I knew little about Parkinson’s disease when I was pulled into its orbit by a guest appearance of Michael J. Fox on the Diane Rehm show on NPR on October 19, 2005. Fox has Parkinson’s. Would his disease, I wondered, announce itself in his chart?
I cast Fox’s 7th chart (out of a possible 12). That is the chart I always start with. It is necessary to cast that chart to find conception. In addition, Alzheimer’s occurred most in the 7th chart, so I wondered if Parkinson’s would, too.
I was intrigued as soon as I looked at Fox's 7th chart. It contained a powerful set which certainly could have been a significator for Parkinson’s disease. So, I cast twenty more charts to see if any shared the same significator set.
I consulted three websites for information about Parkinson’s disease. Below are links to each, starting with the most extensive. Following them, I have written a summary description of the disease.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and a sister center Morris K. Udall Center of Excellence for Parkinson’s ResearchWikipedia also has an extensive discussion of all aspects of Parkinson’s disease. Here is the link: Wikipedia on Parkinson’s Disease .
I have written a number of papers on health problems. Here are their links ::
Parkinsons II
Robin Williams and Parkinsons Remission (?)
Diabetes (18 Cases, Including Some Deaths from the Disease)
Hyper and Hypo Thyroid Function (10 Cases, Including One Set of Twins)
Alzheimer’s Disease (17 Cases)
Alzheimer’s Compared with Parkinsons, Parkinsonism, and Kreuzfedt-Jacob Disease and the Astrology That Mitigates All of Them
Asthma (10 Cases, Including Some Deaths)
Human Growth Hormone (1 Case)
The Astrology of Heart Disease
Death of One Adult Twin from Heart Attack and His Brother Ten Months Later--the Picards
The Silent Twins: June's Death From Heart Trouble (Myocarditis) While Her Sister Lived
Death of Enron CEO Ken Lay of Heart Attack
The Kray Twins: Ron Died of Heart Attack; His Brother Reginald of Cancer
The Astrology of Kidney Disease
Many readers of these papers on medical, psychological and sexual conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the sixteen (with more to come!) papers on twins on this site. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.
Briefly, Parkinson’s disease involves degeneration of the dopamine producing neurons in the basal nuclei of the midbrain of the cerebrum. As it progresses, it affects muscular function producing tremors and rigidity. According to the Maricopa website, this condition is also accompanied by an increase in acetylcholine levels. The two differences result in a neurotransmitter imbalance which brings about the symptoms.
The main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are the result of motor system disorders. Muscle rigidity and tremors occur, beginning in the fingers, producing a pill-rolling action, but can also occur in the arms, legs, jaw and face. Other symptoms include difficulty walking (slowness in movement), mask-like facial expression and drooling, loss of posture control (walking with body bent forward), and inability to feed oneself, or even swallow. Food wrongly inhaled into the lungs begets problems with the lungs, including pneumonia. Coordination becomes impaired. Small, cramped handwriting may also occur. As the symptoms increase, people may have difficulty walking, talking, or completing simple tasks.
A disease producing symptoms like Parkinson’s was made famous by neurologist Oliver Sacks in his book Awakenings, later made into a movie. In the 1960s Dr. Sacks administered a (then) new drug, L-dopa, to patients who suffered from sleeping sickness, producing Parkinson-like symptoms, for decades. The results were surprising and sometimes agonizingly unpredictable.
If, like me, you have little idea of the difficulty of living with Parkinson's symptoms, that can be remedied easily. Fox has written three autobiographical books in which he occasionally describes what he goes through. Their titles are: Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist, published by Hyperion Books (2009) and his earlier one, Lucky Man: A Memoir (Hyperion, 2003). I have not read his most recent one, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future: Twists and Turns and Lessons Learned (Hyperion, 2010).
Before we can talk about significators (also called signatures), we need to define what they are. Then we can look into the signature for Parkinson's disease.
What is a significator? It consists of differing planets with their influences to Angles and houses. For instance, one signature is Angle/light/venus/jupiter/(X planets)/2nd/8th. "X planets" just means that other, not specifically stated in the formula, planets may be in the set. Since this method uses only conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, venus and jupiter in the above signature occur together in one of those relationships. They are also occur with a light. The light can be a sun, moon, or moon's nodes. Allowable orbs (differences away from the exact conjunction, square, or opposition) are no more than 5° when the light is present, and only 2° orbs when the only "light" is an Angle (Midheaven or Ascendant). The significator above also includes either a Midheaven or Ascendant ("Angle") or one of the planets in the signature rules an Angle. When the former occurs, the planets are said to be on an Angle).
When the above signature occurs in the 2nd and 8th charts, it is highly suggestive of economic windfall. Here is the link to the paper that covers that topic: Paper on Lottery Winners . But it can also symbolize a windfall when occurring in the 7th chart. The 7th chart is an atypical chart for windfalls because, at least theoretically, the primary focus of the 7th chart is on close partnerships—marriage, dear friends, or business partners. The signature occurring in any two of those charts suggests windfalls—lottery, gifts, raises in pay, gambling gains, and even successful robbery.
When the same planets and house influences recur for specific conditions or events, it becomes highly likely that they represent the astrology that spells out, or sponsors, such conditions or events. When they do it in many example charts, then they are referred to as the tentative “signature” for those conditions or events
All significators are also "sets." Both describe planets occurring on a "cross" (5° limit) and houses they influence, and perhaps Angles. "Set" is the general term for such astrology. A set becomes a significator when it describes a specific condition or event. This method has vast research potential. The implication of many sets are still unknown. Maybe they are significators. Maybe not. Additionally, it appears some significators mean one thing when the individual is young, and imply something quite different when the individual is old. Such appears, for instance, to be the case with the Parkinson's significator.
Signatures are learned bit by bit. They are subject to change—especially additional qualifiers. And, as has been shown powerfully in the paper on pedophilia among others, signatures can be over-ridden or cancelled by some other astrology in that chart. Sometimes they can even be cancelled by astrology in a different chart. Such a cancellation occurs in the 3rd chart (of mind) of Adolf Hitler who had the 7th chart significator for pedophilia but was not a pedophile (nor even accused of it in spite of the opinion of some who hated him vehemently). His astrology for this occurs in the Appendix--along with other examples of cancellers' or "anti-significators"--in the paper on pedophilia. Here is its link: Paper on Pedophilia.
When I first started doing research with this method, I used only the 7th chart, which uses found by using the 9th harmonic. The 7th chart contained so much information descriptive of the individual I didn't feel any need to look at other charts. It also performed well producing astrology descriptive of events. After about ten years of this, I had accrued several events not represented by the 7th chart. I had also found a few conditions not represented there. Two of the latter were autism and retardation.
One of the events was a broken hip. I eventually found my broken hip in my 12th chart, but I am not sure it must always occur through that chart.
I did not look any further into charts significators can occur in until I did research on charts of Eastern gurus. Being fairly certain these gurus were authentic and not "faking it," I felt their spiritual success must have significators. They did, and I also found some of their significators occurred in "atypical charts."
The significator for spiritual achievement of known gurus is Asc/light/venus/jupiter/4th/5th/9th (and perhaps 8th), usually occurring in the 7th and 9th charts, the typical ones for that condition. The 7th and 9th charts, in general, represent relations with significant others and religion, respectively.
But the same significator occurring in the 3rd chart (of ordinary mind, Osho, Chariji, Vivekananda), the 1st chart (of early childhood and its identity, Osho), the 10th chart (of career and social success, Chopra), and even the 6th chart (of health and service, Hammarskjöld), functions the same way. It represents spiritual good fortune, help from or to higher levels of spiritual perception, and functioning as spiritually gifted. Here are links to those papers: Paper on Gurus , Paper on Vivekananda, Paper on Osho , Paper on Hammarskjöld . Since he came late into my study, Chariji's astrology is available through a link in the paper on Gurus. Chopra's astrology is in the guru paper. Later, charts of Catholic saints showed the same type of distribution of the significator: Paper on Catholic Saints.
The next condition which pushed me to look in atypical charts was homosexuality. I had charts of a number of homosexual me. I had been looking, unsuccessfully, for the signature for their sexuality for several years. Whether you approve of homosexuality or not, one thing is certain. It is a condition that radically (relative to the usual heterosexual "norm") affects the life of the individual who experiences it. So, again, assuming (this) astrology really works, I thought, homosexuality ought to have an astrology that shows it.
When I opened up the potential number of charts homosexual signatures might occur in, the signature started appearing consistently.
After that, I looked for signatures for bisexuality, lesbianism, and pedophilia in typical charts (the 5th and 7th for all of them), and then atypical charts. All yielded excellent results with that approach.
Here are links to those papers about sexual signatures: Paper on Homosexuality , Paper on Lesbianism , Paper on Bisexuality , More Charts of Bisexuals, Paper on Pedophilia
Looking for signatures for physical diseases in atypical charts has come last. The signature for asthma, it appears so far, occurs almost one hundred per cent of the time in one typical chart--the 1st. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease are different. They have a main, typical chart--the 7th. But, their signatures also occur in some other charts.
The typical and atypical are shown in this paper, and its addendum at Addendum to Paper on Parkinson's Disease.
There are two important points about significators occurring in non-typical charts.
(1) They make sense in the non-typical chart either because the chart itself is a reasonable place for them even though not the typical place, or because they occur in the individual’s “Center of Gravity” (COG) chart. If we had sufficient biographical material about the individual, his COG chart would also make sense.
