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Seven of Nine

Seven of Nine was originally a little girl named Annika Hansen before she was assimilated into the Borg eighteen years ago. She is Human, born in the Alpha Quadrant on the Tendara Colony on Stardate 25479. Her parents were explorers and didn't like Starfleet, even refusing to file a flight plan in their travels. The last Federation contact with Seven's family was on a remote outpost in the Omega Sector.
Her family traveled on their ship, The Raven, and had somehow made it to the Delta Quadrant when the Borg apprehended them. They were assimilated when Annika was about six; possibly becoming the first Humans ever assimilated. Her Borg name designation became Seven of Nine, tertiary adjunct of unimatrix zero one.

During Voyager's third year in the Delta Quadrant, the Borg and Voyager allied against the lethal foe Species 8472. Seven of Nine was the Borg representative collaborating efforts with Voyager when her link to the Collective was broken. The Captain refused to endanger the crew by returning Seven of Nine to the Borg, who would certainly attempt to assimilate the crew. Voyager quickly left Borg space. Seven of Nine was quite distraught by that because she wanted to return to the Borg life, the only life she could remember.
Her Human body began rejecting the Borg implants once her link to the Borg Collective was lost. The Doctor began the complex procedures of removing the implants, successfully removing 82 percent of her Borg hardware. The implants were placed in a protective biostasis chamber, including the optical sensor that had served as her left eye. The Doctor also made her a new blue eye, stimulated her hair follicles to produce hair again, and worked with Neelix on re-introducing her to solid food after eighteen years. Seven of Nine became more comfortable with her Humanity; even allowing herself to be nicknamed "Seven".

Seven volunteered to help out on Voyager, hoping her Borg knowledge of transwarp technology could be been beneficial to the ship. It would have allowed Voyager to surpass warp 10 and get home faster but the procedure was not compatible with Federation technology. She then began working with Harry to improve Voyager's astrometrics sensors. By combining Federation and Borg technology they were able to increase the navigational knowledge, and were able to reduce Voyager's journey by five years. Seven's unique insight into alien cultures is often helpful. Her primary responsibility is to maintain and monitor the astrometrics lab. Her most compelling project is attempting to decipher the message sent from Starfleet from the Hirogen relay.

She lives in cargo bay two and continues to regenerate in a Borg alcove. She is supposed to regenerate at least three hours each day, but has gone 200 hours without regenerating when she was a Borg. Borg nanoprobes flow through her blood and she still has Borg implants remaining. Her assimilated knowledge includes the Vulcan neckpinch, the ability to understand the Klingon language, and the capacity to bring a person back from the dead up to 73 hours after death. She is strong, even able to take down Tuvok. She is still partial to Borg techniques, especially in dealing in first contact situations with alien cultures.

Her working relationship with Harry developed into him getting romantically interested in her. When he asked Seven to join him on the holodeck, she misunderstood that to mean he was interested in copulating with her right then. He was completely stunned by that, and has backed off getting to know her. Harry has become her punching bag on more than one occasion. Once she downed him in an attempt to contact and return to the Borg, and again as a diversion when aliens took over the sleeping Voyager crew.
She has become the new project of The Captain, who has begun teaching her the ways of Humanity. The Captain´s opinion means a great deal to her. In an alternate Krenim timeline, Seven became the assistant to Tuvok after he was blinded. Their logical thought processes and personalities matched well. The Doctor has taken to teaching her the art of conversation and of 'fitting in'.
Seven's unique style of being direct and abrupt has made life interesting on Voyager. She has made repetitive unauthorised accesses to Engineering's equipment and resources, which has made B'Elanna Torres increasingly furious. Even Harry has commented her rudeness can wear on his easy going attitude. She has gone from simple tactlessness to ordering senior officers around and making command decisions. The Captains willingness to overlook those faults has been exceeded, and Seven has faced several disciplinary meetings.
Seven of Nine has been struggling with her new life as a not-quite Borg, but not-quite Human crewmember on Voyager. Through the difficulty, she has committed to the crew to help them reach home, a home she has never known.