed b9 pluto at 11 Capricorn 07R, giving him that all-charts progressed Angles to mars/saturn. Without a light other than the progressed C MC c9 mars is not included. Inclusion of b9 neptune is debatable. He has another set right next to this one which does include c9 mars:

Set (2)progressed c saturn 12 Aries 48ruler of c 12th house
c9 mars 12 Aries 54Rruler of c 9th house, co-ruler of c 8th
progressed c9 mercury 12 Aries 05ruler of c 4th and 7th houses

The above set does not have Angular influence but it adds (unlighted) mars/saturn influence to 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses. I did not find a light anywhere which would fit into this set.

With progressions Set (1) plus Set (2) show influence of mars/saturn to an Angle, 8th, and 9th houses and unlighted mars/saturn to all the hypothetical houses.

MLB has another fairly innocuous looking pre-progressed set into which his return mars plays:

Set (3)B MC16 Sagittarius 24
b9 moon 15 Virgo 51co-ruler (9 of 23°) b 4th house
c9 saturn 17 Virgo 46ruler of c 12th house
return mars 17 Virgo 26

By itself Set(3) would mean little, but coupled with (1) plus (2), it adds another mars/saturn Angle to his growing accumulation of malefic sets.

He has another mars/saturn set :

Set (4)b9 pluto 20 Capricorn 07
c9 jupiter 21 Capricorn 39ruler of C MC in b 9th house
c9 moon21 Cancer 58
progressed c9 mars21 Capricorn 52Rruler of c 9th house, co-ruler of c 8th
progressed c9 saturn20 Libra 53ruler of c 12th house
return11 saturn 21 Capricorn 44
return Asc (NYC)20 Aries 33

The difference between progressed mars and progressed saturn is 59’, but the moon’s presence increases effective orb.

MLB’s return, shown above with planets from his 12th chart, occurred on August 23, 2001. His Angles for Los Angeles, where he was then residing, gave him a potent set for his 9th chart planets. :

Set (5)return MC 20 Scorpio 20
return saturn19 Taurus 19
return pluto17 Scorpio 47
c sun18 Taurus 11
c9 sun19 Scorpio 57
progressed b9 saturn 19 Scorpio 20ruler of b 11th house
progressed c9 neptune20 Scorpio 56Rruler of B Asc
b mercury 18 Aquarius 59ruler of b 4th and b 7th houses

Finally, MLB has a 12th/12th house set that is suggestive of unexpected disaster—in this as well as his 12th chart he has uranus in Pisces, this time in both 12th houses. C9 uranus at 1 Pisces 10R, ruler of C Asc in b 12th house and co-ruler (30 of 45°) of c 12th house is conjunct c NN at 2 Pisces 40. On September 11 progressed c mercury, ruler of c 4th and 7th houses, entered that set at 1 Gemini 06. All by itself this set influences an Angle, 4th, 7th, and 12th houses, but, of course, it tells only of unexpected (uranus) sorrow (Pisces).

GD was 44 years old when he became a part of the September 11 attack. Unlike the prior subjects of this paper, he was not in an air plane. He worked at the Pentagon, so he was on the ground. I thought I would include his results because even though he was not in a plane, he died because of one.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

Placidus: c11--14Sag, c12--7Cap, c2--29Pis, c3--0Taur b11--15Can, b12--15Leo, b2--7Lib, b3--8Sco

(1) Older (44) than most of the Flight 175 individuals here, DG does not have the straight connection between 1st and 8th houses within birth or conception charts, respectively. He does have b mars, ruler of b 8th house, at 11 Leo 46 opposition C Asc at 11 Aquarius 51. He also has c venus, ruler of co-ruler (30 of 31°) c 8th house, at 13 Virgo 01 less that 3° inside of b 1st house. Is this switch to sets involving mixed birth and conception planets an indication of less strength?

(2) GD has a 9th/4th overlap, suggesting a correlation between 9th house matters and the end of his life (4th).

Set (1) is in all charts set. It is comprised of C Asc/mars/saturn, with influence to an Angle, 4th and 8th houses. Saturn is in c 9th house. It is, however, progressing away from this Asc, so this set becomes weaker over the duration of his life.

Set (2) shows C MC in a close set with c mars, its ruler and ruler of c 9th.

If we sum Sets (1) and (2), we see an all-charts fault comprised of mars/saturn influence to an Angle, 4th, and 8th houses, with a saturn/9th and a mars/9th. The 12th influence is missing.

For September 11, 2001, GD had an all-charts progression of b mars (3 and 8 ruler) at 10 Virgo 02 to B Asc at 10 Virgo 44. In his 7th chart, it included pc7 NN (coming from 13 Sagittarius 59) at 10 Sagittarius 24.

He did not have a progressed Angle/saturn in this chart.

He had several difficult progressions.

