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Lieutenant Commander Tuvok

His first mission was as an ensign science officer on the USS Excelsior, which was under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu. He had entered Starfleet only because his parents had pressured him into it and found the experience very difficult, especially in dealing with humans. Tuvok quit Starfleet after just a few months into his first assignment at age 29.

He returned to Vulcan and began the Kohlinar, which is a concentrated effort to purge all emotions to achieve pure logic. As a Vulcan, Tuvok was raised in an emotionally repressed culture, but the Kohlinar is a further step in eliminating emotions. He was not able to complete it because he went through the Pon Farr. The Pon Farr is the powerful Vulcan mating drive that occurs every seven years. He married T'Pel at that time, and has been married over seventy-five years.
T'Pel, their daughter and three sons live on Vulcan. During the birth of their third child, T'Pel was in labor for 96 hours. Tuvok claims his children are part of his identity and feels incomplete without them. (Which is a pretty strong statement for someone who strives for no emotions.) His oldest son is named Sek. In Tuvok's letter from the Alpha Quadrantrant his wife wrote him that Sek had gone through the Pon Farr and now had a wife and baby girl named T'Meni. T'Meni is also his mother's name. This is Tuvok's first grandchild.
Tuvok taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. He completed the Rite of Tal'oth in which he survived in the Vulcan desert for four months with a ritual blade as his only possession.

Tuvok is fully Vulcan, and is committed to the traditions that have sustained his culture for years. He maintains a ridged control over his emotions. He is capable of suppressing certain levels of physical pain. Tuvok has mastered the Vulcan neckpinch, in which simple finger pressure at the base of the victim's neck will render the person unconscious. He is a telepath, although he doesn't often use those skills. He did however maintain a telepathic link with a member of Species 8472 when it was trapped on Voyager.
He can also mindmeld with individuals and share thoughts by touching their face. His abilities require extraordinary mental control and he practices that control by using the Vulcan cathera "structure of harmony" and a game called Kal-toh. Tuvok also uses intense mediation. Many Vulcan holidays concern emotional control including Kal Rekk, which is a Vulcan day of atonement, solitude, and silence. He will not lie, unless he is under direct orders to do so.
He has the traditional pointed Vulcan ears and angled eyebrows. Tuvok claims his ears do not make him hear better than other people. His lungs are capable of respiration in an extremely thin atmosphere. Vulcans were designated species 3259 by the Borg. He is approximately 111 years old, which for a Vulcan isn't old at all. Tuvok and the other Vulcans on Voyager may be the only crewmembers to live out the entire journey home. Vulcans in general believe that their katra, or soul, continues to exist after the body dies, but Tuvok questions those beliefs.

Decades after his first failed Starfleet career, Tuvok decided to again join Starfleet. This time instead of being a science officer, he utilized his abilities in defensive arts and became a security officer. He taught at Starfleet Academy for sixteen years. He was stationed on the U.S.S Wyoming. He first met Kathryn about nine years ago when he was asked to critique her ship's tactical readiness. He gave her an unfavourable but honest review in front of three Admirals. Kathryn and Tuvok kept in contact from that time on, becoming friends. Even though they were friends he kept his first Starfleet career a secret. He was then assigned to Jupiter Station, and became Voyager's Chief of Security when Kathryn was given command of Voyager.

Tuvok's first assignment for Voyager was to go undercover and infiltrate the Maquis. He spied on them, gained a position on Chakotay's Maquis ship, and was planning on delivering the felons to Voyager for criminal prosecution. Everything changed when Voyager and the Maquis ship were swept across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant. Tuvok resumed his post as Chief of Security/Tactical and the Maquis were asked to join Voyager's crew. A few of the Maquis resented him because of his spying against them, but Chakotay encouraged them to take it easy on Tuvok. He trained several rebellious Maquis in Starfleet ways. He is the third highest-ranking crewmember. When Kathryn and Chakotay are unavailable, he is the acting captain. Thirteen department heads report to him every day. Tuvok was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
On the Security aspect of Tuvok's job he is responsible for the safety of the crew and for enforcing any disciplinary actions needed. As Tactical Officer he is responsible for the safety of the ship itself including shields and armory. He is trained in the martial arts of many Alpha Quadrant cultures, which is quite helpful in security situations. He knows of at least 94 ways to kill someone with his body. Vulcans are known for their superior strength. He is not invulnerable though, and in a combat simulation was injured to the point of needing an artificial elbow joint. Seven of Nine was able to use a neckpinch on him once, and downed him with ease.

Tuvok was a prize-winning horticulturist in the Alpha Quadrant and continues his love of orchids by growing them on Voyager. For Voyager's Talent Night he read some selections of Vulcan poetry, which weren't appreciated by the crew. He has studied Kal-toh since he was five and now is teaching Harry to play the strategy game. He sings and plays the lute, a five-stringed instrument. His interests also include pool playing and tennis. Tuvok is very good at the card game gin, having beaten Chakotay several times.
Tuvok's exemplary service to Starfleet and rigorous attention to detail make him a superior officer that logically gives nothing less than his best to Voyager.