[Fade in... ###BEGIN PPV PROMO...### The press conference in which the current commissioner, David "The Cat" Catlette handed over control of the IWL to Brad MacPherson is shown, the slow motion flashbulbs going off one by one. In an echoing effect, MacPherson's quote at the time pounds into minds of viewers everywhere... Brad MacPherson: The Internet Wrestling League has always been a cornerstone and a trendsetter in wrestling... and this time is no different. The exploding sounds of "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit echo onscreen, as highlights from past shows begin to appear... # It's just one of those days, where ya don't wanna wake
up # The amazing defeat of the Bomb Squad by Derek Justice and Jay Hawke, collectively known as the Natural Born Killaz... the Hardcore Hell match in which the huge Doomsday walked away with the IWL Hardcore Title... the Kevin Sash/Hacksaw Bull Harmon match, with Sash's fall through the Hell in the Cell... Adam "The Accolade" Azure winning the IWL World Heavyweight Title... # No human contact, # The amazing victory of Dan Slate the very Massacre after RAGE in the CAGE, scoring him the IWL World Heavyweight Title... the formation of the Triple S led by Adam Azure... OutKast winning the IWL Television Title... # It's all about the he says she says bullshit, # NBK hitting the Utter Destruction on the Unholy Army of Darkness... Jerrod Bombay battling with Jake Greenlaw... Kevin Sash assisting the Rookie to a Hardcore Title win over Doomsday... # It's all about the he says she says bullshit, # Viewer Discretion's victory over the Eliminators... Jay Hawke's "Lights Out" superkick that flattens Jerrod Bombay for the three-count... # It's just one of those days, # Kevin Sash helping Sgt. X into the Television Title... Derek Justice spearing Troy Martin to the steel ramp... Jay Hawke nearly decapitating Jimmy O'Malley with the "Lights Out"... # You're damn right I'm a maniac, # Jake Greenlaw's Shooting Star Press onto REVENGE in a cage match... Viewer Discretion defeating the Marauders via mis-timed interference by Alex Craven... # I didn't think you're stuck up, # The Winter Warfare record-time win by Chris Therin over the Rookie, sending the Centralian from the league... the first One Night Stand by James "Sexy Boy" Willoughby in the Ugly-Stick Ladder Match as a desperation attack... the second superkick dealt by "Sexy Boy" to "J-Bizz" Jerome Brown to win Willoughby the match... # It's all about the he says she says bullshit, # The amazing Hacksaw Bull Harmon and Dimebag ruse on the entire IWL... HBH and Dimebag beating Alexander Vaughn senseless for the Hardcore Tag Team Titles... # It's all about the he says she says
bullshit, # Alexander Vaughn destroying Alex Sumner with a Black Tiger Bomb... then-IWL President Mark Liquete hitting a picture perfect Northern Lights Bomb through the ring to further destroy Sumner... # I feel like shit... # The Backlash by Chris Davison on Jay Hawke that won Viewer Discretion the World Tag Team Titles... the Hangover by HBH that leveled Jerrod Bombay... # We've all felt like shit, # Angel's win of the vacant IWL World Heavyweight Title from HBH... the Backlash into the dirt in a Barbed Wire Pit match by Chris Davison on Sgt. X... # I hope you know I pack a chainsaw, # NBK hitting Utter Destruction on Viewer Discretion... Jake Greenlaw hitting a Sasuke Special Moonsault to the outside onto the Marauders... # I pack a chainsaw # Sgt. X locked in a heated battle with Angel... Jack Damocles, Dan Slate, and Adam Azure ripping at one another... Hacksaw Bull Harmon pummeling Angel... # I pack a chainsaw # The scenes suddenly cease moving and the screen bursts with a fiery explosion. # BREAK YOUR FUCKIN' FACE TONIGHT! # The last wisps of the explosion melt away, revealing the interior of Madison Square Garden. Signs are held in the air, proclaiming "WHERE'S BOMBAY?", "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!", and "THIS NEW GUY SUCKS!" The camera pans around, revealing Limp Bizkit playing in the middle of the ring. It is indeed "Break Stuff," the official song of Excessive Force, the IWL blowout pay-per-view. The shot then switches to the commentary booth, where three people and a fourth open and empty headset lies on the table. Nick Roberts and Lance Thompson are both excited looking, and even Axel tries to hide his interest in the goings-on. The commentary begins as the camera sweeps around the arena again.] Nick Roberts: Good evening, wrestling fans-- tonight is the big one! The IWL's very own "Excessive Force" pay-per-view, where the World Heavyweight Title will be decided! I'm Nick Roberts... Lance Thompson: And alongside Nick is the other half of the serious commentary team, Lance Thompson. Axel Fury: Serious? Why do you think I can't be serious? Every word I speak is truth, these guys all suck equally! LT: *under his breath* And now that you've met the comic relief of the show... it's time to explode with IWL action! [Suddenly, "Blue Monday" by Orgy hits the speakers, and a somewhat tall man with a somewhat muscular frame steps out, with intense hazel eyes and short blond hair. He's dressed with a silk t-shirt, a light red in color, and a pair of black denim dress pants. The man makes his way to the commentary booth and sits down, fitting up a headset.] Man: Hey guys, what's up? AF: Who the Hell are you? [Nick and Lance shoot annoyed glances about Alex to one another.] Man: *chuckles* You haven't watched the conferences, have you? I'm Brad MacPherson, the new president of the company. [Axel's jaw drops.] AF: No way! You're, like, all of 23! BM: Actually, 21. But it's amazing what a good business sense will do for ya. Anyway, I'm here to make sure that things go off without a hitch, get in close, ya know? NR: I hear ya there, Brad... which match are you looking forward to? [Brad scratches his chin thoughtfully.] BM: I'm thinking... either Jeff Gaudet and the Natural, Oliver Buchanan and Krash, or Slate and Violent. It's been a while since I saw Slate work, but the other two are on talent scouting and speculation only. Actually, I kinda feel sorry for poor Mikey... Dan's one of those guys that doesn't hold back and I've heard he's damn eager to re-attain the IWL World Heavyweight Title. LT: But don't forget the others! Jeff Gaudet, the Natural, Brujah, Krash, the possibility for the new champion is wide, right? BM: You've definitely got a point. Times like this summon parts of men that we never knew existed. AF: Well said! BM: Stop kissing my ass, Fury. AF: *so low that only his mic picks it up* That would require you to wash first, but by the looks of you... [Suddenly, the lights dim to a complete blackness.] Mike Jackson: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... THE FOLLOWING CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL! FIRST, WEIGHING IN AT TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE POUNDS... RISKBREAKER! [Sounds of thunder are heard, and flashes begin inhabiting the arena. A clear bolt strikes the center of the ring, and as the lights come back, Riskbreaker stands where the bolt had struck. The fans cheer the man heavily.] BM: The hard earned money of the IWL goes into that, huh? Hell of an entrance, I'll give him that. [Suddenly, the theme music of Ryan Delashaw hits the speakers, and the self-proclaimed "King of Suplexes" struts down the ramp, accompanied by many beautiful women.] AF: Now that is eye candy! MJ: HIS OPPONENT... WEIGHING IN AT TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY EIGHT POUNDS... "THE KING OF SUPLEXES," RYAN DELASHAW! NR: Now these guys both look pretty intense. LT: I'm thinking the same. There's two inches and thirteen pounds difference in these men... but that doesn't look like it's gonna change anything drastically. [The referee makes sure each man is in his corner, and then calls for the