Set (3)b mercury20 Scorpio 01ruler of B MC in c 4th house and C Asc in b 7th
progressed b12 mars20 Taurus 22ruler of b 8th house
progressed c12 uranus20 Aquarius 22ruler of C Asc, co-ruler (12 of 35°) c 12th
transiting saturn 20 Taurus 00

If we allow transiting saturn as the main Angle/saturn for death, this set shows lighted mars/saturn influence to two Angles, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. It lacks 9th house influence, which occurs in the next set.

Set (4)b7 mars15 Scorpio 51in c 9th , ruler of c 8th
progressed b saturn15 Scorpio 27in c 9th , co-ruler (15 of 27°) of b 4th houses
progressed b7 moon15 Scorpio 21in c 9th
return7 moon 15 Aquarius 57

The set above shows a conjunction of moon/mars/saturn in Scorpio in c 9th with influence to b 4th.

The next set shows GD’s comprehension of what is occurring.

Set (5)c7 neptune28 Pisces 55
progressed b7 mercury28 Pisces 21ruler of B MC in c 4th and B Asc in c 7th
progressed b7 uranus28 Pisces 35
c7 mercury 28 Gemini 22co-ruler (14 of 21°) c 4th, ruler c 8th, co-ruler (29 of 41°) c 7th

His return for Washington, D.C, occurred on August 17. It has mars and saturn on return Angles:

Set (6)return MC5 Gemini 44
return Asc 5 Virgo 45
progressed c sun 5 Sagittarius 36ruler of c 7th house
progressed c7 mars3 Pisces 45ruler of c 9th house
progressed c7 saturn6 Pisces 07ruler of c 12th house

Mars and saturn are too far apart to be in the same set for progressions, but for with progressed c sun and the proximity of both Angles, it can be included in this return.

In his 7th chart DG has the required mars influence to all houses and the required mars/saturn to 9th house, but it is only by including transiting saturn as the main saturn for death that he gains the remaining ones. His return, backed up by indications of progressions, also shows the gravity of the coming event.

What does his 12th chart reveal?

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11--14Sag, c12--7Cap, c2--29Pis, c3--0Taur b11--15Can, b12--15Leo, b2--7Lib, b3--8Sco
Recalling what we saw in his 7th chart: GD has: an all-charts Asc/mars/saturn (with saturn separating from it) and a close all-charts MC/mars.

In this, his 12th chart, his Set (1) Asc/mars/saturn acquires b12 venus, ruler of b 9th house, extending influence of this set to Angle, 4th, 8th, and 9th houses.

His MC/mars, shown in Set (2) above, acquires neptune, ruler of b 7th house.

His faults in this chart are the same as for his 7th chart, except he has acquired mars/7th influence. Summed they give him mars/saturn influence to an Angle, 4th, 8th, and 9th houses and lighted mars influence to an Angle, 7th and 9th houses. His fault lacks mars/saturn influence to a 12th house and saturn influence to 7th and 9th houses.

Progressed c12 venus, ruler of c 4th house, enters Set (2) on September 11, 2001 at 23 Leo 57, adding another 4th/mars influence.

On September 11, he had the following sets:

Set (3)b mercury20 Scorpio 01ruler of B MC in c 4th house and B Asc in b 7th
progressed b12 mars20 Taurus 22ruler of b 8th house
progressed c12 uranus20 Aquarius 22ruler of C Asc, co-ruler (12 of 35°) c 12th
transiting saturn 20 Taurus 00

The lighted (mercury rules B Angles therefore qualifies as a “light”) mars and saturn conjunction in Taurus is in b 9th house and therefore this set influences three Angles, 4th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses. Once again, it draws on transiting saturn.

His all-charts fault that started out with Asc/mars/saturn (with saturn separating from it) has been joined by:

Set (4)C Asc 11 Aquarius 51
b mars11 Leo 46 in c 7th house
b saturn 13 Scorpio 33co-ruler (15 of 27°) of b 4th house
pb12 pluto 10 Aquarius 35
pb12 mercury 10 Scorpio 46ruler of B Angles—B MC in c 4th, B Asc in c 7th
t12 neptune12 Aquarius 15R
t12 saturn10 Aquarius 00

The midpoint between b saturn and t12 saturn is 11 Fixed 46. This set now shows active mars/saturn/neptune influence to three Angles as well as 4th, 7th and 8th houses.

I am uncomfortable using transiting saturn as the Angle/saturn for death. B12 saturn (that is, harmonic saturn specific to this chart) is at 9 Scorpio 41. It is too far below C Asc to count. However the midpoint between it and b saturn at 13 Scorpio 33 is 11 Scorpio 37. The average of b12 saturn, b saturn, and t12 saturn is 11 Fixed 46. The midpoint between c saturn at 8 Scorpio 46 and b saturn (above) is 11 Scorpio 09. (The midpoint between c saturn, b12 saturn, and b saturn is 10 Scorpio 40—too far down. Finally, the midpoint between the previous three saturns and t12 saturn is 10 Fixed 15—even further away from C Asc.)

