

Robyn - Midnights Home Page

I have to say, I hate little kids (junior high students mostly) who go bouncing around the city acting stupid and getting in everyone else's way. I also hate it when they finally reach high school and they act like it there. I especially hate it when they walk on the wrong side of the hallway. We have 3000 students in our school (grades 10-12). I really hate it when there's about 300 people on one side of the hallway going one way, and 300 on the other side going the other way, and here comes some stupid grade 10 student who wants to be a pain in the ass and walk on the wrong side!!! I swear the first one that walks into me this year will pay dearly for it.


dam it stasies where the hell do u get off saying that creamy peanut butter suxs it fucking kicks ass. And when jenn finds out your views on pooh your life well expire!! =( well it was nice knowing you hehe well umm oh yeah you are lucky that you put my pic ahbove bens because that spiked dildo is sittin here waiting. and then i am going to use the thick end of a woodhen baseball bat with splinters an ram it up your ass hehe =)

David Brollier - L.I.F.E With God or Prisoners Of War

I like seeing views that are REAL and not just somebody else's views. Even if we disagree on things I respect you for thinking things through and coming up with your own opinions.


this page is fine except for the people i like part. the top few were: marilyn munroe. why? becuase she's pretty!! (appropriate girly giggle here) and kate moss. and then pamela lee/anderson/whateverthehellitisnow. why? because she has a nice face and nice attire? how appropriate of you not to mention she's 50% plastic and 50% air. you're supposedly "liking" these people because of what they look/dress like not because of who they are or what they've done (which perhaps could be a good reason to like someone.) and then you go on to say you dont like jenny mccarthy. jenny mccarthy, pamela lee... notice any resemblance...?? think perhaps of plastic... anything yet???... but once again you're deciding wether to like or hate soemone based on their looks. and then go on once again saying you dont like stereotypers..... hrmmmmm..... wouldnt you agree that by saying pamela lee and marilyn munroe are poeple to like because of their looks/clothes could be put under the stereotyping category? well if she wears that shirt she MUST be an absolutely wonderful person. but pemela lee can be absolutely wonderful being pumped with air/patched up with plastic whenever she pleases so her face will look "nice" but if jenny mccarthy does anything remotely the same she's just horrible. well anyway. one more thing. id just like to say to whoever came up with the idea that the opinions on this page were original. he/she obviously hasnt read much else in the last while. these "original" opinions are basically the opinions ive heard from every other girly wanting to be opinionated and wonderful for who knows how long. it wouldnt take a fucking genius to come up with the whole governement thing on here. pretty damn original to contradict the governments ideas eh? and suggesting anarchy? who woulda thought of that? my god i believe we've discovered a genius...

Johnathon Edmons

It's always a laughable occasion when one stumbles across yet another misguided teenager attempting to be different by concocting irrational views and using 'big words' incorrectly to feign intelligence. It's a choice before it's a child (which is about 6 months after conception according to medical research). Would you want somebody who couldn't either mentally, physically, or financially handle birthing a child to have one, even if it meant psychological breakdown or even death for both of them ? And if we had anarchy, everyone would either starve to death or be killed by the stronger(the latter for you, no doubt). Please, THINK. And stop saying things just to get a rise out of people, it gets old fast, especially when you don't really believe those things that you say.

Michelle Zuhlke - Michelle's NIN Page

Thanx for signing my guestbook. Your page is pretty cool. I totally agree with everything you said in the "Things I hate section". I have to go to a school where everyone walks around singing annoying songs or talking like babies... I can relate.

Stan -

Ahhhh....... I see I've stumbled upon a realist. The fact is, without government control, there would be WARS! The simple explanation to this is with so called freedom, you get people with different views....... and different views causes conflicts....... and conflicts lead to wars........ and wars lead to deaths. So I suppose you could choose. (I noticed that you were also pro-life) Freedom or Death?