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101. new isn't always better
102. when they say "guaranteed to satisfy" who determines at which point
one is truly "satisfied"?
don't we all have different levels of satisfaction?
103. If everyone drove the way YD teaches,
no one would ever stop close enuf to a sensor to trigger it
traffic would leave sooo much space between cars that only 4 could fit on a block
by the time everyone scanned "left, center, right" at an intersection, the light would be red.
everyone would have to cover the horn every 3 seconds
humans would need to evolve 5 extra eyes.
104. compare w/ppl better thn u if u want 2 improve, but compare w/ppl worse thn u if u wanna b happy
105. no one wants to live like animals
if ur a wild animal, u always need food, ur out in the cold,
somethin's trying to eat you or shoot u
u gotta fight to survive, ur habitat is bein destroyed, ur environment is polluted
and if ur a domestic animal, u can never go places, u eat the same thing,
u dont control ur life, u gotta go in a litterbox or outside
personally i like being human.....sometimes
106. dont watch sad movies with mascara on (liz's contribution)
107. if you came back here and read one of these once a year....
you could be dead by now
108. When you say "I love you" mean it
remember, "love is not love which alters when it alteration finds
or bends with the remover to remove..." -the Bard
109. no means no
say it when u mean it
but dont b mean when u say it
'cept if u gotta
110. be all you can be
111. dont let ppl make you drink from big mugs and pee your pants (mushy's contribution)
112. dont hang out with ppl who make you drink from big mugs and pee your pants (my take on things)
113. if you think everyone is out to get you, they will be
114. if you think everyone loves you, they dont
115. if you think everyone is basically good, u are living under a rock
116. How does one live under a rock?
it would be really cramped, unless it was a really big rock
but wouldnt it be better to live outside the rock then go there for shelter
and even then wouldnt you come in contact with other people
unless you live in a really deserted part of the world
but if you do, then why would you need to live under a rock in the first place?
117. i wonder if penguins could evolve wings to fly?
i suppose given enuf time and a good reason, they could
then they'd b puffins
118. Hey ties in evolution are kewl, its like biology
i need someone's notes from this year to prep me
i need to do good next year
119. Make something happen
120. try to be productive
once in a while
121. Finish what you start
122. Little Truth-when something says $4.99, it really means $5
not "about" $4, not $4someting, $5, just plain $5
then there's tax
123. u gotta love the government
remember how income tax was supposed to be temporary 50 years ago
124. Little Truth-a euphimism is just an insult in a fancy outfit
125. one can be paralyzed by having too many actions
126. if you do a lot of anything, u can get sick of it
127. if you repeat a word over and over and over and over, it loses all meaning
128. if you dont like stick bugs becuz they look too much like twigs
u must not like twigz becuz they look too much like stick bugs
right c?
129. don't make other ppl see scary things in clouds
especially when they're lying on your sleeping bag
one of these days, there's going to be an accident
130. don't write on the back of Annuals with water soluble markers
131. sometimes, it's good not to kno too much
132. it's all about perception
eh sonia?
133. there are short people, and there are small people.
short people are just genetically that way,
small people refuse to let other people and their problems
affect their lives in any way other than in the way they want.
134. study for provincials earlier than one week ahead -ruby
good advice
135. Little Truth- life is just a scam to trick you into death.
whoa that's morbid, disregard
136. the show must go on
137. sometimes things take a while
i JUST fully understood the first sentence of Paradise Lost today
just 6 or 7 more eras of revelations to go
138. still waters run deep
what the crap does that mean?
"quiet" issues are the most deep seeded?
comatose people have insightful thoughts?
or bodies of water with less wave action have more depth?
139. a lot of things are open to interpretation
140. is there a basic level of disorder?
like a point at which things just naturally become ordered
like water stops evaporating and just says "screw it, im a liquid"
or you just get fed up with your room and say "i'm gonna clean this dump"
either way, im not there yet
141. i don't write the javascript, i just use it, its not my fault if it
screwed up, dont blame meeeeeee
the lesson: take responsibility for your actions.
142. do as i say, not as i do
143. what you learn here, onlee applies to mee
144. try not to stress out
well stress out too too much
145. i have a headache, kinda, mmm soma (read "Brave New World")
sometimes, even good drugs are bad
146. ouch, im gonna stop doin this for now
moral: know when to call it quits
147. time, sleep, and food heal all wounds.
148. Don't be annoying, but if you have to be, do it well.
just a few suggestions..(not mine)
-Staple papers in the middle of the page.
-Tape pieces of "Sweating to the Oldies" over climactic parts of rental movies.
-At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks
-Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol.
-Get a carton of milk then put a brick in it, Put it on the road and hide behind a bush and watch.