Progressed C MC is at 8 Capricorn 37 is conjunct c12 SN at 8 Capricorn 26. It provides a lighted Angle and suggests a particularly 12th house event (harmonic node). It is joined by progressed C-Loc Asc at 8 Capricorn 02.

C-Loc MC is at 7 Sagittarius 22 conjunct b12 NN at 7 Sagittarius 26, showing another harmonic node/Angle set.

Progressed B-Loc MC is at 14 Capricorn 40 square b12 mars at 14 Aries 39.

Progressed B-Loc Asc is at 8 Taurus 08 opposition c saturn at 8 Scorpio 46. (Is this the progressed Angle/saturn?)

He has another Angle/mars/neptune with influence to a 7th house:

Set (5)B MC11 Gemini 34
B Asc10 Virgo 44
progressed b moon 11 Sagittarius 42
progressed b12 neptune11 Gemini 39ruler of b 7th house
progressed b mars 10 Virgo 02

Mars above is early. Mars, however, is usually a close timer, so with a light and second Angle it could arguably be part of this set.

What does his 9th chart contain?

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 9th House

Placidus: c11--14Sag, c12--7Cap, c2--29Pis, c3--0Taur b11--15Can, b12--15Leo, b2--7Lib, b3--8Sco
His all-charts Angle/mars/saturn (not shown this time) has been joined in this chart by c9 neptune at 12 Aquarius 00. Neptune has not added house influence to tentative significator houses, but it does give him Angle/mars/saturn/neptune with influence to 4th and 8th houses.

Set (1) above shows B MC and B Asc in a set with two moon and mars. Venus is added because the two moons increase acceptable orb. This set’s lighted mars influence is to two Angles, 4th and 8th houses.

Set (2) shows lighted mars influence to two Angles, 7th and 9th houses. This is GD’s worst 9th chart fault. It lacks saturn influence altogether and lacks 4th and 12th mars influence. On September 11 it looked like this:

Set (3)b moon 17 Aries 16
c9 mars 19 Aries 12co-ruler C MC and c 9th house
b SN 19 Aries 49
c9 uranus 21 Cancer 09ruler C Asc, co-ruler (12 of 35°) of c 12th house
c sun20 Libra 12ruler of c 7th house
progressed b9 mars 20 Aries 17 ruler b 8th house
progressed b9 saturn19 Aries 54co-ruler (12 of 35°) of c 4th house
progressed b9 pluto 19 Aries 02
progressed C-Loc Ascendant 20 Aries 37

Set (3) shows lighted mars/saturn influence to two Angles (three if we count pC-Loc Asc), 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses.

His return covering September 11 occurred August 17, 2001 in Washington, D.C. Adding progressed and return planets to Set (2) shows:

Set (4)b9 mars9 Gemini 22ruler of b 8th house
B MC 11 Gemini 34
B Asc 10 Virgo 44
c venus 13 Virgo 04ruler of c 4th house
c moon8 Sagittarius 04
b9 moon 9 Sagittarius 57
progressed b moon11 Sagittarius 42
progressed b mars10 Virgo 02ruler of b 8th house
t9 saturn 10 Sagittarius 01
return NN10 Gemini 35
return jupiter12 Gemini 41
return mercury 11 Gemini 26

Set (4) shows the same influence Set (2) had before progressions, but (transiting) saturn has now joined the set. If we accept transiting saturn as valid, this set now shows lighted mars/saturn influence to two Angles, 4th and 8th houses. Mars in Gemini falls in c 9th/4th houses giving him a lighted mars/4th/9th. Lighted saturn in Sagittarius falls in b 4th house, giving him another lighted saturn/4th.

Sets (3) and (4) together show influence of lighted mars/saturn all the necessary significators for the 9th chart.

CH was 2 years 6 months old when Flight 175 hit the World Trade Center. She was on a holiday trip with her parents to Southern California.

Not much changes by progression in the chart of some one who has only lived a couple of years. The Angles, moving approximately one degree per year, change by several degrees. Their change can be crucial. After that, the inner planets of personality—sun, moon, mercury, venus—change most. The sun also moves about one degree per year; the moon, an average of 33’ per month. In her short life CH’s birth mercury moved from 25 Aquarius 23 to 29 Aquarius 23—four whole degrees. Her conception mercury moved five degrees. Even though the individual has not yet been born, conception planets start progressing at conception, not birth. CH’s birth venus moved a little over three degrees. Birth mars moved less than half a degree.

Of course, harmonics of these planets move faster. The slowest moving harmonics are those for the 1st chart; the fastest, the 12th. A 7th chart harmonic sun is going to move approximately 9 degrees per year.

So little change—so little time to change—implies for children who die under the age of three or four or perhaps even five, the chart will clearly show early death by the time birth occurs. And it often does. It often also falls short of containing the full set of significators that would show in the chart of an adult dying in the same manner.

