Other Worlds
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Other Worlds

Welcome...to another world...

Welcome to another world...where dreams come true

...Dream forever of another world,
Let it take you places only the imagination can reach,
And pledge promises only you can keep...

The Lair -- Dragons, Dragonnets, Dracklings, Dracos, Dwaggies, Dragicorns, and Dragonians...

My Faerie World -- My Faerie World

Unicorns and Pegasi -- I dream of a world of peace and purity ... with pegasi gliding through clouds

Angels -- I think I see an angel behind you...

Outer Space Outer Space -- horoscopes, Zodiac Signs(coming up), adopted zodiac stuff, links, the current phase of the moon(down to the minute!!), and a cool little java effect.

Fly!!! This dove will take you to a random page within Drackling's Realm

Back to My Castle

The Irish Waterwoman