When this paper was written, I had only the minimum significator, now called the first part of the significator for male homosexuality. Since then I found charts of definitely heterosexual males who also had the first part of the significator. Further examination of the fifty charts for homosexual men (link to paper below) yielded a "second part of the significator." It occurs in the charts of homosexual, but not of heterosexual males. Thus, a male with only the first part of the significator for homosexuality is heterosexual, not homosexual. I have added discussion of the second part of the significator in purple, below, for the boy child of this twin set.
As I have stated in other twin papers, twin births are especially useful to this astrology. Why? Parents of twins usually know before birth they are having twins, so they pay especial attention to birth time. They do so because later those time differences are a conversation piece as well as forming part of the identity of the twins. So, birth time for twins is likely correct to the minute and the charts cast from them are also close to exact. Comparisons made between them are then based on correct astrology. That means twin births are especially good for testing a major principle of this astrological method, that planets on (≤2° orb) Angles are of primary importance in describing all our lives.
When one twin has a different sign on an Angle, their births are also useful for demonstrating the principle that astrological sets (aspects) ruling an Angle are of far more importance than those which do not.
Examples of this are shown in the samples below and in all of the twin papers on this site.
This is another short paper in a series about twins. These twins—a boy and a girl—were born only two minutes apart. Two minutes is not enough of a time difference—at least for our subject under investigation—to make any appreciable difference in their charts. So, only one chart is shown in this paper, their harmonic chart for their 7th house. We are going to use it to demonstrate why, astrologically, as adults she is heterosexual and he is gay.
Biographical data on these twins was slim. For Twin No. 1 (the female), Astrodatabank simply stated “American first-born fraternal twin, a heterosexual female.” Twin No. 2 (the male) contained the following information, “American second-born fraternal twin, a homosexual male.” The full ADB tag for Twin 1 is “Research: Twins 1958/7/16, No. 1, 13306.” That for Twin No. 2 is “Research: Twins 1958/7/16, No. 2, 13307.”
I have written another paper illustrating the difference in astrology between two female twins, one of whom is heterosexual, and the other lesbian. Here is its link: One Twin Healthy, Employed, and Heterosexual ; One Twin Sickly, Under-employed, and Lesbian
I have also written other papers on twins with the goal of identifying the differences in their astrology which accounted for the differences in their experienecs. Below are links to each of them :
One Twin Normal, Other Twin RetardedSince I wrote this paper I completed and wrote a study on homosexuality as it occurs in the charts of fifty men. The link to that paper is: Paper on Fifty Homosexual Males
In addition papers are now available on the astrology of bisexuality and lesbianism. These are their links: Paper on Lesbianism, Paper on Bisexuality and Modification of the Significators for Same Sex Attractions. And Addendum to Paper on Bisexuality--17 More Charts
That paper on the significators for homosexuality should be read before this one. However, I will state them here briefly. The minimum astrological significators for male homosexuality include lighted mars/neptune with influence to a 5th house and an Angle. This set occurs primarily in 1st, 5th, and/or 7th charts, but can validly occur in other charts. For an example of the latter, refer to the chart of John E. Boswell in the paper on homosexuality. His significators meaningfully occur in his 9th chart.
Below is a short summary of the areas of life covered by the two main charts involved in identifying homosexuality:
The 5th chart,, which, like the 5th house in a traditional chart, includes information about (1) the individual’s sexuality, and (2) their procreative capacity.
The 7th chart, the main chart of this method, contains a great deal of information about our lives. Theoretically, it is concerned only with matters pertaining to the 7th house, such as our relations with significant others, including marriage and business partners and close friends. But, it also has a 5th house within the chart which gives us information about the individuals’ sexuality and procreative capacities.
Before looking at the charts, I want to make available information about this astrological method:
This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (see Home Page), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. The set is more active if it contains a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” House overlaps play an important part in this astrology as investigation of the charts below (and in other papers) will show. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to this site’s papers entitled “About This Method” as well as the one entitled "Chart Reading Rules." There is also a link to the method paper at the bottom of every paper.
About This Method
Chart Reading Rules
In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.
Now we can look at the 7th chart for this set of twins.
B MC | B Asc | C MC | C Asc | |
Twin No. 1 (Heterosexual Female) | 18 Sagittarius 25 | 29 Pisces 56 | 5 Virgo 40 | 15 Scorpio 36 |
Twin No. 2 (Homosexual Male) | 18 Sagittarius 53 | 0 Aries 47 | 6 Virgo 13 | 16 Scorpio 11 |
The difference in their respective Angles separates some of their “similar” experiences by about 6 months because secondary progressions move an MC about 5’ per month. Half a degree, or 30’ difference, then, comes out to a time delay 6 months.
Here we are not really interested in that 6-month delay. We are interested in the fact that Twin 1 (the female, heterosexual) has her B Asc at 29 Pisces 56, ruled by neptune, while Twin No. 2 (the male, homosexual) has his B Asc at 0 Aries 47, ruled by mars. (Pisces is a “fast moving” Angle, so the change is relatively great for just two minutes’ difference.)