For instance, the 9th chart has been the COG chart--and atypical significator chart--of several individuals. It contains the Parkinson's signature for John Enoch Powell, politician, linguist, and classical scholar (see Addendum). It contains the Alzheimer's signature for Ralph Waldo Emerson, minister and great American mystic. It contains the signature for homosexuality for John E. Boswell, Princeton professor, linguist, and antiquities scholar.
Unfortunately, we often do not have sufficient biographical information to know, or even make intelligent guesses at, an individual’s COG chart if we suspect it is not his 7th. The 7th, for most of us, is our COG chart. This is true because most of us define ourselves so much through who we are with others. That is our main identity, and it is covered primarily and best by the astrology of the 7th chart.
But fortunately, we do have biographical information on enough individuals with non-typical significator charts that they lend considerable credence to the concept of the COG chart and non-typical significator charts.
(2) The second important part about significators in non-typical charts is that they must have exactly the same planets/path as in the typical chart. That is, they have exactly the same required planets and exactly the same paths (influence to Angles and houses) as in the typical chart. The signature may, and often does, consist of more planets than called for by the significator, but it must contain those listed in the significator. (Non-signature planets often serve to increase the influence of the significator set to more Angles and houses.)
As mentioned above, I worked only with the 7th chart for ten years. That was also the chart used for the first version of this paper on Parkinson's disease.
For the first revision in 2009, I expanded to include the 3rd chart of mind and the 6th chart of health as potential significator-containing charts. At the time, they seemed the only "reasonable" charts to look in. (I do honor Occam's law...)
For this, the 2011 revision, if the significator was strong in the 7th chart, I looked no further. If it was not strong, I looked in all twelve charts of each individuals who still had incomplete significators.
I also combed the Internet trying to get additional biographical information on these latter individuals.
Some of the atypical charts you will see in this paper are the 5th, 10th and 12th.
The 12th chart is not so far-fetched as a significator chart because the 12th, it seems, may contain just about anything.
But what have the 5th and 10th charts to do with Parkinson’s disease?
The 5th chart is about our personal experience of our sexuality. It also contains information about children—births, abortions, deaths. Unless the topic we are investigating is specifically sexual, like homosexuality, and the information has been volunteered, we generally have no idea how much of the other guy’s consciousness is focused in his 5th chart. Nor, if it is focused on sexuality or children, or both. Since we do not know, then we cannot rule it out as a possible significator chart.
And what about the 10th? Most of the COG charts I have seen have occurred with famous people. But this does not have to be the case. If the individual’s consciousness is primarily located in his social identity and the value he feels he gains thereby, he may or may not be famous. One example of a famous individual with a 10th COG chart is k.d. lang (her astrology is in the paper on lesbianism). Considering how private she is, I am not sure it is fair to say her 10th is her COG chart. What we can say is that the public knows about her lesbianism, and since it is a public matter, the significator reasonably occurs in her 10th chart.
There is a paper on this site on sects--ones involving mass suicide. Death for these individuals was found in the 11th chart--the chart which represents groups. Group consciousness was, apparent from their decision to die together, their main form of consciousness. At least it was at the point they died. Here is the link to that paper: Paper on Jones, Jouret, and Applewhite.
So, when biographical information is limited to a few words, it is not "reasonable" to rule out any chart as a potential COG, signature-containing chart.
Drawings of all charts for the 2006 paper and its 2009 revision remain intact here. They are labeled “Set (1), Set (2), etc” within the charts. The 2011 revision is written in purple and its sets are labeled Set (1a), Set (1b), etc.
Presented in this manner, the difference between the set originally identified as the significator, its completeness or deficiency, and the later, stronger set is made apparent.
Before presenting the astrological significators of Parkinson’s disease, I would like to say a few words about this method.
This astrological method originated in 1983 through my playing around with numbers and astrological symbols. From that time until the present, I have used research and readings to discover and define how it works. Here is its background information and some of its empirically-derived principles:
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley SVP. For my view on the difference between tropical ("Western") astrology and sidereal ("Eastern") astrology, read:
The Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs: A Discussion
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method,” is used.
About This Method
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Planets so related to each other are referred to as “in the same set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs (2nd paragraph below). The set is more active if it contains a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules an Angle, especially if it rules two Angles (Gemini and Virgo), it functions both as a light and a planet. For instance, when mercury rules B MC and B Asc and is in the same set with mars and saturn, that constitutes a lighted (by mercury) mars/saturn set with forefront influence (the two Angles). MC and Asc act similar to lights in the sense they enliven and empower the expression of any planet they are touching, but they are not really lights, and their orb is smaller than regular lights.
All planets in a set are lighted, then, when the set includes an Angle, sun, moon, or nodes, and mercury when it rules at least one Angle.
Orbs for planets in sets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Orb for progressed planet-to-Angle or vice versa is 1° and increases ½° - ¾° when a light is involved. If I could be certain each time of birth was absolutely correct, orbs could be established definitively.
In the paper on gurus I introduce the concept of path when speaking about an astrological set. Planets in a set, the houses they are in, and houses ruled by them describe an astrological path. If, for instance, planets in a set rule 4th, 5th and 9th houses, then the 4th, 5th, and 9th houses are inextricably connected to each other. Energy of learning as well as failure, determined by planets in the set, flows among those three houses. That energy flow can be called a path. As can be seen, paths have profound implications.
In the sets below, I am interested primarily in whether or not the significator planets are in the set. I may, however, include all planets in the set. Sometimes this is to show rulership through the other planets. It also shows that regardless of the presence of other planets, if the significator set is there and its path is right, the problem will eventually manifest.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called house overlaps. Like paths, house overlaps play an important part in this astrology. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order. A “9th/3rd” has birth 9th house overlapping conception 3rd house. Birth house/conception house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
Although the harmonic used for each chart is always 2 greater than the number of the chart, for ease in reading I have adopted the convention of writing the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For instance, “b12 mars” represents the harmonic of birth mars for the 12th chart (but the harmonic used to find b12 mars is the 14th).
In abbreviating, I use “b” for birth, “c” for conception, “p” for progressed, and “t” for transiting. A number following them, e.g., “3” or “7,” shows the harmonic chart we are examining. For instance, “b7 pluto” represents the harmonic of birth pluto for the 7th chart. “Pc3 mars” is the harmonic of progressed conception mars for the 3rd chart.
I do not use harmonics of Angles. Compared to planets, Angles move very fast. Small errors in time of birth lead to large errors in harmonic Angles. For instance, an error of four minutes in birth time produces an MC that is approximately 1° off. Its harmonic for the 1st chart would be off by 3°. Its harmonic for the 12th chart would be off by 14°. With a 2° orb for Angles-to-planets (and vice versa) and 1° (less for rectified charts) progressed Angles-to-planets, errors in harmonic MCs starting at 3° render harmonic Angles useless.
This method uses a solar return that occurs every 40 degrees (exactly) after birth up to death, with nine returns occurring annually.
Mercury was chosen because in astrology the physical mind, as well as its productions such as verbal ability, language, intelligence, etc., is most represented symbolically by mercury.
Planets in addition to mercury add attributes to that (mercury) mind. For instance, mercury plus mars produces an aggressive mind; mercury plus uranus, a brilliant or innovative one; mercury plus neptune, an imaginative, creative one, mercury plus venus, an artistic, aesthetic, pleasing one, and so on.
Fox’s 7th chart showed a set which included mercury and mars with influence to three of his four Angles (two MCs and one Asc), i.e., with massive influence, plus influence to 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th houses.
The early—before age 40—onset of Fox’s disease suggest its astrological significators were prominent in his astrology. “Prominent” in this method implies strongly forefront. That is, either the set is on an Angle, or the set is lighted and influences an Angle. The more Angles it influences, the stronger it is. Fox's mercury/mars set is quite prominent because it influences three Angles.
Alzheimer’s disease produces progressive limitation by increasingly depriving the individual of personality. The “individual” (his I-ness) dies, but his body keeps functioning. Mercury combined with saturn (limitation, deficiency) made great sense.
Parkinson’s disease produces its increasing limitation by starting with motor function variability. At times some muscles function too fast or too slow, producing lack of coordination and oddball timing. Mars (motor, particularly tremors) with mercury (mind) seemed like the best guess.
Fox also had a set with mercury/saturn/neptune conjunct in Gemini. Its influence was to B Asc, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses. It lacked 3rd influence, but Gemini and mercury both suggest the 3rd house. But the lack of mars makes it hypothetically not the significator set. Saturn and neptune suggest sensitivity, not motor malfunction. Still, because it contained mercury, we wanted to keep an eye out for similar sets recurring in the astrology of other Parkinson's individuals.
Alzheimer’s significators showed that, in addition to planets, houses influenced by the set, that is, their path, were important. Alzheimer’s mercury/saturn set had to rule or co-rule 3rd (ordinary mind), 4th (end of life), 8th (transformations), and 9th (higher mind). The transformations (8th) that take place in the brain of an Alzheimer’s individual take his life (4th) and in the process cut him off (saturn) from his own mind (3rd, mercury) and even, apparently, his higher Self (9th).
With Parkinson’s disease, the individual is spared his higher mind (9th), and he may, or may not, die (4th) from it. Part of his mind (3rd, mercury) changes radically (8th), its transformations producing the disturbing (mars) motor (mars) dysfunction. Some, but not all, individuals with Parkinson’s experience dementia (see Footnote 1 at bottom of this page). For those who do not, mind is left intact
For the Parkinson's signature, therefore, I was looking for a mercury/mars set with influence to 3rd and 8th houses and at least one Angle. Death from Parkinson’s implied a 4th house influence. I did not think 9th house influence essential to the set, but since Fox’s 9th house was influenced by his mercury/mars set, I wanted to see how often it occurred with the others. That looks like Angle/(light)/mercury/mars/3rd/(4th)/8th where the parentheses indicate "maybe." If the set is not on an Angle, then it must contain a light. If we know the individual died from Parkinson's, the set really ought to include a 4th influence. I did not, however, make it a required part of the signature.
