Many readers of these papers on medical, psychological and sexual conditions read only about that condition, or perhaps one other. They thus have no idea how well this very different astrological method works. To get some idea of that, read some of the sixteen (with more to come!) papers on twins on this site. In traditional astrology, twins are hard to differentiate. This astrology demonstrates the differences in astrology which account for their life differences. Here is a link to one of the twin papers:The Silent Twins. Links to the other twin papers are found in each paper.
As can be seen from the links above, I have written other papers on mental illness, including two others on schizophrenia. They, however, are comprised of a total of only five individuals. No matter how deeply I went into their astrology, the reader would not necessarily have been convinced s/he was actually looking at the astrology of schizophrenia.
The Woolf paper, however, is excellent in that it demonstrates the difference between schizophrenia (Woolf and Van Gogh) and something that as far as I know has no unique name but could be called "end-stage" insanity (Nietzsche and Nijinsky).
This paper shows the astrology for thirteen more schizophrenics. In sequence from beginning to end it delineates the significators from more severe to less severe psychoses.
The Planets of Schizophrenia and Paranoid Schizophrenia
Astrology has already established that neptune is a planet whose influence promotes illusion. To quote astrologer and author Rob Hand (from his book Horoscope Symbols, 1981. Gloucester MA, Para Research):
"Neptune is probably the most difficult planetary energy to understand. Its nature eludes definition because it is associated with aspects of the universe that are unclear, illusory, delusory, ill-defined, and even imaginary....If Saturn is reality, Neptune is unreality. If Saturn is an aspect of the ego, Neptune is denial of the ego. If Saturn is our notion of time and space, Neptune is outside of time and space, in either a non-dimensional or an infinitely dimensioned universe....On a low level, Neptune represents experiences that becloud the ego, which, in order to function, needs a sense of a secure ultimate reality.”
In terms of. this astrology, then, for neptune to drive a 3rd chart (of mind) towards insanity it must be in a set (aspect) described by "Angle/light/neptune/3rd" in which 3rd refers to one of the two 3rd houses within the 3rd chart. Lights are suns, moons, or moon's nodes. When the set is actually on an Angle, a light is not necessary. Otherwise, the influence to the Angle comes through one of the planets in the set ruing an Angle. Definitions of sets and orbs are included below under the heading "Astrological Method." They are both different and, in the case or orbs, more stringent than is typical of those used in traditional tropical birth charts.
Any other planet involved in the set with neptune is probably modulating that schizophrenia. But it may also have its significance by the fact that it rules an Angle or 3rd house within the chart. That of mars is clear:
More can be stated about other modulaters of schizophrenia, but these are not in the schizophrenic set.
Non-Significator Modulators of Schizophrenia and Paranoid Schizophrenia
In particular, several other astrological conditions contribute to the breakdown of a viably functioning personality and therefore exacerbate schizophrenia. These are:
Stated in plain English, a difficult childhood (1st chart) with its attendant retardation or suppression of stages of development increases the problem of schizophrenia. In the same manner, because human beings are very social in their identity, confusion in relating to others (especially through 4th, 7th, and 10th charts representing relations to father, significant others, and the mother respectively), decreases the number of truly satisfying avenues of experience and expression available to the individual. Therefore they increase his susceptibility to fantasy and illusion. Combined with a "schizophrenic" 3rd chart (of mind), they further conduce to confused mental states.
If one of the non-malefic planets of personality--mercury, venus, or jupiter--is part of the schizophrenic set containing light/neptune or light/mars/neptune, they may modulate the severity of the schizophrenia in the following ways:
light/mercury/neptune | enables | creative writing, thinking, fantasy |
light/venus/neptune | enables | artistic and aesthetic capacities, strong feelings |
light/jupiter/neptune | enables | religiousness; mysticism |
Their benefic effect is likely increased by other benefic influences in the 3rd chart (or in some cases, other charts), and likely diminished when those charts are also afflicted.
Any therapist already knows this stuff, but they have not seen it demonstrated as is the case here and in the general paper on schizophrenia (link above).
The Charts Primarily Involved in Schizophrenia
Taking into consideration the comments above about how other problems in life can exacerbate schizophrenia, two charts in particular represent charts portraying astrological schizophrenia. They are the harmonic charts for the 1st and 3rd houses--also called the 1st and 3rd charts.
The harmonic chart for the 1st House (also called the 1st chart) is involved because, as discussed above, it is paramount in showing the identity we gain in childhood when we have little choice about where it may end up taking us. Especially difficult childhoods--and the fractured identity they sponsor, contraibute to schizophrenia when it is astrologicall present.
Of course the 3rd chart of mind is the major one because schizophrenia is an illness involving the mind.
Combining the Significators with the Charts to Get the Astrological Significator for Schizophrenia
The main significator for schizophrenia occurs in the 3rd chart as Angle/light/neptune/3rd. When written this way--in "path form," the Angle part represents either an Angle actually in the set or one referred to by a planet in the set through a ruler.
Paranoid schizophrenia, therefore, is represented by Angle/light/mars/neptune in a 3rd chart.
When the set is on an Angle, a light is not necessary since the Angle acts like a light with an orb of 2°. When it is not on an Angle, then one of the planets in the set must rule an Angle.
The light/neptune may actually occur in a 3rd house within the 3rd chart as a conjunction in which case that shows the 3rd house influence. Otherwise, the 3rd house influence must come from one of the planets in the set ruling or co-ruling a 3rd house.
One of the significant planets in the set must be a harmonic one. This is more difficult to describe and I am not sure I have seen all the possibilities. It seems that when Angle/light/neptune occurs as an all non-harmonic set (therefore occurs in all charts) it does not describe schizophrenia because it has no particular reference to the 3rd chart.
The Gradient from Severe to Mild of the Schizophrenic Significator
Subject to change from further research results, the order of relative strength to relative weakness of significators for schizophrenia through the 3rd chart are as follows:
As I said, it is difficult to describe, to pin down all the possibilities. The gist of it is that the set must contain a 3rd chart harmonic planet important in referencing it either to an Angle or a 3rd house in that 3rd chart. Then it turns it from a set representing benign fantasy or creativity (no 3rd chart harmonic) to a less benign schizophrenia one (the mind, the 3rd chart part of it which contains the significator for schizophrenia, is not free NOT to engage in flights from reality).
Addition of mars to any of the above sets contributes to paranoid forms of schizophrenia.
When a 3rd chart harmonic moon falls in Pisces, it does not create schizophrenia, but combined with the above aggravates it, especially when conjunct a South Node. I suspect the latter occurs in charts of children diagnosed with schizophrenia, but have only the one chart that suggests it and no birth data for children so diagnosed. Conjunct the South Node, moon in Pisces in a 3rd chart suggests some one whose consciousness automatically (moon and South Node) tends strongly toward diffuse mental states (Pisces). (If you have access to birth data of children diagnosed schizophrenic, please contact me, email address at bottom of this page.)
The last two instances in the list above describe something short of full-blown schizophrenia. At least one of them describes schizoaffective disorder. (I have not enough examples to know if both do). They may, however, contribute to full-blown schizophrenia when the missing parameter (3rd house or Angle influence) progresses into the set, as happened with John Hinckley, Jr. (link to paper at top). In that case, the actual schizophrenic condition passes off when the progression does and the individual improves with therapy.
Finally, as mentioned above, other charts that are highly dysfunctional or pathological play a part in promoting schizophrenia even if they do not create it. All twelve charts do not have to be dysfunctional. We can look at each of the twelve charts as similar to pistons in an engine. Any one of them not functioning properly obviously affects the functioning of the whole engine. Using another simile, seen as vertebra in a spine, any that are out of alignment affect at least the alignment of those above them.
I would have thought, for instance, that the 2nd house of personal finances had least to do with schizophrenia. However, if you are the schizophrenic who is poverty-stricken, who cannot even find a place to lay your head at night, let alone being unable to afford the medications which might help, then you know for sure your schizophrenia has been adversely affected by your poverty.
The Order of Examples in This Paper
I have tried to show available examples of 3rd charts in the following order: stronger to weaker schizophrenia, then paranoid schizophrenia, then schizoaffective disorder followed by catatonic schizophrenia, finishing off with a chart less than schizophrenic. Some times, however, other factors brought a chart in earlier than I might have wanted.
Before going any further, below is information about this astrological method.
Astrological Method
This method is not the traditional Western one. It uses a birth and conception planets and their harmonics and houses, all of which share the same axis. Here is how it is formed and some of its empirically-derived operating principles:
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP. The practical differences between sidereal (Eastern) and tropical (Western) zodiacs is discussed in an earlier paper. Here is the link: Tropical vs. Sidereal Astrology--A Discussion.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method,” is used. This is also the paper which contains a link to the discussion about the formula for finding conception. Here it is: About This Method.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes. When mercury rules any Angle, it also acts like a light, and then and only then it has the same orb as the other lights-- 5°, with 5° being very weak. Always, the closer to the upper limit of the allowable orb, the weaker the astrology. The MC or Asc also acts like a light (with only a 2° orb) because when a set is on an Angle it does not need a light to be active. Planets with lights on Angles increase the orb to something more than 1° but never more than 2°. The orb for planets progressed to Angles and vice versa is 1°. But return Angles use a 2° orb, that is, an Angle of a return can function close to the same as any birth/conception Angle or their progressions during the period of the return.
Returns used with this method occur exactly every 40° from conception and birth (which are 80° from each other). Only sets on those Angles are interpreted, not planets in return houses, but return planets may fall on birth or progressed Angles. In that case, their orb can only be the same 1° already in use for planets on progressed Angles. The return moon and it harmonic act just like moons found in birth/conception and progressed sets--they show forms of consciousness that register negative when with malefics and positive when with benefics and are sensitive to transits. But, of course, they register that consciousness for only a limited time during the return time.
Locality Angles and their progressed positions have nearly as much sensitivity to birth/conception planets and their progressions as do the Angles of birth/conception chart and their progressions. Thus, when an individual moves to a locality which puts his more benevolent astrology on his locality Angles, that is a more positive locality for him, but it does not wipe out birth/locality afflictions to Angles.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. (There is a table in the paper on chartrules which shows which traditional aspects--e.g., semi-square, trine, quincunx, etc.--in the sidereal are converted to conjunctions, squares, and oppositions in the harmonics and which charts they occur in, link below.) Again, orbs for static (not progressed) planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs.
Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Sets without Angles are more active when they contain a light, and hardly register when without one, except, of course, when with lights provided by returns, progressions, transits and synastry.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” Sometimes house overlaps are very significant if for no other reason than when they contain a lighted malefic, that set occurs simultaneously in both those houses. Throughout my papers when writing of house overlaps the convention is used of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st overlap" refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of the empirically-derived rules for reading these charts, refer to the following: Chart Reading Rules
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remains constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, t = transiting, and p = progressed. The harmonic used to derive harmonic planets for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number. So, the harmonic used to create the 5th chart is 5 + 2 = 7th harmonic. However, to avoid confusion for readers of these papers, I have adopted the convention in writing of matching the harmonic number to the chart it identifies. For example, the 5th chart is created by using the 7th harmonic. But it quickly gets confusing if, for example, its birth harmonic mars is written as "b7 mars." It begins to be read as the harmonic mars for the 7th chart. So using the convention of writing about birth harmonic mars for the 5th chart as "b5 mars," keeps one's attention on the fact one is looking at data for the 5th chart. Then the only thing necessary is to remember, when creating charts, that the harmonic used to do so is always the number of the chart plus 2.
Thus, in papers "pc3 neptune" refers to the harmonic of progressed neptune in a 3rd chart. And return3 venus refers to the harmonic of return venus when it is used to work with the 3rd chart. The actual harmonic used to find both figures is the 5th.
Now we can start looking at charts, starting with the woman whose multiple personalities we are most familiar with.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on Sizemore:American schizophrenic whose multiple-personality disorder was portrayed by Joanne Woodward in the movie "The Three Faces of Eve." She had 22 personalities which she finally integrated into one. The Blind Lady, the Bell Lady, the Virgin, the Banana Split Girl and the mute Andrea are just five of the many different people living inside her head. Early traumas of childhood, including the witnessing of two violent deaths before age two, are believed to be the causes of her disorder.
After overcoming the fear of being rejected by others, she now lectures on mental illness and the plight of the mentally ill. The demure, petite and soft-spoken Sizemore has, for most of her life, had her mind and body inhabited by three personalities at a time in what is know as multiple-personality disorder. Their appearance, ages, intellect, interests and skills varied. Some were left-handed, some right; some could drive, some couldn't; one was fun-loving and a bit promiscuous, one a devoted housewife; one was deaf, and one had arthritis.
Dr. Corbett Thigpen wrote the book with her in 1957 on which the movie was based and felt she no longer needed treatment. Thigpen told her never to tell anybody she was the "Eve" in the book and movie warning her about the stigma of mental illness and how her family would be ruined. She tried four other therapists over the succeeding years, and in despair, she attempted suicide, feeling too great a burden on her family. Then, in 1970, after her family moved to Fairfax, VA, she met Dr. Tony Tsitos, a psychiatrist. In 1974, after four years of intensive therapy with Dr. Tsitos, her own unique personality emerged. Twenty-two personalities had lived inside Sizemore for almost her entire life, tearing her apart, finally, now, they diminished.
Finding herself in her 40's with no training, skills or high school diploma, she didn't know who she was or what she wanted to be. Her twin sister asked if she'd speak to their college class about her mental illness, and after some deliberation, she decided to give it a try. A packed auditorium held 600 people, including a large contingent of the media. The audience gave her a standing ovation and she knew that the illness wasn't going to be kept a secret any longer. Sizemore's son Bobby, born on 5/23/1959, was open to it, but her daughter, Taffy, didn't want her to tell anyone where she lived and prefers not to talk to anyone about it. In 1977 Sizemore wrote her own story in a book called "I'm Eve." She divorced her first husband, Ralph White, in 1953. Later that year, she married Don Sizemore, an electrician, on 12/19/1953. Sizemore feels she was able to be cured because of her family's love and support. They stood by her in the darkest of times.
Sizemore delivers scores of speeches about the plight of the mentally ill. She helped found the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality and Dissociation. She is setting up a support program for families of mental patients and serves on the boards of several mental-health associations.
I would love to have the birth time of her twin. If any one knows it, sending it on to me would be greatly appreciated.
Set (1) above is an unusual one containing Angle/venus/jupiter/neptune. It shows non-harmonic, all-charts venus and jupiter on Angles—an exceptionally benevolent set. That jupiter on the Descendant was also the astrological sponsor of Sizemore eventually finding a therapist who truly helped her. There are plenty of people who go to therapists who get little help, and some even get injured. Jupiter/Descendant is a powerful sponsor of “good friends in high places,” or at least the right places at the right time.
At the same time that Set (1) is exceptionally benevolent, it contains Sizemore’s most potent schizophrenic set because that b3 neptune conjunct B Asc is in c 3rd house—the first condition of the gradient series discussed above. It is efficient and powerful.
She has a possible second schizophrenic set in Set (2). It is comprised of B MC/moon/saturn/uranus/2neptune, but the important neptune is the c3 neptune at 25 Cancer 15, “weakly” on an Angle with B MC when combined with the moon. The c neptune at 29 Cancer 03 is not harmonic. Both neptunes represent a lighted neptune in a 3rd house, but only the c3 neptune gives the set 3rd chart influence. C3 uranus, ruler of C MC, also gives the set 3rd chart influence, but only to another Angle, but not to a 3rd house. Or does it give the set 3rd chart influence? This is the type of set discussed above about which I am unsure. Without c3 neptune, is it really schizophrenic? These details might seem picky, but if they make the difference between whether or not some one is schizophrenic, they are important.
Sizemore’s capacity to fracture into multiple and quite different personalities is represented by her several sets in Gemini, shown in the drawing above. Along with Pisces, Gemini is an excellent mimic and also shows an excellent memory. B NN conjunct B Asc conjunct c sun, co-ruler (20 of 27°) of c 3rd house, favors mental (3rd) creations of Gemini (also mental). C NN conjunct pluto in Gemini suggests deep transformations through Gemini—from personality to personality, perhaps. Does the fact that they all occur in c 11th house also make a difference? Does that favor “group” (11th) creations of Gemini—that is, a group of personalities, all working through the 3rd house mind?
We can see the trauma of her childhood in the following sets from her 1st chart of early childhood. Set (3) below is the 1st chart permutation of Set (1) above:
Set (3) | b moon | 27 Aries 36 | ruler b 12th house |
B MC | 28 Aries 46 | ||
b1 mars | 27 Cancer 41 | ruler of B MC | |
c neptune | 29 Cancer 03 | ||
c saturn | 26 Libra 19 | ||
c1 neptune | 27 Capricorn 09 |
The above set shows an Angle/moon/mars/saturn/neptune—siege conditions. Fortunately for her, that c saturn is retrograde. It does turn direct eventually, but does not reach an opposition to her B MC until she is 90 years old in 2017. So her Angle/saturn, which only counts because of that moon increasing orb to include saturn, never fully matures, while her Angle/venus/jupiter remain potent throughout her life. I do not know why they did not protect her better in her childhood except that Angular conditions in her 1st and 3rd charts imply she “must” go through some considerable trauma, with the 1st chart implying early in life.
Surely her c1 moon , ruler of her c 3rd house, at 22 Pisces 53 in the same set with c SN at 22 Sagittarius 42, is another sign of the difficulty of her childhood and the identity it sponsored. Lights are expressions of our consciousness, so they do not have to be on an Angle to express. The node increases its expression. Here it represents bleak states, particularly difficult for a child with no skills to escape them, and perhaps even out-of-body experiences, all of which would further foster fragmentation of her personality.
Another set shows childhood stress:
Set (4) | C Asc | 8 Gemini 12 | |
c sun | 10 Gemini 20 | ||
b1 saturn | 11 Sagittarius 04 | ||
c1 mars | 12 Sagittarius 04 |
The sun in Set (4) above increases orb and brings the mars and saturn into a relationship with C Asc. I don’t know if mars conjunct saturn on the Descendant represents actual physical beatings. They at least represent difficulty connecting to others.
Quite possibly one of those difficult others was her father. Her 4th chart of Home and Father puts moon/mars/saturn/neptune on B MC—the same siege conditions shown in Set (3) in this chart.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 43995:American schizophrenic with frequent sojourns into mental hospitals. Born in New York, his strongly Catholic family moved to Ireland when he was a baby. In his late teens he returned to America and joined the Navy. After some eight months he was diagnosed as schizophrenic and given a medical discharge.
His parents died early in his life and his older brothers gave him a rough time. One of his brothers dabbled in magic, using Tom as his practice subject and later rejected Tom, making him feel guilty for his own illness. This brother was a father-figure to Tom as a child. Tom is sure that he was responsible for the death of someone when he was about twelve, and no logic could dissuade him.
Tom's leading interests centered around magic and the occult and he aspired to become an adept, skilled in alchemy. Due to his illness, he found it difficult to focus for long on any serious study or work. He was intensely aware of himself and his need for love and companionship. He is generous, outgoing and friendly but without discrimination, and others take advantage of him. He doubts his potency and is rather afraid of sexual relationships with a religious fear of committing mortal sin. Tom's IQ is well above average. He is quite shrewd and perceptive in analyzing the motives of others but has difficulty in relating to anyone. He considers himself a coward.
At the time of the report, Tom was not yet 30. He was incapable of employment but was responding well to various anti-psychotic medications. A Navy pension supported his disability but he was anxious to have a job, a career.
Set (5) is comprised of B MC/sun/mercury/jupiter/neptune. Note the lighted neptune does not fall in a 3rd house, but the whole set influences both 3rd houses. B3 sun rules b 3rd house. C3 mercury rules c 3rd house. The neptune rules B MC, already part of the set. The sun brings the neptune into a relationship with B MC, otherwise the orb would be too great. So this set is an actual Angle/light/neptune/double 3rd set. I would think the mercury in Gemini part of the set would mitigate against his schizophrenia, giving him, so to speak, some capacity to hang his thoughts on a peg. But his schizophrenic set is not his only problem.
The jupiter/neptune part of the set occurs in charts of people who are blessed with information from unseen sources (such as psychics and psychic astrologers, but they hardly exhaust the category). It probably has something to do with Tom’s interest in magic and alchemy, hardly, I would think, a suitable subject for some one with such a disturbed background. And the jupiter, even though the greater benefic, did not prevent the manifestation of his schizophrenia.
