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by Jane Hodges,
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First Paper on One Twin Retarded, the Other Not

Twin Differences
One Twin Normal
One Twin Retarded
Example II
by Sandra Weidner

As I have stated in other twin papers, twin births are especially useful to this astrology. Why? Parents of twins usually know before birth they are having twins, so they pay especial attention to birth time. They do so because later those time differences are a conversation piece as well as forming part of the identity of the twins. So, birth time for twins is likely correct to the minute and the charts cast from them are also close to exact. Comparisons made between them are then based on correct astrology. That means twin births are especially good for testing a major principle of this astrological method, that planets on (≤2° orb) Angles are of primary importance in describing all our lives.

When one twin has a different sign on an Angle, their births are also useful for demonstrating the principle that astrological sets (aspects) ruling an Angle are of far more importance than those which do not.

Examples of this are shown in the samples below and in all of the twin papers on this site.

This is the second short paper about differentiating between a normal and a retarded twin. It consists of three each of their partial charts (we all have twelve total) demonstrating their astrology for twins born twenty minutes apart. We do not know their gender. The first-born twin was normal, while the second-born one was retarded.

I would have been happy to include a more politically correct and potentially less painful label for the retarded twin, but have never found one that would limit itself to the condition we have all known previously as "retarded." I will not use "mentally challenged" because people with all kinds of mental problems are challenged, and, indeed, most of us are mentally challenged in one way or another. So, I have kept the label "retarded"--at least we all know what that means.

Biographical data was slim. For twin No. 2 (20453), the retarded twin, Astrodatabank had:
American twins, the second born. Severely retarded, hydro encephalic, subject to seizures. Verbal and funny, but some fine motor limitation. Able to dress and tend to self but no academic skills. Died 10/24/78 after a five-day coma from drowning.

For twin No. 1 (20452), the normal twin, Astrodatabank had:
American twins, the first born. Became a painter and pot smoker, bright, insightful, an astrology student. Their mom had toxemia during pregnancy.

I have written other papers on twins with the goal of identifying the differences in their astrology which accounted for the differences in their experiences. Below are links to each of them :

Boy Twin Homosexual, Girl Twin Straight
One Twin Retarded, the Other Normal (Showing a Different Reason Than This Paper For Why One Twin Was Not Retarded, Born 20' Apart)
One Twin Healthy, One with Myasthenia Gravis
One Twin Accidental Death As Toddler, Other Twin Lived
Boy Twin Autistic; His Sister Normal
One Twin Healthy, Heterosexual, and Employed. Other Twin is Sickly, Lesbian, and Under-Employed
One Twin Died at Ten Hours, Other Twin Died After One Day
One Twin Easy-Going, Open, The Other Twin Hard-Driving, Closed
One Twin Killed by Neighbor's Car in Driveway, The Other Twin Missed By a Few Feet
One Twin Drowned, The Other Did Not
Twin Differences: The Male Twin Died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the Female Lived
Twin Differences: One Twin Died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the Other Twin Lived
Twin Differences: The Silent Twins, June and Jennifer Gibbons
One Twin Has the "Explorer Gene," The Other Does not

I have already discussed astrological significators for mental retardation in my paper “Mental Retardation and Astrology’s Classic Malefics, Mars and Saturn.” That paper should be read before this one. Here is the link: Main Paper on the Astrology of Mental Retardation

Briefly here, astrological significators found so far for mental retardation involve light/mars/saturn with influence a 3rd house and an Angle in the 1st and 3rd charts of childhood and mind, respectively. There may be other supporting astrology, but these are the main ones.

In all the papers on twin differences, I have also included the 7th chart in the analysis. It is not one of the charts containing the significator for retardation, but its different interpretations for the normal and the challenged twin are interesting.

Below is a short summary of the areas of life covered by the three charts involved :

The 1st chart is a chart which describes the identity we formed in childhood somewhat in answer to the question "who are you?" independent of others. It also contains somatic consequences of our identity-—allergies and asthma, for two examples. The tendency to alcoholism also shows very strongly in this chart.
The 3rd chart shows intellectual talents and inclinations as well as various brain and mental pathologies.
The 7th chart, the main chart of this method, contains a great deal of information about our lives. Theoretically, it is concerned only with matters pertaining to the 7th house—our relations with significant others, including marriage, business partners, and close friends. However, in fact it contains information about just about every aspect of our life, including health, finances, death, career, talents, children. and so on. It just doesn't contain all the information on these subjects.

