Bewitched, Bothered, And Bewildered

RATING: NC-17 for nasty sex, B/Aus
FEEDBACK: I’d appreciate input. Bulletproof
TIMELINE: Series veers off after Surprise.
SPOILERS: Season 2.
SUMMARY: The Slayer is punished for her actions while under the spell.
DISTRIBUTION: Knock yourself out.......not literally though.
DISCLAIMER: They belong to Joss who is unwilling to share.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: This part starts after the spell was reversed, Dru never received the heart from the quaint little shop girl, we do, however, assume that Dru still feels something for Angelus which he throws back in Spike’s face....of course.


"Buffy?" Oz, armed with a flashlight, walked carefully down the basement steps, in search of the slayer. Buffy abruptly stood from behind the crates, Oz shining the light on her.

Both realising her nudity, Oz quickly turned the flashlight off as Buffy covered herself with her arms.

"Hi, Oz!" Buffy smiled awkwardly at the musician.


"I seem to be having a slight case of nudity here."

"But you're not a rat. So call it an upside." Oz offered.

"You think maybe you could get me some clothing?"

"Yes, I can. Just, uh... don't go anywhere." Oz left, glad to get out of the uncomfortable situation as Buffy stood and shivered.

"Really not an issue."

* * * * *

"Buffy." The growl rang throughout the basement as said Slayer covered herself with her arms as she glared at the intruder.

Angelus swung from the steps as he landed a kick into Buffy’s bare midsection. He quickly regained his footing as he spat down at her fallen form.

"Whore," Angelus delivered another kick to the small of her back, "what the hell are you doing, offering what is mine?"

Buffy drew in a shuddering breath, suffering both from the pain and surprise of his attack. "Yours?"

"Yeah, Buff, you’re all mine. But I guess if you’ve forgotten," Angelus drew her naked body up against his. "I guess we’ll just have to remind you."

Angelus secured both her tiny wrists within his fist against the wall, while his other hand quickly drew down the zipper to his leather pants, freeing his already hard cock.

He drew back and swiftly entered her, dry and unprepared. He continued to pound into her, each of his thrusts tearing into her, tearing away at her flesh and her pride. Buffy allowed the tears to flow freely from her eyes, not bothering to save herself from this humiliation.

He quickly found his release and slumped against her on the wall. His cheek pressed against hers as he felt the tears that adorned her face. This was not the way to seduce a slayer, and he knew it.

"Baby," Angelus started, wiping the tear gently from her cheek, cupping her face. Sobs broke from Buffy’s throat as she leaned into his touch, she was so vulnerable at this moment, she’d take support in whatever form it was offered. Even if it was from he that just broke her.

"Buffy, ssh," Angelus stood and pressed her face into his shirt, allowing her to cry in deep heaving sighs. "I’m......sorry, baby," he stumbled over the words. "But, you should know by now, hmm? I mean, Xander, really." he chuckled to himself as Buffy’s sobs slowly subsided. "That’s it baby, ssh, you know don’t you? Yeah, deep down inside, something in you knows that no one can make you feel the way that I do." Angelus looked into her eyes and saw that she knew, somewhere within her, she knew. He grinned to himself as he bent down to softly brush his lips against hers, again and again, becoming bolder each time, before she responded and drew his mouth to hers.

Angelus walked slowly backwards, still attatched to Buffy’s lips, as the backs of his legs encountered a low standing crate. Angelus sat down, placing the delicate slayer in his lap. Angelus found himself faced with her perfect breasts, begging for his attentions. He used both hands and mouth on them, brushing, not quite touching, driving Buffy insane with his caress that almost wasn’t there.

"Please," Buffy called out to him from within her haze.

Angelus smirked as he buried himself in the task, alternately biting, sucking and fondling her breasts. Buffy lost herself within the sensations and grasping his shoulders, pushed up against his chest before she suddenly thrust herself back down, impaling herself on his waiting cock.

"Now you’re getting it." Angelus murmured against her flushed skin as she ground herself up and down.

Angelus placed his hands on her undulating hips, guiding her motions. Buffy tensed her muscles as Angelus growled.

The feelings of her core milking him soon overwhelmed him as he gripped her hips and drove them both at a faster tempo. The bruising force of his hands was soon forgotten as Buffy found the pressure unbearable, finally giving in and letting herself go.

Angelus thrust a few more times into her willing body and joined her in orgasm.

After regaining his purchase on reality, Angelus raised the Slayer from his lap, placing her on the crate, both sighing at the loss. Angelus raised the leather around his hips and bent down to look Buffy in the eye, still reeling from the fulfillment of their coupling.

"This is far from over, Buffy." Angelus kissed her brutally after delivering his threat, his promise. It filled her with a strange feeling, an odd combination of fear and calm. Fear for his next actions and calm in knowing that he would never leave her. He was her one certain thing in her life, no matter how dangerous this fact was.

Angelus threw a casual look over his shoulder before proceeding towards the door. "’Til next time, babe."

* * * * *

Willow sat on the library table with furrowed brows, thinking desperately of her current dilemma caused by the effects of the spell.

Oz passed the library on his way from Buffy’s locker back to the basement, carrying a set of her clothes. He peered through and saw his girlfriend looking deeply troubled.

Willow looked up as Oz strolled in, his expression unreadable as he delivered a monotone "Hey."

"Oz." she returned, smiling meekly at him, not knowing how he would react to these recent events.

"You okay now?" Oz asked in concern, his tone truly touching Willow as she flung herself into his arms, her guilt finally eating her up.

"Oh God. Oh Oz." she cried from his shoulder. "I’m so sorry, Oz. I never would have gone after Xander like that if not for the spell. OK, maybe when I was in fifth grade, but never when I was with you, I-"

Oz shook his head, silencing her. "It’s OK, Willow, I get it."

"You do?" Willow asked, almost incredulously.

Oz shrugged. "Sunnydale... centre of mystical-"

"Convergence." Willow chimed in. "Giles give you the once over?"

Oz nodded as the couple shared a smile before Willow reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.

She pulled away and looked down, still feeling shy when she recognised what he was carrying.

"You have Buffy’s clothes...Why do you have Buffy’s clothes?"

"Well, she’s kinda naked right now."

Willow raised an eyebrow.

* * * * *

"Buffy," Willow called from the top of the basement stairs. "I have your clothes."

Not sensing any movement, Willow ventured forth with her flashlight, calling her name again in concern.

Still nothing.

Willow walked further into the room, surveying the room in the dimlight before she stopped as she saw the figure before her.

Buffy sat still as death, hugging her knees to her chest, sobbing quietly. Her hair was tousled, eyes red from crying and a set of bruises around her hips could clearly be seen to be in the shape of a pair of hands.

"Oh, God, Buffy!" Willow ran to her friend who seemed to have broken out of her reverie.

"Willow?" Buffy asked brokenly, still dazed.

"Buffy, what....." Willow paled as realisation dawned upon her. "W-was it Angelus?"

Words were unnecessary as the slayer flew to her arms, tears starting anew. "We’re never gonna get rid of him, Willow, never."

"Ssh, Buffy, ssh." Willow tried desperately to calm the sobbing mass in her arms. She stroked her hair as she swore with her resolve face. "We’ll find a way, Buffy, I promise."

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