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The Great Hall: Gifts I have received

~Welcome to the Great Hall. These are the gifts, etc. I've gotten so far, or that people couldn't leave in my guestbook, or ones that I just picked up. I'd like to thank all the people who've given them to me. :}~

Thank you, RUAGoodWitch2 for this wonderful gift!

Thank you, Kai!

The Fantasy Fights Gift Shop
Send a Fantasy Gift!

Thank you, Tymora, Nov. 19, 2000

Thank you, Hailey!Thank you, Hailey!

Guardian of the Moon FaeriesThank you, Magrobor!!

Thank you Torunn!!!Thank you Torunn, thank you!

Thank you Skat Kat!!

Thank you!!Thank you again Magrobor for this lovely Globe!!

This beautiful prayer is from Irene -- Thank you so much!!

Thank you Nanc!! Thank you Nanc for the lovely gift!!

Send a Spirit Flower!

Thank you sooo much Cindy!!

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