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the "what's up" of the first brood
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u p d a t e d - s t o r y l i n e s
updated 02.28.02

new players: it is strongly encouraged that you take an existing anne rice character before you play one of your own creation. of course you can play more than one - as long as you can handle it - but do have one established character.

currently taken:
anne rice characters: akasha, maharet, mekare, pandora, madeleine, armand, lestat, louis, claudia, azim

character-created: gage, xerxes, bella, raphael, mortis, irisa

mortals: r.d., jamie

available: khayman, merrick, lestat
(these characters have been played at one time, but are now open)


maharet::pandora | africa

gage | the temple of azim

xerxes::madeleine::mortis | a beach

r.d.::jamie | a cafe in san francisco

akasha::armand | new orleans

mekare | south america

louis::lestat::claudia | new orleans cathedral

raphael | --open--

if you have any questions about characters, please do not email the group! instead, send your queries to this address.