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Baits and Burley

As far as I'm concerned there are only two types of bait needed for fishing Broken Bay . They are Frozen baits or Live and/or Fresh baits !

Frozen baits for fishing reefs offshore include : Pilchards , Prawns , Squid and Slab Baits . Quality does count with frozen baits and to spot the difference is quite easily done . With Pilchards the bait should have a nice bluey gross to it on the top side of the bait . The rest of the bait should be a nice glossy silver . There should be little damage to the bait itself and should not be an off white colour . Prawns should be firm and intact ie. Not broken sections . Squid will be a nice whitish colour if fresh and also be firm . Slab baits should be intact also and the flesh not off smelling or slimy .
Live baits around Broken Bay include Yellow Tail , Slimy Mackeral , Small Tailor and Small Pike . Most of these baits can be caught on either a live bait jig or a single small hook rig . Generally live baits are pinned with either a 6/0 or 8/0 hoodlum type hook just through the skin and just infront of the dorsal fin .

Graphics on how to rig frozen or live baits can be found at sites listed in my Fishing Links Section .

On To Burley
