Things I Hate

Things That I Hate

  • Smooth Peanut Butter -- It sticks to my gums and it tastes bad. <

  • Department Stores
  • Radical Feminists -- women who think that parading around insulting men actually gives women a good image.

  • When People Borrow Stuff And Never Give Them Back -- LIKE MY NIETZSCHE BOOK!!!!!!!! speaking of which.. i bought a new one ;-)

  • When Tar Gets Stuck On The Bottom Of My Shoes -- contruction workers leave melting tar in the road.

  • MASH -- I hate this show so much. I have never seen it but I despise it. It makes me feel sick. This is the one thing which I am very close minded about. Well... Golden Girls also.. but not as bad.

  • Winnie The Pooh -- That fat ugly yellow bear whos seams show. I hate all the other characters also. Escpecially the rabbit.

    My Mailman -- Whenever I wonder why he's late, I look outside and hes parked in one of my neighbors driveways

  • Trucks -- They drive so aggresively; trucks should be banned from the road.

  • Making my bed -- I just end up unmaking it again!

  • Not having any money -- :-( :-( :-( :-(

  • Not having any beer

  • The fact that I lose all my sublime cds