Before looking at the charts, I want to make available information about this astrological method:

This astrology uses the sidereal positions of the planets based on the Fagan-Bradley’s SVP.
Harmonics are taken from the sidereal position of the planets. The Egyptian harmonic, discussed in the paper “About This Method” (see Home Page), is used.
”Lights” include suns, moons, and moons nodes.
This method uses only conjunctions, applying and separating squares, and oppositions. Orbs for planets with lights is 5°; without lights, about 2.5°. Orb for MC/planet or Asc/planet is 2°. Planets so related to each other are referred to as in the same “set.” A set, then, is two or more planets (or an Angle) connected to each other through conjunction, square, and opposition within the defined orbs. The set is more active if it contains a light, and less active without one. Learning to look in terms of “crosses” can be helpful in rapidly finding planets that are in the same set.
Because this approach uses both a birth and conception chart and they share the same axis, birth houses usually overlap different houses of the conception chart. These are called “house overlaps.” House overlaps play an important part in this astrology as investigation of the charts below (and in other papers) will show. Throughout this paper I use the convention when writing about house overlaps of putting the birth house first, then the conception house. So, for instance, a “5th/1st” overlap refers to an overlap of birth 5th house with conception 1st house in that order.
Birth planets (including their harmonics) rule only birth houses. Conception planets (including their harmonics) rule only conception houses.
For a more thorough explanation of this astrological approach, refer to this site’s papers entitled “About This Method” as well as the one entitled "Chart Reading Rules." There is also a link to the method paper at the bottom of every paper.
About This Method
Chart Reading Rules

In the partial charts shown below, birth planets and their harmonics are inside the circle. Conception planets and their harmonics are outside the circle. Conception sidereal planets are red; conception harmonic ones, black. Birth sidereal planets are blue; birth harmonic ones, green. Occasionally, because of space limitations, I have had to violate this inside/outside arrangement, but the color coding remain constant.
Abbreviations used are b = birth, c = conception, and t = transiting. Even though the harmonic used for each chart is always two more than the chart’s number, in these papers I write the harmonic number the same as the chart number. For example, the 5th chart uses the 7th harmonic, but I have established the convention of writing harmonic planets for the 5th chart as, e.g., c5 mars, which reads, “the harmonic for the 5th chart for conception mars.

Now we can look at those charts.

The Twins, Their Charts
Twenty minutes difference in birth time produces a rather large difference in Angles, about five degrees. With this astrological method planets "on Angles" are primary in defining the individual's life. A planet is considered on an Angle when within 2° of conjunction, square, or opposition it. So with these twins we immediately know they will have different planets on Angles (if there are any planets on Angles) and that immediately suggests differences in their lives.

Next in importance and power to planets on Angles are planets with lights in the same set which "influence Angles." The lights are necessary because unless a planet is on an Angle, it needs a light to "develop" its meaning, literally so-to-speak, to light it up. The set it is in influences an Angle if one of the planets therein rules that Angle.

With birth times 20 minutes apart, we are not only sure the twins have different planets on Angles (if any), but there is a good chance they will have different signs on some of their Angles. Different signs means different rulers. Some will influence Angles, some will not.

Below I include partial charts for each twin under each chart heading. The chart for the retarded twin, Twin No. 2, always comes first. My comments on their astrological differences occur each time following the presentation of both charts. In the heading for each chart I have also included the labels “retarded” or “normal,” to make sure we do not confuse them.

Twin No. 2, Retarded
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House of Childhood and Certain Somatic Problems

Placidus: c11—14Lib, c12—6Sco, c2—1Cap, c3—11Aqu b11—15Sag, b12—8Cap, b2—30Pis, b3—1Tau

Twin No. 1, Normal
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 1st House of Childhood and Certain Somatic Problems

Placidus: c11—8Lib, c12—1Sco, c2—25Sag, c3—5Aqu b11—10Sag, b12—3Cap, b2—23Pis, b3—25Ari

Set (1) and Set (3), for the retarded and normal twin, respectively, are nearly identical. They show node/mars/saturn/neptune. Set (1) influences B MC through b mars, and influences B Asc in c 3rd house through b uranus, ruler of B Asc. For twin No. 1, the normal twin, this set also influences b 3rd house through b mars.

That is, this retarded set is actually a bit stronger in the chart of the normal twin.

Set (2) and Set (4), for the retarded and normal twin, respectively, is weaker (the orb to mars is large, but there are two lights involved) than the first pair of sets, but still functional and nearly identical for both twins. B3 moon shows the biggest difference, 36’. These two sets show sun/moon/mars/saturn/uranus. It influences B Asc and b 3rd house through b1 uranus, ruler of B Asc in b 3rd house (in both charts). It also influences C Asc through c1 mars, ruler of C Asc.

