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Sparkle The Cat's Sailor Moon Page

Hi all! I made this web site a LONG time ago. I stopped working on it for many reasons....the two main ones were school and the fact that I was having major problems and just gave up. I never visited the site again...until today, January 1, 2000. I saw how many people had seen my site, and saw all the great feed back I got in my Dream Book! I would like to thank all of those people who said such kind words to me. I'm now going to learn more about how to improve my web site, and hopefully put it to good use. Please come visit my site again! Thank you again to all those who inspired me to recreate my site.

Welcome to Sparkle The Cat's Homepage! FYI: I've never done this before, so hang in there, if any of you have any questions, comments, or advise, e-mail me at I made this web site just for the fun of it, i will be putting new links in at least once a month. I love watching Sailor Moon and i have found over 900,000 sites about Sailor Moon and Yahoo IF YOU WANT A GUESTBOOK FOR YOUR HOMEPAGE... CLICK HERE ALSO, IF YOU WANT SOME TIPS ON YOUR HOMEPAGE...CLICK HERE

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
