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Alias: Colossal eMCee

First Name: Collin

Age: 22

Strengths: eMCeeing

Affiliations: ThaProph, Synic, Sniperous eMCee, Autumn Dayz

Other: Over time you've seen, even experienced the evolution of hip hop: the steady growth, diversification of skills, knowledge and strengths in technique and lyricism. The direction of this hip hop culture, can only logically have one destination. It must proceed from the underground and be brought to swallow the mainstream whole. Only then can we continue to build on this lyirical plateau and integrate the development of musical capabilities towards redistributing it's purpose. The sound of this underground perplexity is underway, and it will ensure a balance and harmony within the cross sections in the structure of this musical universe. It's not just music to feed our souls, but it's a way of life. The revolution of the underground is here, and we bringin' it worldwide!!