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Metal Gear Solid is the best game ever made for the PSX. The diverse gameplay offered through out the whole game will keep you entertained even after you finished it 5 or so times. It has absoulute stunning visuals and one thing youll notice straight from the get go is that it is presented all likea great war movie for the ninties, even down to actor names for the characters.
Unlike posibly every game these days this game doesnt use CG for it video and intro sequences but it uses the same in game polygonal graphics this adds suprisingly a better feel to your mission, in that you seeing it from the same perspective all the time. There are many characters in the game the main one being Snake, who you take control of, and his assistants and then theres the bad guys from Revolver Occelot right through to the boss Liquid Snake.
Unlike other games where fighting bosses can be at times repetitive this game has the most intelligent AI than any other. Not only does fighting every boss use a different way of fighting and new strategies but it gets harder every new time you try it. What makes this game really different though is the tactical side if the game not the all out combat.
Guards vary from sleeping to smart to dumb depending on the secrurity level you are in. They are also smart they have , know this is the orginal part fields of vision, sense of noise and even follow foot prints in the snow.
Your Mission? to save the world form nuclear threat, although your going in alone you have people helping you on a ear piece. From your boss to a weapons expert etc. The game is addictive and very evolving and takes alot of time to finish has loads of different weapons and just basically kicks ass with originality. OVERALL: 100- - - The most brilliant game ever released a must buy for any game player- - -
Reviewed by JESSE