Count Dorkcula

Count Dorkcula was the guy who took the night shifts at our Hotel in Paris. He had to be the calmest person I have ever met. And thats bad cause I live in Damascus and everyone smokes pot here. This guy was sooo calm and sooo quiet. He had slicked back black hair. And was always gone by sunset. It all started when I told Jen that he scared me. We then came up with the nickname Count Dorkcula for him. Of course I didn't actually think he was a vampire.. until the evidence became apparent.

  • Jen and I began to see spots on our arms and necks. I even found some on my stomach.

  • I paled and my appetite dimmed.

  • The elevators didn't work at night. (Our conclusion from this was that he slept on the elevator wires, which impaired its rising and lowering/ abilities).

  • Kelly and I were laying in bed one night (we were roommates), and Kelly made the oh-so-innocent simile of our tightened bed sheets feeling like coffins.

  • I tried to bite Jens neck, arms, thighs, and chest many times. (I have the pictures to prove it).

  • One night the real Dorkcula was absent. The guy who took his place had unhidden red dots towards the middle of his shirt. Obviously, this was Dorkcula incognito.

  • At the baggage claim in Philly, (coming back from Paris), there was a big human sized black bag which no one seemed to claim.

  • Our limo driver to Linfield from Philly seemed to know a lot of people who Jens parents knew. (coincedence??? i think not..)

    Who's to know whats for real and whats not for real?????