bell. *DING DING DING*] LT: And Delashaw asserts his authority, or at least his cockiness, with a shove to Riskbreaker! Ryan is shoved back, and he starts with the hard right hands! Riskbreaker, Delashaw, each going one punch for one punch! NR: And Delashaw is getting the worse of the exchange, and it shows as he staggers back into the turnbuckle. Riskbreaker starts in with rapid kicks that lay Delashaw further and further down... jumping knee drop into the stomach of Delashaw! LT: He grabs Ryan by the hair and pulls him, hoisting him onto the turnbuckle. He lifts... GORILLA PRESS SLAM INTO THE CENTER OF THE RING! AF: Don't get too excited... it was only one move. BM: Wow, Riskbreaker's already manhandling Delashaw... look at it! NR: Riskbreaker is setting Delashaw up for a piledriver and follows through, driving the man's head into the mat! That had to hurt! AF: It sure as Hell didn't tickle. Moron... LT: Riskbreaker has owned this match, and as he lifts Delashaw up, hooks for a suplex... Delashaw with a low blow with the foot! He reverses with his own vertical suplex-- wow! What a nasty-looking brainbuster! NR: I think Delashaw is starting to come into his own, getting his footing and adapting to Riskbreaker's style. Delashaw up... whips Riskbreaker to the ropes... Delashaw with a clean back bodydrop to the outside, with Riskbreaker hitting the concrete! Ryan steps to the apron as Riskbreaker stands up... [HUGE POP] WHAT A PLANCHA ONTO RISKBREAKER! BOTH MEN FALL TO THE COLD CONCRETE! BM: Now this is the action I remember seeing when I was a viewer of the company. LT: Delashaw up, he rolls Riskbreaker up in the ring and applies the cover... ONE! Kick out! NR: Delashaw's gonna have to dish out more than that to keep Riskbreaker down... and he's intent on it as he yanks Riskbreaker up and delivers a swinging neckbreaker, quickly followed by a front facelock! BM: Damn, he's got that knee ground in tight... right in the spine, center of the upper back! LT: He jerks back on Riskbreaker's chin and then reaches forward... he modifies the chinlock into a dragon sleeper! AF: And speaking of sleepers... this match is boring! NR: Delashaw stands up abruptly and drops down into a reverse DDT on Riskbreaker, and follows up with an elbow to the chest! He heads for the turnbuckles... LT: But Riskbreaker is up and Delashaw is just climbing... RISKBREAKER PULLS HIM RIGHT OFF THE TURNBUCKLE AND SLAMS HIM HARD SHOULDER-FIRST INTO HIS KNEE! BM: Man, that's gonna hurt in the morning... AF: Gonna? It hurts NOW! NR: Axel's got a point, albeit a dull one. Riskbreaker is hooking Delashaw for a DDT... BUT DELASHAW REVERSES INTO AN UNEXPECTED NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX! ONE! TWO!! Kick out by Riskbreaker, in the nick of time! LT: This match is impossible to predict! AF: Nahh, Delashaw's gonna win. BM: Ya sound confident. AF: Trust me. Delashaw is gonna win. LT: I might have to agree with you, Delashaw's driving that foot into the upper back of Riskbreaker in a surfboard stretch and it's slowing him down! NR: Ryan is letting him go on that one, and pulling him up... AF: Oh that was bright. LT: Riskbreaker is firing elbows into the gut of Delashaw and runs off the ropes, WHAT A CLOTHESLINE! Off again, ANOTHER ONE! Delashaw up again and Riskbreaker with a HELL of a powerslam! NR: Still sure of your prediction, Axel? AF: The match ain't over. LT: Riskbreaker hooks Ryan and delivers a backbreaker, then yanks him to his feet. Delashaw stands, dazed, and Riskbreaker comes off the ropes... DELASHAW WITH A SPINNING BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! The quick hooked-leg cover! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!! Delashaw advances with a desperation maneuver! [Ryan quickly exits the ring, looking back at the fallen Riskbreaker. He has a cocky grin on his face as the women that accompanied him to the ring follow, smiling at their protegé's victory.] |