The Angles in the above chart are for Twin No. 1, the female. For our purposes, all the rest of their data is identical. The male's B Asc is shown in parenthesis in the middle of the chart.
Set (1) above is deceptively simple. It shows a conjunction of b mars with b South Node with c7 neptune in Aries in 1st/5th (that is, in overlapping b 1st and c 5th houses). Twin No. 2's (homosexual) conception 5th house cusp starts at 5 Aries. Once a set gets that close to the cusp of the next house, especially since this one contains a light (the SN), it is considered to be in the next house.
That overlap constitutes its 5th influence, that is, c 5th house contains lighted mars/neptune.
Twin No. 1 (heterosexual) has B Asc in Pisces which has no rulers in Set (1) (The neptune in the set is conception harmonic neptune, so it does not rule birth Ascendant.
Twin No. 2 (homosexual) has B Asc in Aries, which is ruled by the b mars in c 5th house.
Therefore, for the male this set shows lighted mars/neptune influencing a 5th house and an Angle, the minimum significators, (now called the first part of the significator), for homosexuality.
Here is the second part of the significator--an Angle/mars/7th set in which mars represents male, Angle represents "must be," (we all have to experience that which is directly on an Angle) and 7th represents partner. This second part must occur in one of three charts: (1) the chart containing the first part of the significator (if different from the 5th or 7th chart), or (2) the 5th chart, or (3), the 7th chart. This one occurs in the 7th chart:
The heterosexual female also has lighted mars/neptune in c 5th house/ b 1st. What does it imply for her? It shows that she has crazy (neptune) experiences in her attractions (neptune) to men (mars) in regard to sexuality (5th house). Her set, however, does not influence an Angle and therefore is less powerful than that of her brother because it is in the background. Nonetheless, it is enough to bring her some powerfully odd sexual encounters, including requests from partners for sexual activities she finds repugnant.
Even, however, had her Set (1) also influenced an Angle, it would not have produced homosexuality in her because Angle/mars/neptune/5th.(7th) is the significator for male homosexuality. Angle/venus/neptune/5th/(7th) is the significator for lesbianism. It would be interesting to see that in Set (1) to see if the male was straight and the female a lesbian.
The 1st/5th overlap for both these individuals shows a childhood (1st) sexualized (5th) in some way, likely unpleasant or strange (SN). Both could have been molested or at least introduced to sex before they reached sexual maturity themselves.
A similar "deceptively simple" homosexual set occurs in the 7th chart an internationally renowned American journalist. Here is what Wikipedia had to say about his homosexuality on August 25, 2010:
"Independent news media have reported that [male X] is gay, and in May 2007, Out Magazine ranked him second behind David Geffen in its list of the fifty 'most powerful gay men and women in American.'" Since, however, this gentleman never discusses his private life, citing the need for neutrality as a journalist, I have refrained from printing his name here. Here is the link to his chart:
An Example of Homosexual Significators Similar to the One AboveConclusion
Twin No. 2, the homosexual male, can be separated from his heterosexual sister because his chart contains all the significators for male homosexuality—lighted mars/neptune influencing 5th houses and an Angle in either 5th or 7th charts.
Both he and his sister have “crazy” (neptune) experiences with regard to sexuality (5th house) with men because both have mars, the significator for male, in their 5th house. However, her experiences stand out as abnormal relative to an idealized standard of sexual experiences for women with male partners. His experience, once he grows up and becomes actively gay, become normal for a homosexual male.
Homosexual males, but not lesbians, were astrologically susceptible to AIDS because the primary significator for the former is mars/neptune, while for the latter it is venus/neptune. Mars/neptune also plays the part of significator in many inflammatory or immune system diseases, including asthma, cancer, and AIDS.
Along the same lines of separating the possible from the probable, the young males who have Angle/light/mars/neptune/5th influence with influence to a 1st house either through a ruler, or through a 1st/5th overlap, or through a 1st chart significator, likely experience sex in childhood with an adult male. They are, then, apparently “turned” by their early childhood molestation to adult homosexuality (in adulthood their significator still influences a 5th house and an Angle). It is possible for a male child to be molested because of a progression of an Angle to a significator which itself lacks influence to an Angle. Then he would be molested, but it would not influence him toward homosexuality as an adult (the significator lacks influence to an Angle).
Data Acknowledgments
Letters following each name show the Rodden rating for data reliability.
Twin No. 1 (Female, Heterosexual) (A)
Birth: 7/16/1958, 12:05 a.m. EDT, Boston, MA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Stella Bruno quotes case in MH, 1/1982.
Conception:10/06/1957, 11:43:27 a.m. EDT, Boston, MA.
Twin No. 2 (Male, Homosexual) (A)
Birth: 7/16/1958, 12:07 a.m. EDT, Boston, MA. From
Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Stella Bruno quotes case in MH, 1/1982.
Conception:10/06/1957, 11:45:31 a.m. EDT, Boston, MA.
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