Note b neptune opposition C Asc in the drawing above. Although it does not produce his schizophrenia, it didn’t help because conjunct c mercury, ruler of c 3rd house, it connected neptune to a 3rd house (same as in Set 5). It describes his (mercury) the brother who also practiced occultism (neptune) On the Descendant it also made significant Others unclear and undependable.
The neptune/Desc, however, does get developed in his 1st chart. Here is the whole set:
Set (6) | b1 mercury | 1 Aries 25 | ruler of b 4th and 12th houses, co-ruler b 3rd |
b1 SN | 2 Aries 12 | ||
C Asc | 4 Aries 54 | ||
b1 moon | 4 Cancer 05 | ||
c1 mars | 4 Libra 56 | ruler of C Asc and c 8th house | |
c mercury | 5 Libra 09 | ruler of c 3rd house | |
b neptune | 5 Libra 54 | ruler of B MC |
Set (6) influences two Angles and includes Angle/node/moon/mercury/mars/neptune. Mars/neptune on the Descendant shows a noxious relationship, possibly “his older brothers gave him a hard time,” especially since it also influences both 3rd houses.
Since it contains both 3rd and 6th influences, Set (6) may also mean 43995 experienced some sort of allergy. But then, he has an anti-allergic significator (see paper on Bruce Lee for more on this at Paper on Lee , with B Asc at 9 Cancer 27 and b1 sun at 9 Capricorn 54. It may have left the whole set expressing primarily through his siblings rather than allergies.
He picks up another mars to this set in his 7th chart, with b7 mars at 4 Libra 52, with a similar interpretation as above. Both also imply a possible homosexual orientation, but his 5th chart is so afflicted whatever his sexuality it is suppressed or fraught with scary emotion. B MC at 25 Pisces 42 was again afflicted, this time by c7 neptune, co-ruler of c 12th house, at 26 Pisces 38. B Asc at 9 Cancer 27 is in the same set with c7 moon at 10 Cancer 06 and c7 saturn at 11 Capricorn 52 (on the Desc.—difficult to connect with others). This chart shows summed Angle/mars/saturn/neptune—siege conditions.
Tom’s sexual uncertainty stems astrologically from the fact that he has b5 mars at 20 Pisces 27 in the same set with C MC at 21 Sagittarius 45 (also the second part of the significator for homosexuality, but the Pisces part is one of victimization). while c5 saturn at 25 Sagittarius 34 is in the same set with B MC at 25 Pisces 42 That gives him specifically 5th chart Angle/mars plus Angle/saturn. His C Asc at 4 Aries 54 with its non-harmonic opposition to mercury/neptune also picks up a sun and mars in this chart. With sun c5 sun co-ruling (18 of 33°) c 5th house, it comprises the 1st part of the significator for homosexuality. With the 3rd house influence through mercury, it could also represent sexual molestation through a sibling. These sets show diminished and/or unsure function in the area of sexuality.
The powerful afflictions (all on Angles) in his 1st , 5th, and 7th charts surely reflect Tom’s early loss of parents, troubles with brothers (and being raised by them), and confusion over his sexuality, that is, the crazy environment he grew up in. They state Tom never had an “ordinary reality” in which to function, adding emotional disturbance to his mental susceptibility.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 49982:American schizophrenic and suicide. The individual ended his life by jumping off a bridge in 1991.
Set (7) is comprised of B Asc conjunct node/sun/2neptune. The sun definitely turns the set into a 3rd chart Angle/neptune. It does not influence a 3rd house. In fact, there is no 3rd house light/neptune influence in this 3rd chart. C neptune influences c 9th house. As a house also about mind, but “higher mind” I am uncertain whether or not it can play a part in schizophrenia.
Set (8) shows us saturn in Pisces conjunct a South Node (the light) in the same set with mercury, ruler of c 3rd house. B3 saturn co-rules (16 of 35°) b 3rd house. So this set comprises our negative 3rd house influence. It shows continual falling into (SN) depression, feelings inadequacy, and even loss of a sense of self (saturn, especially in Pisces). Occurring in c 9th house, does it also represent a sense of being completely cut off from God?
We can confirm this set plays a role in his mental illness because when he jumped off that bridge at age 33 and killed himself, progressed b3 sun at 27 Pisces 07 had entered the set as had pc3 mars at 27 Sagittarius 08, ruler of C MC. At that point this node/sun/mars/saturn set had both Angular and 3rd influence, showing exaggerated (mars) depression (saturn). It could also manifest as agitation.
Set (9) shows a harmonic moon in Pisces—in a 3rd chart. That is always difficult as it shows states of mental diffusion, a lack of “ego,” and exceptionally bleak states. This young man’s mental instability is enhanced by Sets (8) and (9), which both specifically 3rd charts sets.
The conjunction of C Asc and B MC (shown above) to uranus gives us a clue about the possibility this individual would kill himself. Angular influence of uranus is often present for suicides, even if it is very temporary (which it is not here). With mars it exhibits bravery and courage (or foolhardiness).
In his 7th chart they are joined by c7 saturn at 15 Cancer 31, giving this chart a tone of manic (uranus) depression (saturn) even without the 3rd house influence. The added saturn to his two Angles depressed his ability to have relations with significant others, further weakening the vitality of his existence.
His 3rd chart shows sufficient reason for his feeling suicide was the answer. But his 7th chart showed his broken relations to others. He had progressed B Asc at 5 Scorpio 20 in the same set with c7 neptune (9th ruler) at 5 Taurus 20. Progressed C MC was at 7 Taurus 02 in the same set with c pluto at 7 Leo 25, b7 mars at 6 Taurus 54 (7th ruler), and pc7 saturn (7th ruler) at 7 Leo 05. That gave him a summed Angle/mars/saturn/neptune/pluto, more siege conditions (Angle/mars/saturn/neptune) a powerful sense of separation(saturn/Desc), and the need for finality represented by pluto.
His 1st chart is surprisingly benign.
Brought up in Philadelphia, Spungen was an emotionally disturbed child, officially declared schizophrenic. Expelled from university, she went to London at the height of the Punk craze, and became involved with Sid Vicious who shared her addictions. The press soon labeled her 'Nauseating Nancy' for her shocking behaviour. Moving to New York, they spent their days in a hotel room, regularly visited by drug-dealers, one of whom may have been her killer. A bio-pic, Sid and Nancy, was released in 1986, with Chloe Webb receiving critical praise for her performance as Spungen. Spungen was born at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Franklin "Frank" and Deborah Spungen. She was born with severe cyanosis and nearly died of oxygen deprivation after being choked by her umbilical cord during delivery. She was spared from brain damage and released from the hospital eight days after birth. The Spungens were a middle class Jewish family that resided in Lower Moreland Township, a suburb of Philadelphia. Her father was a traveling salesman; her mother later owned an organic food store called The Earth Shop in nearby Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. She was a difficult baby, throwing crying fits and temper tantrums late into childhood. At three months old, she was prescribed a liquid barbiturate by a pediatrician, but her violent behavior persisted. In an interview, Deborah Spungen stated, "I know it's normal for babies to scream, but Nancy did nothing but scream." She scored "superior" on an intelligence quotient test at five years of age, and was allowed to skip the third grade. Though she excelled academically, she had few friends during her elementary school years. She was a temperamental child who exhibited violent behavior toward her younger sister, Susan, and brother, David. She allegedly threatened to kill a babysitter with scissors, and attempted to batter her psychiatrist, who accused her of "acting out" for attention. At age 11, she was expelled from public schooling when she was absent from class more than two weeks. Her parents, weary of her erratic behavior, enrolled her at the Devereux Glenholme School and Devereux Manor High School. In January 1972, she ran away from Devereux Manor and attempted suicide by slitting her wrists with scissors. When Spungen was 15, her psychiatrist diagnosed her with schizophrenia. Spungen graduated at Devereux Manor High School in April 1974, and her application to attend the University of Colorado at Boulder was accepted two weeks earlier. She began attending the university at the age of 16; however, five months into her freshman year, she was arrested for purchasing marijuana from an undercover police officer. She was later arrested for storing stolen property in her dorm room, and she was then expelled from the University of Colorado. Her father traveled to Boulder and accepted a plea bargain for Nancy, which resulted in her being banished from the state of Colorado. After being fired from her first job on the first day, she began financing herself by stealing from her family and dealing drugs. Spungen left home at age 17 and moved to New York City. She worked as a stripper around Times Square (and allegedly at a brothel as well). She followed bands such as Aerosmith, The New York Dolls and The Ramones. In 1976, she moved to London, allegedly to win over Jerry Nolan of the Dolls and The Heartbreakers, but met The Sex Pistols instead. When lead singer Johnny Rotten did not show interest in her, she pursued bassist Sid Vicious and they soon moved in together. During a tumultuous 23-month relationship, Spungen and Vicious became addicted to heroin and other drugs. Vicious was already abusing multiple drugs before he met Spungen. Sources claim that he had begun to use speed with his mother at an early age. The tabloids dubbed Spungen "Nauseating Nancy" for her frequent public displays of verbal abuse and violence. After the Sex Pistols broke up in January 1978, Spungen and Vicious moved to the Hotel Chelsea in New York City. They stayed in room 100 and were registered under Mr. and Mrs. John Simon Ritchie, Vicious' real name. There, Vicious tried, with limited success, to continue his musical career. Over the next few months, Vicious and Spungen spiraled into deeper drug abuse, punctuated by domestic violence within which Vicious allegedly attacked Spungen. Their relationship ended violently on October 12, 1978, when Spungen was found under the sink in the bathroom of their hotel room, dead from a single stab wound to the abdomen, later traced to a knife owned by Vicious. This was reportedly a "007" hunting knife he had obtained after seeing Dee Dee Ramone give one to The Dead Boys' Stiv Bators, although conflicting reports claim the knife to be a Jaguar K-11 with a five-inch blade. Vicious was immediately arrested and charged with second degree murder. Vicious pleaded not guilty and was released on bail. Four months after Nancy's death, incarceration at Riker's Island before bail and drug rehabilitation, he overdosed taking a lethal amount of heroin, and died before the trial could take place. After Vicious died the police closed the case. Nancy was buried in her hometown in Philadelphia, Her Hebrew name is inscripted on her gravestone: "Haya-Leah daughter of Ephrayim-Aharon". A young woman is dead. I don’t care. You probably don’t care. The police don’t care. The papers don’t care. The punks for the most part don’t care. The only people that care are (I suppose) her parents and (I’m almost certain) the boy accused of murdering her. (Lester Bangs, on Nancy Spungen's murder)
The following is an excerpt from Wikipedia (11/3/12) about Nancy : Nancy Laura Spungen (February 27, 1958 – October 12, 1978) was one of the legendary figures of Punk Rock, as girlfriend of Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious, who allegedly stabbed her to death while both were on drugs.