149. try to be good
150. either do or do not, there is no try
151. try not to contradict yourself
152. no one likes a hypocrite
153. be concise
154. be brief
155. be succint
156. don't repeat yourself
157. don't repeat yourself
158. try to have a little hindsight before you begin
159. prioritize
160. be committed
161. be patient
162. drink life to the lees (steve, that means you)
163. be optimistic
164. accentuate the positive
eliminate the negative
and don't mess with Mr. In-Between
(something like that)
165. do something crazy once in a while
166. believe that things happen for a reason
167. try new things
168. milk counteracts chili
169. do not eat boiling hot objects whole, nibble
that's why we have incisors
170. take care of your teeth
171. be polite
172. sometimes, people are just frickin $#%@&*Þ (not you)
173. change can be good
174. change can be bad
175. there are two sides to everything
176. one can be frozen in indecision ("The Hollow Men" -T.S. Eliot)
177. kno whut bugs me?? hair product commercials..
and not just because all of them temporarily don't apply to me,
it's just the stupidest claims that they make...
like (in fake announcer voice) "provides your hair with all the essential elements it requires"
uh ok, hair is dead, they're just little strings of protein and stuff
gradually pushing their way out of your scalp. Dead. Inanimate.
you can soak it in the whole frickin periodic table..
no amount of "essential elements" or "vitamin B5" can ressurect it.
it's shampoo, not a miracle..

also, ever hear of Alpha hydroxy acid, or Beta hydroxy acid for that matter
no? next time listen carefully to the commercials..
anyway, we all took chem, we can figure this out right?
hmm Hydroxy Acid.. well it sounds like it needs a hydroxide ion... OH- right?
and if it's an acid, it needs a proton, H+ right?
so add OH- to H+ hmm HOH, sound familiar? H2O???
oh u gotta love marketing..
-confuse the hell out of the comsumer to make it look like we know what we're talking about,
then water down the product and sell it at a higher price-
178. sometimes people give way to much thought to things
179. some books just arent worth reading...
180. paranoia is a powerful thing
181. do u ppl remember the book Ms. Moore read to us in Gr 7?
"the Giver" with that Jonah kid who was "the chosen one"?
and he got to know the truth about everything and he got the old "Giver"'s memories?
and when he shared those memories with the baby
(i have no idea where the baby came in, i think i missed that part, or i forget)
and when he did that, he couldn't remember the memories as well as before? no? thought not
but still, just to get this down somewhere...
i think there's some theory that memory is based on a series of chemicals.
(or at least a special kind of memory)
a certain chemical sequence triggers a certain memory yadda yadda yadda
(hey we do say that)
so then once u remember something, u use up a bit of that chemical...
so that means that memory is finite, u onlee get a limited number of recalls
so in the course of a day, we are constantly accessing our memories, recognition, daydreams, just pondering
so we use up some of those chemicals.
this could be demonstrated if u try to remember a person's face
not just a picture of the person, but the actual face, as if he/she is right there
(btw, all this is from a sushi conversation)
it is harder to recall people that are closer to you,
prob cuz these ppl are runnin thru ur brain and u dont know it
and it's easy to recall ppl u never think about, for instance
try to recall what all your teachers look like... easy eh?
just a demo, not an experiment, nothing scientific, now go on with your lives
182. too much thinking can be harmful
183. sometimes long breaks are good
184. sometimes long breaks are bad, you never want to go back to work
185. sometimes breaks are just bad, you lose your train of thought
186. sometimes repetition is just too darn repetitive
187. sometimes i run... sometimes i hide... wait, no i dont
188. if were done when 'tis done, then were well if were done quickly
(did i put that before? i just like it..)
189. my hands are cold...outside is's cold...uh
yeah, sometimes things are cold
190. sometimes things are warm
191. sometimes people revert back to what they have already overused.
192. café mocha bubbletea is goooooooood
193. bubbletea is overpriced.
194. a lot of things are overpriced, do you suppose there is some wierd lab somewhere where some sadistic researchers are finding out the upper limit of what ordinary people will pay for items then selling this information to companies around the globe? That would be wierd. That would explain a lot though. I want to work there...
195. why are all the biological work exp places on the north shore?
maybe the government has some deal with some north shore mafia thing and they get "protection" in that area.
Stranger things have happened
196. what if we are all aliens? what if the first strand of DNA came here in the core of some huge comet that managed to make it through the atmosphere into an ocean and spawned in some primordial soup? What is sometime in the future we make it out to Alpha Centauri and we find a group of organisms directly similar to the species around us? What if by some wierd twist of covergent evoulution human-like species exist too? Ahhh star trek come to life....
197. oh you could sooo tell i was going there...
198. heehee
199. what happens when all the free energy in the universe runs out?
200. wow would you look at what number this is
you have completed your primary training in conformational thinking
but hey there is always more to learn
proceed to secondary training
we have only just begun....

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