I have not given a set number to the condition in the normal twin’s chart shown by C Asc/mercury/mars (where b mars rules b 3rd house)—a condition showing a vigorous (mars) mentality (mercury/Angle), just the opposite of retarded. (For one thing, it occurs often in the 7th chart of litigating lawyers…) We will look at that set again in both the 3rd and 7th charts.

So far, our charts are showing both twins as retarded, but there is some question about the weight of the normal twin’s Asc/mercury/mars. Does it mitigate against mental retardation?

What do their 3rd charts look like? Both retarded again?

Twin No. 2, Retarded
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd House of Mind

Placidus: c11—14Lib, c12—6Sco, c2—1Cap, c3—11Aqu b11—15Sag, b12—8Cap, b2—30Pis, b3—1Tau

Twin No. 1, Normal
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 3rd House of Mind

Placidus: c11—8Lib, c12—1Sco, c2—25Sag, c3—5Aqu b11—10Sag, b12—3Cap, b2—23Pis, b3—25Ari

Set (5) and Set (7) for the retarded and the normal twin, respectively, are, again, nearly identical. For all practical purposes, they are identical. But their influences vary. They show sun/mercury/mars/saturn/saturn/neptune, with influence to B MC for both twins through b mars, its ruler. It also influences b 3rd house of the normal twin through b mars. The whole set does not influence b 3rd for the retarded twin, who has Taurus on the cusp of his b 3rd. In order for this set to influence a 3rd, it would have to (1) have b uranus, ruler of B Asc in c 3rd house, in the set, or (2) have c uranus, ruler of c 3rd house, in the set. Best we can say about this set for the retarded twin is that the Asc/mars part of it falls in c 3rd house.

Both sets also influence C MC through c mercury, its ruler.

In their respective charts, these two sets influence two Angles. For the retarded twin, the set also influences B Asc because B Asc is part of the set.

So, for these nearly identical sets, the normal twin has its influence to a 3rd house within the chart while the retarded one does not. But for the normal twin it influences only two Angles, while influencing three Angles for the retarded twin.

As far as I am concerned, these sets in each chart are quite sufficient to astrologically declare both twins retarded.

But Twin No. 1 is not retarded. So, what other influences can we find that might make that reasonable?

The normal, bright twin has an Angle/mercury/mars, an all-charts phenomenon because it contains no harmonics, and is an astrological statement of a “vigorous (mars) mentality Mercury/Angle).” The retarded twin does not have this. His mercury/mars, which are in the same degrees as his brother, does not fall on an Angle because his birth was later.

By having mercury/mars on an Angle the normal twin's astrology symbolically states something like this: "these planets, being on an Angle will manifest in the life of the individual as an aggressive, vigorous (mars) intellect (mercury)." Because mercury already stands for intellect, I would think influence to the 3rd house unnecessary, but here b mars rules b 3rd house.

The reader is not as acquainted with this form of astrology as I am. The above difference of one twin being retarded while the other is not occurs because the non-retarded twin has mercury on an Angle in the 3rd chart. That mercury (the planet of speech, intellect, and communication) acts as an anti-significator for the retardation. Comparing that to genetics, we could say that Angular mercury turns off a perfectly good set which normally implies retardation. The other, retarded twin has no such anti-significator on an Angle, where it must be to act as an anti-significator, so the set produces retardation.

The case is different in the other example on this site (link at top of page) of one twin being retarded while the other is not. There the "retarded set" of the twin who is not retarded lacks influence both to an Angle and a 3rd house (in the 3rd chart), while the retarded twin's chart has both. Comparing it to genetics, we could say to the retarded twin has his retarded set "turned on," while it is turned off (not a strong enough influence, not Angular, not influencing a 3rd house) for his twin sister.

Another way that twin differences can show up is through sex-linking. The only example I have of that is with one twin autistic, while his sister is not. Autism occurs more frequently in boys than in girls, and for this set of twins, the "autistic signficator" contains the sun as the only light. Sun is male, and so the set works for the male twin while it does not for the non-autistic, female twin. Autism/non-autism between twins can also occur when one twin's autistic significator has the proper influence to an Angle or 3rd house (usually in the 3rd chart), while the other twin's significator does not. When this occurs it accounts for the fact that autism only occurs more frequently, but not exclusively, among males. Here is that link: One Twin Autistic, His Sister is Not

In this, the 3rd chart, we have two more interesting differences. Shown in Set (8), the normal twin has b3 uranus conjunct B Asc in c 3rd house. This is again an astrological statement of high intelligence (uranus/3rd) . It is even in Aquarius, a sign highly correlated with astrology, and our biographical data states he studied astrology. (In fact, uranus, considered by many astrologers a higher octave of mercury, on an Angle either in a 3rd chart or on an Angle in a 3rd house within a 3rd chart may be an anti-significator for retardation, and even various other mind pathologies. Right now we do not have any more examples. That would make it a second anti-significator (or canceller) for retardation, the two being either mercury or uranus on an Angle in a 3rd chart.)

