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Seth Green pictures
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Seth wearing a headset
Attic Expeditions
Crawling in the dark*
Side view*
Seth smoking*
Austin Powers 2
With the skunk
Can’t Hardly Wait
In the liquor store with the lollipop
In the liquor store looking sad
The classic red background pic
Enemy of the State
Seth and Jamie in the van
Idle Hands
Seth and Elden by the microwave
Seth in a chair (before the beer bottle)
Seth with a meat carver (The "Leatherface" scene)
Seth looking confused

TV shows and appearences

The Daily Show
On the purple couch
The Howie Mandell Show - Thanks to Liz, Rachel, and Froggi678 for your help!
Being interviewed

Magazine pictures and such

Seth in a shopping cart

* Indicates that the picture was taken from The Official Seth Green Site

Society of Idle Hands Watchers
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
