The Mountain: Cave 3
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The Mountain

[Cave 1][Cave 2][Cave 3][Cave 4]

You wander upon a third cave in Drackling's Mountain. Its entrance is small, with spider webs clinging and hanging from the walls. As you stoop to be able to come in, you see several large spiders skittering past on the floor. You start slightly and proceed a bit faster into the cave. The cave is huge, much larger than the entrance had promised, with several other (larger) passageways leading off. When you look up you see numerous other spiderwebs hanging off the ceiling. As you approuch the middle of the cave, brushing past dragons, you see a medium sized grey dragonnet standing talking to someone, while playing with one talon with the largest spiderweb hanging off.

Shayla the Guardian of this Cave
The Guardian of this Cave, Shayla: one third human, one third spider, one third dragon, from the Marshes in the south, and Apprentice. The dragonnet, noticing you, turns into a human, greyish in color, and covers her face with a fan. "Ooooh, a visitor," she says, her voice whispery, supressing excitement and interest, and like the other Guardians of this Mountain, making you slightly uneasy. "Welcome to Spiders' Cave, as it's come to be known. That is my web right there," she points to the spider web she had been playing with, "My true form is a spider, would you like me to show you?" You shake your head quickly, and Shayla invites you to meet the other dragons.D~Mentia's

Voka and Cheeln

Emberr the Master Dragon and Felix the King Dragon


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