Part One

Summary: What if in Eternity on Angel, the drugs didn't wear off?
Spoilers: From Eternity on Angel and pretty much everything on Buffy
Rating: NC-17 baby
Couples: B/R, B/Aus
Author's Notes: this is not Riley friendly and if you are offended then why are you on this list to begin with? (From Ash) Also, I have to thank Claudia who has helped me out with my page and such.

Angelus awoke slowly, taking in his surroundings. Where the hell am I? What happened? It all came back to him within moments. Sitting on the couch with that actress, drinking champagne, squirting a bag of blood down her throat, attacking and almost killing her, Wesley and Cordelia. He smiled inwardly. But then he remembered being knocked unconscious and falling down the elevator shaft. Fully awake by now, he noticed the chains pinning him to the bed, letting out a groan. Shit, he thought.

Cordelia Chase and Wesley Wyndam-Price sat on two chairs off to the side of the bed, watching him as he regained consciousness. "Are you still evil?" demanded Cordelia.

He knew if he ever wanted to get out of the chains he had to make them believe he was Angel again. "Evil? Oh, guys, I'm sorry."

The girl was not impressed. He'd seriously pissed her off, and wasn't letting him off the hook that easily. "Can I get another reading on that line, please?"

"I am! If I'd had any idea what Rebecca was planning, I would never have had that drink with her."

"Angel's right," Wesley agreed.

"Excuse me? Broody Boy here went evil and tried to kill us. You're taking his side now?" she accused.

"I am not taking sides. But I do know that Angel would never willingly allow Angelus to escape. And he's remorseful. I say we let him out of the chains."

Good idea, Wes. Maybe you do have some brains after all.

Narrowing her eyes, she brought them to Angelus. "You're not going to kill us, are you?"

"I'm not going to kill you, Cordelia," Angelus promised.

The two worked at untying him. Wesley unlocked the chains while Cordelia removed them from the vampire's body. Upon their completion, they stood back as Angelus climbed off the bed to stretch his body. He brought his arms out, as if to embrace his friends, but placed the palms on the backs of their heads, slamming Wesley and Cordelia's foreheads together with a loud crack. They fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Never promised I wouldn't hurt you," he said, tying them to the bed as they had done him.


Team one walked slowly through Weatherly Park in search of vampiric activity. It had been a fairly dull night, and they hadn't come across anything demonic in the two hours since they began their sweep. A rustling in the brush caught their attention.

"Get your gun ready," the taller commando, Jason, ordered the other, Greg.

"Done. I'll shoot, you bag the hostile."

Angelus walked up behind them. "You honestly think you'll be able to bag me? I thought the Initiative was more . . . well . . . complicated than that. But, bag 'em and tag 'em . . . I like it."

Greg aimed his gun at Angelus, who kicked it out of his hand, sending the weapon flying a good ten feet away. Jason took a stake out of his pocket and ran straight for the hostile. Angelus grabbed his arm and swung him around, throwing him face-first into the metal monkey bars. He sneered as the remaining commando ran to help his partner. "See you around, boys. I have an old girlfriend to see."


"Oh come on, Riley! That was a while back and I am with you now," Buffy Summers said while patrolling with Riley Finn.

"I still can't believe you wouldn't tell me something like that. I mean, we are together aren't we, Buffy?"

"Of course we are, Riley." Buffy threw him an exasperated look. "If we weren't, do you think I would do this?"

Buffy stopped walking and took a hold of Riley's shirt and pulled him close for a kiss. Just as she was about to kiss him, a vamp came out and kicked Riley, knocking him over. Buffy pulled out a stake from her sleeve and stood in her usual fighter's stance. The vamp lunged for her but Buffy sent him back with a roundhouse kick, which knocked him right into Riley's waiting hand, which was holding a stake.

"Are you okay?" she asked while walking over to him.

"Yeah, I think I am. That vamp came out of nowhere. Are you?"


Riley walked back over to Buffy, ready to kiss her again when the beep of his walkie talkie came on.

"Lilac? You there?"

"Riley, I think it's about time you changed your name," Buffy said, smirking.

Riley gave her a look but answered back. "Yeah, I'm here. Trouble?" he asked.

"Team one was just attacked by a vamp."

"That doesn't seem too unusual." Riley looked over at Buffy, who just shrugged.

"Well," the voice answered, "from what we gathered of the description of the vamp, it turns out his name is Angelus and he used to hang here."

A look of shock came over both of their faces as Buffy and Riley looked at each other.

"No," Buffy whispered. "It's not possible."

"Oh, but it is, lover," Angelus said as he came out of the shadows. "I'm back."

"Angelus. What are you doing here?" Buffy wanted to know.

"I missed you, Buff." He glanced at the tall blonde standing next to her. "So, you're the boy that took my place. Emphasis on boy."

Riley took a step forward. "I don't know who you think you are to say this."

Angelus laughed. "I always knew you had crappy taste in men, but this guy has to be the worst. And compared to Soul Boy, that's bad."

"Leave Buffy alone. Go away."

"Yeah, that might work. Have you done her yet? 'Cause she's nothing to write home about."

Buffy gripped Riley's shoulder. "Don't egg him on, Riley." She turned her attention to the vampire in front of her. "What happened this time? Did you experience another moment of happiness?" She could feel the jealousy coursing through her veins at the thought of another woman giving Angel a moment of pure happiness.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, lover. Don't worry. I'll be around for a while." Angelus gave her a wicked smile before disappearing into the darkness.
