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My Li'l Petsies Page for the Fantasy Fights

I'm a member of The Fantasy Fights Lil'Pets!!!

Do you believe in Camelot?

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Knight Poem

HELLO!! ok, to find out where a pet is from (i.e. if I made it or not) just put your mouse over it =P ..... if you wish to have one please e-mail me ...... thank you and enjoy!!

official journey through camelot team pet i'm sprite for the legends of the myth team
the pet i adopted from the main lil'pets homepage in the fantasy fights i made this one this is charlie!! from dayzee's unicorns--thanks! This is Fuzz Ball!! :) given to me by Erica Lady Amalthea's team pet, Uni
this is the valentines pet that i made for feb. 2001 pet that was given to every1 for valentine's day on the lil'pets homepage

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Lemon Tree