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Monthly Update

March 24th, First Exam, saw the baby for the first time via ultrasound. Baby's age 12 weeks 4 days. Everything is going as planned, Mommy and baby doing just fine.

April 17th, Second Exam, Heard the heartbeat, 150 beats per minute. Gained 8 pounds since last appointment(WOW). Mommy and Baby doing just fine.

April 24, AFP test, Indication testing for possible birth defects. Results due in a week.

April 28th, Results show possible problem with Baby's development.

April 29th, Extended Ultrasound, video taped everything(Very Cool!) Amnio done, now waiting begins.

May 11, Amnio results are in and the results are 46 XX so we have a healthy Baby girl and are now 18 weeks 2 days. Going to buy the pink paint and dolls.

June 9th, Baby is playing jumprope this evening. Janet was laying on the couch laughing and told me to come feel. Felt the Baby kick, or punch. Awesome is the only word I can say.

June 16th, Monthly checkup. Everything is going great, Mommy feeling a little tired and baby is active as ever. Start preparing the room for the pending arrival.

June??, Nursery is done. Base color is blue with brown and white Teddy Bears and white trim. All accessories are white. Winnie the Pooh Drapes and wall hangings.

August 7, Another Friday another checkup, lots of ?'s for the Dr. most of them answered. Everything progressing nicely, checkups getting closer together, two weeks now.

August 17, Baby moving every night now almost like clockwork. Lamaze classes scheduled for the 22nd and 23rd. At least it isn't regular season and it won't get in the way of Football.

August 22&23, Lamaze or Child Birth class. Realization of impending birth for Mommy to be. Learned what drugs are available, what to expect, and different methods for breathing. Decided to go natural and see what happens, drugs and epidural are always a fall back. We'll see what happens and how things progress.

August 24, Dr. appointment. Another week another perfect checkup.

All the Details

Janet goes into labor about 3:30 p.m. while Keith is playing softball(of course)Keith gets home about 7:30 p.m. Start to time contractions. Go to Hospital at 1:00 a.m. bag of waters still has not broke. Arrive at hospital and go to triage, exam shows Janet is 4 cm dialated. Admited into hospital and taken to Labor and delievery rooms. Breathing, Breathing, Breathing and a few bastards later, water still hasn't broke. Dr. decides to break bag at 8:00 a.m. Janet is now at 8 cm. Bag of waters broke and exam shows baby is Breech. Janet preped for emergency c-section. 9:00 a.m. operation starts, 9:05 Melissa is born. Melissa's birth weight was 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 4 grams. She was 20 inches long. Her apgar score was 9 and 9, only VIP's are given 10's. 9/24/98 Janet and Melissa come home. Janet does not know what a full nights sleep is anymore, it's a good thing she is off from work till the begining of the new year. 9/29/98 First Dr. appointment. Great checkup and first shot, Melissa didn't like that much at all.

It has been a long time

2/5/99 Melissa is now 4 months old she has easily doubled her birth weight and is eating Baby ceral and just starting veggies. "Yuck!!!" Janet started back to work at the beginning of the year and daddy is getting very busy. She is such a fantastic baby!!!!!! Soon she will be talking up a storm and running around the house. The dogs can't wait until she starts eating something a little more solid than ceral so they can play vacuum. I will try and keep more up to date pictures and info on the page. Right!!!

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