The Best Day of My Life
On Tuesday, June 24, 1998, I was able to go to a Hanson concert. And I have to say that is the most fun that I have ever had in my entire life.
I got up bright and early at 6:30 am. In the summer I normally get up at about 10, but hey, what wouldn't I do for Hanson? My friend picked me up at about 8:15 at my house. She was soooo excited, and soooo hyper! It's a good thing that the windows weren't open during the 1 1/2 hour drive to Toronto. She was boucing around so much that she would have fallen out!
We arrived in Toronto at 9:50. My friend saw a line of people wearing Hanson shirts. She went over and found out that they were waiting in line to get good seats, since they were on the lawn. My friend stopped to talk to someone who worked at the park. She asked about Hanson, and he said that they were already inside the Ampitheatre. She started yelling, "Did you actually see them!?!" He answered yes, and she walked around behind him for about 5 minutes (even though she swears it was about 10 seconds) saying, "Ohmygosh, he saw Hanson, ohmygosh, Hanson is here..." She was really starting to scare me.
Ontario Place (which is right beside the Molsen Ampitheatre, where we were going to see the concert) opened at 10, and since it was raining, we went to an arcarde. My friend wanted to stay there all day since Hanson likes video games, but I insisted that we do something else. We went to some of the bigger rides on the far side of the park.
We had just got off of a really awesome ride and were looking at pictures of it when some guy who worked there asked us if we were looking for Hanson. We answered, "Yes! Have you seen them??" He told us that they were seen a while before on the other side of the park. We looked everywhere, only to be told by a security officer that Hanson would never come out of the Ampitheatre with hundreds of fans milling around. We were soooo mad.
After that, the sound test was about to start. I got the awesome idea of climbing up a steep hill and looking over a fence. We were enjoying watching the people on the stage (even though it was Hanson) until these two girls came along. They climbed up beside us and immidiately started yelling, "WE LOVE YOU HANSON!!" Two minutes later a security guard was on his way over and we were out of there.
Even though we were going to see Hanson in a few short hours, my friend insisted that we try to see them. We went to the top of a huge building a saw an almost perfect view of the stage. We were up there for quite a while until we were kicked out by security. At least they were nice about it.
After that, we went on some paddle boats and stopped on the edge of the Ampitheatre (almost half of it is surrounded by water). We could hear Hanson loud and clear (every time they said something hundreds of people would scream) and my friend was sooo close to seeing them until some security guy came and told us we were about to be kicked out (which meant that we couldn't see the concert). We sure were out of there in a hurry!
Then we heard Hanson singing! They were harmonizing and Tay said, "Turn it up" and Ike said "No Zac, play the --". We couldn't hear the rest because of all the screaming. Hanson heard the screaming and said, "If anyone out there can hear us, please scream". We ran to the gates that led into the Ampitheatre. We asked a guard if he could ask Hanson if we could see them, and he totally ignored us. Then we asked some old person who kept on going in and out if we could see them. He asked us which one we wanted to see, and we all finally agreed on Taylor. Twenty minutes later, I yelled, "That old #$%&*@# lied!" We started yelling and singing for about an hour in hopes that Hanson would come see us, but they never did.
After a quick dinner, we were on our way to the Ampitheatre. Stood in a loonnnggggg line and finally got in. I was so nervous that someone was going to take my camera away (since I had heard that they weren't allowed) but no one cared. When we got in, people were already starting to scream. We got our seats -- they were really good. We could see perfectly! We waited an hour and ten minutes for the concert to start. It seemed like it took forever, and it didn't help that my friend was counting down the mintues!
Finally the opening band, Admiral Twin came on stage. Everyone was really happy, 'cause they knew that Hanson was coming on right after them. Admiral Twin was pretty good, but a lot of people were booing because they wante d to see Hanson soooo bad. They finally stopped playing after about 10 songs. By that time, it was 8:00. It took 30 agonizing minutes for the stage to be set up for Hanson. Then.... finally.... the.... moment.... arrived....
AND HANSON WALKED ONSTAGE! It was so amazing! They were standing there less than 120 feet away! I was sooo excited, but not nearly as excited as my friend! She was screaming soooo loud and her arms were flying around (I got hit a couple of times). Hanson started to sing and they sounded sooo amazing. They sang Where's The Love, With You in Your Dreams, Thinking of You, and River first. They sang really good live. After Where's the Love, Tay took off his top shirt and he had a VERY tight shirt on, wow he has an amazing body! During Wierd it was really quiet and everyone was yelling "I love you _____!". Everyone was on their chairs screaming and dancing... it was awesome! They took a break and a cool background came down. They all sat down, Tay at his keyboard (he had his tambourine) and Ike sat on something and Zac sat at his drums but he had his mini maracas. They played Stories, then Tay went back on the keyboards and Zac on the drums. They played Sometimes, Weird, I Will Come to You. Then Tay and Zac left and Ike played an amazing song that I'd never heard before. He has a great voice, and he was playing the piano too. Then he left and I yelled, "You better come back!!". They did (about 5 seconds later) and Ike took off his top brown shirt and he was wearing a tight grey/blue one underneath. He looked so good. They played Speechless, another song I didn't know (it was unreleased but it was good), A Minute Without You, another song I didn't know, Madeline, MMMBop, and Man From Milwaukee. We thought it was over 'cause they said thanks so much and they left, but everyone started chanting, "Hanson, Hanson" and they came back on stage and did tons of things that we didn't expect. In one song, Tay played the drums, he took the sticks for Zac and started banging away for a few seconds but then he went back to the piano. And another time, Ike took over the keyboards for a verse, not very long though. While he did that, Tay took Ike's mike out of its stand and just went up to the front of the stage and sang! While he was up there, he layed down on the stage and touched some people's hands, and they tried to pull him in!! Another Ike was playing guitar and he had a line coming up, but couldn't get over to his mike, so he went over and shared Tay's with him. They left and we kept screaming for them to come out, and they finally did. They played Look at You and another song that I had never heard before. Then they sang "Sittin on the side waitin for a sing hopin that my luck will change, reachin for a hand that'll understand, someone who feels the same, when you live in a cookie cutter world being different is a sin, so you don't stand out, and you don't fit in. Weird", in harmony, with no instruments. Then they thanked us for being such a great audience and talked about MOE and their offical site and they left. They bowed and left.
We tried to get backstage, or even close to the stage, but the security guards wouldn't let us. We met this girl who had backstage passes, and we gave her an envelope with friendship rings and letters in for Hanson. She promised to give it to them, and we were soooo happy! We left the Ampitheatre, and when we got out all of these people were climbing fences to try to see Hanson. They were all yelling that they saw them, but that was kinda dumb, since the people they were talking about had short, black hair. We eventually got out and we were driving away when we saw some guy selling Hanson headbands. My friends and I each got one that said "I *heart* Hanson". There was a HUGE traffic jam and we were talking to people in the cars beside us about Hanson. They were listening to MMMBop and we asked them to turn it up.
I fell asleep on the way back to my friend's place (much to her dismay). When we got to her house, she was talking about a mile a minute. We were all really tired so we FINALLY went to bed at about 1 am.
Here are some pics the my friend and I took at the concert... I'm not in any of them, but my friend Naomi is the phycotic one jumping around and the one with the Zac sign. It looks like we were really far away, but we weren't. Our cameras just sucked! AnyTAYz, click on a picture to see a larger image.
This page is dedicated to Naomi and her fish (hehehe). I'd also like to say hi to Heather and Jade, two awesome Hanson fans that I met at the concert.
Email: shelly236@yahoo.com