I erected three charts for CH. Here I show only her 7th chart because her 7th most showed her death on September 11, 2001. We will examine it for indications of her early death. After that, however, we are going to look at some sets which call into question our usual interpretation of the death of a child as a tragedy (for the child—it has to be for the parents).

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part I

Placidus: c11—17Can, c12—17Leo, c2—8Lib, c3—9Sco b11—16Tau, b12—20Gem, b2—11Leo, b3—7Vir

(1) B uranus, ruler of b 8th house is opposition B Asc.

(2) CH does not have a simple 4th/9th connection. She does not have a 4th/9th overlap. Nor does she have ruler of a 9th in a 4th house. Her 4th/9th connection is discussed below in the material on her conjunction of b7 venus, ruler of b 4th house with b neptune, ruler of b 9th house, but this is a totally benefic set.

Set (1) above shows C MC/C Asc/mars/saturn. Mars rules B MC in b 8th house as well as co-rules (16 of 37°) b 4th house. Saturn rules b 7th. She starts out in this chart with a fault that gives lighted (by the Angles) mars/saturn influence to three Angles, 4th, 7th and 8th houses. The 7th clearly identifies her vulnerability in the hands of “significant others” (7th house).

Set (2) shows B Asc in a set with moon/venus/uranus, with uranus ruling b 8th house. It can be interpreted as her possible early death because the ruler of the 8th house is in close opposition to her (1st house) Asc (early childhood).

Set (3) shows the possibility of homicide. C sun and both harmonic suns in early Taurus are conjunct c mars in late Aries. Mars rules c 8th. Both c suns rule c 12th. Transiting7 saturn was at 0 Scorpio 00.

Summing Sets (2) and (3), CH’s chart shows transformations (8th) correlated with 9th and 12th houses, aviation (or falls, for that matter) and homicide (or unknown forces, footnote 4), 9th and 12th house interpretations, respectively. Without, however, her mars/saturn influences to an Angle and 4th and perhaps 8th in Set (1), Sets (2) and (3) do not indicate physical death.

The further possibility of a noxious 9th house (aviation, among others) experience is indicated by a set including b7 neptune at 14 Cancer 57 and b mars at 14 Libra 37. Neptune rules b 9th and mars rules B MC, co-ruling (16 of 37°) b 4th house.

On September 11 CH did not have the full complement of significators for aviation homicide. She did have afflicted progressed Angles.

Set (4)progressed C MC 16 Gemini 20
progressed c7 mars 16 Gemini 44ruler of B MC and b 5th, co-ruler (16 of 27°) of b 4th house
progressed b7 moon 16 Virgo 09ruler of C Asc in b 11th house

The above shows new Angle/mars and 4th/mars. Mars also rules 9 of the 32° of b 9th house, but falls short of the 1/3 necessary to be considered a co-ruler.

Set (5)progressed C Asc14 Virgo 40
progressed b7 saturn15 Virgo 19ruler of b 7th house

Set (5) shows her new Angle/saturn.

Sets (4) and (5) are CH’s main progressions for death. Astrologically, as well as physically, it takes less to end a child’s life than it does an adult’s.

CH does have some interesting, suggestive other sets:

The Angles of her return were not afflicted by return, or 7th, 9th, and 12th chart planets. She had a moon/mars within the return chart being approached by transiting saturn, which was still over 2° away.

What about the sets I stated earlier would challenge our notions of death as tragedy? Here they are:

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House, Part II

Placidus: c11—17Can, c12—17Leo, c2—8Lib, c3—9Sco b11—16Tau, b12—20Gem, b2—11Leo, b3—7Vir
Set(1) shows a conjunction of venus and jupiter in Pisces in b 9th house. Venus is exalted in Pisces; jupiter well-placed there. Venus rules b 4th house. The set is in a 9th house. In this, her 7th chart, it receives no light, though transiting7 sun was at 6 Pisces 53 when she died. In her 9th chart, which does not have afflicted Angles, it acquires b9 moon, ruler of B Asc in c 11th house as well as co-ruler (20 of 30°) of b 12th house, at 8 Sagittarius 07. This is a potently benefic set influencing an Angle, 4th, 9th, 11th and 12th houses. Venus and jupiter are very close—their conjunction is only 2’ apart—so their harmonics stay together throughout all her charts. In her 9th chart b9 jupiter at 24 Virgo 45 is conjunct b9 venus at 25 Virgo 09. On September 11 they receive a light from progressed b moon at 25 Gemini 08.

In her 12th chart their harmonics are at 17 Aries 52 and 18 Aries 23, jupiter and venus respectively, in a set with B Asc at 19 Cancer 54, b uranus (ruler of b 8th) at 19 Capricorn 18, and c12 NN at 20 Aries 02.