Set (10) above shows us mars conjunct neptune conjunct C Asc (the node in Libra is the light that brings the neptune into the set). This is an Angle/mars/neptune—for paranoid schizophrenia. But it lacks 3rd house influence.
Set (11) is large. It includes 2node/sun/moon/2venus/2jupiter/2neptune. Since both those neptunes are in c 3rd house and are amply lighted, they constitute a 3rd lighted neptune influence. But this set also influences an Angle through c moon, ruler of that same C Asc which is conjunct mars and neptune in Cancer. This is also one of the sets that helps show Spungen’s excellent mind (golden benefic in 3rd chart with 3rd house influence).
Note C MC is conjunct mercury in Aries (unnumbered set above). Both are in the same set with b uranus, ruler of B Asc, at 14 Cancer 17. That mercury rules c 3rd house, so the set includes Angle/mercury/uranus/3rd—a set for those who perform very well on intelligence tests.
C MC conjunct mercury in Aries is conjunct her c1 SN in her 1st chart, showing an automatic tendency to speak her mind without thought of the consequences. Her mother writes about it in her biography, “And I Don’t Want to Live This Life,” about Nancy.
Set (12) above shows B Asc in Aquarius in the same set with mercury/saturn/pluto, with mercury ruling c 3rd house. In a 3rd chart mercury on an Angle acts as an anti-significator for retardation. I would think it would for schizophrenia, too, but here it is with saturn and pluto, giving c 3rd house an angle/saturn/pluto influence—an autistic set with whatever mitigation mercury can provide. C mercury conjunct C MC is also an anti-significator which supports communication and it occurs in all charts. Nonetheless, Set (12) likely sponsored experiences of feeling completely separated from others, including siblings (3rd chart), and parents.
Spungen’s susceptibility to drug addiction shows in her 1st chart . It shows B Asc at 18 Aquarius 19 and c1 neptune at 19 Leo 03, putting her physical body (1st chart) under strong (Angle) neptune (drugs) influence. It augments her schizophrenia in the sense it sponsors a desire not to have an identity, at least not the boring and mundane one of ordinary existence.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 43993: American paranoid schizophrenic; hospitalized at one time. He committed suicide by hanging on 3/18/1963.
This man has an overload of really trying astrology.
Set (14) includes B MC with node/mars/uranus/neptune, with b3 neptune ruling b 3rd house (it is also in b 3rd and lighted). So Set (14) is a full paranoid schizophrenic set for the 3rd chart and even more powerful because it is on an Angle and not just ruling one.
That uranus conjunct SN conjunct MC in Pisces in Set (14) creates a sense of impending doom and disaster all by itself. Is he living under the continuous threat of having a nervous breakdown?
In his 7th chart Set (14) is conjunct c7 moon at 4 Pisces 39. Moon conjunct uranus in Pisces. Wow. How bad can it get? This bad. On an Angle it is formidable for producing acute states of anxiety.
Committing suicide at age 34, note he had his Angle/uranus (the urge and courage to act) set forefront all his short life.
But 43993 has another Angle/neptune. It is shown in Set (13). It has 3rd house influence because it is in b 3rd house. (The node in Scorpio pulls the uranus and neptune into the same set with C MC). This is a full-blown schizophrenic set (but not paranoid), very powerful because it is simultaneously on an Angle and in a 3rd house.
His second paranoid set is not Angular. Set (15) shows node/mars/neptune with influence to B MC (through neptune, its ruler), but not a 3rd house.
We saw mars conjunct saturn conjunct Descendant above in the 1st chart of Chris Costner Sizemore. 43993 has the same thing, but his has pluto added to it. Here is the set:
Set (16) | b pluto | 24 Gemini 37 | |
B Asc | 25 Gemini 25 | ||
b1 sun | 26 Gemini 47 | ruler of b 3rd house | |
b1 moon | 25 Virgo 49 | ||
c moon | 23 Sagittarius 51 | ruler of C Asc and c 8th house | |
c1 mars | 25 Sagittarius 09 | ruler of C Asc | |
c1 saturn | 27 Sagittarius 08 | ruler of c 3rd house |
C1 saturn (normally out of orb) is pulled into this set because the set contains three lights and an Angle. The mars/saturn/Desc suggests trouble connecting with others, possibly violence from others in childhood. The Angle/sun/saturn/pluto part of it shuts down connection to others. Angle/mars/saturn/pluto suggests the ongoing “death” of the establishment of an ego identity in childhood.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 43268: American male, a paranoid schizophrenic who lives on disability and retains normalcy with the use of heavy medications. He has never married, is heterosexual and had girlfriends at one time but has been celibate for about 15 years (as of 2000). His main occupation is watching TV; his apartment is unkempt and filthy with animal refuse from his pets.
He lived with his mother until he was 30 or so and she kicked him out. As a boy, his dad was abusive, a man in a permanent bad mood after returning from the military.
His two brothers avoid him as he is always demanding and irrational and generally draining, which he thinks is cold and cruel and he feels that he is entitled to more than society gives him. His phone conversations will last four or five hours until someone cuts him off. He is obsessive compulsive and decision making is very hard because he gets fixated on one thing and ignores everything else.
Set (17) shows Angle/mars/neptune/pluto, with the mars/neptune for paranoia. It is a little past the acceptable orb of 2° for planet-to-Angle, but this man’s birth was recorded as a rounded off number at 5:30 p.m. So it is not unreasonable to assume birth was 2-6 minutes earlier. Unfortunately, there are no dates with which to rectify this chart.In Set (17) c mars rules C MC and c 3rd house. The set must be on an Angle because otherwise there is no light for it and it would not bring about his schizophrenia.
Note that conjunction of c3 mars, ruler of c 3rd house, to SN and B Asc in Virgo—the source of his endless phone conversations and probably his obsessive-compulsive behavior. He was probably exactingly (and boringly) descriptive (Angular SN/Virgo) on the phone, an instrument which allows one not to see one’s effect on others.
Unkempt apartments and rooms are often signified by something in Pisces. In his 1st chart this man has his b mercury—ruler of B MC and B Asc and acting as a light—at 22 Pisces 57 conjunct b1 SN at 22 Pisces 49. It keeps dragging him into states antithetical to pride (Leo, ego) and tidiness (Virgo). It also contributes to his schizophrenia by making him feel nothing worthwhile is attainable, that is, it makes him lazy.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on Berkowitz:American homicide known as the Son of Sam, holding New York in terror in 1976-1977.
David's dad, Tony Falco, deserted the family eight years [? months] before he was born, the result of his mom's affair with a married businessman. His mom put him up for adoption and the baby was taken in by the Berkowitz family.
A sharpshooter in the U.S. Army from 1971-1974, he served in Korea, then worked in New York as a postal employee. He hated to be dirty and kept his body clean so that he "would not get sick," however his apartment was messy with left-over garbage and he went to the laundry only after he had no clean clothes left. Between 9/28/1974 and 12/23/1975, he set over 2,000 fires on city property.
On Christmas Eve, 1974, he made his first knife assault, stabbing a black woman in the Bronx, followed by five gunshot murders and six woundings of young couples. He was arrested on 8/10/1977. At his trial on 5/08/1978, he entered an insanity plea, claiming that God spoke to him through the neighbors' dog. He was given a sentence of 365 years.
Note we never got a schizophrenic diagnosis (at least publicly) on Berkowitz. Had that happened, his insanity defense might have worked, and it didn’t.
Berkowitz has two sets which imply susceptibility to schizophrenic states. They are shown in Set (18) and (19) above. Note that neither are on an Angle. Nor does Berkowitz have any Angle/neptune in this chart.
Set (18) shows us moon/jupiter/saturn/neptune, with c neptune ruling C MC, b3 jupiter ruling b 3rd house, and b saturn co-ruling (13 of 37°) b 3rd. That gives us the Angle/moon/neptune/3rd influence of schizophrenia.
Set (19) contains a wide-orb set of sun/mars/saturn/neptune (the paranoid part), with b saturn co-ruling b 3rd house. It does not influence an Angle.
On July 29, 1976, the date of his first shooting, his progressed conception Midheaven was at 25 Pisces 00, conjunct his c3 moon at 24 Pisces 53 shown in Set (18). This, by timing, shows confirmation of the difficulty of harmonic moon in Pisces in a 3rd chart. Until that came forefront, he was managing to handle his non-Angular schizophrenic set.
Berkowitz’s 1st chart contains a set worth mentioning.
Set (20) | b1 saturn | 20 Cancer 31 | co-ruler of b 3rd house |
b1 mercury | 20 Cancer 49 | ruler of b 12th house | |
c mercury | 20 Cancer 58 | ruler of C Asc | |
b1 neptune | 21 Cancer 46 | ruler of b 6th house | |
b1 mars | 22 Cancer 56 | ||
c1 pluto | 22 Capricorn 18 |
In addition to the node, c mercury, ruler of C Asc, acts like a light in this set, which falls in 10th/2nd houses. Note it does not fall on an Angle.
With light/mars/neptune influence to an Angle and 3rd, 6th, (and 8th) houses, Set (2) could be a significator for asthma or allergic sensitivities. If it is, he has an anti-significator (which reduces or cancels his sensitivity) in his b1 sun at 20 Gemini 49 conjunct C Asc at 21 Gemini 38 (conjunct c uranus at 21 Gemini 38).
Also containing light/saturn/pluto with influence to an Angle and 3rd house, it suggests an early sense of severe separation from others. But that b1 sun conjunct C Asc in Gemini might also help act as an anti-significator because sun on an Angle is a direct expression of something essential in the individual. He probably fluctuated between bright and active expression of curiosity (sun conjunct Asc conjunct uranus, all in Gemini) and the more occasional (not on an Angle) sense of separation sponsored by that saturn/pluto set. With b1 harmonic uranus at 7 Libra 10 also on an Angle—B Asc at 6 Libra 49—there is a good chance he was hyperactive.
