Version 6.2
Compiled and Edited by - Ryan Shellito and Darrin Bright
Slightly Altered by - Dexyuo Metallium
The Laws of Anime is a growing list of physical, universal, and natural
phenomenon that seem to appear in various forms in all sorts of anime. The
original intent was an effort to classify these incidents into a list of
"laws" that explained how Anime physics are different from our own
world. Due to the rather dynamic nature of Anime Science, theories and
paradigms are generally in a state of constant flux, often shifting or
changing with the tide of whimsy. By no means all-inclusive and sometimes
not even remotely instructive, the following is an enumerated list of
semi-empirical islands in an ocean of conjecture. It is our hope that you
find them useful to studying Anime, or at the very least, worth a good
#1 - Law of Metaphysical Irregularity:
The normal laws of physics do not apply.
#2 - Law of Differentiated Gravitation:
Whenever someone or something jumps, is thrown, or otherwise is rendered
airborne, gravity is reduced by a factor of 4.
#3 - Law of Sonic Amplification, First Law of Anime Acoustics:
In space, loud sounds, like explosions, are even louder because there is no
air to get in the way.
#4 - Law of Constant Thrust, First Law of Anime Motion:
In space, constant thrust equals constant velocity.
#5 - Law of Mechanical Mobility, Second Law of Anime Motion:
The larger a mechanical device is, the faster it moves. Armored Mecha are
the fastest objects known to human science.
#6 - Law of Temporal Variability:
Time is not a constant. Time stops for the hero whenever he does something
'cool' or 'impressive'. Time slows down when friends and lovers are being
killed and speeds up whenever there is a fight.
#7 - First Law of Temporal Mortality:
'Good Guys' and 'Bad Guys' both die in one of two ways - either so quick
they don't even see it coming, OR it's a long drawn out affair where the
character gains much insight to the workings of society, human existence or
why the toast always lands butter side down.
#8 - Second Law of Temporal Mortality:
It takes some time for bad guys to die... regardless of physical damage.
Even when the 'Bad Guys' are killed so quickly they didn't even see it
coming, it takes them a while to realize they are dead. This is attributed
to the belief that being evil damages the Reality Lobe of the brain.
#9 - Law of Dramatic Emphasis:
Scenes involving extreme amounts of action are depicted with either still
frames or black screens with a slash of bright color (usually red or white).
#10 - Law of Dramatic Multiplicity:
Scenes that only happen once, for instance, a 'Good Guy' kicks the 'Bad Guy'
in the face, are seen at least 3 times from 3 different angles.
#11 - Law of Inherent Combustibility:
Everything explodes. Everything.
First Corollary - Anything that explodes bulges first.
Second Corollary - Large cities are the most explosive substances known to
human science. Tokyo in particular seems to be the most unstable of these
cities, sometimes referred to as "The Matchstick City".
#12 - Law of Phlogistatic Emission:
Nearly all things emit light from fatal wounds.
#13 - Law of Energetic Emission:
There is always an energy build up (commonly referred to as an energy
'bulge') before Mecha or space craft weapons fire. Because of the explosive
qualities of weapons, it is believed that this is related to the Law of
Inherent Combustibility.
#14 - Law of Inverse Lethal Magnitude:
The destructive potential of any object/organism is inversely proportional
to its mass.
First Corollary - Small and cute will always overcome big and ugly. Also
known as the A-Ko phenomenon.
#15 - Law of Inexhaustibility:
No one *EVER* runs out of ammunition. That is of course unless they are
cornered, out-numbered, out-classed, and unconscious, (or if they happen to
be Trowa Barton. -- added by Dexyuo-kun).
#16 - Law of Inverse Accuracy:
The accuracy of a 'Good Guy' when operating any form of fire-arm increases
as the difficulty of the shot increases. The accuracy of the 'Bad Guys' when
operating fire-arms decreases when the difficulty of the shot decreases.
(Also known as the Storm trooper Effect) Example: A 'Good Guy' in a drunken
stupor being held upside down from a moving vehicle will always hit, and
several battalions of 'Bad Guys' firing on a 'Good Guy' standing alone in
the middle of an open field will always miss.
First Corollary - The more 'Bad Guys' there are, the less likely they will
hit anyone or do any real damage.
Second Corollary - Whenever a 'Good Guy' is faced with insurmountable odds,
the 'Bad Guys' line up in neat rows, allowing the hero to take them all out
with a single burst of automatic fire and then escape.
Third Corollary -Whenever a 'Good Guy' is actually hit by enemy fire, it is
in a designated 'Good Guy Area', usually a flesh wound in the shoulder or
arm, which
restricts the 'Good Guy' from doing anything more strenuous than driving,
firing weaponry, using melee weapons, operating heavy machinery, or doing
complex martial arts maneuvers.