Compare that to the fact that the retarded twin has b3 mercury in Pisces on an Angle with C MC. This is shown in Set (6). While an Angle/mercury-in-Pisces does not necessarily show lower intelligence in a 7th chart, in the 3rd chart, it begins to imply it. For the former it shows a psychic sensitivity, something the individual can carry because his intelligence is already established in his 1st and 3rd chart. For the latter, it shows a brain/intelligence muddle because it occurs in one of the two (and the stronger of the two) charts showing the formation of intelligence. Mercury as ruler of both Gemini and Virgo demonstrates itself involved in collections of facts (Gemini) and detail/significances (Virgo). Mercury in Pisces places mercury, symbol for intellect, detail, and discrimination in a sign notorious for its fogginess with regard to each of these qualities.

I have often wondered which was the stronger, influence to an Angle through a ruler, or the same influence through the same planets being on an Angle. Here, for the normal twin, we have sets which influence Angles which say “retarded,” but sets on Angles which say “bright.” Bright won out.

Of course, one could question, had not the retarded twin mercury in Pisces on an Angle, would his retardation have won out? Yes, it would have because he had nothing in his 1st and 3rd charts which contradicted strongly enough his Angle-influencing sets which spelled out retardation. Plenty of children are retarded who do not even have mercury in Pisces in their 3rd charts. It is not a deciding factor.

Let’s see what their 7th charts contribute.

Twin No. 2, Retarded
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House of Relations to Significant Others

Placidus: c11—14Lib, c12—6Sco, c2—1Cap, c3—11Aqu b11—15Sag, b12—8Cap, b2—30Pis, b3—1Tau

Twin No. 1, Normal
Partial Harmonic Chart for the 7th House of Relations with Significant Others

Placidus: c11—8Lib, c12—1Sco, c2—25Sag, c3—5Aqu b11—10Sag, b12—3Cap, b2—23Pis, b3—25Ari

We are not even going to look at sets influencing Angles in these two 7th charts. Instead, we want just planets on Angles. Beside their differing Angles, the biggest difference between the two charts of the twins is shown by their harmonic moons. The retarded twin’s c7 moon is at 6 Leo 37, while the normal one’s c7 moon is at 6 Leo 11--the sets they are in are nearly the same. But as Set (10) shows, this golden benefic (light/venus/jupiter) falls on an Angle in the bright twin's chart, but not in the retarded twin's. Golden benefics on Angles always enhance the power for positive, relative to houses influences, in whichever chart they occur. Here, at the very least, they show the bright twin to have lovely and fortunate relations with others.

The retarded twin’s b7 moon is at 8 Pisces 28, while the retarded one’s b7 moon is at 10 Pisces 29. Both in 3rd houses, but the normal twin's is "on an Angle" (opposite C MC at 10 Virgo 39, with the orb for Angle/light being 5°). The normal twin, therefore, has some psychic abilities. Here is a link to the paper regarding that subject: Paper on Psychic Abilities.

The retarded twin also shows the astrology for some psychic abilities. His Pisces moon is not on an Angle, but it plus the fact that he has neptune, ruler of Pisces, conjunct B Asc in c 3rd house comprises psychic indicators. It is hard to know without other examples whether he shows this or if the if his retardation works against it.

As discussed in the paper on psychics, the calmer the mind the more likely it can manifest psychic abilities when indicated by the astrology. In fact, psychic abilities are correlated with the slower, less agitated brain rhythms. Psychic abilities in an agitated mind (which is not necessarily the retarded mind) become less clear and more of a burden.

Another paper covers psychic abilities. Here is its link: Paper on Psychic Abilities of Nostradamus

Just looking at Angles for the retarded twin, he has Angle/sun/mars, plus Angle/neptune, plus Angle/uranus. The last one includes saturn (shown at 16 Gemini 01) whenever a transiting or progressing light enters the set. So far, summed, we have Angle/sun/mars/(saturn)/neptune. Lighted mars/saturn/neptune shows siege conditions, occurring reasonably enough in the 7th chart of a severely retarded child. Other people (7th) are a severe challenge for him.

Those who read the other paper on retarded twins might be inclined to judge that uranus on his C MC as an anti-significator for retardation. But it occurs in this, his 7th chart. In the other paper it was discussed as being a possible anti-significator when it occurs in a 3rd chart.