Returning to her 7th chart, CH’s harmonic of b jupiter conjunction b venus are at 9 Capricorn 22 and 9 Capricorn 40, respectively. They are in a set with B MC at 9 Aries, b neptune at 8 Capricorn 20, and c neptune at 7 Capricorn 25. All of these are in c 4th house. They influence three Angles, 4th, 7th, and 9th houses. They also influence an 8th (through B MC in c 8th), an 11th (through C MC in b 11th house) and a 3rd (through C Asc in b 3rd house).

It is not that one cannot have benefic sets and also die. Robert F. Kennedy, who had just won the California primary (his benefic set) died the same day (his malefic set). Famous people usually have forefront benefics when their death is made public. The benefics represent the recurring ripple of their fame.

There are many possible interpretations for benefic influences operative on CH’s 4th house when she died. Certainly among extended family and friends, likely in her community, she was the recipient of great sympathy (a type of fame). Another interpretation is that a big part of her intention in incarnating was to be there with her parents when they died. Another interpretation is that CH had very little karma left to be worked out this lifetime. Her early death was a release signaling the end of her karma on Earth.

JFK, Jr.
The work-up of JFK JR’s 7th and 9th charts is shown in the paper with him name listed on the Home Page. As far as I know JFK JR.’s death was an accident, not a homicide. But, we want to look anyway. Will his chart contain the same significators as do the 12th charts of the September 11 victims?

JFK, Jr.
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11—30 Cap, c12—6Pis, c2—20Tau, c3—12Gem b11—19Gem, b12—20Can, b2—13Vir, b3—12Lib

The 4th/9th connection in JFK Jr’s chart is suggested by the fact that b mars and its harmonic rule both b 9th and b 4th houses and is a malefic. He also has a slight (7°) 4th/9th house overlap.

Set (1) above contains sun/moon/mars/saturn. It influences C Asc and 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. The only house it lacks is the 9th. But saturn is in c 9th, so it only lacks a mars/9th. C mars is in c 9th, but it lacks a light. This more complex set also shows the possibility JFK Jr. will die (4th) through an aviation accident (9th), possibly through homicide (7th/12th) or some other 12th chart interpretation. That is, the reason is obscure (12th) to us.

JFK Jr’s all-charts progression of pBM C at 24 Gemini 24 to b mars, ruler of b 4th and 9th houses, at 24 Gemini 24 and opposition the midpoint of pb saturn at 25 Sagittarius 37 and pc saturn at 23 Sagittarius 14 (=25 Sagittarius 26). This mars/saturn set showed influence to two Angles and b 4th and 9th houses. As is, it is a clear indication of the possibility of accidental aviation death.

Particular to this chart he had pc12 neptune at 22 Virgo 50R widely in the same set with pB Asc at 22 Virgo 03. With the set above, it gives him progressed Angles to mars/saturn/neptune. His return MC for Martha’s Vineyard was 21 Virgo 28. Return12 saturn was at 21 Sagittarius 27 and return12 uranus at 22 Gemini 53. /p>

Progressed b12 moon (ruler of b 12th house) at 29 Cancer 37 fits into Set (1) above, giving that set timing significance, adding another 12th influence, and lighting c12 mars in 12th/4th houses.

He has a number of smaller sets I will write out here.

Pb mars at 13 Gemini 13R is in the same set with pb12 sun at 12 Pisces 49. This set shows lighted mars influence to 4th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses.
Progressed b moon (ruler of b 12th house) at 27 Gemini 50 was opposing c mars (ruler of C Asc and c 8th, co-ruler of c 12th and c 7th) at 27 Sagittarius 50 (in c 9th house).
Pb12 mars (ruler of b 4th and 9th houses and co-ruler of b 8th) is conjunct b12 SN at 5 Capricorn 52.
Pb NN (coming from 17 Leo 34) at 13 Leo 21 is in the same set with b pluto at 13 Leo 53, b12 pluto at 13 Taurus 09R, and progressed C MC at 13 Aquarius 12. With this, all his Angle set summed give him progressed Angles to mars, saturn, neptune, and pluto.
Progressed b12 uranus at 15 Scorpio 52R was in the same set with birth I.C. at 15 Scorpio 07 (in b 4th house) and c12 uranus at 15 Leo 24R. Return12 SN was at 16 Scorpio 15. (In his 9th chart it was progressed c9 uranus, at 15 Scorpio 08R, that was opposition B MC.)
Progressed c mars (ruler C Asc and c 8th house, co-ruler of c 12th and c 7th houses) at 27 Capricorn 58 entered a set comprised of itself and c moon (ruler of c 4th house) at 27 Cancer 56.
The benefic (for this famous death) was comprised of pc sun (5th co-ruler) at 8 Pisces 16, b12 venus (MC and 3rd ruler, co-ruler b 9th) at 8 Pisces00, and pc jupiter (4th co-ruler) at 8 Sagittarius 14, a forefront condition.

