Jims Poetry
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Words Of The Wise

Since there is no way I am going to fill this page with all my favorite Jim Morrison poems, I will only share a few. How I will choose these selections I do not know, but either way you will be enlightened by the words, and replenished by the lyrical quality. I've always had an undying devotion to share beauty with those who have not been fortunate enough to open their eyes artistically. Poetry is one of the first steps one can embark on into the realm of imagination. Please take time to read Jims self-interview which I have included. This defines not only his motivation, his spirituality and his creativity, but his poetry in itself... which is here for us to interpert and put to use.

Jims Self-interview

Jims Poetry

If you have any of Jims poetry that you would like to share, please e-mail me.. I would greatly apprectiate it.

Email: insanity99@hotmail.com