Some of Berkowitz’s trouble with women (or lack of them) shows in his 5th chart. He has another light/saturn/pluto set:
Set (21) | c5 saturn | 8 Capricorn 15 | ruler of c 8th house | |
b5 pluto | 8 Capricorn 24 | |||
b moon | 9 Capricorn 20 | ruler of B MC | ||
b NN | 10 Capricorn 22 |
The above set falls in 3rd/7th houses. This house overlap creates an identity between mind and partnerships. It causes a serious problem when the individual is unable to form a relationship. Then it becomes obsessive. This set creates a disconnect in his feelings for others with regard to his sexuality.
Berkowitz also has a conjunction of harmonic moon to saturn in Pisces which falls in b 5th house. B5 moon, ruler of B MC, is at 6 Pisces 08 conjunct b5 saturn at 7 Pisces 33. It denies sexuality. It simultaneously falls in c 10th house of social reputation, making it look like its symbolic representation of his sexual inadequacy will become public information.
On the date of the 1st shooting (7/29/76), his progressed c5 mars, co-ruler (17 of 39°) of c 5th house, formed an interesting set :
Set (22) | b5 neptune | 10 Pisces 48 | co-ruler (14 of 28°) of b 5th house |
b5 NN | 12 Pisces 37 | ||
progressed c5 mars | 11 Pisces 15 | co-ruler (15 of 39°) of c 5th house | |
return MC | 11 Gemini 25 | ||
return Asc | 10 Virgo 38 | ||
return5 saturn | 10 Virgo 40 |
With his return providing two temporary Angles for the above set, it became very active. Was he feeling sexually frustrated? There are therapies which equate excessive use of guns with the penis and sexuality. Certainly in this case it looks like murdering lovers was Berkowitz’s version of solving his sexual problem. Quite likely he knew what he was doing was wrong, it just wasn’t any match for his pain and frustration.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on Plath:American poet and novelist known for her exquisite poetry and her autobiographical novel, “The Bell Jar,” published in 1963. The novel centers on a young woman with a fragile hold on life. Plath committed suicide shortly after its publication.
Plath was a sensitive, studious child, born to a college professor and his educated, cultured wife. In November 1940, when Sylvia was just 8 years old, her father died from complications of diabetes. [A stubborn man who did not like doctors, he had held off getting a diagnosis until it was too late and he had gangrene in an appendage—the author.] An intense student, she worked hard to achieve good grades. The following year, in August 1941, one of Plath’s poems was published in a Boston, MA newspaper. By age 18, she had won awards for her poetry and, with her excellent grades and obvious talent, she won a scholarship to Smith College. During her junior year, she spent the summer in New York as a guest editor for Mademoiselle, a fashion magazine. While still a student at Smith, she had a nervous breakdown, attempted suicide by swallowing sleeping pills and was given shock treatments. Despite such upheaval, she graduated in 1955 and went to Cambridge, England on a Fulbright scholarship.
One night at a party in Cambridge, February 25, 1956, she met Ted Hughes, and their romance began in a blaze of passion. She wrote, "He kissed me bang smash on the mouth, And when he kissed my neck, I bit him long and hard on the cheek and, when we came out of the room, Blood was running down his face." The handsome gifted pair married four months later, on June 16, 1956.
The couple had two children, Frieda in 1960 and Nicholas in 1962. During their time together, the brilliant and tortured Plath mined her own anguish, writing obsessively of her depression, her jealousy, her marriage and her father, the strict, formal professor who had abandoned her by his premature death. Her first book, "The Colossus" was released in 1960. “The Bell Jar” achieved critical acclaim in 1963 for its moving portrayal of a young woman’s life including her emotional breakdown, suicide attempts, psychological treatment and relationships.
During the course of her marriage, Plath's behavior became increasingly more erratic and obsessive. Beset by worry over money, insecurity over her worth as a writer, jealousy over her husband’s friendships with other women, she wrote furiously in her torment. Their relationship suffered tremendously from her fragility and his inability to deal with her roller-coaster emotions. Suspecting her husband of an affair, she gathered all of his papers she could find and burned them in the garden. In 1962, he left her for another woman, Assia Wevill. Just one month after the publication of “The Bell Jar,” on a frigid wintry day in England, she tucked her two small children safely away in their room, set out milk and cookies for them, and put her head in their London flat’s gas oven, ending her life on February 11, 1963. She was just 30 years old. Her last-written poems appeared two years later in "Ariel." In a twist of irony, the poems established Plath as a fiercely original poet who exceeded her husband as an icon in the world of literature. Other collections of her poetry followed, with one in 1981 edited by her husband, Ted Hughes.
Plath’s is the only chart of this group which has been rectified. Her given time of birth (data source at bottom of page) was 2:10 p.m. EST. The true time is closer to four minutes earlier. I used progression of B Asc to harmonic (3rd chart) moon in Pisces for the date of her first suicide attempt, August 21, 1953. Accordingly, it cannot be seen as a confirmation of the new time because it was used to find a possible time. Dates of her marriage, birth of both children, death of her father, being awarded the Fulbright scholarship, and acquisition of the “Yeats flat” were all used to check the new time (shown in Data Acknowledgments, at bottom of page.)
Set (23) is not a schizophrenic set. As an all-charts conjunction of moon to uranus in Pisces in a 3rd house it gives her intuition, creativity, innovativeness, and psychic abilities. It probably sponsored her interest in the occult—astrology and the Ouiji board. (Ted Hughes also had this set). But there is a contradiction between the diffuse, soft nature of Pisces and the penetrating, powerful nature of uranus. As noted earlier, it also promotes periods of feeling a sense of doom or looming disaster. (In Ted’s chart it likely played into his loss by suicide of two wives, with moon in Pisces representing unfortunate women and uranus their sudden change in state). In that sense it contributed to her mental instability. As is shown below, this set plays into her suicide on February 11, 1963. Note again this set puts her uranus on an Angle with C Asc at 27 Sagittarius 51, promoting the need to do something, even something drastic..
Set (23) we have seen before. This harmonic moon at 13 Pisces 18 was specifically generated as a 3rd chart planet. Again, it represents mental suffering, diffuse and bleaks states, and with Sylvia, her “nervous breakdown.”. On the date of her 1st suicide attempt, August 24, 1953, it was joined by progressed C Asc at 13 Pisces 38. Progressed B MC at 9 Sagittarius 54 was in the same set with pb3 mars, ruler of b 3rd house, at 9 Virgo 56. Progressed C MC was at 15 Scorpio 19 in the same set with b neptune at 15 Leo 48 and b3 uranus, ruler of B Asc, at 15 Scorpio 21. The progressed Angle/neptune plus Angle/mars contributed to paranoid schizophrenia. The progressed Angle/uranus in Scorpio contributed to her wish to die. She had a second Angle/mars. Progressed C Asc was at 27 Capricorn 47 in the same set, a bit late, with her b mars, ruler of b 3rd house, at 27 Cancer 26. This latter had been functioning for some months.
Returning to the drawing above, Set (25) includes sun/mercury/mars/uranus/neptune. B3 mars rules B MC and b 3rd house. This set, not on an Angle. is a set promoting paranoid schizophrenia.
From “A Biographical Note” by Lois Ames in the appendix of The Bell Jar we have one of Plath’s comments on her mental life : How did I know that someday—at college, in Europe, somewhere, anywhere—the bell jar, with its stifling distortions, wouldn’t descend again?
For the date of her second, and final suicide attempt (February 11, 1963, in London) her 3rd chart of mind showed a progressions to Angles of Angle/mars/saturn plus Angle/neptune plus another Angle/mars. Summed they show progressed Angle/mars/saturn/neptune—siege conditions as her mental state. Because she was born with a set promoting paranoid schizophrenia, progressions of her Angles to mars and neptune at the time of her death show more propensity to same. Here are the values of her progressions for date of death:
I didn’t see anything in her 1st chart clambering for mention in this paper. Her c sun at 0 Capricorn 21 conjunct c saturn at 1 Capricorn 41 and c mars at 4 Capricorn 15—all in her conception 1st house, an all-charts set, might have something to do with her penchant for blowing really hot (sun/mars) and disturbingly cold (sun/saturn) at times.
We want to look at her 10th chart and her relationship with her mother (as well as her social image and career). The Bell Jar yields us comments from Plath’s heroine (presumably Plath herself) about her mother: My mother was the worst. She never scolded me, but kept begging me, with a sorrowful face, to tell her what she had done wrong. (page 226) “I hate her,” I said [to her therapist, Dr. Nolan] and waited for the blow to fall.(page 227)
It is not unusual for an individual in therapy to hate a parent, at least for a while. But Plath’s 10th chart suggests her mother’s silent martyrdom exacted a heavy toll on Plath.
She had intended to put off publication of The Bell Jar until after her mother’s death so as not to cause unnecessary pain. But, the book, published in England, had such acclaim that news of it reached America where her mother was still very much alive. Here is the set in Plath’s 10th chart which refers to her “mother pain.” It probably both represents her mother as martyr and the pain that caused Sylvia:
Set (26) | C Asc | 27 Sagittarius 51 | ||
c moon | 26 Pisces 25 | |||
c10 pluto | 26 Pisces 31 | |||
b uranus | 27 Pisces 04 | ruler of B Asc | ||
b10 mars | 29 Pisces 11 | ruler of B MC and b 3rd house | ||
c pluto | 27 Gemini 13 | |||
b10 saturn | 28 Gemini 02 | ruler of b 12th house |
Set (26) shows the “death” of her social image and suggests periods experiencing something death-like with her mother. Moon conjunction pluto in Pisces also represents states of deep, compulsive (pluto) suffering (Pisces). Compare this set to the moon/pluto in Pisces set in the chart of Friedrich Nietzsche, who actually exploited his suffering, he believed, to increase his being. Theirs influenced a 4th house and sponsored permanent insanity at the end of life. This set does not influence a 4th. Here is the link: Paper Containing Astrology of Nietzsche and Nijinsky .
Plath’s 10tj chart also gives her a harmonic moon in Pisces, b10 moon at 16 Pisces 56.
