jazz in gastown...
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so we're going to gastown and stanley park
or is it granville island and spanish banks?
or gastown and spanish banks?

gas is 69.9, good time for a trip

tree and wen and crappy

tree and tree's tongue

iku, brent, wen, and sonia walking

steam clock, guy looking at the camera funny

harbour centre in all its ufo glory

wendy's a fishy
wearing an old navy visor

the guys who couldn't fix their feedback problem
we'll ignore the corporate sponsorship,
but hey it was a free event so we can't complain..
does the du maurier sign really entice anyone to light up?


metalwood in shadow
and that funky building behind it with the art store on the first floor
and loft six off to the right
the music was good,
though the applause from our section seemed obligatory
and passing dogs drew more attention
the daschunds were cute though

railway station

tree's doing something with her mouth
wendi's adjusting
son is fortunately hidden

and we've decided to go to white spot
and there to meet up with ah-lun
but you probably already knew that...
i'm just rambling here to make this side line up with the pictures on the left.
or even to come close

so ignore me and go to the next page...

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