
so that's it...

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Thanks to:
Mom and Dad
–for paying and letting me drag you through the art museums
Hannah, Jason, Alastair, and Caroline
–for playing host and tour guide and being so generous with everything, we’ll see you here in August
Mark, Bob, and the whole Globus deal
–for not getting us lost, keeping us safe, and doing the driving for us
Everyone else on the tour
–for being friendly and endlessly entertaining
Canadian Airlines
–for the flight, but it’s not like we had another choice really
–for being so constantly visible
The guy on Cape Cod
-who gave us his two cents (literally) when we were paying for drinks in a convenience store

here are some random pictures
that fit well in this space

Rodin sculpture: walking man, and yes, he is missing several appendages, some more useful than others

Us at the Kennedy Center for the performing arts in DC... they had sculptures on the roof from countries around the world. These are supposed to be... ... rocks... yeah rocks.

the view in the other direction, see the dog sculptures behind my dad?

Songs that kept playing through my head:
Hello City -barenaked ladies
Hello city... hello city, you've found an enemy in me....
In a New York Minute -don't know the artists, don't even know if that's the title, but it was on friends, the really old one with the monkey.

more Rodin: balzac

breakfast time

Jason, Hannah, Dad, Caroline, Mom, Alastair, Me

Photo Credits and tidbits, the technical stuff:
bird pic- Derek, digital camera, there was more than one bird, but they wouldn’t
all go on the sign at the same time... stupid birds.
index page:
group shot- Derek, 35mm camera
page 1:
Air Canada- courtesy Air Canada website (I stole it, I’m sorry)
mask- courtesy of the guy whose site I stole it out of
page 2:
traffic- Derek, 35mm camera, this is a part of another photo that also appears on this site.. ooh which one?
page 3:
lion detail- Derek, digital camera, this carving was on the end of a post sticking out of the boat
mayflower- Gin, 35mm camera
rock structure- Derek, 35mm camera, I’m standing on a hill across the street
rock- Stuart, digital camera
rock viewers- Derek, 35mm camera, you can really see the scale of the rock
page 4:
house-Derek 35mm camera, actually, I took this photo at a more extreme angle, I manipulated it to look less severe, mwahahahaha
lighthouse- Gin, 35mm camera, I was in this photo, but I painted myself out, because I was standing on the sidewalk, which wasted a lot of space at the bottom of the photo. The grass is also painted in because there was an ugly chain link fence that I had to get rid of in order to paint out my face.
beach- Gin, 35mm camera
sand- Derek, 35mm camera, don’t you love the vignette effect?
page 5:
city hall- Stuart, digital camera
state building- Derek 35mm camera
market- Derek, 35mm camera, I did a lot of running ahead and taking pictures of us walking places
paul revere statue- Derek, 35mm camera, really backlit, and the trees blocked part of his head, which I digitally inserted back in. If you look, the leaf on the tree is cut out to conform to the shape of his head.
graveyard- Derek, 35mm camera, actually, the view from the sidewalk was better. The graveyard is about 4 feet above the sidewalk, so from outside the fence you get a view closer to the ground, over the tops of the gravestones. I’m crouching here, and luckily I still managed to get the dark parts in the foreground where it’s in the shade of a tree.
page 6:
walden pond- Derek, 35mm camera, there were little fishes in the water, but they were camouflaged and hard to see... so we were showing to caroline, and she would point and say "fish", but she wasn't pointing at the fish... There were two guys in wetsuits swimmings across the pond, so we asked her where the fish were, and she points to the guys in wetsuits and says "fish". :)
monument thing- Derek, 35mm camera, check out the light falling on the monument... cool eh?
bridge- Derek, 35mm camera, one of the "run ahead and turn around" shots
page 7:
gate- Derek, 35mm camera we ran across the street to get the picture looking into chinatown instead of out of it.
mcd’s- Derek, 35mm camera, had to take a picture
restaurant- Stuart, 35mm camera, those are the ppl “at the next table” and those are the durian milkshakes. My dad and I tried them, Hannah didn’t. Everyone else drank them.
page 8:
