day 9: DC Tour, Air & Space, Natural History

Arlington National Cemetery. It was coming up on Memorial Day weekend, so every grave in the cemetery had a flag in front of it. Huge crowds everywhere.

The view looking west from the Lincoln Memorial. That's the Washington Monument (look familiar?) and beyond it is the Capitol Building. All the tourists were at the front of the Memorial, I was the only person on the side...

The North Portico of the White House

inside the Lincoln Memorial
remember in the Simpsons where Lisa goes to the Jefferson Memorial, and Jefferson says "the Lincoln Memeorial was too busy, wasn't it?"... well he wasn't kidding. What you can't see in this photo is all the people...

one of the "backup" apollo modules in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum

In the morning, we visited the Korean and Vietnam war memorials... really engaging sites. More field trips... lots and lots of kids, all in matching school t-shirts. The bonus is that there were guides showing them around and talking about the memorials. Now a WWII memorial is planned...

"The Smithsonian" is actually an association of several museums, there's an apalling amount to see. We were walking past all the displays, not bothering to read what they were, and we still didn't see all of the stuff in the museum. Again, crowds everywhere.

the hope diamond, inside the Smithsonian Natural History Museum... drool

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