#17 - Law of Transient Romantic Unreliability:
Minmei is a bimbo.
#18 - Law of Hemoglobin Capacity:
The human body contains over 12 gallons of blood, sometimes more, under high
#19 - Law of Demonic Consistency:
Demons and other supernatural creatures have at least three eyes, loads of
fangs, tend to be yellow-green or brown, but black is not unknown, and can
only be hurt bladed weapons.
#20 - Law of Militaristic Unreliability:
Huge galaxy-wide armadas, entire armies, and large war machines full of
cruel, heartless, bloodthirsty warriors can be stopped and defeated with a
single insignificant example of a caring/loving emotion or a song.
First Corollary - Whenever a single war machine (mecha, starship, etc.) goes
up against an entire army, the army always loses.
#21 - Law of Tactical Unreliability:
Tactical geniuses aren't....
#22 - Law of Inconsequential Undetectability:
People never notice the little things... like missing body parts, or wounds
the size of Seattle.
#23 - Law of Juvenile Intellectuality:
Children are smarter than adults. And almost always twice as annoying.
#24 - Law of Americanthropomorphism:
Americans in Anime appear in one of two roles, either as a really nasty
skinny 'Bad Guy' or a big stupid 'Good Guy'.
First Corollary - The only people who are more stupid than the big dumb
Americans are the American translators. (Sometimes referred to as the Green
Line Effect)
Second Corollary - The only people who are more stupid than the American
translators are the American editors and censors.
#25 - Law of Mandibular Proportionality:
(from A. Hicks, Tom Williams, and Ben Leinweber)
The size of a person's mouth is directly proportional to the volume at which
they are speaking or eating.
#26 - Law of Feline Mutation:
(from A. Hicks)
Any half-cat/half-human mutation will invariably:
1) be female
2) will possess ears and sometimes a tail as a genetic mutation
3) wear as little clothing as possible, if any
#27 - Law of Conservation of Firepower:
(from Tom Williams)
Any powerful weapon capable of destroying/defeating an opponent in a single
shot will invariably be reserved and used only as a last resort.
#28 - Law of Technological User-Benevolence:
(from Tom Williams)
The formal training required to operate a spaceship or mecha is inversely
proportional to its complexity.
#29 - Law of Melee Luminescence:
(from Tom Williams)
Any being displaying extremely high levels of martial arts prowess and/or
violent emotions emits light in the form of a glowing aura. This aura is
usually blue for 'good guys' and red for 'bad guys'. This is attributed to
Good being higher in the electromagnetic spectrum than Evil.
#30 - Law of Non-Anthropomorphic Antagonism:
(from Tom Williams)
All ugly, non-humanoid alien races are hostile, and usually hell-bent on
destroying humanity for some obscure reason.
#31 - Law of Follicular Chromatic Variability:
(from Spellweaver)
Any color in the visible spectrum is considered a natural hair color. This
color can change without warning or explanation.
#32 - Law of Follicular Permanence:
Hair in anime is pretty much indestructable, and can resist any amount of
meteorological conditions, energy emissions, physical abuse, or explosive
effects and still look perfect. The only way to hurt someone's hair is the
same way you deal with demons... with bladed weapons!
#33 - Law of Topological Aerodynamics, First Law of Anime Aero-Dynamics:
*ANY* shape, no matter how convoluted or odd-looking, is automatically
#34 - Law of Probable Attire:
(from various sources)
Clothing in anime follows certain predictable guidelines.
Female characters wear as little clothing as possible, regardless of whether
it is socially or meteorologically appropriate. Any female with an excessive
amount of clothing will invariably have her clothes ripped to shreds or torn
off somehow. If there is no opportunity to tear off the afore-mentioned
female's clothes, then she will inexplicably take a shower for no apparent
reason (also known as the Gratuitous Shower Scene).
Whenever there is a headwind, Male characters invariably wear a long cloaks
that don't hamper movement and billow out dramatically behind them.
First Corollary (Cryo-Adaptability) - All anime characters are resistant to
extremely cold temperatures, and do not need to wear heavy or warm clothing
in snow.
Second Corollary (Indecent Invulnerability) - Bikinis render the wearer
invulnerable to any form of damage.
#35 - Law of Musical Omnipotence:
Any character capable of musical talent (singing, playing an instrument,
etc.) is automatically capable of doing much more "simple" things,
piloting mecha, fighting crime, stopping an intergalactic war, and so
on...especially if they have never attempted these things before.
