Evil Characters
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Evil Dragonlance Characters

Raistlin, My favorite character. Along with most of the other Dragonlance fans. Raistlin strives for power and is filled with ambition. Caramon's twin brother, magic-user. Though his health is shattered, Raistlin possesses great powers beyond his young age. But dark mysteries are concealed behind his strange eyes.

Kitiara, Raistlin and Caramons older half sister. Kitiara shares Raistlins ambition and stife for power, but she also shares a great trait from Caramon, the power of the sword. Kitiara uses her vixen ways and her sword to get what she wants, power.

Dalamar, My second favorite character. Being Raistlins apprentice, he shares a characteristic that most of the Dragonlance characters share, the longing for power. Dalamar is a dark elf, an elf that was cast from his homeland. He trys to stay faithful to his master, while being seduced by the temptuous Kitiara.

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