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Other Artists

The Young Martyr The Young Martyr by Paul Delaroche (French 1797-1856)

Saint George and the Dragon (1866-93) by Sir Edward Burne-Jones (British, 1833-1898)

"I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be - in a light better than ever shone - in a land that no one can define or remember, only desire - and the forms divinely beautiful..."
--Burne-Jones, from a letter he wrote to a friend

The Beguiling of MerlinThe Beguiling of Merlin (1874) by Sir Edward Burne-Jones (British, 1833-1898)

A storm was coming, but the winds were still And in the wild woods of Broceliande Before an oak, so hollow, huge and old... At Merlin's feet the wily Vivien lay ... lissome-limbed, she Writhed towards him, slided up his knee and sat, Behind his ankle twined her hollow feet Together, curved an arm about his neck, Clung like a snake.
--Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892), Idylls of the Kings, on how Vivian beguiled Merlin

The Accolade(1901) by Edmund Blair Leighton