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SHERWOOD: Seven - One varsity athlete to change it, five of his friends to help him with his geometry homework, and one more jack him off.

BCC: Four - One to screw it in, two to sculpt the old one into a bong, and one to teach how to smoke it.

WALTER JOHNSON: Twenty - A committee composed of students from every possible ethnic group to screw it in unison.

POOLESVILLE: Twelve - Six to hike to the nearest village to buy a new one, one to screw it in, and five to plow the fields and feed the oxen while the other seven are occupied

CHURCHILL: None - their butlers do it for them.

DAMASCUS: They're still figuring out what a light bulb is.

QUINCE ORCHARD: 216 - One to steal a bulb from someone else, fifteen to start rumors about who the thief was, and two hundred to have an un - supervised party off - campus that gets busted.

RICHARD MONTGOMERY: Two - One to screw it in perfectly, and another to kill himself when he finds out that the first guy did it better than him.

GOOD COUNSEL: 301 - One to screw it in and three hundred to be really lame

GEORGETOWN PREP: Two - One to screw it in and one to buy an inflatable girl so they can screw all night long

LANDON: One - But he tries to do it like the guys at Prep

WHITMAN: Seven - One to screw it in and six to talk about how chill it is, cause they have nothing better to do.

HOLY CROSS: Four - One to change it and three to pick out the perfect Patagonia outfit for the occasion

GONZAGA: Ten - A female teacher to change it, eight students to look up her skirt while she does it, and a priest so they can go confess their sin the next Sunday

BLAIR: Six - One to change it and five to protect him from the crossfire, beeach!

SENECA VALLEY- Five of the pregnant girls to figure out where to buy a light bulb, One hundred of the gang members to steal it, Three people with AIDS to figure out where it goes, and Twenty student to sit there and watch, while smoke there bobs

WOOTTON: Five - One teacher to buy it, Four Jews to screw it in.

MAGRUDER: 100- Ninety Latinos to try and read the English on the bulb, and ten gays to stare at their asses >>