Afflicted Pisces sets occurring in 4th, 7th, and 10th charts of mass murderers are laid out in table form in the Discussion part of that paper. Here is that link: Paper About Four Mass Murderers .
Plath, however, had a powerful emotional dependency on as well as anger toward her mother. So, her 10th chart should also contain a strongly positive set.
Writing of poetry shows as Angle/light/mercury/venus/3rd accompanied by a light in Pisces, usually in 7th or 10th charts, sometimes in the 3rd. We have already discussed her lights in Pisces. Here is her poetry set:
Set (27) | C MC | 23 Libra 22 | ||
b10 moon | 25 Libra 56 | |||
b mercury | 27 Libra 10 | ruler of b 5th house | ||
b10 jupiter | 26 Capricorn 50 | |||
b10 pluto | 25 Aries 49 | |||
b10 venus | 28 Aries 19 | |||
c jupiter | 26 Cancer 43 | ruler of C Asc | ||
b mars | 27 Cancer 26 | ruler of B MC and b 3rd house | ||
c10 mercury | 28 Cancer 17 | |||
b10 SN | 28 Cancer 25 |
Even if we do not include C MC in this set—I am a little uncomfortable doing so because everything else is above it in longitude, it influences two Angles.
Set (27) not only shows us Plath’s poetry and writing abilities, it shows her success with them since it shows us a 10th chart golden benefic. In addition, it shows the strong positive part of her relationship with her mother. It may also show the drive contributed by her mother to Sylvia’s very strong need to be the very best, for fame. Mars/jupiter also promotes a drive (mars) for social superiority (jupiter).
In the months before her death Plath was driven to write poem after exceptional poem for the book later published as Ariel. Even at that time, when she probably had some idea her behavior was going to result in feeling completely drained and suicidal, she exulted in the conviction this last work would give her lasting fame.
If we look at this from the point of view of her relationship with her mother, Plath was trying to justify her existence to her mother and herself through her achieved fame. She was simultaneously attempting to establish a lasting relationship with, so to speak, her “cloth mother” because the fame comes with the soft, benevolent aspects.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 43993: American catatonic schizophrenic, unresponsive to normal social situations. He committed suicide by hanging himself 5/16/1967.
The schizophrenic part of this man’s problem is clear enough. Set (28) shows us a harmonic neptune conjunct C MC, without influence to a 3rd house. Note the jupiter in the set does not cancel the schizophrenic indicator.
Set (29) is comprised of sun/moon/mars/uranus/neptune/pluto. C uranus rules C MC, c moon rules c 3rd house, and c3 sun co-rules (25 of 27°) c 3rd house. This set provides the 3rd house lighted neptune influence.
He has another set in this chart. It is not powerful because it lacks influence to an Angle and a 3rd house, but it comes into play on the date of his suicide. Below are its values, along with progressed and return ones:
Set (30) | return MC | 9 Sagittarius 40 | ||
b3 NN | 11 Sagittarius 23 | |||
progressed c moon | 9 Pisces 37 | ruler of c 3rd house | ||
return saturn | 10 Pisces 30 | |||
return3 mars | 10 Gemini 19 | |||
c3 mars | 10 Virgo 51 | |||
b neptune | 10 Virgo 36 | |||
c neptune | 11 Virgo 20 |
Set (30) above starts out a relatively unimportant node/mars/neptune set, without influence to an Angle or 3rd house. At the time he hanged himself it had acquired a moon, making it more potent, and providing a 3rd house influence. The return provided a temporary Angle (plus more mars, and finally, saturn.) With Set (28) and (29), Set (30) gave him a temporary and completely new agitated (mars/saturn) schizophrenic (Angle/node/moon/mars/neptune/3rd) influence.
B saturn ruled his 4th house, and co-ruled (14 of 36°) his birth 3rd house. His progressed b saturn at 27 Gemini 32 was conjunct his c NN at 27 Gemini 02. His progressed c NN at 25 Gemini 31 had progressed conjunction his b saturn at 25 Gemini 10. Finally, with mercury ruling his C Asc (at 17 Gemini 44) and thus acting like a light, his progressed c mercury was at 28 Scorpio 10, while his pc3 mercury was at 20 Pisces 58. Scorpio and Pisces. All of these can promote thoughts that life is at an end and thoughts of dying.
All of the above gives us his schizophrenia along with ample progressions to make his suicide “reasonable,” but it doesn’t show us anything about his catatonia. That, I believe (we have only this one individual as an labeled example), occurs in his 1st chart.. Here it is in chart form.
It is hard to show something that is not there: there is no neptune affliction in this chart. His neptunes here do not influence any Angles or 3rd houses. The two non-harmonic ones around 11 Virgo (values shown above with return) receive b1 NN at 12 Virgo 50, but they are making little impact on his consciousness. Any one could live a sane life with that little 1st chart neptune influence.
Beside that, in this chart his C MC is with mercury and jupiter (shown above)—good, I would think, for solid thinking and optimistic thinking.
The problem is with Set (31). It shows us C Asc in the same set with sun/venus/saturn/pluto, with c1 sun co-ruling (25 of 27°) c 3rd house and b1 venus ruling B Asc, so this set influences two Angles and is on one of them (its most powerful condition). Saturn/pluto is the operative part. The bio stated “unresponsive to normal social situations.” Saturn/pluto is predominant (on an Angle or influencing one) in the 1st and 3rd charts of autistic children. It is predominant in the 7th chart of the one Asperger’s individual we have birth data on.
But, conception saturn in Set (31) was retrograde, therefore moving away from its conjunction to C Asc. Because of that, I would have thought his tendency to sensory lockout would have lessened with age. However, its harmonic in Virgo, also retrograde, is moving toward C Asc as he ages. On the date of his death it was at 17 Virgo 28 in close aspect to C Asc at 17 Gemini 44.
Does it make a difference that those two harmonic plutos in Sagittarius are in b 3rd house, giving him more lighted pluto/b 3rd influence?
43994 has another active saturn/pluto set in this chart. Set (32) includes sun/mercury/saturn/2 pluto (one not shown conjunct the other). C1 mercury rules C Asc and co-rules c 4th house (30 of 36°) C sun co-rules (25 of 27°) c 3rd house. B1 saturn rules b 4th house and co-rules (14 of 36°) b 3rd house. So this set influences an Angle and both 3rd houses. Because mercury also acts like a light and this set therefore includes 2 lights, we could consider Set (32) strong in also promoting sensory disconnect.
Note his B Asc in the same set with b1 uranus at 8 Cancer 23, giving him the forefront Angle/uranus often present at the time of suicide..
C 3rd house is also influenced by his non-harmonic, all-charts conjunction of c moon to mars and uranus (shown above as a part of Set 29) , which also influences an Angle (C MC). Saturn is depressive. Uranus is manic. Saturn says “I can’t.” Uranus says “I can, I will, and I must.”
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on Bremer: American psychotic, an attempted assassin who shot and paralyzed presidential candidate George Wallace on 5/15/1972 at a Laurel, MD shopping center. His diary stressed his sexual frustration and preoccupation with obsessive and masochistic impotence.
After 35 years of incarceration, Bremer was released from prison on November 9, 2007.
I don’t know that Bremer ever received a diagnosis, either. Maybe he did in prison, but not officially in public. We just have to go with what we have.
It takes two sets “summed” to get the lighted neptune influence to an Angle and 3rd house in Bremer’s 3rd chart.
Set (32) is composed of c3 neptune conjunct c3 SN conjunct C Asc in Aries, giving him a harmonic Angle/light/neptune. It has no connection to a 3rd house.
Set (33) shows us a moon/mercury/neptune (that moon is at 15 Capricorn 10) set with mercury ruling c 3rd house, providing a lighted neptune/3rd influence. Return MC at 15 Aries 08 for Laurel, MD where he shot Governor Wallace provided a temporary Angle for it.
His 1st chart shows no significant affliction.
Bremer’s astrology is not strongly schizophrenic.
For the most part, he was sane until the date of the assassination attempt on May 15, 1972. On that date progressed b3 neptune, co-ruler (19 of 36°) b 3rd house at 20 Aries 06 has joined Set (32) giving him a simultaneous Angle/light/neptune/3rd influence. That conjunction of c3 saturn to B Asc (unnumbered in the drawing above) is depressive. In that sense it added to his susceptibility to the warping of reality caused by his neptune sets.
Set (32) is in b 5th house. It might have something to do with Bremer’s sense of impotence since it is similar to a Pisces moon in a 5th house in a mental chart and Bremer’s diary (writing/3rd) was witness to his feelings about it. More serious for Bremer was his lack of a good model for manhood. He may have cared more for his father, but his 4th chart (of real estate, homes, and father model) shows c4 saturn at 19 Pisces 43 opposition B MC at 18 Virgo 39, suggesting his father let him down significantly.
And in his 7th chart of significant others his B Asc in Scorpio square saturn in Leo (shown in the diagram above) acquires b7 mars, ruler of b 5th and 12th houses, at 25 Taurus 16. Angle/mars/saturn/5th in a 7th chart shows trouble both with relationships and sexuality. On the date he shot the governor, it was made more powerful by the progression of b sun, ruler of b 9th house, to 25 Leo 11 and the progression of c mars, co-ruler (18 of 29°) of c 7th house and C Asc (giving him a second influence of Angle/mars/saturn) to 25 Leo 50. The 7th house influence shows his aggression will be aimed at individual others, while the 9th house part shows his capture and arrest (trouble with the law, both malefics/9th).
His 10th chart of social standing shows the infamy he gains through his attempted murder along with his desire to gain it. It contains b10 moon, ruler of b 8th house, at 2 Capricorn 18 conjunct c jupiter (fame, success) at 2 Capricorn 35 in the same set with b10 mars, ruler of b 12, at 3 Libra 41. This forefront set rules C MC at 29 Sagittarius 37, with the mar/jupiter part of it showing desire (mars) for fame. Mars/jupiter also functions as a desire (mars) for the good fortune (jupiter) of money, hence, gambling.