His return Asc for New York City (where I am presuming he lived at the time) was 26 Scorpio 04 conjunct his b12 mercury at 26 Scorpio 41 in 4th/8th houses. For his 7th chart, his return Asc at 28 Scorpio 30 for Martha’s Vineyard included the set pb7 mars at 29 Taurus 00R, pc7 saturn at 29 Aquarius 07, b7 moon at 29 Aquarius 02, and pc7 uranus at 28 Taurus 45.

Transits played almost no role for this chart or for his return.

This one chart shows mars/saturn influence to Angles and the various houses for our tentative significators for aviation homicide. Do I think JFK Jr., his wife, and sister-in-law were murdered? I do not know what to think. I cannot rule it out.

This 12th chart shows that at least one individual who died in an aviation accident had the same significators in his 12th chart as did individuals who died as a result of aviation homicide. This problem occurs because JFK Jr’s conception mars influences not only his C Asc, but his 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. It is active for his date of death in all three charts. By itself, it makes clear differentiation between aviation homicide and aviation accident impossible. Both homicide and some accidents show up in the 12th chart.

Moreover, every house influenced by every set is not always meaningful. This latter, however, could be sorted out by have a large sample.

Indeed, right now I do not know if all deaths through aviation accident have a strong 12th chart.

We are going to finish with charts of two individuals we know were murdered in order to look at their 12th charts. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in Tel Aviv by a right-wing Israeli on November 4, 1995. CAL was murdered by unknown assailant(s) in Washington, D.C. on April 30, 2001. We will start with Rabin.

Rabin’s birth time is not exact. My data source (cited below) gave 3:45 p.m. EET as from “Noel Tyl quoting Maurice Fernandez, an Israeli astrologer, ‘from a compendium of birth data.’” It was given a Rodden rating of “C,”indicating a birth time one should be cautious making assumption about. I rectified the given time to 3:43:35 p.m. EET using his date of death in his 7th chart. I then tested that chart through his 10th chart (career and influence of mother) for the two times he was elected prime minister of Israel, (June 1) 1974 and (June 1) 1992 (footnote 4). Having been satisfied with those, I proceeded to look for his death in his 12th chart because he had been assassinated. His 12th chart should have shown a fault which suggested a 12th-house type of death, of which murder is only one kind. It should show progressed Angles to mars and saturn as well as lighted mars influence to 4th, 7th, and 12th houses at the time of his death. First I will discuss his 7th chart.

There was some indication of Rabin’s murder in his 7th chart. He had two partial indicators. First, he had a 12th/7th overlap. Traditional astrology some times refers to the 12th house as the house showing “hidden enemies.” Similarly, it refers to the 7th house as the house of “open enemies.” A spouse or business partner (7th house) is always a potential enemy, usually a known one. An overlap, then, of 7th and 12th houses is a direct suggestion a significant other (7th) can turn out to be an significant enemy (12th). Second, he had mercury, ruler of b 12th in a close set with saturn (one of two malefics necessary), ruler of b 7th, showing another 7th/12th combination.

Rabin, like the older individuals in Flight 175, does not have a simple 1st/8th connection. He has one that occurs through a set containing 9 planets.

Rabin’s main 7th chart malefic set for death is as follows:

progressed C Asc7 Aries 12
progressed b9 saturn7 Cancer 28Rruler of b 7th house
progressed c mars 6 Cancer 54ruler of c 4th house

The above set is Angular, with mars conjunct saturn occurring in 12/7, with mars ruling c 4th house—all the significators necessary (i.e., found so far) in the 7th chart to show murder. B MC at 18 Aries 30 is also in the same set with progressed c9 saturn at 18 Aries 09.

Let’s look at his 12th chart.

Yitzhak Rabin
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11—10Sco, c12—2Sag, c2—5Aqu, c3—13Pis b11—22Tau, b12—24Gem, b2—18Leo, b3—16Vir
Set (1) above shows C MC in a set with SN, mars, and pluto. C neptune, too far from C MC in the shell chart to be in a set with C MC, has become a part of the set because of the orb-increasing influence of c12 SN. Influence is to two Angles (mars rules B MC in c 4th house) and b 12th house. At the time of his death progressed b12 saturn, ruler of b 7th house, joined the set at 14 Aries 56R. This gave him the necessary lighted mars/saturn influence to Angles, 4th, 7th, and 12th houses.

