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One night in a cornfield - by Emily ONE NIGHT IN A CORNFIELD

By Emily
May 2002
Disclaimer: Paramount own them.
Rating: NC-17 MINORS GO AWAY NOW!!!! Voyeurism (??)
Summary: What exactly goes on in the cornfields of Indiana? Two friends find out.

It was late in the night and the full moon lit up the sky. Every member of the small town of Bloomington Indiana had long since gone to bed. Well, almost everyone.

Two 19 year old girls were lying in the bushes. They had met up by the road block and taken the short walk to the cornfield together. They were waiting to confirm a rumour; a rumour which had quickly become a legend, as yet unconfirmed. Until tonight.

The two girls sat down by a large rock and locked their eyes on the road; they would be coming soon, the two girls were sure of it.

They had planned on doing this for several days, ever since the rumour started. The rumour involved the towns resident celebrity Kathryn Janeway. At least that´s what everyone suspected, no one had actually seen her in the corn field; that´s what the girls were there to find out.

Several days earlier a passing group on their way home for the evening had heard strange sounds coming from the corn field. It was soon apparent what they were hearing and they walked on, looking rather embarrassed and laughing at it. The next day everyone knew what had been going on in the corn field and the discussion as to who it was began.

Kathryn Janeways name was brought up early in the discussions. She had returned home only a week earlier; and she wasn´t alone. A man had come with her, the same man she had spent seven years with. His name was Chakotay and everyone agreed that they were prime suspects for the what was going on in the cornfield at night.

So that was what brought the two friends out into the night. They would be the ones to confirm the towns suspicions and, most important of all, they would get the chance to see it.

After sitting in the dark for nearly fifteen minutes the girls heard something. Looking at each other expectantly they strained their eyes and ears.

They heard laughing and saw two distinct figures walking hand in hand on the small path, headed right for the cornfield.

Crouching behind the rock so that they wouldn´t be seen the girls held their breaths as they heard the voices draw closer and closer until they were only a few meters from the hiding girls. Daring to look over the rim of the stone the girls saw the couple lying on their backs on a large blanket gazing up at the stars. And there was no question about it, their suspicions had been dead on, for lying on the blanket was indeed Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay.

The girls looked at each other and smiled brilliant smiles, jubilating at the fact that they had been right.

Turning their attention back to the couple they saw that they had started to kiss and both girls noticed that that was not a first kiss. That was the kiss of a couple who knew and loved each other deeply.

The young women couldn´t tear their eyes away from the two lovers. Their eyes noted every touch and every kiss and their ears heard every moan and every sigh.

Any thought they might have had of leaving went away when the lovers began removing their clothing.

This was quickly going farther than the young women had anticipated, buth they were enthralled. Seeing these to people doing what the girls had only heard about was taking their breathes away and awakening emotions in them that they hadn´t even known they had.

So they kept watching.

Their breathes quickened when they caught their first sight of a man with an erection. Both of them had seen pictures of naked men but never erect and the sight both frightened and awed them.

The woman on the ground didn´t seem frightened though; the girls saw her pushing the man down on his back and straddling, taking his penis between her hands and stroking it gently.

They heard his moans and her name on his lips.

Then something happened that made them gasp, but luckily their gasps were shadowed by the moan that ripped from Kathryn´s throat. Chakotay had shifted their positions and was now lying on top with his face burried in between her legs.

The girls had never even heard of this! They wondered briefly just what it was he was doing but it soon became clear. They saw Kathryn writhing on the ground, thrusting her hips against Chakotay´s face, heard her impassioned pleas.

Then they nearly fainted.

Neither of them would ever be able to eat corn again without thinking of this moment.

Chakotay was kneeling in between her seperated legs, a corn in one hand and his other hand on her hip. They watched as he pushed the corn into her, inch by agonizing inch it dissapeared into her folds drawing a prolonged wail from her and a stiffening of his penis.

When it was fully encased in her he held it there and bent down to kiss her. She moaned into his mouth, greeting his tongue with hers. Pushing her hips upward she tried to get him to begin thrusting the corn. He smiled and trailed his tongue down to her breasts and began sucking it into his mouth.

She let out another desperate moan and said his name harshly in her best command tone; which wasn´t such a commanding tone as it ended with a whimper.

Taking pitty on her he began moving the corn in and out of her opening. Twisting it around as he drew it out and thrusting it quickly back in he had her on the brink of a black out in a manner of seconds.

The girls watched as Kathryn´s back arched off the ground and she let out a scream as the orgasm hit her, the corn still being thrust into her. Letting her catch her breath Chakotay removed the corn from her and tossed it aside. Turning her over onto her stomach he pulled her up on her hands and knees and in one long stroke entered her from behind and started thrusting as he tweeked her sensitive clit. Whereas he had pumped her slow and leisurely with the corn he now put all his strength into thrusting his member into her, knowing that they would soon be coming together.

He was right.

The two girls were flushed as they saw his lower body rock back and forth, their eyes glued on the place where the two lovers were joined, seeing a flash of his penis before it was buried inside Kathryn again.

Kathryn was again careening toward the precipice, thrusting her backside against Chakotay, hearing the slap as his skin met hers, and hearing his grunts and groans as he came closer and closer.

Then it happened, the two girls were sure that the cries were heard a long way away as the lovers finally succumbed to the intense pleasure and collapsed in a heap on the blanket.

Half an hour later the couple started collecting themselves and walked slowly back the way they came. The two girls sat still behind their rock, a while longer, not wanting to risk being seen.

The girls headed back home, not uttering a word, their minds were occupied on other things. One of the girls bent to the ground and picked something up. It was the corn. Lying there discarded in the grass it looked like an ordinary corn, but they knew better. Smiling at each other they continued homeward.

The two of them never told anyone what they had seen, feeling that they wanted to keep it a secret, both for themselves and for the couple in question. But whenever someone mentioned Kathryn Janeway and her Chakotay they were reminded of the night in the cornfield.

And one thing was for sure; they would never be able to eat corn the same way again.


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