If the set included saturn and also influenced a 9th house, then it became an Angle/mercury/saturn/3rd/4th/8th/9th set, that is, the significator for Alzheimer’s disease. If that occurred, and we knew the individual died of Parkinson’s disease, then it became necessary to discover why the individual suffered from Parkinson’s and not Alzheimer’s disease.
Research so far has shown that conditions that occur through influence to Angles can be countermanded or canceled or turned off by sets on Angles. That was certainly one of the places I looked when I found Alzheimer’s significators in a Parkinson’s chart.
But, there is something else, a possible second part of the significator for Parkinson's.
We already know from the study on Alzheimer’s disease that the majority of its victims also have Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn sets. These are not necessarily, in fact not usually, part of their “significator” set” which is Angle/light/mercury/saturn/3rd/4th/8th/9th. The count for Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn was high when only tallying non-harmonic (sidereal) mercuries and saturns to Angles. When I included harmonic mercuries and saturns to Angles, the count was very high:
Sixteen of the sixteen individuals with Alzheimer’s had mercury (harmonic or sidereal) on an Angle. Fourteen of them had saturn (harmonic or sidereal) on an Angle.
The one individual in the Alzheimer's study who had neither mercury nor saturn on an Angle was Deborah Kerr. She did, in fact, have the main significator. But she did not have Alzheimer's disease. She had had Parkinson’s disease. She was mistakenly included in the Alzheimer group. Adding in the two Alzheimer's Addenda, Heston had saturn on an Angle, but not mercury. Millard had both mercury and saturn on Angles.
Kerr also had an additional set which might have canceled her “Alzheimer’s disease” if her main signature had been sufficient, by itself, to create it. Right now we do know which was the deciding factor--her lack of Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn, or her "Alzheimer's canceller."
This paper contains several astrological examples of individuals who have the main significator for Alzheimer's disease who also had (consistent) astrology which apparently over-rides it.
So, with Parkinson's disease, I was also looking in each chart for the occurrence of Angle/mercury and Angle/mars in addition to the main significator of Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th/(4th) set.For all studies using un-rectified charts, acceptable orb for planet-to-Angle was increased from the standard 2° to 3°.
People in this Parkinson’s study have another set which may have some influence on their development of the disease. It is lighted mercury in Scorpio. It does not appear a necessity--it does not occur often enough. On the other hand, it symbology is intriguing. Since mars rules Scorpio (in this method--some astrologers believe pluto rules Scorpio), mercury in Scorpio implies mars. Since Scorpio is natural sign of the 8th house, mercury in Scorpio also has an 8th house connotation. The two parts of the path not included in just lighted mercury in Scorpio are influence to an Angle and 3rd house. Therefore, any one with mercury in Scorpio which either was on an Angle or ruled one and either was in a 3rd house or ruled one has an intriguing astrology suggestive of Parkinson’s disease.
Unfortunately, only one individual in this study, including this paper and its addendum, were identified as suffering from the stiff-only version Parkinson's. That was Prince Claus von Amsberg, in Parkinson’s Part II. So it was not possible to try to see the astrological different between it and the mixed variety, stiff alternating with over-active.
The following presentation follows a set order for each individual:
Number (1) shows the primary set demonstrating lighted mercury/mars influence to Angle/3rd/8th.
Number (2) points out whether or not each has a 3rd/8th (or 8th/3rd) overlap.
Number (3), parallel to the occurrence of mercury and saturn on Angles for Alzheimer’s individuals, shows mercury and mars (sidereal and harmonic) on Angles for these Parkinson’s individuals.
Though somewhat redundant, the same sequence is used for the revised material.
When I started, I was only interested in Number (1). As I progressed casting charts, Number (2) was added because Parkinson’s, as a 3rd/8th disease, made the overlap of 3rd/8th houses of interest. Number (3) was added to see if Parkinson’s paralleled Alzheimer’s in showing the occurrence of significator planets—whether or not part of the main significator set—on Angles.
Unless otherwise specified, all of the information given for each individual below was taken from notes provided by the data source, Astrodatabank.
ALBERT II, King of Belgium
Belgian royalty, Albert II became king upon the death of his brother, King Badouin, who died childless following a reign of 42 years. Married, Albert II has three children. In 1993 he was reported to have Parkinson’s disease.
Those two mercuries in Gemini (below) give him strong conversational abilities and possibly excellent memory. In 6th/10th houses they suggest the king’s career (10th) emphasizes service (6th) to his country.
(1) Set (1) shows node/mercury/mars/saturn. Mars rules b 3rd and B MC in c 3rd. Mercury rules both conception Angles, with C Asc in b 8th house. The 4th house influence, saturn co-rules (13 of 35°) b 4th house shows the possibility, in the absence of sufficient cure, the king will die of Parkinson’s.
(2) King Albert II has a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) Angle/mercury and Angle/mars? PROBABLY YES. Birth was given at 11:35 p.m. BST. King Albert has a b mars at 9 Taurus 12 opposing B MC at 6 Scorpio 05, about 1° out of orb. In the same direction, C MC at 7 Gemini 14 is slightly less than 4° conjunction of b7 mercury at 11 Gemini 02. As well, mercury rules both C Angles. Birth minutes earlier would place mercury and mars on Angles.
Ali may be the most famous and beloved boxer in the world. A convert to Islam, he feels there is truth in all religions imbued with love. Originally misdiagnosed as having thyroid problems in 1981, Ali’s Parkinson’s disease was correctly diagnosed the following year.
(1) Ali has two sets which include mercury and mars. Only one of them, however, Set (1) above, influences Angle/3rd/8th. C7 mars rules C Asc and c 8th house. B7 mercury rules b 3rd house. Moon and venus in this set influence 4th houses and jupiter rules C MC and c 9th house.
I included Set (2) for interest—it is Angle/mars/mars/saturn/pluto. The Angle/mars/saturn part shows his strenuous livelihood (boxing). South Node conjunct mars/pluto in Capricorn in c 10th house particularly demonstrates his mastery (Capricorn) of his martial (mars) art. Angle/saturn pluto is reclusive.
Also for its interest, Ali has an all-charts (that is, it does not contain harmonic planets, so is in all charts) golden benefic. Golden benefics, combining the lesser (venus) and greater (jupiter) benefics as they do, are indicative of success and good fortune. Saturn’s presence just introduces sobriety, seriousness, and some setbacks. Here it is:
Set (3) | c moon | 23 Cancer 47 | co-ruler (20 of 24°) of c 4th house |
c7 mars | 25 Cancer 55 | ruler of C Asc and c 8th house | |
B Asc | 25 Cancer 36 | ||
b7 mercury | 26 Libra 22 | co-ruler (16 of 28°) of b 2nd house | |
c jupiter | 24 Aries 44 | ruler of C MC | |
b saturn | 27 Aries 44 | ruler of b 7th house |
His 10th chart contains a second golden benefic with c venus at 20 Pisces 19, b10 venus at 20 Pisces 54, c sun at 23 Pisces 22, and c10 jupiter at 26 Sagittarius 49 (conjunct C MC and ruling it).
(2) Ali does not have a 3rd/8th overlap. His 3rd/8th influences occur through Set (1)
(3) Angle/mercury and Angle/mars? YES. C Asc at 10 Aries 03 is conjunct b mars at 9 Aries 09 and square c mars at 9 Capricorn 33 in Set (2). In Set (1) B Asc at 25 Cancer 36 is conjunct c7 mars at 25 Cancer 55 and in the same set with b7 mercury at 25 Libra 22. B MC at 18 Aries 17 is opposed by c7 mercury at 19 Libra 34.
A leading comedian and character actor of stage and screen, Siegfried Arno left Germany in 1933, eventually arriving in the United States. He was successful in New York and Hollywood. Mr. Arno died of Parkinson’s on August 17, 1975, Woodland Hills, CA.
(1) Set (1) above shows C MC and C Asc in a set with sun/mercury/mars. Mars rules c 3rd and 8th houses and sun rules B Asc. Since he died of Parkinson’s, there should be a 4th influence. Set (1) does not contain one. It may be result of a “sum” b mercury is conjunct the conception IC [Set (1) above) and b mars, at 17 Scorpio 51 is conjunct the birth I.C. at 16 Scorpio 56. Together they give mercury and mars not only in 4th houses, but more powerfully, conjunct I.C.s.
Arno had a second set that had a connotation of a mercury/mars/3rd/8th influence: c mercury (the mercury and 3rd influence), ruler of C Angles, is at 27 Pisces 30 (a sign of sorrow and suffering) in b 8th house (natural sign, Scorpio, ruled by mars). Helfer, whose astrology is shown below, also had this.
(2) Arno has no 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. YES. C MC is clearly in the same set with mercury and mars. B MC at 16 Taurus 56 is conjunct c mars at 15 Taurus 14 and opposition b mars at 17 Scorpio 51.
Starting out in vaudeville and radio, actor Jim Backus also worked in films. He was retired for most of the ‘80s with illness, all but incapacitated, and becoming more reclusive and paranoid. In an effort to work against his illness, he wrote several humor books. He died of pneumonia on July 3, 1989, 8:45 a.m., Santa Monica, CA.