the square- Derek, 35mm camera, the square is not a square, it’s a bow tie shape
the rain- Derek, 35mm camera, part of a picture of the square, but the top looked bad, I really like the way the lights reflect
the messages- Derek, 35mm camera, yeah you try taking pictures of a scrolling marquee at night
page 9:
ellis island- Derek, 35mm camera, there was a big drop of rain on the lens or something, I tried painting it out, but then it got too hard, so it’s sorta half there
statue- Stuart, digital camera
the Picasso- Gin, 35mm camera, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon first painting of the cubist movement in 1907
the Duchamp- Gin, 35mm camera, one of Duchamp’s “Ready Made”s
the Surrealists- Gin, 35mm camera, note the fur lined teacup and saucer in the case
page 10:
rockefeller centre- Stuart, digital camera, famous statue there of Prometheus
saks window- Stuart, digital camera
guggenheim- Gin, 35mm camera, they were doing an exhibit on Frank Gehry
St. Patrick’s- Derek, 35mm camera, I’m standing in Rockefeller plaza looking across the street. There’s a Kenneth Cole store directly behind me
Cleopatra’s needle- Derek, 35mm camera, we stumbled across this as we made our way through central park.
page 11:
chinatown gate- Derek, 35mm camera taken from a moving vehicle
clothespin- Derek, 35mm camera, also taken from a moving vehicle
independence hall- Stuart, digital camera, this is actually the back of the hall
Philadelphia gallery of art- Derek, 35mm camera, taken from moving vehicle
the thinker- Derek, 35mm camera, taken from moving vehicle, this is how little time we had in Philadelphia
page12 :
cemetery- Stuart, digital camera, actually I took practically the same shot, but it’s easier to put the digital pics on the site vs scanning
einstein- Gin, 35mm camera, there was a school class clamouring all over the statue when we got there, and they wouldn’t leave
white house- Stuart, digital camera, this was taken through a fence
lincoln memorial- Derek, 35mm camera, don’t you love the sense of space created by the column at the left?
apollo module- Stuart, digital camera
hope diamond- Stuart, digital camera, zoomed in on the display case, the diamond rotates and the lighting changes, emphasizing the brilliance. Those museum people really know how to light things.
page 13:
mosaic- Stuart, digital camera
exterior- Derek, 35mm camera, in the rain
interior- Derek, 35mm camera on “night mode” I’m leaning against the wall to counter camera shake
page 14:
pass- a scan of my subway pass
subway- Stuart, 35mm camera, the flash was really uneven…and you can see the light trails left by the moving train
map- scan of the little map thing they give you, the stops we got off at are circled
page 15:
mondrian- Stuart, 35mm camera, in all the museums I’m like “Mom/Dad, take a picture of me with that Mondrian/Picasso/Duchamp/Dali”
DaVinci- Stuart, digital camera, it looked good up close, came home, looked up the painting, and then realized all the stuff I should have been paying attention to
capitol- Stuart, digital camera, the statue on top is a statue of “freedom” but we never got a good look
ford theatre- Derek, 35mm camera, the building is quite plain, the shot from across the street was really boring
chinatown gate- Derek, 35mm camera, ugh.. what’s with all the gates?
page 16:
Vancouver waterfront (large)- Derek, 35mm camera, taken in 1999
waterfront (blue) and waterfront (green)- me playing around with the same image
this page:
group shot- digital camera on self timer… the original picture was pretty bad, the flash lit ppl unevenly, all the stuff in the foreground was overexposed, glare off of ppls glasses, oh the magic of digital photography…and, y’know my “extensive” experience in the area
walking man- Derek, 35mm camera, outside one of the smithsonian museums, the grass at the left of the picture has been painted in, covering up the base of another sculpture
sculptures- Stuart, digital camera, I just uploaded this pic and needed a place for it, those are my legs at the top, and I have a picture taken the other way, where you can see my dad taking a picture of these things... i could put it here...
rooftop- Derek, 35mm camera, and i did put it here
balzac- Derek, 35mm camera, came from the same picture as walking man, i just scanned and enlarged.
caroline- Stuart, digital camera, at breakfast, waffles with whipped cream and maple syrup...mmm

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