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t h e - u n d e r g r o u n d

this is the source for all your first brood news. here you will find all the latest business news and recent activities within the list.

1) there has been quite a large requests for submission to the first brood lately. all i am asking on behalf of the moderators and i is for all of you to understand that with school and other things, updates may take some time, and some storylines may move slower than others. please be patient.

2) i guess the new news is that i'm going to try to update everything on the site [meaning news page, member page, etc.] i'm hoping that by doing so maybe we can add a new rule about posting and a few other things us moderators have begun thinking about. any questions? e-mail me by clicking on the link above.

3) and i'm sure we'll soon be brimming full of more news, but right now - i'm drawing a blank!