(2) Backus has no 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. YES. C MC, again in Set (1), is clearly in the same set with mercury and mars (/node).
(1) Set (1a) above shows mercury in a tighter orb with mars/Angle. In his 7th chart the mercury was supplied by conception. Here it is supplied by birth. B1 mercury co-rules (12 of 21°) b 3rd house. C uranus rules c 8th house. B mars co-rules (21 of 26°) b 8th house. The Angle is already in the set.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. Backus’ astrology still shows the same Angle/mercury and Angle/mars, and he still has an 8th/3rd overlap.
I have progressed this, his 1st chart, for date of death. Progressed B MC was at 26 Aquarius 47 in the same set with pc1 saturn at 26 Taurus 38. Progressed c1 mars was at 20 Pisces 33, rules C MC, and had acquired a new light (making this set forefront)—pc NN at 20 Pisces 51. C NN started, at conception, at 27 Pisces 40. This was probably in place for a while. The progressed Angle/saturn would have been the “timer.”
For his return, which occurred on June 28, 1989 at Santa Monica, CA, his Asc was at 11 Capricorn 51, picking up Set (1a) above. Added to that was return1 mercury at 10 Cancer 15. Return saturn was at 16 Sagittarius 16 in the same set with B Asc at 16 Pisces 21. Finally, pB Asc was at 18 Gemini 29, return1 saturn at 18 Pisces 49, and transiting (8:45 a.m. PDT) harmonic1 mars at 18 Sagittarius 02.
Buffet was a French painter, lithographer, engraver, muralist and book illustrator with an international reputation. Married in 1958, he had three children. In October, 1999 he died by his own hand in southern France after a battle with Parkinson’s.
Buffet’s mercury/mars set is in his 6th chart:
(1) The set above shows a conjunction of mercury and mars to the south node in Gemini. Mercury rules b 3rd house. B uranus rules b 8th house. C uranus rules C MC in b 8th house. The set contains the full significators for Parkinson’s.
Set (1) above is an acceptable, full significator for Parkinson’s, but below I am going to show another he has in his 3rd chart of ordinary mind. Since it also contains saturn, and also influences 4th and (particularly) 9th houses, the question is, why doesn’t it represent Alzheimer’s disease?
(2) Buffet has no 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. YES on mercury. B MC at 6 Aries 07 is in the same set with c mercury at 4 Libra 15. There is no mars/Angle in either his 7th or his 6th charts.
I believe Set (1a), potentially an Alzheimer’s signature, is canceled because of Buffet’s c sun at 14 Virgo 00 [Set (3a) above]. It is in c 4th house and b 3rd house and made Angular by C Asc (allowable orb of 3° for these un-rectified charts). With this astrological method, planets on Angles are stronger than sets influencing Angles through rulers. An Angular sun in the 4th house represents consciousness (essence—sun) still intact at the end of life. One cannot have a mind both intact and destroyed by Alzheimer’s, so the Angle/sun wins out. I believe Angular sun in any of the Alzheimer’s houses—3rd, 4th, 8th, and 9th—would have the same effect of canceling or over-riding the Alzheimer’s signature. With Buffet’s “Alzheimer’s set” cancelled, Set (1a) still contains Angle/light/mercury/mars/3rd/4th/8th and represents Parkinson’s disease.
We already saw the cancellation of the Alzheimer’s signature in Deborah Kerr’s chart in the Alzheimer’s paper. She also had an Angular sun in a 4th house (but with her, not also a 3rd). She was included among the Alzheimer’s group by mistake.
Note in Set (2a) that in this chart Buffet has b1 mercury in Scorpio conjunct moon and saturn in the same set with mars in Aquarius. It has Angular influence through b1 mars which rules B MC. C moon rules b 3rd house and b1 mercury rules b 3rd house. The sign Scorpio represents the 8th influence.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. Buffet still lacks a 3rd/8th overlap and still has the Angle/mercury mentioned above. In this chart we can make an argument for an Angle/mars set: his c mars at 20 Virgo 12 shown in Set (1a) above is too far away from C Asc at 16 Gemini 20 to be considered an Angle/mars. In all charts he has b moon at 20 Pisces 53. Since the light increases orb for all Angle/planets, conceivably b moon makes this an acceptable Angle/mars. But in this chart, and this one only, he also has c1 node at 19 Virgo 16. That is, through the harmonic node Set (1a) acquired a second light. That increased orb between Asc and mars and turned it into an acceptable Angle/mars.
We were given only the month and year of Buffet’s death—October, 1999. For progressions I used October 15, 1998. On that date his progressed B Asc was at 12 Virgo 57 in a late set with pb uranus, ruler of b 8th house, at 12 Pisces 02. Progressed C Asc at 7 Leo 16 was in the same set with c1 uranus, ruler of C MC in b 8th house, at 7 Leo 14. Progressed c saturn, ruler of c 8th house, was at 17 Scorpio 36 (coming from 9 Scorpio 48 at conception) conjunct b1 mercury, ruler of b 3rd house, at 17 Scorpio 45, and with the c moon and b SN at 15 Scorpio 06 in the set, conceivably in the same set with C MC at 16 Aquarius 30. Progressed c1 mars was at 17 Sagittarius 19, conceivably in the same set with C Asc at 16 Gemini 20. Return moon was at 16 Gemini 43 and return3 saturn was at 17 Pisces 30R.
Buffet’s return for death occurred on October 2, 1999 and was cast for his place of birth (POB) since we know only that he died in “southern France.” Return Asc at 17 Libra 16 was in the same set with return node at 16 Cancer 34 and b mars at 16 Aries 10.
An American actor and eternal juvenile (look at those planets in Gemini!), Cummings made his Broadway debut in 1931 and films in 1935. A health food and vitamin advocate, he wrote a book on nutritional supplements titled How to Stay Young and Vital. Suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Cummings was admitted to the hospital on November 18, 1990 and died of kidney failure and pneumonia on December 2, 1990, Woodland Hills, CA. He was 80 years old.
Set (1) above contains node/mercury/mars. Mars rules B Asc. Mercury rules B MC and b 8th house, and, since mercury ruling an Angle acts like a light, here it serves also as a light with a 5° orb. Set (1) lacks 3rd house influence (except that it contains mercury).
Set (2) above shows a conjunction of mercury and mars in Cancer in b 8th house, with mercury ruling c 3rd house and mars ruling B Asc. But, it lacks at light.
(3) B MC at 12 Virgo 31 is in the same set with c mars at 12 Pisces 46. B Asc at 24 Scorpio 27 is in the same set with c7 mars at 24 Aquarius 52.
(1) Set (1a) contains sun/moon/mercury/mars/saturn/pluto. It contains three lights—the sun, the moon, and b mercury. B mercury rules B MC in c 3rd house and b 8th house. B Mars rules B Asc and co-rules (11 of 28°) b 4th house. It also contains b uranus, ruler of b 3rd house, at 1 Capricorn 06. As an Parkinson’s signature it is complete. Note the conjunction of moon to mercury to mars is in b 8th house.
The first reason the set above is not an Alzheimer’s signature is its lock of influence to a 8th house. But even it were present, b sun, ruler of b 8=9th house, at 24 Taurus 48 is made Angular by B Asc at 24 Scorpio 27, which would over-ride an Alzheimer signature.
This is probably his COG chart. That close conjunction of mercury in Gemini to his moon in Gemini increases his “youthfulness” because it makes that the set Angular (mercury rules B MC in c 3rd house). But neither his 6th nor his 8th were showed sufficient progressions for death.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. YES, noted above and it hasn’t changed.
Note that this, his 6th chart, gives him c8 mercury, ruler of c 3rd house, in Scorpio at 11 Scorpio 33 conjunct c8 SN at 9 Scorpio 39.
A prolific writer [Set (3) below], Fisher wrote hundreds of stories for the New Yorker as well as 15 books of essays and reminiscences. In addition, she wrote a novel, a screenplay, a book for children, and dozens of travelogues. She died June 22, 1992, Glen Ellen, CA, suffering from arthritis and Parkinson’s disease.
Fisher has a mercury in Scorpio in her 7th chart: c7 mercury, ruler of c 3rd house, is at 25 Scorpio 03 and in b 8thhouse. Her mercury/mars/3rd/8th set is in her 6th chart.
(1) The set above includes Asc/node/moon/mercury/2mars. B6 mars rules B Asc and b 8th house. C6 mercury rules c 3rd and 6th house. All the significators are clearly there, so this is an acceptable significator set. She also has an acceptable one in her 1oth chart worth viewing, shown below.
(2) Fisher does not have a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) B Asc at 5 Aries 01 is in the same set with b mars at 4 Cancer 03. B MC at 21 Sagittarius 36 is in the same set (a little over 2°) with b mercury at 19 Gemini 26.
(1) Set (1a) shows a conjunction of the sun, mercury, and mars in Gemini. It falls in c 3rd house. B10 mars rules B Asc and b 8th house. B mercury rules b 3rd and 4th houses.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. YES, shown above.Progressions for death in her 10th chart showed pb Asc at 0 Cancer 48 in the same set with pb10 mars, ruler of B Asc and b 8th house, at 0 Aries 45. Pb mercury, ruler of b 3rd and 4th houses, was at 3 Libra 21 in the same set with progressed C MC at 3 Aries 11 and pc10 saturn, ruler of C MC, at 3 Aries 26.
