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Vote Exchange Form For Drackling's Realm

If you would like to Vote Exchange (I vote for you every day for a vote in return from you every day), please fill out the form below. If you don't want to or the form just doesn't work, just e-mail me *S*.

Have you:
Signed my guestbook?
Added your site to my links page?
(The above things are not required and I will return the favor whether you do the same for me or not *S*)

Thank you!!

If you would like to VE
just fill out the form below and press Send
What is your name?

What is your website's name?

Website url:

Your e-mail address:

Competition and Team:

Which reminder would you like?

Where would you like me to send reminders?

Do you blind vote? Any comments *S*?


Below is my info:

:: VOTE for me here ::

Website name: Drackling's Realm
Website url:
E-mail address for reminders: to either (this one if you tend to send gab -- I'll reply faster *S*) or
Competition and Team: Journey Through Camelot of The Fantasy Fights
Reminder: Please fill out the form or e-mail me first!! :)

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