BETTIE MAE PAGE Bettie Page started her career in the summer of 1950, first in cheesecake publications, then as Queen of Bondage, in naughty-but-nice shots and films, mainly between 1953-1954. She "posed" the kinky scenes, for they were not nearly as explicit as today's hard porn. Among her photographic modeling, quite sexy for her day, she did some lesbian-erotic photo shoots. She had a coy come-hither smile, perky posturing and signature jet black bangs. Her saucy visage regularly peered out from the covers of publications such as Titter, Wink and Flirt. There was never hardcore action with Page. Her success was a mixture of next-doorliness with vamp seduction; her eyes were beautiful. She was awarded 6th place in "Glamour Girls", a book by Steve Sullivan with the selection of the 1000 sexiest ladies of the century. She was topped only by Marilyn, Raquel Welch, Jayne Mansfield, Brigitte Bardot and Rita Hayworth. Then, sometime during 1957, Bettie hung up her bikini and ball-gag for good and totally disappeared from public view. Depending on who you wanted to believe, the cult cutie had either found God, committed suicide or, according to one particularly sensational scenario, was rubbed out by the mob for knowing too much. Dead or alive, her whereabouts were such a mystery that Richard Lamparski, author of the of the "Whatever Happened to . ?" series, called Page as the most-asked-about quarry who had ever eluded his stellar dragnet. As the mysterious model's legacy grew in recent years, bits of her bio surfaced. In 1992, reporter Richard Foster struck up a pen pal relationship with Bettie and began to uncover her "lost" years. The one-time "Tennessee Tease" had found a Hell on earth. Slipping into madness later diagnosed as a form of schizophrenia, [italics mine] the former dream queen heard voices, attempted self-mutilation with a hanger and spent the better part of a decade in mental institution bondage. Foster also unearthed what's believed to be the last published photo of Bettie: a haunting 1972 police mug shot taken when the 49-year-old blousy beauty was arrested for stabbing her landlord and his wife. Sadly, this wouldn't be Bettie's last police station photo shoot. Ten years later, the sex kitten-turned-serial psycho would face cop cameras again after stabbing another landlady. In November 2008 she was hospitalized with pneumonia. A few weeks later, still hospitalized she suffered a heart attack and was in a coma until her death on December 11, 2008, age 85, in Los Angeles, CA. Time of birth given for Page was 3:00 a.m., almost assuredly a rounded off number. Because of this uncertainty of birth and a number of planets falling around her C MC at 20 Pisces 37, it seems foolish to try to come to conclusions concerning sets on Angles. Set (34) shows a 2moon/mars/neptune set with influence to B MC through b3 mars, its ruler—a paranoid schizophrenia set. She had a second Angle/neptune set comprised of b moon at 15 Gemini 30 conjunct b pluto at 15 Gemini 35 conjunct c3 neptune, ruler of C MC, at 15 Gemini 35. Neither set above influences a 3rd house. One progression, not dependent on exact Angles, stands out clearly: According to Wikipedia (12/2/2012) Page was institutionalized in a mental hospital in California from some time in 1984 until her release at some time in 1992. From July 1, 1984 to July 1, 1992 her progressed c3 neptune, ruler of her C MC, moved from 26 Gemini 29 to 27 Gemini 52. In the process it approached, conjoined, and then passed beyond her c sun, ruler of her c 3rd house, at 27 Gemini 33. For the duration of the time she was institutionalized she had a progressed schizophrenic light/neptune set with influence to an Angle and 3rd house. Since her b saturn started out retrograde at 21 Virgo 59, it was heading for an opposition to her C MC at 20 Pisces 37. It stationed around 1979 at 19 Virgo 41 when she had her shorter, 18-month institutionalization. Presumably she was out from some time in 1980 to some time in 1984, but during that time saturn had hardly moved at all. In 1984 it was at 19 Virgo 42, and only at 19 Virgo 50 in 1992 when she was again released from the hospital. It would make sense if her C MC were closer to 19 Virgo 41 so it was hit by progressed saturn for both breakdowns. She managed the interim four years on the outside because she did not also have a progressed schizophrenic set. RESEARCH: MEDICAL: SCHIZOPHRENIC 43271 All of the neptunes in this chart fall into the same set and none fall on an Angle. Set (35) is comprised of moon/saturn/4neptune. C moon rules C MC. There is no harmonic neptune/Angle influence, nor is there a lighted neptune/3rd. Set (36), sun conjunct mars in Pisces, is perhaps slightly paranoid, but based on reality so I don’t know that we should call that paranoid. C mars rules c 3rd house while b3 sun co-rules b 7th house. The sun in Pisces is less than ego-oriented. The mars lighted by the sun in Pisces inclines more to a sense of powerlessness and victimization. The very sense itself brings on the people and conditions to fulfill it.. For the approximate midpoint of the month, February 15, 1996, in which this man jumped from a fourth floor in a serious attempt to kill himself, his progressed B Asc was at 7 Aries 26, joining set (35) above and putting it on an Angle. Progressed c3 mercury, ruler of C Asc, at 8 Cancer 07 also joined the set, giving it a second Angular influence. He had, then, a schizophrenic set through progressions. In addition to his progressed astrology for psychosis, this man simply had too much forefront saturn. Note in the drawing above that b saturn, ruler of B Asc in c 4th house at 15 Scorpio 32 started out conjunct B MC at 15 Scorpio 06. So that lighted (by B MC) saturn influences two Angles, and considerably burdens his well-being with depression, lack of success, and loneliness. Return Asc was at 16 Aquarius 18. His 10th chart of mother model showed c10 moon at 16 Leo 20, emphasizing that conjunction of B MC to saturn in Scorpio and telling us his relation to Mom was less than satisfying and probably included considerable rejection. This
chart also gave him a harmonic moon in Pisces at 24 Pisces 42. Continuing with excessive saturn influence and the 4th floor suicide attempt, progressed C MC was at 13 Leo 43 in the same set with c saturn, ruler of c 4th house, at 13 Scorpio 52. Further, progressed c3 saturn, ruler of c 4th house, was at 28 Capricorn 54 conjunct B Asc in c 4th house at 28 Capricorn 48. That’s an awful lot of forefront saturn. The saturn/4th part of him probably helped convince this man his life was over. It makes sense. At least, he wished it was. But it wasn’t. He lived. Finally, turning his thoughts even more toward death, pb3 mercury, ruler of b 8th house, was at 10 Scorpio 01 lighted by pc3 sun at 10 Scorpio 37, with return3 sun at 11 Scorpio 14 and pc3 NN also at 11 Scorpio 14. He has a weak sun/mars/saturn set in his 1st chart which is otherwise not notably afflicted. RESEARCH: MEDICAL: SCHIZOPHRENIC 43996 His mother was a beautiful woman, blind, and his father was a famous one-armed pianist for whom Ravel had composed a special piano concerto. The family was well-to-do, living on the north shore of Long Island. As a child, Paul had feared his austere and domineering Scorpio father who had harsh and Spartan ways. Every morning, Paul was made to swim across the lake along with his one-armed dad, ceasing only when ice made the swim no longer possible. His dad died c. 1960. Charles Emerson and his wife were engaged as companions to Paul through the summer of 1961 for a season of mountain climbing in exchange for an all-expense paid vacation in central Europe. While Paul was in the mountains, the Emersons planned to be not too far away traveling through Germany and Italy. Paul had no history of violence outside of one incident when he had yanked the water facets out of the sink in an act of frustration. He was involved in a perpetual activity of body-building. His pattern was to sleep 'til mid-afternoon, take long nocturnal tramps through the woods and refuse to partake of ordinary meals in a social setting. He had an infuriating habit of disappearing when it was time to catch a train or plane. When questioned, his response was logical; at night he studied the stars; at meal time he was afraid of being poisoned and he could only accept food from a can he saw being opened; and his disappearances were due to his belief that he was being watched continually by hidden TV cameras and the only way to escape is to go somewhere outdoors. He said, "I feel I am the Christ and will be crucified for the sins of the world. I am frightened by this and want to escape." Paul refused to stay with a noted psychiatrist in Austria or at a Jung Clinic in Zurich. Before long the mountain guide refused to allow Paul in his group as his inability to cooperate threw off the entire group. The only way he would take the youth was as a sole climber. They made the mistake of visiting an old companion who had been on the fateful climb of 1957. It brought back the entire trauma to Paul, after which he suddenly decided he no longer cared for his favorite sport. He and Emerson took up tennis and in the evenings, chess, at which Paul was skilled. [italics mine] Note that the biography states this young man’s problems were precipitated by a climbing accident when he was 15. We do not have follow-up biography for more than several years later in his life. He was not committed to a mental hospital. This is a difficult chart to develop the explanation on. For those who want to put in the effort, the work is below. Time of birth was given to the minute, so is likely correct. In Set (37) above we see the closest thing we can come to for a 3rd chart harmonic neptune/Angle. Both the moon and the neptune are below the Angle. That might work okay, but that neptune is progressing away from both. So, if we take this as part of the schizophrenia significator, we consider it a weak one. For the date of the accident (“August, 1957”—I used August 15) that neptune’s progressed position has reached 13 Capricorn 37R. Now it had started to become important to his disease. It was just entering the set created by progressed C Asc at 12 Libra 37 and c moon at 12 Libra 47 (the moon in the set increases the orb for a progression). With c moon ruling C MC, this was a complete progressed harmonic Angle/neptune/light. It did not have 3rd house influence.
This chart also contains a weak light neptune/3rd house influence. I have not even shown it because it is so weak and was apparently not involved in precipitating his paranoia. Paul’s 1st chart does contain a harmonic neptune/Angle. B MC at 9 Scorpio 01 is in the same set with c1 neptune, ruler of c 6th house, at 9 Taurus 26. Aside from the fact it somewhat befuddles his identity, it most probably works as allergic sensitivities, and, along with another set, helps account for his fear of being poisoned. His 1st chart also contain a lighted mars/neptune with influence to a 3rd house (but not an Angle, and not shown here.) If these sets were in his 3rd chart, they would be contributing to paranoid schizophrenia. Here, however, they bespeak a mental attitude, a certain type of sensitivity, but not necessarily a mental pathology. Paul’s 7th chart lacks a harmonic neptune/Angle, but it does contain a set which, if found in his 3rd chart, would be considered contributing to paranoid schizophrenia. Here is the set: With influence to an Angle and both 3rd houses, Set (38) certainly identifies a susceptibility to paranoid thinking.. This chart contains another light/neptune/Angle influence through b SN at 25 Aquarius 36 in the same set with c7 moon, ruler of C MC, at 25 Taurus 07 and c7 neptune at 28 Taurus 22. Do they create his psychotic reaction and its aftermath of paranoia.? So, far I am unwilling to see the schizophrenia significator in a 7th chart, but perhaps it happens. I think this one functions to contribute to his fear and paranoia following the accident, but people experience those things without being found schizophrenic. So, does he have any other astrology which might account for his later paranoid behavior? /p>
Mercury in Scorpio and South Nodes in Scorpio bespeak a tendency to think thoughts of death and other radical transformations. Paul’s b mercury, shown in the drawing above for the 3rd chart, rules b 8th house of death and other transformations, making it even more prone to such thoughts. Since it is in early Scorpio, it also generates harmonics in Scorpio for all three of the charts under consideration as major in contributing to the burden of schizophrenia—his 1st, 3rd, and 7th charts.
