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Actual Values of Styron’s Astrology for June 1, 1985

Here are actual values for that date. Keep in mind that Styron’s chart is not rectified, and time of birth was given as 10:15 p.m., likely an approximate time. So, I allow a little greater orbs. :

B Asc11 Capricorn 07
b SN11 Capricorn 53
pc saturn12 Libra 07
pB Asc12 Aries 53

Both pc saturn to B Asc and progressed B Asc to pc saturn are a bit “late” (that is, they were more powerful earlier), but that node in the set plus the two Angles (which in progressions provide a “light “ of about 1°, no more, but augment each other) increases acceptable orb. So this set had been working its destruction for a while before we come to his next set:

b7 mercury5 Libra 07
c saturn5 Libra 17
b7 mars 5 Libra 57ruler of B MC and b 3rd house
b7 jupiter 5 Aries 08
c7 neptune 4 Cancer 55
pC Asc5 Libra 17

Before the progressed C Asc enters the above set, it has mental significance because it rules both an Angle and a 3rd house (=7). Were it not for the mercury and jupiter in the set, it would have contributed to schizophrenia in Styron, though that is always strongest when actual (usually harmonic) neptune is also on an Angle in the 3rd chart. But that mercury contributes to the ability to anchor one’s ideation by thinking instead of just going with every fantastic mental representation. And the jupiter adds buoyancy, optimism. So this set contributed to Styron’s creative writing.

Nonetheless, when pc Asc moved into the set by conjuncting mercury and saturn it put saturn on an Angle when it previously had not been, so it upped the quantity of Angle/saturn Styron experienced. Since mercury also stands for mind, this set has mental implications even had it not influenced a 3rd house.

Another set, not discussed in the paper, contributes.

c7 moon14 Aries 57
b saturn14 Libra 38Rruler of B Asc

Since b saturn rules B Asc, the above set adds a lighted saturn set with influence to an Angle to Styron’s natal astrology. But that saturn is retrograde, so let’s see what happened to it. It stayed retrograde until Styron was about 30 years old at which time it turned direct at 13 Libra 56. By June 1, 1985 it had returned to 14 Libra 40, once again in a close set with c7 moon and adding a lighted saturn influence to Styron’s astrology. One might think it is identical with the original set, but it is not. It is a new, progressed set. Progressing saturn could have been anywhere, but instead it had re-entered the original set, therefore, it added to its implications, but it had been in place for a while and would stay in place (that is, effective for adding to depression) for the nine months of Styron's clinical depression and beyond. Therefore, it added to the condition, but did not create it by timing.

Progressing c7 venus, ruler of c 3rd house, was about to enter the set. It was at 2 Cancer 56 (but moved to 10 Cancer 55 by nine months later.) It played a part by adding the 3rd house to the influence of the above set for a while, but it had nothing to do with the duration of Styron’s clinical depression.

I am writing this appendix in August of 2013, so I know a lot more than I did when I originally posted the Styron paper. It still holds up, but now I would have preferred progressions for the 3rd chart were added to the evaluation.

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