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The Lake

Wondering through Drackling's Forest, you come upon a huge lake. You can't see the bottom and its surface is very still. Suddenly, as you lean forward to see your reflection, something erupts to the surface. You gasp as a merman beckons you into the lake. You slide into the ice cold water, and for a moment you're choking when suddenly you barely feel anything and could breathe. You swim downward, following who you now realize is the Guardian of this Lake, and see slippery, half visible, and lithe figures sliding past you without the least amount of effort. At the bottom you see something writhing and coiling, when you realize that the Guardian is speaking to you: Mike, the Guardian of this Lake
The Guardian of this Lake, Mike: a merman and mage. "Welcome to Drackling's Lake, a province of Meridia," he says proudly, his voice eerily everywhere, "Meet some of its residents."Get your own Guardian at D~Mentia's

Shala the MermaidShalaAdopt A Mermaid

Nancy the MermaidNancy The World of Saya

Adopt Today!
Meehkar the HippocampusFern the Sea Serpent

According to ancient Greek legend, the hippocampus was an aquatic creature half horse and half fish.
Fern the Sea SerpentA friendly sea serpent whose ancestors are Dragons.

poppy the mermaid
This mermaid's name is Poppy and she was given to me on Friendship day by Cindy -- thank you!! :)
mermaid from ~Angel~

Read a Mermaid story here: The Mermaid of Zennor

Under the Sea

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