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Chandelier Chandelier
Vote Exchange Partners

Eternal Flame My Spring Castle Eternal Flame

Click on any banner below to visit the person's site. On each of their pages is a link for you to vote for them. You can vote for each of them once daily. The votes are counted per e-mail, so please type in your e-mail, and select the person you wish to vote for; in order to submit your vote. Be sure to actually look at their pages, and if you do like them, please vote for them. We all work very hard on our sites, and we appreciate every honest vote. These banners are organized in a way that they look best on this page- No favoritism here.
Thank you.

Tracie's House The Barnyard Zachary's DisneyLand Pony Power Fairy Honey Dew

Lady Jenna's Fantasy Realm Tvamp's Basket Mystical Disney & Fun

Angel_Tears' Memory Lane

ColdStone's Castle

SovereignMagic's Sanctum

Brooke's Wolf Den

To visit the Ultimate Vote Exchange Wall to find your own Vote Exchange Friends
Click here