Mercury in Pisces suggests thoughts of extreme helplessness. The mind is no longer capable of thinking “constructive, helpful” thoughts. In some one not under duress it is extremely sensitive and somewhat psychic, sort of like an extra, unseen antenna. For the date of the accident we have The lighted mercuries in Scorpio show Paul’s considerable immersion in thoughts of dying during those six hours he was suspended. But I think his progressed conjunction of his B MC to his 1st chart SN in Scorpio (shown above) is the set that tells us why he had trouble recovering from his (decidedly) unpleasant experience. It shows a consciousness from a past life (SN) brought forefront (p B MC). He may have had a really unpleasant death in another lifetime with its memory triggered in this one. The pluto part of it just exaggerated it. He was plunged into it, giving him somewhat the experience that “his worst (unconscious probably ) fears were realized.” He had fallen into a consciousness he wanted never to remember. And he had to stay there mostly for hours. Maybe some one poisoned him and he died a slow, horrible death. His paranoid thoughts certainly imply that it was something some else did to him, not something he did to himself. In a way, the climbing accident echoed that in that he was not the one who precipitated the problem. So, I don’t really see Paul as that schizophrenic. As an event, yes. As a ligelong problem, no. As he re-gained footing in the consciousness of this lifetime, he should have improved considerably. Staying away from mountain climbing seemed a good idea to help do just that. I have no idea at all what in his astrology lent itself to Paul’s considering himself the Christ. I doubt he would have continued with that form of ideation once he regained his footing. Discussion I eliminated beforehand all individuals involved in mass murder which does not at all have to involve schizophrenia. Also eliminated beforehand were individuals involved in violent crimes against their own family. One individual—Homicide 1180 which Astrodatabank listed as paranoid schizophrenic—was thrown out after chart erection (and before I realized he was a mass murderer). There was nothing in his 1st, 3rd, or 7th charts which showed anything resembling the mind-bending experience of schizophrenia or suggested he should have had voices talking to him through the TV. Moreover, his 7th chart astrology was exceptionally fortunate with a conjunction of both venus to jupiter on C Asc and with a node--very powerfully benefic. Yes, we saw even better than that also with Sizemore (it was in all charts), but Sizemore’s astrology was also strong in showing her schizophrenia. And her life turned out well. This man killed his father, mother, and brother and probably is spending the rest of his life in prison. I doubt he had venus and jupiter on Angles in his 7th. Source notes stated “R.E. Dolly says accurate data.” I don’t think so. Originally I identified what I believed the significator(s) for schizophrenia on a number of charts years ago. But in 2002 all my hard copies of charts were destroyed. It has taken me until this year to get back to replicating work which could replace it. All the charts viewed in this paper presented significators for either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder except the last, which was questionable, at least from the point of view of insufficient or very weak 3rd chart significators. I cannot be sure, however, that his much stronger Angle/light/mars/neptune/3rd significator in his 7th chart did not function to produce schizophrenia or at least something looking like it. But I have seen plenty of light/mars/neptune (not necessarily with 3rd house influence) in the 7th chart. It did not produce schizophrenia. Fears and quirks, yes, but loss of mind, no. Bibliography Data Acknowledgments
Bettie Page
Picture from
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on Page: American Beauty Queen and model, the pan ultimate pin-up babe. The daughter of an auto mechanic and a housewife, she was the second of six kids. In high school she was the co-editor of the school paper and voted "The girl most likely to succeed."
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 43271: American male diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder [italics mine]. He had countless suicide attempts, including one in January or February 1996, when he jumped off a four-story building. He suffered two fractured legs and spinal damage, but the doctors were able to prevent paralysis with immediate surgery. He still has a limp from that incident. He's also developed into a compulsive gambler, which he may use to medicate his schizophrenia and depression. He never married. His mom was an alcoholic who eventually sobered up and his dad is also a compulsive gambler.
Astrodatabank has the following biographic material on 4399b: American schizophrenic whose dementia began at age 15 after a harrowing experience on a mountain climbing expedition mid-August 1957. [italics mine] He was left hanging, suspended from a guide rope between the expedition leader below and a companion above when the leader lost his footing and fell from the ledge. Help arrived six hours later after the two had abandoned all hope of rescue. Shortly after this misadventure, Paul's parents began to notice odd behavior patterns.
Set (38) b7 neptune 21 Gemini 02 c7 mars 19 Virgo 30 ruler of c 3rd and 8th house, co-ruler c 7th b7 SN 20 Virgo 25 c7 saturn 17 Sagittarius 58 ruler of c 4th house c7 jupiter 19 Sagittarius 14 co-ruler (30 of 34°) of c 3rd house b mars 19 Pisces 43 ruler of B MC and b 3rd house
All of the birth data for schizophrenics in this study were taken from the Astrodatabank collection of same. Only those in categories AA, A, or B were used. I would like to have included some, for instance two English kings, but no longer have an ephemeris which covers those earlier years.
Rough Blazing Star
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Originally published New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1971. The 25th Anniversary Edition (1996) by Harper Collins, Publishers.
Letters following the name show Rodden rating for reliability of birth time. As memory serves me, (AA) means verified by birth record on hand, (A) means something similar but slightly less reliable, B means from a biography, C means reasonably okay but not from verified public records, (DD) stands for "dirty data," i.e., not at all verified or verifiable, therefore unreliable. In order of presentation in the paper:
(AA) Chris Costner Sizemore
Birth: 4/4/1927, 3:00 p.m. EST, Colliers, SC. From LMR quotes her by letter, 4/3/78, from her birth certificate.
Conception:6/26/1926, 5:14:15 a.m. EST, Colliers, SC.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenia 43995 (AA)
Birth: 8/10/1957, 4:55 a.m. EDT, New York, New York. From Charles Emerson quotes B.C. in “The Astrology of Schizophrenia,” article in an NCGR Journal, copy in hand undated. Given as Case No. 3.
Conception:10/30/1956, 4:28:20 p.m. EST, New York, NY.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenic 49982 (A)
Birth: 11/13/1958, 5:30 a.m. EST, Washington, D.C. From John Cook quotes the person’s mother as the individual was a friend’s son.
Conception:1/30/1958, 5:11:39 p.m. EST, Washington, D.C.
Nancy Laura Spungen (B)
Birth: 2/27/1958, 6:52 a.m. EST, Philadelphia, PA. From Carolyn Caufman in MH 5/1984 quotes Spungen’s mother’s biography And I Don’t Want to Live This Life.
Conception:5/19/1957, 10:46:06 a.m. EST, Philadelphia, PA.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenic 43993 (AA)
Birth: 10/05/1928, 11:30 p.m. EST, Detroit, MI. From Charles Emerson quotes B.C. in “The Astrology of Schizophrenia,” article in an NCGR journal, copy in hand undated. Given as Case No. 1.
Conception:12/25/1927, 5:53:20 a.m. EST, Detroit, MI.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenic 43268 (AA)
Birth: 4/251945, 5:30 p.m. CWT, Chicago, IL. From LMR quotes a colleague, given on the web (ACT) 9/2001, stated as B.C. in hand.
Conception:7/17/1944, 9:23:19 p.m. CWT, Chicago, IL.
David Berkowitz (AA)
Birth: 6/01/1953, 4:52 p.m. EDT, Brooklyn, NY. From Copy of hospital records in hand, Victoria Shaw.
Conception:8/24/1952, 2:30:41 a.m. EDT, Brooklyn, NY.
Sylvia Plath (A)
Birth: 10/274/1932, 2:10 p.m. EST, Boston, MA. This chart was rectified by me to 2:06 p.m. EST. Original time from R.H. Oliver quotes AA 10/1977, from her mother. (PC gives same data as B.C., Massachusetts certificates did not record time on birth certificates. before 1940.) These data give an ASC of 29 Aquarius; Hughes in his letters refers to "that day's Sun in the Fish conjunct your Ascendant exactly opposite my Neptune," with his Neptune at 3 Virgo.
Conception:1/15/1932, 7:08:02 a.m. EST, Boston, MA.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenic 43994 (AA)
Birth: 8/13/1945, 12:52 p.m. EWT, Jackson, MI. From Charles Emerson quotes B.C in “The Astrology of Schizophrenia,” article in an NCGR Journal, copy in hand undated. Given as Case No.2.
Conception:11/02/1944, 10:09:16 p.m. EWT, Jackson, MI.
Arthur Bremer (B)
Birth: 8/21/1950, 2:40 p.m. CST, Milwaukee, WI. From LMR quotes his autobiography, Assassin’s Diary, Harper Press, 1973.
Conception:11/10/1949, 4:14:48 p.m. CST, Milwaukee, WI.
Bettie Mae Page (B)
Birth: 4/22/1923, 3:00 a.m. CST, Nashville, TN. From Marcello Borges quotes the biography, "Bettie Page, The Life of a Pinup Legend." Biography: Richard Foster, "The Real Bettie Page: The Truth About the Queen of the Pinups," Birch Lane Press, 1997.
Conception:7/14/1922, 5:13:32 a.m. CST, Nashville, TN.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenic 43271 (A)
Birth: 10/01/1957, 4:45 p.m. EDT, New York, New York. From Kim Bushell on the web (ACT) 8/2001, private case known to her.
Conception:12/20/1956, 2:00:59 a.m. EST, New York, NY.
Research: Medical: Schizophrenic 43996 (AA)
Birth: 11/301941, 11:23 a.m. EST, New York, NY. From Charles Emerson quotes B.C. in The Astrology of Schizophrenia, article in an NCGR Journal, copy in hand undated.
Conception:2/16/1941, 10:06:26 p.m. EST, New York, NY.
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