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My PowWow Friends - I Am PowWow Addicted

Click on the PowWow Me Grahpic To Say Hi To A Duck Friend

PowWow Betti Here Betti is from Canada and can be found chatting to me most nights while we try to annoy other

PowWow Besta Here Besta has a great home page which has won many awards . If you need help with your home page ask Besta .

PowWow Dee Here Dee is another Canadian . Dee has a very quick wit . If your feel like annoying someone get Dee to help you..!

PowWow Matt(24) HereMatt is the original Superdudester .Together we are soon to start work on our own PowWow community ....!

PowWow Nita HereNita lives in the United States of America . Nita can be found most nights on PowWow . Drop by and say hi .

PowWow Nadine HereNadine lives in Newcastle, Australia . Have known nadine only a short time but she is great . Dinner tonight ?

PowWow Roo HereAhhh last but by no means least we have Roo . The Aussie who lives in Canada *Shaking My Head* ........!

PowWow Songbird HereSongbird is a new friend, again from Canada . Watch how quickly she dumps you when her man comes home

PowWow Lainey Here Lainey is a good friend of Bettis' . Lainey is new to PowWow, say hi and give her a hand if she needs it.......!

PowWow Ophidian HereOphidian is a bright young gal from the north western suburbs of Sydney . Ophidian is great for a laugh........!