The retarded twin also shows, in Set (12), an Angle/jupiter (with B MC). The normal twin does not have this. The retarded twin in the other paper on twins and retardation also showed the retarded twin with an all-charts jupiter on an Angle. In both cases it is the astrological indicator that he is loved and well cared for. I have seen a number of them in charts of retarded children. That may not have been the case years ago when a retarded child was fearfully hidden from inquisitive public eyes.

We have seen Set (11) before as Angle/mercury/mars. Here in the 7th chart it has included uranus. Angle/mercury/uranus usually indicates mental brightness, often Mensa-level. That applies only to the normal twin because he is the only on who has it on Angles.

We separated the retarded twin from the normal one in an unexpected way. It has also affected our significators for retardation.

My working definition of the significators for retardation included only light/mars/saturn influencing an Angle and 3rd house within the 1st and 3rd charts.

According to the results shown in this twin comparison, that significator can be annulled if the planets on Angles sufficiently contradict the ones working through influence to Angles. [2012: I have since seen a number of similar anti-significators, continuing to validate them.]

Only more charts with similar conditions can support that finding.

All hard copies of all my charts were destroyed in 2002. The main paper now on this site on retardation, including twenty retarded individuals, was a re-write of a paper written much earlier. At that time, I did not actually have the charts (only my previous paper) and until, now, have not replaced them.

This study certainly raised the question, do other retarded children have the planets on Angles which contradict a diagnosis of retardation? Also, are there lots of normal people whose charts contain significators for retardation except that some other part of their astrology over-rides those significators?

My experience definitely suggests that at least the latter is true.

I have re-calculated ten of the original twenty ISAR charts. Not enough, I know, but a start. We are looking for Angle/mercury and Angle/mars, either together or separate from each other. For this set of twins they were both non-harmonic, therefore in all charts. I thought that meaningful. By being in all charts, they emphasized again and again that “this condition” is an all-charts phenomenon. That is, it covers every aspect of the individual’s life, and every chart. Below, in table form, is what I found:

ISAR 5646-ANoNo
ISAR 5870-ANoNo
ISAR 6489-ANoNo
ISAR 6518-ANoNo
ISAR 6612-ANoNo
ISAR 6719-ANoNo
ISAR 6761-ANoNo
ISAR 6961-ANoNo
ISAR 7016-ANoNo
ISAR 7083-ANoNo

Of course, Angle/mars does not contradict signification of retardation. Our chart for the normal twin showed mars with mercury on an Angle. But I kept mars in the count because it could be “summed” with a mercury/Angle to yield a weaker Angle/mercury/mars.<.p>

But none of these ten individuals had mercury on an Angle. Three had it in harmonic form on an Angle in the 7th chart, but that is not the same thing. Therefore, it is not in the 1st and 3rd charts to contradict those charts' declaration of retardation. Perhaps a better word would be over-rule. The all-charts Angle/mercury/mars (with influence to a 3rd house through mercury) over-ruled the 1st and 3rd charts’ declaration of retardation. This is especially interesting because only the normal twin had Aries, ruled by mars, on the cusp of his b 3rd house. Even had the retarded twin this set on an Angle, it would not have influenced a 3rd house (his was ruled by venus, ruler of Taurus). Then the question would have become, is an all-charts Angle/mercury/mars strong enough to over-rule 1st and 3rd chart significators for retardation even if neither planet rules a 3rd house?

Possibly it would be strong enough because mercury is natural ruler of the 3rd house. Then again, we can only wait until we have examples before we know for sure.

Twinflower, a member of the honeysuckle family
From Wildflowers of Michigan Field Guide, by Stan Tekiela

Data Acknowledgments
Letters following each name show the Rodden rating for data reliability.

Twin No. 1 (Gender Unknown), Normal, 20452 (A)
Birth: 3/09/1954, 5:36 a.m. EST, New York, NY. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Donna Cunningham quotes case.
Conception:5/29/1953, 7:44:26 p.m. EST, New York, New York.

Twin No. 2 (Gender Unknown), Retarded, 20453 (A)
Birth: 3/09/1954, 5:56 a.m. EST, New York, NY. From Astrodatabank by Lois Rodden and Mark McDonough. Donna Cunningham quotes case.
Conception:5/29/1953, 8:05:18 p.m. EST, New York, New York.

All of the individual’s in the table above were from the NCGR study on retardation except: 7083-A, from K. Farmer; 5870-A, from Lois Rodden who got it from American Astrology from the mother; and 6961-A, from the Rodden collection who got the information from the individual’s father.

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