He had a second powerful set:

Set (2)progressed b moon7 Sagittarius 14ruler of B Asc, co-ruler (24 of 30°) of b 12th house
progressed b saturn7 Virgo 30Rruler of b 7th house
progressed c12 mars 6 Sagittarius 33ruler of c 4th house

Set (2) also has Angular, 4th, 7th, and 12th influence. His return occurred on November 4, 1995 at 5:25:53 a.m. EET (he was shot around 9:40 p.m., same day). That return showed little significance. The return that occurred just before it, however did. It occurred on September 24, 1995 at 8:27:44 p.m. EET. In its 7th chart version it provided return7 moon at 6 Cancer 14, joining his 7th chart Angle/mars/saturn shown above. In its 12th chart version, it provided return12 moon at 13 Aries 01, joining Set (1) above. Though technically replaced by his November 4 return, this earlier return appears still in effect the morning of his assassination. Returns tend to waffle on the day they change. Sometimes the one just past appears still effective. Some times the one just coming, but not arrived, appears more effective.

CAL was 24 years old when she became center of media attention as a missing person in May, 2001. Her body was finally found May 22, 2002 in the wooded area of a local park. Her murder has never been solved.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House

Placidus: c11—2Can, c12—3Leo, c2—25Vir, c3—25Lib b11—26Tau, b12—30Gem, b2—21Leo, b3—18Vir
CAL was born with the dark malefic shown in Set (1), which, among other planets, contains sun/mars/mars/saturn. It influences to two Angles (B MC and C Asc), 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. This set shows her 1st/8th connection as well as her 1st/4th one, but it is not so simple as those shown above. C7 mars, ruler of c 4th and co-ruler of c 8th, is also 19° inside c 1st house. (Up to this point we have not used harmonic planets to establish a 1st/8th connection.) On the date of her disappearance (April 30, 2001) her progressed C Asc at 19 Virgo 33 joined the set, re-emphasizing everything within the range of about 18-22° mutable. Its mars/mars midpoint is 20 Virgo 01. The inclusion of 5th influence (b mars rules b 5th) in this set at least raises the question, was rape involved? It is supported by the way her return interacts with her 5th chart:

Set (2)progressed b venus 16 Pisces 11ruler of b 4th and 11th houses, co-ruler of b 3rd and 10th
progressed b mars14 Pisces 10ruler of B MC and b 5th house, co-ruler of b 9th and 4th houses
progressed b5 sun 15 Pisces 38
progressed c pluto 15 Virgo 00
progressed c5 pluto 15 Sagittarius 03
return Asc15 Virgo 34
return NN14 Gemini 39
transiting5 saturn15 Gemini 27

The above, as a 5th chart combination, already implies sexuality (and/or children). Venus + mars implies sexuality. Angle/venus/mars/pluto/5th in the 7th chart, and probably in the 5th chart, is a significator for rape. Mars in Pisces, ruler of B MC and b 5th, is unfortunate. Finally, the Pisces planets fall in 8th/7th houses. Lighted venus/mars/8th is evident in sexual suffering such as occurs with torture.

Note the overlap of 5th/4th houses.

Return positions and locality Angles combine with progressed planets to produce another set:

Set (3)progressed c mars20 Leo 36ruler of c 4th and 9th, co-ruler of c 3rd and 8th
progressed c7 saturn21 Aquarius 27ruler of c 5th house
progressed B-Loc Asc 20 Leo 35
return pluto20 Scorpio 19
return7 moon 22 Aquarius 25

Looked at from the point of view of progressions (the stronger of the two), all she has in Set (3) is progressed mars to progressed locality Asc. Looked at from the point of view of the return, her return has Angle/light/mars/saturn/pluto.

Her 7th chart definitely shows her murder. Murder shows up in both 7th and 12th charts, so we should look at her 12th chart.

Partial Harmonic Chart for the 12th House

Placidus: c11—2Can, c12—3Leo, c2—25Vir, c3—25Lib b11—26Tau, b12—30Gem, b2—21Leo, b3—18Vir
Set (1) above contains a dark malefic formed in an entirely different way than it was in her 7th chart. With five lights, its powerful influence is to an Angle, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses (and more). Its only re-emphasis for her death was the progression of b12 saturn, ruler of b 7th house, coming from 7 Aries 26 at birth to 16 Aries 48 and joining the set. Her conception 7th house was already influenced by this set. The progression of b12 saturn to it added its total influence to c 7th house, also. At 9 p.m. on April 30, the day the last trace of her could be found, transiting sun was at 15 Aries 59, t12 sun at 13 Libra 39. This is the only re-emphasis of saturn in this chart. She does not have a progressed Angle/saturn.

I am not going to interpret sets (2) and (3), leaving their interpretation to astrologers who might read this. Set (2) shows sun conjunct neptune in a set with her conception locality Angles, C-Loc MC at 2 Gemini 23 and C-Loc Asc at 2 Virgo 55. This is her 12th chart. Neptune co-rules (18 of 27°) b 8th house.

Set (3) shows a conjunction of C Asc with venus and SN in Leo. SN conjunction Asc already carries a negative, unfavorable connotation for her life. Venus rules b 4th and 11th houses.

Her pc mars conjunct progressed B-Loc Asc (shown above) was an all-charts condition. She had another Angle/mars, with pc12 mars at 18 Leo 28 in the same set with progressed B-Loc MC at 18 Taurus 26.