#36 - Law of Quintupular Agglutination:
(from Daniel Mikula)
Also called "The Five-man Rule", when "Good Guys" group
together, it tends
to be in groups of five. There are five basic positions, which are:
1) The Hero/Leader
2) His Girlfriend
3) His Best Friend/Rival
4) A Hulking Brute
5) A Dwarf/Kid
Between these basic positions are distributed several attributes, which
1) Extreme Coolness
2) Amazing Intelligence
3) Incredible Irritation
#37 - Law of Extradimensional Capacitance:
(from Jason Bustard)
All anime females have an extradimensional storage space of variable volume
somewhere on their person from which they can instantly retrieve any object
at a moment's notice.
First Corollary (a.k.a. The Hammer Rule) - The most common item stored is a
heavy mallet, which can be used with unerring accuracy on any male who
deserves it. Other common items include costumes/uniforms, power suits/armor,
and large bazookas.
#38 - Law of Hydrostatic Emission:
Eyes tend to be rather large in Anime. This is because they contain several
gallons of water, which may be instantaneously released at high pressure
through large tear ducts. The actual volume of water contained in the eyes
is unknown, as there is no evidence to suggest that these reservoirs are
actually capable of running out. The reason water tends to collect in the
eyes is because Anime characters only have one large sweat gland, which is
located at the back of the head. When extremely stressed, embarrassed, or
worried, this sweat gland exudes a single but very large drop of sebaceous
#39 - Law of Inverse Attraction:
Success at finding suitable mates is inversely proportionate to how
desperately you want to be successful. The more you want, the less you get,
and vice versa.
First Corollary - Unfortunately, this law seems to apply to Otaku in the real
#40 - Law of Nasal Sanguination:
(from Ryan Pritchard and Jason Aylen)
When sexually aroused, males in Anime don't get erections, they get
nosebleeds. No one's sure why this is, though... the current theory suggests
that larger eyes means smaller sinuses and thinner sinus tissue (see Law #38
above). Females don't get nosebleeds, but invariably get one heck of a blush
along the cheeks and across the nose, suggesting a lot of bloodflow to that
#41 - Law of Xylolaceration:
(from Lyndon Harris)
Wooden or bamboo swords are just as sharp as metal swords, if not sharper.
#42 - Law of Juvenile Omnipotence:
(from Erin Alia)
Always send a boy to do a man's job. He'll get it done in half the time and
twice the angst.
#43 - Law of Triscaquadrodecophobia:
There is no Law #43.
#44 - Law of Nominative Clamovocation
(from Luiko-Ysabeth and Adrian Hsiah)
The likelihood of success and damage done by a martial arts attack is
directly proportional to the volume at which the full name of the attack is
#45 - Law of Uninteruptable Metamorphosis:
(from R. A. Hubby)
Regardless of how long or involved the transformation sequence or how many
times they've seen it before, any 'Bad Guys' witnessing a mecha/hero/heroine
transforming are too stunned to do anything to interrupt it.
#46 - Law of Flimsy Incognition:
(from Conrad Knauer)
Simply changing into a costume or wearing a teensy mask can make you utterly
unrecognizable to even your closest friends and relatives.
#47 - Law of Gravitational Consequence of Velocity on Mammary Glands:
(from Dexyuo-kun)
Any woman's breasts in anime, no matter how clothed or unclothed the woman
may be, her breasts have the potential to bounce at least five times every
time she moves. Wheather she jumps from a building, runs away from a bad guy,
or transforms into her costume or teensy mask (see Law #46 - Law of Flimsy
Incognition and Law #34 - Law of Probable Attire).
#48 - Law of the Death Monolouge:
(from Dexyuo-kun)
Believed to be related to the First Law of Temporal Mortality, any character
who doesn't die within seconds will ultimately have to give a drawn out
monolouge. The character may be a 'Good Guy' who must, very calmly, tell
everyone present what they need to do to be able to win the fight against the
'Bad Guys'. This is also used to snap 'Good Guys' out of a trance (also known
as the Trowa Barton 90-Second Monolouge). Or, the character may be a 'Bad
Guy' who must, through tears, tell everyone present their heartbreaking story
of why they became a 'Bad Guy'.
#49 - Law of Providential Endings:
(from Dexyuo-kun)
This law states that in any Anime, no matter how horrible or angsty the Anime
might be, has a happy ending. This law ultimately exculdes any and all CLAMP
First Corollary - One of the heros' is wounded (ie. stabbed) and the series
ends. Yet, they must always have a sequel to the season, so that it may be
known that the injured hero did indeed live at the end, regardless of being
wounded horribly. This also applies to any 'Bad Guys' turned 'Good Guys'.
They will ultimately live.
#50 - Law of Invariable Coupling:
(from Dexyuo-kun)
The hero of the story must always have a love intrest. The hero of the story
must always save their love intrest, possibly multiple times. There will
always be a conflict between the hero and their love intrest, wheather it be
it an annoying blonde, blue eyed princess who has a tendency to yell out the
hero's name and scream for him to come kill her, or a war, there will
*always* be a conflict between the hero and their love intrest.