day 8: NYC - Philadelphia - Washington DC

on the road a lot today
“Florida: the Sunshine State”
“Vermont: the Green Mountain State”
“Delaware: the First State”
“Pennsylvania: the Keystone State” –how wired
“Arkansas: the Natural State”? –didn’t get a good look
“Maryland: Treasure the Chesapeake” –how environmental


upper left: yet another gate to Chinatown Philadelphia
lower left: giant clothespin downtown (by Oldenburg?)
above: independence hall, first public reading of the declaration of independence, July 8th 1776. (oh the windows aren't really warped, photoshop did that when i tried to make the picture not crooked)
below: gallery of art, those are the "Rocky" steps
above right: Rodin's "the Thinker" in front of "the Gates of Hell"
peppy guy, that Rodin

in Philadelphia, again with the field trips… huge lineups to see the liberty bell and independence hall, didn’t even try to get in. Took a tour around the city, the kind where you can get on and off the tour bus to see the sites, then we were back on the road… realized that we could have sold our tour tickets but by then we were outside Baltimore.. dagnabit!

(that was just before i took the picture of the bird that appears on my homepage)
(you know, in case you were wondering)

“South Carolina: Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places” –aww
“Illinois: Land of _______?” –they were speeding
“Michigan: Great Lakes”
“North Carolina: First to Fight” –and darn proud of it I bet

just got into Washington, saw the outside of the white house, and what I thought was the oval office in the west wing (such a good show btw), they’ve strategically planted low trees in front of the windows.

Went to “Malaysian Kopitam” for dinner. Ah, good Southeast Asian food...

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