Her return, which occurred on May 23, 1992 at Glen Ellen, California, was not strong in either her 6th chart or 10th charts, but at least had the necessary astrology in her 7th chart. I have never tallied return successes. My sense is they are very powerful about 90-95% of the time. For death, very powerful would mean, among other things, showing mars and saturn on Angles (either on return Angles or the return providing mars and saturn for birth and conception Angles and their progressions). It usually shows considerable affliction in the return for the 7th chart, and often shows it in COG charts. There could be many reasons they do not work well 100% of the time. ?
Canadian born American actor Fox is perhaps best known for his starring roles in the TV series, “Family Ties” and “Spin City.” Fox first noticed a tremor in his left little finger, the beginning symptom of his Parkinson’s disease, in 1991. In 1998 he announced his disease publicly. Of one million American’s with Parkinson’s, only 10% get it under the age of 40 as Fox did. In 200 he started a foundation which sponsors Parkinson’s research:
(1) Set (1) above contains C MC/C Asc/sun/moon/mercury/mars/mars/neptune with influence to 3 Angles. C mercury rules both C Angles. C mars rules c 3rd and 8th houses. B mars rules B MC.
(2) Fox has a tiny 4° 3rd/8th overlap. His primary 3rd/8th connection is through Set (1) above.
(3) As shown in Set (1), C MC and C Asc are in the same set with mercury and mars. B Asc at 24 Capricorn 25 is in the same set with b mars at 24 Cancer 25.
One of the best-known and widely admired evangelists of all time, Rev. William Franklin Graham was “born again” at age 15, accepting Jesus as his personal savior. Married since 1943, he and wife Ruth Bell Graham have five children. Now Graham is mostly retired, much of his ministry being carried on by his son, Franklin.
(1) Graham’s 7th chart does not contain the usual mercury/mars/3rd/8th connection. It does contain mercury in Scorpio (associated with mars as ruler and the 8th house as natural sign and it is in b 8th house), shown above. It co-rules (9 of 23°) b 3rd house and rules b 4th, and therefore suggests the full influence of a significator set.
(2) Graham does not have a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) B MC at 9 Sagittarius 01 and B Asc at 10 Pisces 54 are in the same set with c mars at 8 Virgo 56. C MC at 11 Virgo 58 is in the same set with b7 mercury at 13 Sagittarius 14.
It is more likely that his 12th chart signature works with the signature comprised of mercury in Scorpio in his 7th chart.
(1) Set (1a) above shows node/mercury/mars/jupiter/neptune. C12 mercury rules C MC and c 8th house and also acts like a light with a 5° orb. B12 mars co-rules (16 of 27°) b 8th house. C neptune rules c 4th house and co-rules (12/35) c 3rd house.
The Reverend Graham is still with us. Apparently some one become weary of people asking. There is a website with “Graham is still alive.” at the top of the page.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. No, he does not have a 3rd/8th overlap. While he has both an Angle/mercury and an Angle/mars in his 7th chart, he has only the Angle/mars in this, his 12th chart.
Graham also has an additional Parkinson’s significator in his 12th formed through his b mercury at 4 Scorpio 48. That is, it comes very close. It is shown above as Set (2a).
Set (2a) shows a set comprised of node/mercury/mars/saturn/neptune/uranus. C12 mars rules C Asc in b 9th house. B mercury rules b 4th house and co-rules (9 of 23°) b 3rd house. C12 sun rules c 9th house. I would say it has no 8th influence, but that mercury in Scorpio, in b 8th house goes a long way toward showing a mercury/mars/3rd/8th influence. Still, if we accept that it lacks 8th influence, that is why this particular significator does not otherwise represent Alzheimer’s disease. It has all the other parts of the significator. (And he does not have Angle/mercury or Angle/saturn). But it also does not—quite—represent Parkinson’s disease. Or does it?
Helfer was an American milkman who delivered milk and specials to customers. One of eight children, one of his siblings also suffered from Parkinson’s.
(1) The chart above shows b mercury at 15 Scorpio 12 with mars and 8th influences through Scorpio. It is in b 3rd house. [Set (2) has been eliminated from this discussion. ]
(2) Helfer does not have a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) B MC at 11 Gemini 33 and B Asc at 10 Virgo 54 is in the same set with c mercury at 12 Pisces 09. There is no Angle/mars, not even an Angle ruled by mars.
(1) Set (1a) shows a set including B MC and B Asc with node/mercury/mars/saturn. C5 saturn co-rules (13 of 32°) c 5th house. B5 mars rules b 3rd and 8th houses.
Helfer also has a “Parkinson’s set” in his 3rd chart. That, however, only influences birth Angles through their ruler, b mercury, while the set in his 5th chart is on his birth Angles. The latter is the more powerful, and more likely the one that sponsored his Parkinson’s.
Set (1a) has no 4th influence. It picks one up the first time when he is between the ages of 16 and 24. It was during that time that pb5 saturn, co-ruler (15 of 33°) b 4th house, moved over B Asc and entered Set (1a). It was at 20 Virgo 56R when he was born. It was at 12 Virgo 50R in 1929 when he was 16. It was at 9 Virgo 32R in 1937, when he was 24, and had passed through Set (1a). During that time he was too young to die, or even exhibit the symptoms, from Parkinson’s disease.
Helfer’s progressing b5 saturn, however, turns stationary direct in 1968 when it was at 3 Virgo 41. His birth data was contributed by his daughter in 1997 when he was 83 at which time it was at 9 Virgo 26 direct and heading again for Set (1a). I did not progress it past 1998, at which time it was at 9 Virgo 49, that is, moving slowly, but inexorably toward first his B Asc, then his B MC. The node in the set would have brought his Parkinson’s into expression sooner had it not been there.
Because this is a 5th chart set, and because the set influences a 5th house, Set (1a) also has implications about his children or a child, dependent on whether or not his wife also has an afflicted 5th chart. They could have trouble conceiving children, or could have an ill or deficient (especially with the mars and saturn in Gemini) child, or could lose a child through death.
I think it possible this 5th chart is a COG chart. It contains a golden benefic with influence to an Angle. Here is the set:
Set (2a) | b mars | 27 Gemini 16 | ruler of b 3rd and 8th houses |
c5 neptune | 28 Gemini 17 | ruler of c 8th house | |
b5 sun | 29 Gemini 27 | ||
c neptune | 29 Gemini 52 | ruler of c 8th house | |
b jupiter | 28 Sagittarius 57 | ruler of b 4th house | |
c5 pluto | 1 Capricorn 24 | ||
c5 sun | 29 Pisces 15 | ruler of C Asc | |
b5 venus | 29 Pisces 40 | ruler of b 9th house | |
c5 uranus | 29 Pisces 46 | ruler of c 7th house |
While Set (2a) influences an Angle, it does not influence a 5th house within the chart. Instead, it references this golden benefic to 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. I am not sure how it interprets. With Angle/light/venus/jupiter/neptune/9th it shows it has some religious connotations.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. Helfer still has no 3rd/8th overlap. But, he has both an Angle/mercury and an Angle/mars in this, his 5th chart.
Star of stage and screen, Katharine Hepburn, beloved by many simply as “Kate,” Hepburn acquainted many with Parkinson’s by continuing her acting career after it developed.
The above was from Astrodatabank. A check on the Internet in 2011 revealed that Hepburn did not have Parkinson’s disease. She had something called “essential tremor, a chronic neurological condition that causes shaking of the head, hands, and feet.” (Wikipedia 9/13/11). Below are my added, 2011 comments in purple. Since she did not have Parkinson’s disease, then the significator identified must somehow be incorrect (the 3 lights were not enough to bring all into one set? Or, canceled—something in her astrology cancels the “Parkinson’s” implied in Set (1). With a given birth time of 5:47 p.m. EST, that is, to the nearest minute, her birth is likely correct, not an estimate.
(1) Set (1) above shows node/sun/moon/mercury/mars/neptune. The three lights hold this set together and bring in B Asc. B mercury co-rules (17 of 34°) b 8th house and c sun rules c 3rd. C7 neptune rules C MC.
I am always uncomfortable with planets—mars and neptune above—being considered “on an Angle” when they are so far below it (about 3° and 4° respectively), even with three lights. Without them the set only includes Angle/node/moon/mercury—having nothing to do with Parkinson’s. Still, three light definitely strengthen any allowable orb. If they are not “on an Angle,” then the set loses any influence to an Angle because it also loses neptune, the only planet in the set that influences an Angle.
If they are on an Angle, then they are stronger in expressing than any set which only influences an Angle. Hepburn does have an interesting set in this chart which interprets well for intellectual integrity and good fortune at the end of life. Here it is:
Set (2) 7th chart | c7 moon | 15 Virgo 34 | |
c7 venus | 14 Gemini 42 | ruler of B Asc in c 4th house | |
b jupiter | 15 Gemini 35 | ruler of b 3rd house |
Set (2) is strong for mental good fortune at the end of life. First, the planets are all within no more than 53 minutes of each other. Second, because the conjunction of the greater and lesser benefics, venus and jupiter, respectively, is in Gemini the natural sign of the 3rd house of ordinary mind. Third, because the set influences an Angle, making it a forefront set. Fourth, because it not only influences an Angle, but that Angle is in c 4th house, making it a highly positive influence for the end of her life (4th).
Hepburn has another, simple set which could be influencing the expression of her “Parkinson’s set.” Let’s call it Set (3) Her c sun at 17 Cancer 36 in b 9th house is arguably “on an Angle” (that is, made forefront) with B Asc at 14 Libra 31. C sun rules c 3rd house. If we accept this sun is on an Angle, then it means both her 3rd and 9th houses (lower and higher mind, respectively) are favored for essential expression throughout her life (even if it has it has no 4th influence because it is Angular).
