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Adult Stories

Warning, the following stories are for ADULT readers. If you are under the age of 18 go to the page for stories for all ages.

Fanfic writers get paid in only one way; feedback, and right now I´m very poor so PLEASE send me FEEDBACK!

NEW The Legend
On the day of his death Chakotay tells Kathryn the continuation of the angry warrior legend.

NEW Different Perspectives
Kathryn and Chakotay have both dreamed of touching each other’s bodies but they never thought it would be like this!

NEW In Dreams
Just an excuse for some nice smut ;-)

One night in a cornfield
What exactly goes on in the cornfields of Indiana? Two friends find out. Entered in Simple Math´s Cream of the Crop contest.

Breaking Barriers
Kathryn decides to hurt Chakotay for the whole C/7 thing but things don´t turn out as she had thought. R

A Romp On the Holodeck
Pure PWP. Basically just an excuse for our favorite couple to do it! NC-17

As It Should Be
A report in the latest data transmission from Starfleet brings startling news to the crew...and big decision for the command team. NC-17

Shattered Ending
This is how Shattered should have ended. R

Practically Perfect
During shore leave, Kathryn defines the word perfect. NC-17

The Second Gift
Kathryn and Chakotay come to another crossroads in their relationship. NC-17

Untitled Course Oblivion Twist
The crew find the message beacon sent by the duplicate Voyager with some startling revelations. NC-17

More Than Just Captain
Kathryn says something that makes Chakotay upset.... NC-17

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