She gained a third Angle/mars in this chart, with b12 mars at 28 Libra 25 in the same set with B Asc at 28 Cancer 29, and c jupiter at 28 Aries 46.

Between her 12th chart and her 5th chart, CAL’s 12th had the worse fault, but her 5th showed the most activity on the date of her disappearance, fulfilling all the astrological requirements for her death. So, her major charts for death were her 5th and her 7th, with her 7th and 12th directly suggesting her possible death through 5th house matters, however motivated. Although I have not shown it, frequent inclusion of 11th house influences suggests involvement of more than one individual.


(1) I did not realize until I was well into writing this paper that Dr. Millard is deceased (indeed, hers is a chart in my Alzheimer’s paper) and that her paper was being re-published posthumously.

(2) These are apparently for any kind of death, not just aviation death.

(3) Considerations edited by Ken Gillman. The address is Post Office Box 655, Mount Kisco, NY 10549,

(4) Rabin’s 10th chart shows a golden benefic consisting of the following:

c uranus 15 Aquarius 46ruler of c 2nd house
b uranus 15 Aquarius 59ruler of b 8th house, co-ruler of b 7th
b sun16 Aquarius 33ruler of b 2nd house, co-ruler of b 1st
b venus 21 Aquarius 30ruler of b 4th and 11th, co-ruler b 10th houses
c10 saturn21 Aquarius 53co-ruler of c 1st house
c10 venus 16 Taurus 14ruler of C MC (in b 3rd house) and c 5th house, co-ruler c 4th
c mars17 Taurus 19ruler of c 4th and c 11th houses, co-ruler of c 10th and c 4th
c mercury 19 Taurus 44ruler of c 6th and 9th houses, co-ruler c 8th
c jupiter15 Leo 40ruler of b 12th house
b10 sun 18 Scorpio 36ruler of b 2nd, co-ruler b 1st houses
b10 moon23 Cancer 36ruler of B Asc (in c 7th house), co-ruler of b 12th

The above set influences every house.

(4) For example, the accidental asphyxiation of a toddler by the automatic window in an automobile showed a strong 12th at death.

Data Acknowledgments
Given in order of presentation. Letters following each name show Rodden rating for reliability of birth time.

Birth: 6/14/1963, 8:04 a.m. EST, Natick, MA. Although I started this chart using the data from Considerations, I understand it came originally from Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:9/5/1962, 2:35:27 p.m. EST, Natick, MA.

Birth: 10/28/1967, 11:10 a.m. EDT, Worcester, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:1/15/1967, 3:21:43 a.m. EDT, Worcester, MA.

Birth: 11/30/1970, 10:29 a.m. EST, Worcester, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:2/16/1970, 9:15:12 p.m. EST, Worcester, MA.

Birth: 2/5/1953, 9:09 p.m. EST, Everett, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:4/27/1952, 2:43:44 a.m. EST, Everett, MA.

Birth: 5/27/1976, 10:47 p.m. EST, Attleboro, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:8/20/1975, 8:58:24 a.m. EST, Attleboro, MA.

Birth: 2/20/1967, 8:57 a.m. EST, Brighton, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:5/12/1966, 5:08:29 a.m. EST, Brighton, MA.

Birth: 9/30/1948, 2:18 a.m. EST, Fitchburg, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:12/19/1947, 1:26:24 p.m. EST, Fitchburg, MA.

Birth: 3/13/1970, 7:08 a.m. EST, Boston, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:6/3/1969, 1:17:01 a.m. EST, Boston, MA.

Birth: 8/17/1957, 9:25 a.m. EDT, Plymouth, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:11/6/1956, 1:43:53 p.m. EST, Plymouth, MA.

Birth: 2/23/1999, 3:37 p.m. EST, Boston, MA. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Frances McEvoy quotes the birth certificate.
Conception:5/15/1998, 2:45:03 p.m. EST, Boston, MA.

John F. Kennedy, Jr. (A)
Birth: 11/25/1960, 12:22 a.m. EST, Washington, D.C.. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Garth Allen quotes Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in the press.
Conception:2/12/1960, 10:41:12 a.m. EST, Washington, D.C..

Yitzhak Rabin(C)
Birth: 3/1/1922, 3:45 p.m. EET, Jerusalem, Israel. FromAstrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Noel Tyl quotes Maurice Fernandez, an Israeli astrologer “from a compendium of birth data.” Rectified by me to 3:43:35 p.m. EET, using a conception progression in the 7th chart for death.
Conception (rectified chart):5/21/1921, 10:08:00 p.m. EET, Jerusalem, Israel.

Birth: 4/14/1977, 1:46 p.m. EST, Cleveland, Ohio. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Steven Stuckey quotes father over phone from Baby Book.
Conception:7/6/1976, 10:55:53 a.m. EST, Cleveland, Ohio.

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