Sets (2) and (3) together strongly suggest an individual who does not have a mind-debilitating disease. She live to age 96—a long time after her diagnosis of “essential tremor.” Had it been bona fide Parkinson’s disease, the chances are good she would have experienced dementia. Perhaps Sets (2) and (3) are reasons she did not, that is, reasons she had “essential tremor” and not Parkinson’s disease.(2) Hepburn does not have a 3rd/8th overlap. (I’m not counting a 4° overlap).
(3) (1) above demonstrates the Angle/mars and Angle/mercury all in one set.
It was interesting to me that she had mercury/mars sets in seven of her twelve charts. Some lacked lights, some lacked Angle rules. All, however, lacked influence to a 3rd house. Her b 3rd house, with Sagittarius on the cusp, is ruled by jupiter, co-ruled by saturn. Her c 3rd house, with Leo on the cusp, is ruled by the sun. Both primary rulers are benefic, suggesting from the beginning that finding affliction to her mind was going to be astrologically difficult.
.PAULINE KAEL Kael was known most as an American film critic, primarily for the New Yorker, from which she retired in March, 1991. Her Parkinson’s developed in her later years.
(1) Set (1) shows a conjunction of SN/mercury/mars in Taurus in b 3rd house, with mercury co-ruling (15 of 22°) it. Mercury also rules b 4th house. Mars co-rules (23 of 25°) b 8th house. Sun rules C Asc (in b 6th house).
(2) Kael has an 8th/3rd overlap.
(3) B MC at 14 Sagittarius 33 is in the same set with b mercury at 12 Gemini 45. C Asc at 16 Leo 16 is in the same set with c7 mars (the orb is 3°, with acceptable orb being only 2°, but these are un-rectified charts).
Probably most well known for his most famous book, Famous First Facts,Kane was also a research historian, journalist, and author of 52 books. There is no date of death for Kane. He was at least 100 years old when the information on him was collected, so he apparently had a slow-acting or late-occurring Parkinson’s disease.
Note Kane in part, like Hepburn, has a lighted conjunction of venus and jupiter in Gemini. It is in c 3rd house, influences b 9th house through jupiter, and has Angular influence. It does not have 4th influence, but still suggests powerful benefic support for lower and higher mind. It might be an additional reason, astrologically, Kane lived so long even with Parkinson’s.
His fluency in four languages is facilitated by the conjunction of the nodes to his b mercury in Sagittarius, shown above.
(2) Kane does not have a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) C Asc at 16 Aries 31 is in a set with c7 moon at 15 Aries 28, c7 saturn at 16 Aries 42, c mercury at 19 Aries 19, and c7 NN at 19 Aries 24, giving him an Angle/mercury. C MC at 29 Sagittarius 10 is in a set with c moon at 29 Sagittarius 23, c sun at 0 Aries 12, b7 moon at 1 Aries 09, b7 saturn at 0 Cancer 33, and b mars at 3 Cancer 29, potentially giving him an Angle/mars..
Hungarian-born novelist, journalist, critic and essayist, Koestler is perhaps most well-known for his book, Darkness at Noon, in which he expressed his disillusionment with the Communist party. At age 77 he suffered from leukemia and Parkinson’s disease. Vice-president of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, he and his devoted wife committed suicide by drug overdose on March 3, 1983, London. I have included his elevated moon in Gemini as the main significator of his interest in the permutations of words.
One chart—Koestler’s 3rd of ordinary mind—might have been valid, depending on birth time. Born in Budapest, Hungary, his birth time was recorded for 3:30 p.m., probably to the nearest quarter hour, as happens with European births. Born seven minutes later, his conception MC would have been 7 Gemini 50; his conception Ascendant, 7 Virgo 38, putting his harmonic mercury and mars in that chart on those Angles by 1-1/2 degrees.
The “reasonable” charts were the 1st and 3rd. I just discussed the problems with the 1st. The 3rd chart set, like the 7th shown below, consisted of a lighted mercury in Scorpio in a 3rd house and ruling both C Angles, with C Asc in b 8th house.
Of the two 10th and one 11th chart sets left, one in the 10th is strongest. That is shown below as Set (1a).
Note his c moon in Gemini conjunct C MC/neptune representing his creative writing.
(2) Koestler has a 3rd/8th house overlap.
(3) Koestler’s European birth time is to the nearest 15 minutes, given for 3:30 p.m. MET. With B Asc at 18 Sagittarius 41 and b7 mars at 16 Pisces 58, he has a possible Asc/mars. With C MC at 6 Gemini 15, C Asc at 6 Virgo 22, and c mars at 9 Virgo 22, he has two more possible Angle/mars. He does not have an Angle/mercury, but both C Angles are ruled by mercury.
Set (1a) node/moon/mercury/mars/neptune in the same set. C10 mars rules c 3rd and 8th houses. C mercury rules C MC and C Asc in b 8th house, and also acts like a light with a 5° orb. B10 neptune rules b 3rd house. The above is a triply-lighted mercury mars set with influence to two Angles.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. Koestler still has the 3rd/8th overlap. He still has the reasonable possibility he has an Angle/mars, but clearly does not have an Angle/mercury.
An attorney, married to astrologer and data provider Frances, McEvoy developed Parkinson’s disease in his later years. He died of unspecified causes on October 7, 1997, 10:05 a.m., Boston.
Set (1) also includes a mercury in Scorpio which all by itself, since it is in the 3rd house, satisfies the significators for Parkinson’s.
McEvoy’s 6th chart also contains two mercury/mars/3rd/8th influences but only one of them has Angular influence:
Set (1) | b mercury | 12 Aries 01 | |
b sun | 13 Aries 06 | ruler of B Asc in c 8th house | |
c neptune | 10 Cancer 43 | ruler of c 3rd house | |
b neptune | 10 Cancer 44 | ruler of b 8th house | |
c mercury | 11 Cancer 23 | co-ruler (25 of 40°) of c 8th house | |
c moon | 12 Cancer 43 | ||
b6 mars | 12 Libra 16 | co-ruler (24 of 29°) b 3rd house |
(2) McEvoy has an 8th/3rd overlap.
(3) Set (1) shown above demonstrates B MC in the same set with mercury and mars.
An American astrologer, O’Helin was a social worker until 1973 when he went retired due to disability caused by his Parkinson’s. He would have been 43 then, so O’Helin’s Parkinson’s disease probably started before age 40, and he would be included in the 10% of individuals who contract the disease while still young.
Ohelin’s birth was recorded as occurring at 7:30 p.m. (1930) in California. The time looks estimated. He has a good lighted mercury/mars set in his 12th chart, but unless he was born earlier, it has the same problem as Set (1) above. It still influences a little less than 1/3 of his conception 3rd house.
(2) OHelin has a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) B MC, discussed above, is in the same set with b mercury. C Asc at 26 Gemini 24 is possibly in a set with b6 mars at 29 Pisces 09, depending on the exact time of birth., now unknown.
Owner of a bottled gas and welder distributorship, Schaffer suffered from stress, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol most of his life. He is the only individual in this study reported to have both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Date of diagnosis of his Parkinson’s was not given, but by 1985 (age 57) his speech and memory became difficult. By 1989 he was housebound. He died May 20, 1994, 8:54 a.m., New Windsor, NY.
(2) Schaffer has a 3rd/8th overlap with c mercury at 1 Cancer 34, ruler of c 8th, in it.. By itself this set constitutes a mercury/3rd/8th influence. It lacks mars.
(3) C moon in Set (1) above extends orb of planet-to-Angle, but is that enough to say the set forms an Angle/mercury and an Angle/mars?
Schaffer died May 20, 1994 at the age of 66 from pneumonia following removal of food and water.
Birth was recorded as occurring at 5:33 a.m. On the date of his death, in his 7th chart he had progressed B Asc at 27 Gemini 56 in the same set with pc mars, ruler of C Asc, at 27 Virgo 57. Progressed b7 mars was at 28 Aquarius 36 in the same set with c7 NN at 28 Aquarius 34 and C MC at 28 Leo 46. Progressed c saturn (starting at conception at 7 Scorpio 18), ruler of c 3rd house, was at 10 Scorpio 51 just entering the set with C Asc at 11 Scorpio 18. Progressed C Asc was at 11 Capricorn 31 in the same set with pc7 mars, ruler of C Asc, at 11 Capricorn 33.
According to the data source, Schaffer also had Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s individuals showed a very high percentage of Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn. Their main signature is Angle/mercury/saturn/3rd/4th/8th/9th. Schaffer’s occurs in his 7th chart. Here it is:
Set (1b) above is comprised of node/2moon/mercury/mars/saturn. B7 mercury rules b 3 and 6th houses. B moon rules b 4th house. C7 moon rules c 9th, and co-rules (22of 38°) c 8th house. B7 saturn rules B MC.
The mercury and saturn—the necessary planets for the signature—in the set above are quite far apart—4° 25’. While I would prefer them closer, the set also contains three lights—b moon, c moon, and c node—which connect them.
In addition, moon in Pisces in a 4th house is generally not good. These ruler 4th, 8th, and 9th houses. Nietzsche had one in the 4th which ruled a 9th. Here is a link to that paper: Paper on Virginia Woolf, Friedrich Nietzsche, Vincent Van Gogh, and Vaslav Nijinsky.
(2) is not pertinent here.
