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My Love

Thank You My Love for all the hard times,
endured in the past and for the future to come.
Without the trials of the past,
and those we face in the future,
our life together would be worth nothing.

Knowing we can get through those trials and struggles,
gives me hope and security for the future.
Knowing you will be right there by my side
in my times of need is the greatest comfort,
a person could ever receive.

For you My Love there is nothing I wouldn't do.
You have enriched me with your love,
and send my senses reeling as high as a dove.
Though My Love, times are hard and life together seems difficult,
I have faith that we will servive.
Because I know there is no greater love than ours alive.

The future is bright My Love.
It belongs to you and me.
Our roots are sunk and digging deep,
the branches of our life grow strong.

My Love, when things seem hopeless,
take a look at the tree and know,
it takes a mighty power to distroy,
it can never be completely taken away,
there is always a root deep in the earth,
waiting for a rebirth.

Our love My Love will grow forever more.


Cherish Conflick Creations Deer Eagles Fool
Forever Friend Fun G Give Go and Tell
GOD Halloween Hand JESUS Jokes Jokes2
Jokes3 Jokes4 Knight Like Angels Live By LSL
Like U LUV May Mom My Love Never
Old Paint Pheasants Remember Me S See
Simple Smile Slow Smile Soldier Some Think
This Those who love you Travling Angels To Turkeys Valentine
Way When WRT You Xmas Xmas2