(3) Alzheimer’s individuals showed a high incidence of Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn. The only Angle/mercury the one shown in Set (1) above, with b mercury at 14 Taurus 11 and C Asc at 11 Scorpio 18—a little over 3° with lights involved. He definitely has an Angle/saturn: B MC at 6 Capricorn 12 is in the same set with c7 saturn at 5 Capricorn 45.
Journalist, author, lecturer, British TV personality, and one of the most influential British historians of the 20th century, Alan John Percival Taylor was also considered a superb teacher. He died of Parkinson’s disease on September 7, 1990, London.
At this point identification is especially handicapped by Taylor’s time of birth, given as 9:00 a.m. GMT—to the nearest quarter hour. If he was actually conceived about six minutes earlier (which would be about the same for birth), his conception Ascendant would be at 27 Virgo 41. That would put it in range in the set below, Set (1), to be in the same set with c6 mars and b mercury in Pisces. That would give him the Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th influence. He would still be without a 4th influence, and we know he died from Parkinson’s.
Six minutes earlier in conception would also give him a Parkinson’s set in his 12th chart. C Asc with b mercury in Pisces remains the same, but the 12th chart puts c harmonic12 mars at 28 Virgo 31—another Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th, and still without a 4th influence.
Conception seven minutes later would have given him a C Asc at 29 Virgo 54, putting it in the same set with his c12 mars at 28 Virgo 31 and his b12 mercury at 1 Capricorn 46. That, too, gives us an Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th without influence to a 4th house. More on this after we look at his 6th chart. It gets more interesting.
Here is the Set (1) I was talking about in his 6th chart:
Set (1) | C Asc | 28 Virgo 42 | |
c6 mars | 29 Sagittarius 09 | ruler of c 3rd and 8th houses | |
b mercury | 25 Pisces 50 | ruler of b 3rd house |
(2) Taylor has a 8th/3rd overlap.
(3) As noted above, born about seven minutes earlier, Taylor’s 6th chart would have shown an Angle/mercury and an Angle/mars.
But, we have that problem that none of the sets discussed showed a 4th influence. And we need one for Taylor.
When doing this kind of astrology, I often do not draw up all the charts. That would be a formidable amount of work. Instead, I make a table which, for instance for Parkinson’s, shows me all the harmonic positions of mercury and mars in all charts. Then I add the sidereal position (easily seen because I have always drawn up the 7th chart). Then I go through the harmonics from the 3rd to the 14th looking to see what they add to the sets I have taken from the tables.
When I did this for Taylor, I eliminated the set from his 10th chart because it did not contain an 8th influence. I thought. In looking for a 4th influence for death, it became clear it likely came from either harmonic saturn—they both influence 4th houses (B MC in Capricorn is in c 4th house, and c saturn rules c 4th house), and harmonic saturns usually travel slowly enough to account for the development of a condition like Parkinson’s leading to death.
Of all his charts, Taylor only had a 4th influence—provided by pc10 saturn at 28 Gemini 37 on the date of his death—in his 10th chart.
So I looked again at the harmonic position for the 10th chart to see if I had somehow missed an 8th influence. That turned out to be the case because the planet was out-of-sign but still in the same set with C Asc, c12 mars, and b mercury and its harmonic. B12 venus, ruler of B Asc in c 8th house was at 0 Capricorn 17. Here is the drawing of his 10th chart, the one that truly holds his significator for Parkinson’s disease:
Set (1a) above contains C Asc and 2mercury/venus//mars/pluto. With this set we do not need to speculate about an earlier birth. C10 mercury rules C Asc, therefore it acts like a light with a 5° orb. Therefore, b mercury is easily part of the set, as is everything else. B mercury rules b 3rd. B10 venus rules B Asc in c 8th house.Set (1a ) also lacks a 4th influence, but it picks one up. Below are the positions of progressed c10 saturn for the ten years prior to Taylor’s death on September 7, 1990:
DATE | Progressed c10 Saturn | Conception Years Before Death |
September 7, 1980 | 7 Cancer 21R | 10 |
September 7, 1982 | 5 Cancer 34R | 8 |
September 7, 1984 | 3 Cancer 48R | 6 |
September 7, 1986 | 2 Cancer 03R | 4 |
September 7, 1988 | 0 Cancer 19R | 2 |
September 7, 1990 | 28 Gemini 37 | 0 |
Progressing c10 saturn, ruler of c 4th house, had entered Set (1a) above around the end of 1988, giving it around two years in the set before closely hitting Asc/mars. That gave him both a lighted mars/saturn/4th set and an Angle/mars/saturn for death.
He had more. Progressed b10 saturn, ruler of B MC in c 4th house, was at 18 Capricorn 39 conjunct B MC at 18 Capricorn. Progressed C Asc was at 23 Scorpio 10 in the same set with c10 saturn, ruler of c 4th house, at 23 Leo 47..Progressed b10 sun was a 26 Taurus 57 conjunct B Asc at 26 Taurus 40 and in the same set with pc10 mars, ruler of c 3rd and 8th houses, at 26 Scorpio 42. His return occurred on 9/7/90, London. Besides other conditions, return moon was at 27 Pisces 20, and return10 moon was at 28 Pisces 04. Both fit into Set (1a) above.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. As noted above, Taylor has an 8th/3rd overlap. There is also no question in his 10th chart that he has an Angle/mercury and an Angle/mars.
Taylor’s benefic support for his popularity as a teacher is not in his 10th chart. It can also occur in his 7th (or any COG chart). His consisted of b7 moon at 17 Capricorn 21 in the same set with B MC at 18 Capricorn and c venus at 16 Aries 45 and b7 jupiter at 20 Cancer 50.
Before leaving Taylor’s astrology, a couple more sets need mention. He has an Alzheimer’s signature (Angle/mercury/saturn/3rd/4th/8th/9th) in his 12th chart comprised of c moon, ruler of C MC in b 3rd house, at 8 Scorpio 36 conjunct c12 uranus at 8 Scorpio 36, in the same set with c SN at 9 Aquarius 24, c saturn, ruler of c 4th house, at 9 Aquarius 29, and b jupiter, ruler of b 8th and 9th houses, at 8 Taurus 59. He also has a set which over-rides it. That set is c12 sun at 5 Cancer 18 conjunct C MC in b 3rd house at 6 Cancer 43. As noted earlier, an Angular sun which falls in any one of the houses influenced by the path of the significator cancels the significator. Sun conjunct MC in the 3rd house represents an active an intelligent consciousness, not the missing consciousness of advanced Alzheimer’s disease.
However, Taylor has a second Alzheimer’s set, this time in his 5th chart. It is comprised of c moon, ruler of C MC in b 3rd house, at 8 Scorpio 36, conjunct b3 mercury at 9 Scorpio 12, in the same set with s SN at 9 Aquarius 24, c saturn, ruler of c 4th house, at 9 Aquarius 29, b jupiter, ruler of b 8th and 9th houses, and c mercury, ruler of C Asc, at 9 Leo 22. This chart shows no Angular suns which might cancel this Alzheimer’s set.
So far, the only astrology I can find that might mitigate if not cancel that Alzheimer’s set is the following:
c neptune | 13 Gemini 54 | ||
b3 uranus | 14 Gemini 33 | ||
b3 jupiter | 14 Gemini 55 | ruler of b 8th and 9th houses | |
b3 moon | 13 Virgo 19 | ruler of b 4th house; co-ruler (18 of 19° of b 3rd house | |
c3 NN | 17 Virgo 01 | ||
b3 pluto | 16 Virgo 48 | ||
b3 moon | 13 Virgo 19 | ruler of b 4th house | |
c3 moon | 12 Sagittarius 58 | ruler of C MC in b 3rd house | |
b uranus | 14 Sagittarius 55 | ||
b moon | 14 Pisces 40 | ruler of b 4th house; co-ruler (18 of 19°) of b 3rd house | |
c3 saturn | 17 Pisces 25 | ruler of c 4th house |
The set above rules the same houses—3rd, 4th, 8th, and 9th—as does the Alzheimer’s set above it. Both sets ruler C MC in b 3rd house. Neither set is on an Angle. But the Alzheimer’s set rules two Angles (C MC which is not in one of the 4th significator houses). And this set contains four lights while the Alzheimer’s set contains only three Finally, this set contains a jupiter (greater benefic) in Gemini (sign of the mind) which is multiply lighted and influencing, again, all of the houses the Alzheimer set does, specifically the 4th . But this set—importantly?—influences both 4th houses, while the Alzheimer’s one influences only c 4th house.
So, it could be the two sets had about the same influence, and thus that Alzheimer’s, which is a disease with drastic consequences, could not express. I write “could.” While I believe the an Angular sun in “Alzheimer’s houses” a clear “anti-Alzheimer’s set,” I am less certain about the validity of this discussion in regard to Taylor’s 3rd house Alzheimer’s set.
A former U.S. Representative from Arizona, attorney Udall was a member of the state’s leading political family. He had Parkinson’s by 1981 (age 59), and died of it on December 12, 1998.
Set (2) is also a valid Parkinson's set. It includes sun/mercury/mercury/venus/mars/jupiter/saturn/uranus. It influences two Angles as well as 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 9th houses.
Looking at Sets (1) and (2), the question that comes up is: why are they not Alzheimer sets? They contain the Alzheimer signature of Angle/mercury/saturn/34d/4th/8th/9th. While he does not have an Angle/saturn, he does have a potential Angle/mercury with c mars to C MC (born a little earlier). Almost all of the Alzheimer’s individuals—in the revised paper—had Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn. Is missing it enough to eliminate the expression of Alzheimer’s? We cannot know that until we have confirmed, exact times of birth for these studies.
Right now the only thing I can see which might make a difference is that his two harmonic suns (in his 7th chart) at 1 Aquarius 26 are made Angular by C MC at 0 Scorpio 45. They are not, as is usual with astrology that cancels Alzheimer’s, in in a 3rd, 4th, 8th, or 9th house. But c7 sun rules c 8th house.
The mercury/mars/saturn in Set (2) above plays into both his death and the loss of one of his eyes at age 6. On the date of his death, progressed c7 SN was at 2 Gemini 12, making the set exactly lighted and forefront (with c saturn ruling C Asc). That node started out at 13 Gemini 48 at conception and took his whole life to reach his mercury/mars/saturn (I did not look to how long it had been there.) For the loss of his eye, given as "at age 6," progressions were for 6-1/2 years. On that date progressed c9 saturn, ruler of C Asc, had just entered the set at 1 Gemini 02. He also had two progressed Angle/mars at the time.
(2) Udall has a small (7°) overlap of b 8th house with c 3rd house.
(3) Udall has a possible Angle/mars with C MC at 0 Scorpio 45 and c mars at 28 Cancer 28. He does not have an Angle/mercury.
Musician, singer, percussionist, and sessions drummer with Motown and Chess labels, White brought his band “Salty Peters’ to Los Angeles with the name “Earth, Wind and Fire.” In early 2000 it was revealed he is suffering from Parkinson’s.
(2) White does not have a 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) White’s Set (1), above, has B Asc in the same set with mercury and mars.
Zoller is an astrologer specializing in Medieval astrology. A winner of the 1998 (astrological) Southern Cross Award and the 2002 Regulus Award for Discovery, Research and Innovation, he offers a correspondence course on medieval astrological techniques and lectures and teaches worldwide.
Word was released he had Parkinson’s disease in January, 2000.
(1) Zoller has no mercury/mars or even mercury/saturn set with influence to 3rd and 8th houses in either his 3rd, 6th, or 7th charts.
He does have a set that suggests the possibility of some kind of mental/neurological trouble. It contains south node in Virgo, and mars and saturn conjunct in Gemini in his 7th chart. South node is at 25 Virgo 04, b7 mars (ruler of B MC, b 2nd and 9th houses) at 24 Gemini 51, and c saturn (ruler of c 12th house) at 24 Gemini 35.M
The conjunction of mars and saturn in Gemini (in 5th/5th) suggest some kind of mental (Gemini, natural ruler of the 3rd house) difficulty (mars conjunct saturn, the lesser and greater malefics). It influences an Angle and is lighted, so is forefront and will express. This, however, is not a set representing Parkinson’s disease. At least, it shares none of the significators for Parkinson’s shown in the other 41 charts.
It's influence to the 9th house likely expressed earlier in his life as difficulty through religious or legal channels (9th) or a stutter (Gemini) or sibling difficulties (Gemini) or difficulty through children (or no children, conjunction is in both 5th houses). Then, later in life, its physical pathology—given time and environmental conditions favorable for development—would manifest.
I believe multiple meanings are true for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Early in life the significators probably manifest psychologically, as a personality trait, or through some external condition. Later in life, depending on unknown environmental and internal factors, the physical pathology manifests.
(2) Zoller does not have an 3rd/8th overlap.
(3) B Asc at 5 Aquarius 37 is in the same set with b7 mercury at 20 Leo 39. B MC at 26 Scorpio 46 is in the same set with c7 mars at 25 Scorpio 38.
Here are some interesting interconnections: his c mercury at 5 Pisces 19 rules c 8th house, while his c7 mars at 25 Scorpio 38, ruler of c 3rd house, is in the "8th sign" (Scorpio).His Mensa status can be seen in his 7th chart as C MC at 19 Scorpio 04 in the same set with b7 mercury at 20 Leo 37 and c uranus (ruler of C Asc) at 20 Taurus 37. We can add B Asc at 18 Aquarius 39. Forefront mercury/uranus symbolizes an intuitive (uranus) and analytic (mercury) mind, hence an excellent one.
Set (1a) contains sun/mercury/mars/neptune. C mercury rules c 8th house and co-rules (10 of 21°) c 4th house. C mars rules C MC and c 3rd house.
Zoller made his Parkinson’s public in January, 2000. Using January 15, 2000, at that time he had progressed C MC at 11 Capricorn 20 in the same set c10 SN at 11 Libra 23 and b saturn, ruler o b 12th house, at 11 Cancer 29. Progressed B MC was at 20 Capricorn 06 in the same set with pc10 mars, ruler of C MC and c 3rd house, at 20 Aries 15. Progressed c10 mercury, 4th co-rulers, was at 7 Scorpio 08 conjunct c10 uranus, ruler of C Asc, at 8 Scorpio 52 and pb10 saturn at 7 Leo 58R.
Note the conjunction of b10 venus and uranus in Aquarius with B Asc as symbolic of love of (venus) astrology (Aquarius) and recognition for it. Note also that conjunction in Scorpio—c SN at 28 Scorpio 27 to b10 moon at 27 Scorpio 26 and B MC at 26 Scorpio 46 as symbolic of occult (Scorpio) interests and reputation.
(2) and (3) 3rd/8th and Angle/mercury and Angle/mars. As noted above, Zoller does not have a 3rd/8th overlap. He also lacks any Angle/mercury or Angle/mars in this, his 10th chart.
The tables below, revised for September 2011, summarize what we have seen in this paper.
An X in the box indicates the condition exists. Empty boxes indicate the condition is missing.
Remember that Hepburn did not have Parkinson’s disease, so the total count for Parkinson’s individuals is twenty, not twenty-one.
”Maybe” was not counted a positive answer. A couple of times I had to choose which valid chart to put in the column demonstrating the chart the signature occurred in. My choice was random.
Mercury on | Mars on | Mercury | 3rd/8th | Chart Main | Signature | Is Saturn | |
Name | an Angle | an Angle | in Scorpio? | Overlap? | Signature is In | Complete | in the Set |
Albert II | X | X | X | 7th | X | X | |
Ali | X | X | 7th | X | X | ||
Arno | X | X | 7th | X | |||
Backus | X | X | 1st | X | |||
Buffet | X | Maybe | X | 3rd | X | X | |
Cummings | X | X | X | X | 6th | X | X |
Fisher | X | X | X | 6th | X | ||
Fox | X | X | 7th | X | |||
Graham | X | X | 12th | X | |||
Helfer | X | X | X | 5th | X | X | |
Hepburn | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Kael | X | X | X | 7th | X | ||
Kane | X | Maybe | 7th | X | |||
Koestler | X | X | X | 10th | X | ||
McEvoy | X | X | X | X | 7th | X | |
OHelin | X | Maybe | X | 7th | X | ||
Schaffer | X | Maybe | X | X | 7th | X | X |
Taylor | X | X | X | 10th | X | ||
Udall | X | 7th | X | X | |||
White | X | X | 7th | X | |||
Zoller | 10th | X | |||||
TOTALS | 16 | 15 | 8 | 8 | 20 | 7 |
The distribution of the signatures by chart was as follows:
The results for Angle/mercury and Angle/mars are not as strong as occurred with Angle/mercury and Angle/saturn for Alzheimer’s disease. Nonetheless, they point in a direction that they might be part of the extended significator.
Although the mercury-in-Scorpio/3rd/8th condition is intriguing, it occurs in less than half of the cases. Still, it might be important in the cases it does occur in.
The overlap of 3rd and 8th houses (and vice versa) does not appear significant. Overlaps can be very powerful. Here, we did not see any signatures in which a lighted conjunction of mercury and mars fell simultaneously in 3rd/8th houses.
Saturn occurred in less than half of the signatures, and was discussed in the body of the paper when the whole path showed Alzheimer’s houses influences. When they did not, saturn’s presence may represent the rigid part of Alzheimer’s disease. It may also just represent that Parkinson’s is more painful for some individual’s. than others. Mars and saturn together can be very difficult, a maximum in dissonance.
One of the requirements of scientific method is that it yields data organized in ways more meaningful than previously demonstrated—the aha! bonus of research. This study does that.
Since a full signature (Angle/mercury/mars/3rd/8th) was required in order for the chart to be shown, the 100% incidence of the signature cannot be more meaningful than the fact that it was possible to find charts for each Parkinson’s individual which contained the full signature.
I did not count incidence of 4th influence. For one thing, it can—as shown above—progress into the set, especially if the planet ruling the 4th progresses slowly enough. For another, from what I read it is not absolutely clear that Parkinson’s always determines the death of the individual. This might be because there is so much time between its identification and the death of the individual. It could also be because websites do not want to dwell on it.
As mentioned in the Introduction, the exact replication of planets/path in the significator as it occurs in different charts is essential. Many individuals must have mercury/mars sets. Of those, far fewer would have those sets influencing an Angle and both 3rd and 8th houses. Fewer still would additionally have mars and mercury on Angles, if they turn out to occur more frequently than we were able to see with so many charts with birth times estimated to the nearest quarter hour.
Finally, with any astrologically identified disease it is always necessary to ask a few more questions than those presented by the astrology. What, if any, environmental influences develop it? What personal traits are shared? The epidemiology of Parkinson’s (as presented at the Wikipedia website) clearly shows higher occurrence of Parkinson’s in some countries than in others. Unless we believe the astrology itself is skewed in the same way, then we must believe that environmental and cultural factors play into Parkinson’s development.